Blame It on the Rodeo (15 page)

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Authors: Amanda Renee

BOOK: Blame It on the Rodeo
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“I’m well aware of their vet practices, thank you.”

“He definitely has your tongue, Sassy Lawson.” Shane playfully nudged her arm.

It was nice being able to share something this intimate with Lexi again. Shane wasn’t sure how the visitation would work out but he was willing to take anything tossed his way, especially if it meant spending more time with Hunter. Only one week left in class and then their time would end. Shane hoped it wouldn’t be long before his son saw him again.

Lexi slid a penny across the table to him and tapped it. He’d forgotten their “penny for your thoughts” game from when they were kids.

“I was just thinking how much I’m going to miss him when he leaves next week. I guess it’s really not fair to you.”

“What’s not?” Lexi asked.

“I get to spend twenty-four hours a day with him and you just see him here and there.”

“My punishment, I guess.” Lexi smiled. “I’ll be fine.”

“Aww, don’t say that,” Shane said. “Maybe we can take a vacation together? All of us, including the Rathbones and their other kids, as a ‘getting to know you’ type trip. Maybe a cruise?”

“I think the kids would love that,” Lexi said. “Maybe we can mention it to them in the morning unless... Do you think they’ll think we’re trying to buy Hunter’s affections?”

“It’s a fine line we’ll have to be aware of, but I think we can bring it up tactfully.”

A few hours and multiple coffees later, they drove out of the parking lot and headed home. Still in the previous day’s clothes, they both were in need of showers.

“I’ll pick you up around a quarter to eight?” Shane pulled into Lexi’s driveway, noticing the curtains in the front window fluttered as he cut the engine. “That gives us a little over two hours.”

“That sounds good. Gives me a chance to clean up.”

“Let me walk you to the door.” Shane unbuckled his seat belt.

Lexi reached out and grabbed his arm. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you. Until I talk to Nash, I think you need to stay in the safety of your vehicle, although this thing doesn’t offer you much protection.”

They both laughed at the thought while keeping an eye out for long barrel shotguns.

“Just for the record, I’m glad this is all out in the open now,” Lexi confessed, not releasing her grip on his arm. “It was painfully hard to keep that secret.”

“I can imagine it was,” Shane said. “No matter what’s going on in your life, Lexi, you can always come to me, even if it involves me. I’m sorry for the horrible way I treated you earlier.”

Their face inches apart, Shane ran his thumb across Lexi’s bottom lip. Her tongue darted out to moisten them. He couldn’t resist any longer—overprotective brother be damned, he wanted to kiss her and he
going to kiss her.

Cupping her face with one hand, Shane gently tugged her toward him, a barely noticeable effort thanks to her willingness. She reached for his face, carefully avoiding Nash’s handiwork. He tasted her gently at first, then quickly she became a need he found almost impossible to resist.

He heard Lexi’s breath quicken with each kiss. Every tongue stroke sent his mind in one direction that led south of her border. He forced himself to remember where he was—in front of her house, with her family inside. He had disrespected her once by cheating on her. He wasn’t going to do it again by taking things too far in her driveway for her family to see.

Breaking the kiss, he made himself pull away from her. “Not here,” he whispered. “I’ll be with you anytime, anyplace, but definitely not here.”

Lexi nodded and gave him one last lingering kiss goodbye before she jumped from the Jeep and bounded up the porch stairs.

It turned out to be a good night and he had a feeling it was going to be an even better tomorrow.

* * *

the front door behind her and ran up the staircase to her bedroom, ignoring the sulking form that sat on the couch waiting up for her. If her mother wanted to sit there in the dark, that was her business, but it didn’t mean she had to explain anything. Lexi lived at home out of convenience. Her office and stables were only a few feet away, but whatever happened next with Shane would have to be accepted or she’d find a new place to hang her hat and shingle.

Lexi leisurely showered, washing away the stress of yesterday. She was horrified when she saw her reflection in the mirror and could only imagine what the Rathbones thought of her based on first appearances. Today was a fresh start with Hunter and Shane. She hoped Hunter’s parents approved of their cruise idea, but she prepared herself in case they didn’t. She expected nothing and was grateful for each and every moment the Rathbones would allow.

The ragtop and doors were on the Jeep when Shane picked her up a few hours later.

