Blazed (2 page)

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Authors: Amber Kallyn

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Blazed
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“Sorry about the misunderstanding,” Ty replied, laughter in his voice as he took her hand.

Electricity, hot and fast, sprung from the contact. Gasping, Bree stared into the man’s blue eyes. They widened, growing lighter, fading almost to white. Heat blossomed, spreading from their touching hands, up her arm, into her chest.

Her nipples peaked, tight and aching, wanting to feel his calloused palm not on her hand, but on her bare breasts. Warm wetness pulsed between her thighs, making her knees shake.

Bree jerked back though the man kept his hold on her hand tight.

“Hello, lovey,” he whispered, deep and husky. “Just who are you?”

“Let me go.” She tried to keep her voice low as she tugged for release.

He laughed, the sound booming through the corridor. Slowly, he leaned over and brought the back of her hand to his fiery lips. After placing a soft kiss on her skin, the man let her go.

Bree stumbled back a few steps, thankful their touch had ended. It didn’t stop the lust flooding her body, bringing her to the peak of needy desire.


What the hells had just happened?

Shaking her head, she said, “I need to get my things. Finish the stage.” She didn’t understand the man, or this lust he’d caused.

And Bree despised not understanding things. Spinning, she stomped down the hall to the tech room. Behind her, the pyro inspector started questioning Donovan. About her. Bree didn’t want to consider the implications of that, either.

* * *

The luscious woman strode down the hall, her long legs eating up the ground. She quickly disappeared into a room. Ty’s hard cock throbbed, his balls ached for release. This lust wasn’t about to go away anytime soon.

Which was strange. He’d never experienced such swift, compelling desire before. Sure, he’d heard about things like this happening. The dragon burn. When a dragon like him found his destined mate, the moon could call his burn. There was no moonlight in here. So what was this?

“…an’ then, we hired the lass. So pitiful. But look at the girl now. She’s a snappy smart ass. Lucky for her she does a good job.” Donovan finally stopped talking to take a breath.

“Mmm,” Ty replied to the obnoxious man. “I need to finish my inspection.”

He passed the singer, drawn down the hall and to the door Bree had disappeared behind. He was compelled, call it lust or magic, and he didn’t feel like fighting it. Not yet. Ty wanted to see where this would go.

He entered the room, her scent hitting him. Crisp autumn leaves burning, mixed with something a bit spicy. Bree stood near the far wall, rummaging through a tool chest almost as tall as her.

Ty closed the door behind him, reaching back and snicking the lock closed. She jumped at the sound, turning to face him. Her eyes were a chocolaty brown, wide in a narrow face.

“What now?” she asked, face flushed, hands twisting at her sides.

Ty didn’t speak, just took in the view. High cheekbones gave her a look of grace, while her straight nose was pure Nordic. Fine brows arched over her flashing eyes. The stringent bun corralling her orange hair did nothing to detract from her classic beauty.

Ty leaned against the door. “What are you?”

“What the hell are you?”

Her chest heaved, raising large breasts with every breath she took. The tight shirt and jeans showcased her body, with curves in all the right places. Ty loved the graspable width of her hips, remembered the shape of her ample ass.

Just the way he liked his women.

His cock thickened painfully.

“Are you going to answer or just ogle me?” she asked sarcastically, hands fisting on her hips.

“I figured I’d stare at your beauty a while longer yet. Hope you don’t mind.”

She snorted, the corner of her pink lips curling up. Rolling her eyes, this time at him, she said, “Sure. Whatever. As long as you don’t get in my way.” Grabbing a large wooden box, Bree strode his way.

Ty didn’t move from the door. Her scent grew stronger as she closed the distance, surrounding him. The spiciness was from her shampoo, he guessed. Breathing deeper, Ty filled his lungs. His dragon stirred, taking in her scent. Alert, ready to mate. His cock throbbed almost violently, ready for action.

Bree stopped a few feet away, eyeing him warily.

Ty closed his eyes, taking a deep, calming breath. It didn’t help. Her scent was everywhere, rioting his nerves. He wanted this woman. He wanted to throw her to the ground and slake his need. Inside, his dragon roared, the sound emerging as a growl from Ty’s throat. His eyes snapped open.

Bree took a small step back, her posture becoming defensive. “You the one who’s been watching me all day?”

Instincts rose. Ready to claim, to defend what he was about to mark as his. Swallowing hard, Ty shoved his hands into his jean pockets before he scared the woman. “Just got here ’bout half hour ago.”