“It’s an important meeting and I figured you didn’t want your hair blowing all over the place. I even cleaned the seats. You look beautiful, by the way.”

“Thank you.” Lexi loved that Shane remembered how much she hated flowers, candy or anything remotely resembling sappy. His consideration for her hair and her clean seats meant more to her.

“You nervous?” he asked. “Because I sure am. The bruise on the side of my face isn’t helping matters.”

“I’m definitely nervous,” Lexi confessed. So nervous she’d tried on twenty different outfits before settling on a simple coral skirt and a beige fitted T-shirt. “I had a talk with Nash and he promised not to hit you again.”

“Does that go for any other weapons or just fists?” Shane joked.

“I think you’re safe.”

Within minutes, they were in the hotel lobby, waiting for the Rathbones to come down with Hunter. When the elevator finally opened, Dennis and Melissa appeared but Hunter wasn’t with them.

Lexi grabbed Shane’s hand and squeezed it. Why wasn’t he with them? Had they changed their minds?

It seemed like hours before the couple crossed the room to Lexi and Shane, and Lexi swore she held her breath the entire time.

“We thought we could talk to you both before Hunter came down,” Melissa said, zeroing in on their linked hands. “Plus we don’t have a babysitter up there for our other two.”

Exhaling a sigh of relief, Lexi and Shane followed the Rathbones into the hotel restaurant. This had to be difficult for them, too.

“I see you had a run-in with someone’s fist,” Dennis said to Shane.

“My brother kind of let him have it last night,” Lexi answered for him, knowing no man liked to admit he got his butt kicked.

“You two seem different today.” Melissa’s tone almost bordered on accusatory. “More couple-like. I didn’t get that impression yesterday.”

Shane placed his hand over Lexi’s on the table. “We’re taking things day by day. It’s been a whirlwind for us, as I’m sure it has for you and your family.”

“It has,” Melissa said. “But we’re not entirely foreign to this concept. Hunter told us that he explained Amelia’s relationship with her birth mother.”

“He did and I admire you for supporting that.” Shane glanced at Lexi. “We hope someday you will feel the same about us.”

“That’s what we wanted to discuss,” Dennis began, and Lexi feared they had thought things over and decided not to allow Hunter to see them. “We’ve heard through others that Hunter has some real talent and we concede to knowing zilch about the rodeo. We’re not fans of the sport, so let’s get that out of the way. We think it’s dangerous and it scares us to death but it’s in Hunter’s blood, and if this is what he chooses then we’re not going to stop him.”

“Hunter has expressed interest in attending your next class in August,” Melissa said. “And while we would like him home for the second half of the summer, we feel it’s important for him to get to know the both of you.”

Lexi’s mouth dropped open, but she was unable to speak. She looked at Shane, who put his hands over his eyes and half laughed, half cried.

“That’s if you have room for him in your next class,” Dennis added. “We told him we would check with you first.”

“I don’t know what to say.” Lexi leaned into Shane, resting her head lightly on his shoulder and smiling. “We had something we wanted to run past you.”

“First, there is always room for Hunter in any of my classes.” Shane looked at Lexi and she nodded, giving him the go-ahead. “I think we might have an idea that would suit everyone’s needs. How would you, Hunter and your other children feel about going on a cruise with us before the summer’s out? It’s our invite, we’d cover all your expenses. And you can even bring Amelia’s bonus mom.”

“Now I’m the speechless one.” Melissa softened slightly, tears in her own eyes. “Honey, we were planning on taking a family trip anyway. What do you think?”

“I think it sounds like a wonderful idea,” Dennis said. “But I think Melissa and I need to discuss it further. We’re going to go up and get Hunter, and we’ll see about the trip.”

After spending the next hour talking with Hunter alone, the Rathbones rejoined them and announced they’d decided the trip would be a great way to get to know one another. Lexi was introduced to their other two children and they ate brunch together while they told the kids about the upcoming vacation. Lexi loved the way all three children’s faces lit up as they planned the excursions they wanted go on.

The four of them discussed travel plans over coffee and the Rathbones decided since Hunter was staying with Shane on the ranch until the second week in August, they would meet in Walt Disney World for a few days before a ten-day Caribbean cruise.

Hunter rode home with Lexi and Shane, saying goodbye to his parents at the hotel. Lexi gave them a lot of credit. It couldn’t have been easy for them to leave their son behind with his biological parents, especially when they had so many unanswered questions.

“You guys are the best!” Hunter said when he climbed in the backseat of the Jeep.

“We think you’re pretty special, too,” Lexi said.

She felt herself relax for the first time in days. They arrived this morning not knowing how much of their son they would be able to see. They left as a family planning a vacation together. As Hunter would say,

Chapter Thirteen

“Lexi!” Shane shouted. “We’re going to be late.”

Lexi’s bedroom window flew open and she popped her head out. “One minute!” She waved to Hunter, who was leaning out of the Lincoln Navigator’s side window.

“Don’t encourage her, Hunter,” Shane chastised. The teen giggled and sat back down in his seat.

“I’m coming, I’m coming.” Lexi pushed her way out the front door with two suitcases in tow. “Okay, Mom, I’m leaving,” Lexi shouted through the door.

“Have a great time, dear.” Judy stepped out on the porch and gave Lexi a hug. Shane loaded the suitcases in the SUV, while Judy said hello to her grandson. “You make sure she behaves, Hunter.”

“I will.”

“And you.” Judy addressed Shane. He guessed it could have been worse. At least she was down to three-letter words instead of four. “Try not to do anything stupid.”

“Yes, Mrs. Lawson.” Shane struggled not to crack a smile.
Now that would have been stupid.

“Oh, hello, Chase,” Judy said. “I didn’t see you there. You drive safely.”

Shane held the back door open for Lexi to sit next to Hunter while he sat up front with his brother.

“Judy just loves you to death, doesn’t she?” Chase snickered.

“Shut up and drive.” Shane laughed.

“Oh, wait!” Lexi called out. “Stop for Nash.”

Nash leaned in the window and gave his sister a hug. “Don’t worry, I have everything covered here. Enjoy your vacation, sis. I can’t remember you ever taking one.”

They made it to the airport with only minutes to spare. After saying goodbye to Chase and getting one last reassurance that the school was covered, Shane allowed the excitement of their trip to set in. Despite his extensive traveling, he couldn’t remember the last time he went on a nonworking vacation. This was a real treat.

Ironically, the same woman he’d flirted with the day he picked up Hunter waited on them at the ticket counter. He smiled sheepishly, wondering what she thought today as he stood in front of her with a woman and kid. Whatever it was, she only shook her head and they were on their way.

“She seemed to recognize you,” Lexi said.

“She gave me a hard time when I picked up Hunter last month.” So it was a little white lie.

They boarded the plane moments later.

“Wow, first class!” Hunter exclaimed.

“You are definitely spoiling him.” Lexi leaned across the aisle toward Shane’s seat. “Me, too, but this time I’ll let it go. Just remember, he has another family with a much more modest lifestyle,” she added quietly.

“They’re flying to Florida first class, too.” Shane smiled. “Stop looking at me like that. It was the least I could do considering everything they’ve done for us.”

“That’s all fine and good, but I’m serious, Shane. After this trip, no more extravagances. The Rathbones will end up resenting us.”

“Yes, dear.”

Shane hated to leave before the August kids completed class. By the time they returned from vacation, his students would be gone. Having to say goodbye to his first class had come with some unexpected emotions. Originally he’d started the rodeo school for profit, but was surprised at how much he enjoyed teaching and being around kids. Even more, he was surprised at how attached he’d grown to each one of them.

While he still wasn’t sure where his relationship with Lexi was going, he definitely enjoyed the direction it had begun to take. He’d love to have the chance of children in their future, but today, he was very content with the one they had.

The beginning of this trip was bittersweet. The countdown to when they had to say goodbye to Hunter had officially started. They had two weeks left together and Shane was determined to make the most out of every fun-packed moment. He knew Lexi didn’t want to spoil Hunter, but this was a once-in-a-lifetime trip for both families, and their wish was his command. Nothing was off limits.

* * *

rode every ride at Disney World, Sea World and Universal Studios in three whirlwind days. As kids, she and her siblings always wanted to go to Disney World, but as a farming family, they couldn’t afford the trip. The Rathbones, their children and Amelia’s bonus mom, Bethany, traveled like normal families on vacation, and with Shane and Lexi, they defined the term
blended family.