Her eyes darkened. “Mmm. I need to get back to work, since you don’t seem inclined to share your birthright with me.”

He shook his head. “Sorry, lovey. We got some unfinished business to take care of first.”

Her eyes widened, doe-like. Lifting her chin, she stared at the door just behind him. The tip of her pink tongue ran along her full bottom lip. From the way her body trembled, the lust was coursing through her as well. The knowledge almost snapped his last shred of control.

“The only business I have with you is passing the inspection so the band can go on tonight with my fire show.”

Ty unclenched one fist and reached out, trailing a fingertip from her temple to her stubborn chin, resisting the urge -- for now -- to kiss the dimple in the center.

Her gasp was loud in the quiet room, but she didn’t back away. The scent of her arousal drifted to him.

“I-I…” The box dropped from her grip, crashing to the ground. Bree glanced at it, her face flushing pink.

Grasping her chin, Ty pushed her to meet his gaze. “You feel it too. Deny it.”

She opened her mouth, then snapped it shut as her eyes lightened with orangish flames the color of her hair.

“That’s what I thought. Even now, desire heats my blood, coursing through my veins. Only you can cool me.”

Straightening, she slapped his hand away. “Look, buddy. I don’t know you from Adam. I don’t jump in the sack with strangers, no matter what my body feels. You wanna get it on so bad, go find a groupie.”

Ty grinned. “Ah, lovey. They’re not the ones with the magic to make me burn so badly. Only you.”

She reached up with shaky hands and smoothed her hair. “Lust does not control me. Now move.”

Ty wanted to push, but something stopped him. He didn’t want her to run away. Not before he tasted her. “Tell me what you are. Then you can go.”

Her eyes flared. “Move your ass or I’ll move it for you.”

Normally, Ty would have let her go. He should let her go. He couldn’t. This woman stirred something primitive inside that was taking control.

“Oh, baby. I love a challenge.”

Chapter Two

Bree’s legs trembled. Standing this close, his body heat radiated to caress her already hot skin, enveloping her in a haze of blazing lust.

She could -- would, damn it -- control this. Her lust never got the better of her. She had to control it, because sex with her could be dangerous if she did not.

It didn’t matter her heart pounded so fast she feared it might burst through her ribs. Blood, hot and wild, raced through her veins, rushing to her head. It didn’t matter her hands shook with the need to touch his smooth, tanned skin. Didn’t matter a drop of sweat dripped down between her breasts, making her want to rip away their clothes and feel his hands and mouth on her.

Only the thinnest line of civility prevented her from dragging this man, this stranger, to the ground and taking him inside.

She couldn’t.

And yet, she feared if she touched him to move him from her way, her control would snap. Either that, or she’d burst into flames.

His eyes, almost pure white, blazed with the same desire coursing through her. His pants strained from the force of his hardness.

“Why is this between us? You are not dragon and there is no moon,” he whispered, his voice leaching her control.

She could barely think. “Dragon?”

He nodded sharply. “Aye. Dragon. Your turn.”

Bree took a deep breath, only to have his masculine scent drive into her. “Dragon,” she repeated.

“I want you, lovey. Tell me you want me too,” he whispered, his voice strained.

“I…” Should she run to him, or away as fast as she could?

Ty took the choice from her as he grabbed her shoulders and yanked her to him. Her body melted against his. Lips, molten heat, forced hers apart. He pushed his tongue into her mouth, sweeping along hers, licking, playing.

He tasted of smoke and brandy.

Bree moaned as shivers worked through her. Her clit ached, her pussy tightened in want. She wanted this man beyond anything she’d ever known.

And it scared her.

He wrapped his arms around her tighter, pulling her even closer. Her breasts crushed against unyielding pecs. His cock pushed hard against her core. Ty ran his hands down her back and grabbed her ass, squeezing, molding.

Bree’s thoughts scattered. There was only the now, and it was all that mattered. She kissed him back, as heat rose between and around them. The air crackled from the force.

Like a drug, he swamped her senses, making her forget everything except the feel of his strength against her.

Ty pushed her backwards until her thighs hit a row of boxes lined along the wall.

Of their own will, her hands tugged his T-shirt from his jeans to play over the bunched muscles of his back. He shuddered in her arms, groaning as his kiss turned harder, hotter.

Reaching between them, Ty grasped one of her breasts, kneading the softness in his palm. Her nipples throbbed, wanting more.