Their ten-day cruise to the Caribbean was breathtaking, and Lexi fulfilled another lifelong dream when she swam with the dolphins during their excursion to Atlantis. Sharing the experience with the two men in her life made it all the more special. And somewhere between Jamaica and St. Martin’s, she realized Shane was the man she wanted to spend the rest of her life with.

During their vacation, Lexi and Shane had an opportunity to witness the Rathbones’ parenting style. Choosing to leave all discipline up to them, Lexi appreciated their fairness. For the most part, they allowed their children to make their own decisions, within reason.

Melissa presented them with a very liberal holiday schedule, allowing Lexi and Shane to rotate the holidays with them. This year, Hunter would visit them for Thanksgiving and next year for Christmas. Summers were open, allowing Hunter to choose his destination. Melissa and Dennis were being more than generous, and Lexi felt she’d made the right decision thirteen years ago.

Then the day Lexi dreaded had finally arrived. Hunter was flying to Colorado with his family and she was heartbroken. She’d never imagined saying goodbye this time around would hurt this much.

“I had a great time this summer.” Hunter fought to hold back his tears. “It was more than I expected. Thank you.”

Unable to hold back her own emotion any longer, Lexi cried when she hugged him goodbye. “You are the greatest gift in the world.”

“Don’t cry, Mom.” Hunter wiped her cheeks.

The word she never thought she’d hear was pure heaven. “I’ve loved you from the moment I knew I was pregnant with you. Please always know that. I love you, Hunter.”

“I love you, too. I’ve had a wonderful life. I wouldn’t trade it in for anything and I have you to thank for that.”

Hugging her son one last time, she kissed him on the cheek and walked him the final length to the security check point where Shane and the Rathbones waited.

“Thank you for allowing me that time alone with him,” Lexi said to Melissa. “I will always be grateful.”

Lexi hugged Melissa and the rest of the family before they said their final goodbyes.

“We promise to come see you ride soon,” Shane said, clearly not sure if he should hug or shake his son’s hand. Hunter made the decision for him when he threw himself into Shane’s arms.

“I love you, Dad.”

“I love you, too, son.”

* * *

of their flight home. Shane asked her to stay at the ranch at least for the night, but Lexi said she wanted to sleep in her own bed after sleeping in a strange one for the past two weeks. He knew how much she missed Hunter, because he missed him just as much. What surprised him was Judy’s attitude toward him when he dropped Lexi off at the house. She was borderline cordial and Shane wondered if hell had frozen over.

Back home, he walked down the eerily quiet path toward the bunkhouse. The second monthlong class had ended a few days ago and the outbuildings were once again vacant. The ranch seemed empty without the sound of Hunter’s laughter and Shane swore if he closed his eyes and listened really carefully, he could still hear his son’s voice.

The kid had grown on him even before Shane knew he was his son. He was so proud of him. In two months, Hunter had improved his riding and was ready for the junior rodeo. Shane swore he saw the kid shoot up two inches over the summer. The Rathbones agreed to allow Shane to manage Hunter’s career and that guaranteed his rodeo schedule wouldn’t be overbooked. He wasn’t going to watch Hunter burn out as he’d witnessed so many times with other young rodeo talents. Tomorrow he wanted to start planning some fall events, and Shane planned on being there for every one of them. He knew Lexi’s schedule was tight, but he hoped she’d be able to join them on most trips.

When Lexi arrived at the ranch the next morning, Shane noticed she was more quiet than usual, feeling Hunter’s absence, too. Shane always thought life was exciting on Bridle Dance, but without the laughter of children, there was no joy in it. He’d make a point to spend extra time with Cole and Tess’s daughter, Ever, when she came home from school, and soon Miranda and Jesse’s twins would start coming for visits.

The rodeo classes were scheduled for after-school hours and weekends with a few weeklong clinics here and there. Since there were so few people coming and going on the ranch, Shane told Kay to have the Dance of Hope therapists use the front corrals instead of the secluded ones behind the building. It helped hearing children’s voices again, but no child could replace his own.

Searching the stables for Lexi, he found her inside Apollo’s stall. Now six weeks old, the colt was frisky and playful and did not appreciate a vet exam. Outwitting Lexi and Ashleigh, Apollo wouldn’t allow them to catch him.

“How about you have dinner with me later?” Shane asked.

Ashleigh stopped and wiped the sweat from her face. “I’m sorry, I’m married.”

“Just my luck,” Shane laughed. “What do you say, doc? The Whole Enchilada for dinner?”

“Ooh, fancy.” Lexi nodded. “That actually involves me taking a shower.”

* * *

forward to a night out even though she was still drained from their trip. The thought of hanging around the house or the ranch doing nothing made her miss Hunter even more. He had video-chatted with her last night when he arrived home, thanking her again for everything. The kid was amazing. Lexi gave him away and he thanked her for it because he loved his life that much.

Now that they were on dry land, the romance of the sea and Hunter gone, Lexi wondered where her relationship with Shane would lead next. The old Shane, the kind and generous one she fell in love with in high school, had reappeared and she hoped he stayed.

Lexi still took Autumn for her afternoon rides, but they were no longer pensive and wrought with angst. Autumn sensed her mood change and began to take more liberties during their outings. Taking off and galloping around the fishing pond had been her latest. Lexi felt good and so did her horse.

She was eager to talk to Shane tonight about a business proposition she’d received this morning from the large animal vet who usually covered her emergency calls. Dr. Rhodes wanted to know if she’d be interested in combining their practices. While she specialized in equine internal health and reproduction, Dr. Rhodes’s practice included livestock as well as equine care. There were pros and cons but ultimately it would free up some of her time and allow her to visit Hunter’s rodeo events with Shane.

After Lexi showered and changed for her date with Shane, she joined her mother in the kitchen while she prepared the family’s dinner.

“How are you doing, Mom?” Lexi gave her a kiss on the cheek.

“Don’t you look pretty.” Judy motioned for her to spin around. “Night out with the girls?”

Lexi laughed. “You know I’m going to dinner with Shane. I have a few minutes before I have to head over there and I thought I’d spend them with you.”

“It’s sinful that he doesn’t pick you up like a proper lady.”

‘Well, considering I had his kid out of wedlock at eighteen, I think that negates the whole ‘proper lady’ thing and Shane doesn’t exactly get a warm welcome when he comes here.”

“I was very well-behaved yesterday when he dropped you off, wasn’t I?”

“I’m still trying to figure that one out.” Lexi squinted at her mother. “Either you really missed me or you got into my horse tranquilizers.”

“Now, now, respect your elders,” Judy said. “Do you think Hunter would mind if I sent him a letter?”

“I think he’d love it, but you’ll get better results with an email instead. And then he can write you back easily. You can call him on video chat if you’d like. I can set you up on the computer or you can use my phone.”

“Really, I can see and talk to him?”

“Here, what time is it? He’s an hour behind us but he’s out of school by now.” Lexi pressed the video-chat button on her phone and Hunter’s number appeared. “You ready, Mom?”

“What do I do?”

“Hold the phone up in front of you, like this.” Lexi held her phone a foot in front of her face and handed it back to her mother. “Are you ready to call him?”

Judy eagerly nodded, her excitement evident.

“Press this button.” Lexi pointed to the big green

After two rings, Hunter answered, his beautiful blue eyes looking back at them.

“Hi.” Hunter waved.

“He waved...did you see that?”

“Yes, Mom, I saw. It’s on speakerphone. Talk to him, not me.”

“Hey, Mom, where are you?” Hunter asked.

“I’m here, honey. Trying to teach this one how to video-chat.”

“Wicked,” Hunter said.

“How was your first day of school?” Judy asked.

“It was all right. I’m in a new school this year so I have to learn where everything is.”

“Why is he in a new school?” Judy asked Lexi.

“Because he’s in eighth grade.” Lexi pointed to the screen. “Ask Hunter, not me. He sees you talking to me.”

“Oh.” Judy looked back at the phone. “You know, Hunter, I’ve never been to Colorado. Maybe I can fly out and see one of your events with Lexi and Shane. Would that be okay?”

“That would be awesome. Is Grandpa Jim going to come, too?”

“Oh, you want him there?” Judy frowned. “I kind of wanted to leave him home.”

“Mother.” Lexi swatted her. “Let me talk to him.” She took the phone from Judy. “Hey, sweetie. Did your first day really go okay? You seem down.”

“Yeah, I just hate being in the youngest class.” Hunter made a face. “We’re the babies. You look real pretty. Are you going out?”

“Shane’s taking me to dinner at the Whole Enchilada.”

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