As if he knew, Ty yanked her shirt over her head, barely breaking the kiss. Cool air brushed her skin, but his warmth quickly covered her. He plunged his tongue deeper into her mouth, then nibbled along her jaw and down her throat. Bree clutched his back, trying to reclaim her thought process through the burning consuming her.

There was a niggling worry deep in her mind she needed to remember.

His mouth blazed a trail over the mounds of her breasts, above the pale cream bra. His hands slid up her sides, reaching around to unclasp the bra. It sprang free and Ty tore it from her shoulders, pushing his face into her cleavage.

“Gods,” she whispered as he gave her what she wanted.

He clamped down on one nipple, tugging, sucking it deep and hard.

Bree moaned, the sound more a heavy sigh of contentment on her breath. She gripped his ass, pressing him closer.

Ty groaned, sucking her nipple harder, so hard it almost hurt. It felt so damn good.

Urgency filled her. Bree reached for the button of his jeans, yanking it open and jerking the zipper down. His cock sprang free, the pale purple tip pulsing as a drop of come glistened. The man wasn’t wearing any underwear. It made her burn all the hotter. She wrapped her fingers around his throbbing length.

Ty inhaled sharply, scraping his teeth over her sensitive nipple.

She cried out, gripping him tighter as the shock plunged straight to her core.

Leaving her breast, Ty nuzzled down her stomach as he ripped open the button of her jeans. He jerked her pants down her hips, leaving her bare but for the scrap of a thong.

Rubbing his mouth over her mound, Ty whispered, “You are so sexy. So beautiful.”

A shiver made her shake as he suckled her clit through the underwear, his hot mouth making her wetter, so ready for more. Clutching his shoulders, Bree leaned back against the boxes as he pushed her thighs as far apart as the jeans wrapped around her ankles would allow. His mouth worked over her, teasing through the thin cloth before he hooked the thong with his finger and ripped them away.

“Useless underwear,” he grumbled, his breath caressing her sensitive skin.

He pushed his tongue between the folds of skin, plunging inside, while his thumb worked over her clit. Her body blazed with heat, hotter than she’d ever experienced before. The air around them crackled, sparks flashing.

She jerked up, reality coming back to her. Gripping fistfuls of his hair, she pushed Ty away though it was torture to do so.

“We can’t do this,” she panted.

“Why not, babe? We want each other. We’re both obviously mythic -- no disease, no babies.”

“I’m…” She swallowed, fighting the urge to straddle him and take his cock into her. “I’m dangerous.”

“So am I, darlin’.” Ty winked, straining against her hold to reach her throbbing, needy pussy.

“I am. I could hurt you. Sex with me…”

“Honey, trust me. I’m a dragon. You can’t hurt me.”

“I’m fire.”

He stopped fighting against her hold, his eyes widening. “An elemental?”

“A nymph,” she whispered, something in the pit of her stomach curling up in emptiness.

Ty sat back on his heels, his bright white gaze flashing. “A fire elemental. Wow.”

Then his jaw tensed. He met her gaze, his eyes slowly turning back to blue. A grin crept across his lips. Lips she wanted back on her body. “You’re fire. I’m fire. We’ll be fine.”

Bree wasn’t prepared when he jerked from her grasp and licked up her opening, his teeth scraping across her flesh.

The heat coming from them both engulfed her. She’d watch, make sure her power didn’t flame out of control. But she couldn’t say no to taking this man, to drinking in everything he was willing to give.

With a deep moan, she gave herself over to the burning need.

Ty licked her soft, tasty pussy up and down, teasing her as he slipped his tongue inside her heat. She was wet, ready, but he wanted to take things as slow as he could while he still had some semblance of control. So, she was fire. He liked fire.

The woman wiggled as another moan escaped. Her hands tangled in his hair, intermittently tugging him closer and urging him faster.

He still didn’t understand this burning between them. Ty was long past caring. He had to have this woman. Now. He jumped to his feet.

Staring into her flaming eyes, Ty spread her thighs then slammed his cock home.

Her tight sheath clenched around him, squeezing tight, drawing him deeper. Bree’s eyes fluttered closed as she reached to grasp his hips.

Ty lost it to the animalistic fire burning him from the inside out. He pumped his hips, ramming into her pussy. Her nails scraped his hips as she cried out, “Gods, yes.” She spasmed around his plunging cock.

He was on fire, watching this nymph orgasm. Bending over her, he captured her mouth and plunged his tongue into her heat as he jerked his hips faster. She tasted like spiced pumpkin pie.

His balls tightened as he came, pulsing his seed. Shouting hoarsely, he licked her lips, enjoying it when she sucked his tongue and nipped at his lips, his jaw. She licked down his neck, kissing his Adam’s apple.

Her pussy still spasmed around his length, draining every last drop of energy and semen he had.

He slowed, breathing heavy, leaning his forehead against hers. She smiled, a satisfied cat, as her hands lightly drifted over his back and ass. Slowly her eyes opened, once more a melting brown, though deep inside a flicker of fire lingered.

“That was great,” she whispered.

“Mmm,” he replied, drawing away.

Bree nudged the box she’d dropped earlier. “I have clean towels in there.”

Ty hunkered down and searched through the disarray in the box, finding the white cloth. He knelt before her and cleaned her off, staring into her sensuous eyes the whole time.

Done, he attended himself.

Bree rose, redressed, then started organizing her box. A minute later, she snapped the lock closed and stood, box in hand. “Thank you. Now I need to get to work.”

Her expressionless face struck the wrong chord. Ty said nothing as she hurried out the door, disappearing from view. Instead, he sat on one of the boxes, trying to figure out where this burning had come from, and what, exactly, it meant.

And why Bree turning away as if sex with him hadn’t meant a thing made him so doggone frustrated.

* * *

Ty tried all day to find a moment alone with Bree, but as if fate conspired against him, someone always showed up to interrupt. Between finishing the pyrotechnics, getting the stage set up for the concert and him signing off on the license forms, they both kept busy.

Finally, a half hour before the show, Ty managed to corner the elusive woman and drag her to a front row seat.

She grudgingly sat next to him, her discomfort obvious. “I need to --”

“You need to sit, rest, and talk to me.” Ty took her hand. As the heat blazed between them once more, he dropped it and distracted himself with the crazily dressed people milling about, ready for the concert to begin.

“What’s there to talk about?” she said lightly. “We were turned on, we had sex, it’s done now.”

Though that was exactly how he felt about women most times, Ty resented her words. “Then explain to me why the sight of you is still driving me crazy.”

“You got me,” she replied, but the way she fidgeted in her seat said she was burning just as much. Though the woman might seem calm and controlled, she was nowhere close.

“How much do you know about dragons?” he asked, mesmerized by the way flames flickered deep in her black eyes.

“You guys breathe fire, roast and eat cows whole, sometimes villagers too, and then fly away.”

He scowled to her laugh. “We do no such thing.”

“Not anymore I guess.”


“Okay then. I don’t know much.”

“Have you ever heard of the dragon burn?”


“It’s enflamed by the call of the moon. A fire in the blood, compelled desire, as destiny shows a dragon their true mate.”

Her eyes widened and her face paled. “I am not your mate.”

“No.” Otherwise he’d be running for the hills rather than trying to figure it out. “This wasn’t even brought on by moonlight. Which is why it’s so confusing.”

Bree stared up at the stage, considering Ty’s words. She hadn’t studied much about the supernatural creatures which existed, concentrating mostly on information about her own kind. It wasn’t interest, but self-preservation. Growing up in foster homes, all human, there’d been no one to ask about her magic or powers. Only when she turned fourteen and suddenly started spouting flames when emotions ran high had she even figured out she wasn’t human herself.

No, studying other mythical beings had always been far from the top of her to-do list. Yet this man was telling her this intense desire between them was mystical. His mate?

Destiny was a bitch who didn’t like to be ignored. Bree knew when a nymph found their true mate, destiny showed it by causing a fiery raging lust. Was it like this dragon burn Ty spoke of?

Bree snorted. Not likely.

Sure, they’d had great sex -- and her fire hadn’t tried to burn him to a crisp -- but it didn’t mean a thing. Just a good time.

The opening act began to play onstage, the lights dimming. The crowd around them, even Ty, became dim shadows.

Music pounded into her, thrumming through her body. She smelled Ty, felt his body heat pressing against her. Gods, she’d never blazed with such strong, immediate desire before.

And with a dragon?

A chuckle escaped. While she’d known they existed, Bree had never actually met one. So why now, with him? The one other fire nymph she’d met while travelling the US had barely made her lust. As a man, he’d been just as attractive as Ty.

The opening act finished to muted applause. Screams erupted as the Grave Diggers took the stage, their music loud and furious.

Bree sat straighter, keeping an eye on the lights panel at the end of the stage. As the band got to the first chorus, the top row of eight lights started blinking.

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