Blame It on the Rodeo (12 page)

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Authors: Amanda Renee

BOOK: Blame It on the Rodeo
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“No kidding!” Lexi began to panic.
This can’t be happening
. “But how can I avoid it if they’re filming everywhere? Especially if they look into his past, they’ll find me.”

“When you gave your son up for adoption, did you use your real name in the hospital?” Clay asked.

“Was there another way? Because I wasn’t given any options.” Lexi wildly threw her arms in the air. “That’s bad, isn’t it?”

“Who paid your hospital bills?” Clay asked.

“The agency handled everything.” Lexi stared at him. “It was part of the adoption.”

“And you’ve checked your credit report to make sure nothing from back then has shown up? Nothing was past due or went into collections?”

“No, but that was almost thirteen years ago.” Lexi dismissed the idea. “Even if there was, they’d have dropped off my credit report after seven years.”

“Not if the account was sold.” Clay had her attention and realization started to set in. “Each time an account is sold, it goes on your credit report and then it remains for seven years.”

“What?” Lexi sat on the wall next to Clay. “How can I get a copy and check?”

“Normally you would check these things every year online but I’ll do it and I’ll run an extensive background check on you to see if there are any surprises lurking out there. Keep in mind, I’m not the only investigator out there and these shows love to dig up dirt. If someone finds out you went to school out there and combines that with Hunter living in Denver and then you factor in the resemblance thing and your reluctance to be on the show, you’ll be in trouble.”

“And if they find out...” Lexi didn’t need to finish the sentence. She knew she had to tell Shane the truth.

* * *

waiting area with Lexi close behind.

“Look who I found in the parking lot?” She sat down on the opposite side of the room and nervously bounced her leg up and down.

Clay made his way around the room, asking for the latest update before he took a seat next to Shane.

“What’s up with her?” Shane nodded toward Lexi. “Did she tell you she raised Cain over just the thought of being on the show?”

“Are you sure you want to do this thing?” Clay asked. “You’re facing some pretty tough opposition. The only people on your side are Chase and your students, and you need to make the parents aware there’s a production crew coming, even for test shots of the grounds.”

“Not you, too?”

Shane was about to argue when a nurse appeared. “Langtry family?” Everyone said yes in unison. “Both Mommy and babies are doing fine. Daddy not so much.”

“What happened to my son?” Kay asked. “All he had to do was stand there!”

“Well, Mr. Langtry had a little problem in that department. It’s not unusual, but we stitched him up.”

“Stitched?” Shane snickered.

“He hit his head when he passed out,” the nurse said.

“Fool child,” Mable said. “Can you tell us the sex of the babies?”

“Two boys.” The woman smiled. “Congratulations, Grandmas.”

“Grandmas?” Mable repeated. “I’m not the babies’ grandma.”

“On the contrary. Two visitors may go in and Miranda asked for both grandmothers.”

“Oh, dearest me.” Mable’s eyes began to well with tears. “I’m a grandma too, Kay! We’re both grandmas!”

Everyone laughed, everyone except Shane. Dylan was born in this very hospital, with the entire family gathered around. He understood why his brother passed out. A birth wasn’t something you wanted to watch every day, but you couldn’t tear yourself away when it was your own child. The child you helped to create, or at least thought you did.

“How are you doing?” Lexi asked. “I know this must bring back some memories.”

“I still can’t believe Sharon let me believe Dylan was my son for an entire year. It was cruel.”

“Mmm, I was never convinced she knew who the father was,” Lexi said. “I think she chose the one with the most money.”

“I wish she hadn’t and we’d still be together.” Shane searched her eyes for some recognition in return.

“It doesn’t change the fact that you cheated on me, and honestly, I don’t want to rehash that. But we do need to talk.”

“We do, and there’s something I need to tell you, too, but not here.” Shane looked around the waiting room. “Let’s grab a cup of coffee.”

The only choice in the cafeteria this late was coffee or soda and snack crackers. Sitting across from her, Shane tried to find the nerve to tell Lexi he loved her and that he’d never stopped.

She looked tired and withdrawn and he wondered what she wanted to tell him. There was a nagging feeling in the pit of his stomach that she was about to announce that she and Clay were together, despite both of their denials. Shane didn’t want to give her the chance to say the words. She needed to hear how he felt first and maybe...

“Lexi,” he began. “I—I want a second chance.”

Okay, so it wasn’t exactly how he planned it but it was close enough. He’d made a direct declaration of his...of his what?

“I mean, you and I have a past.”
Spit it out already.
“And I think we can have a future together and I—”

“There you are,” Clay interrupted. “Your brother’s asking for you.”

Shane exhaled the words
love you,
under his breath but she didn’t hear him. “Which brother?”

“The one that just became a father.” Clay looked incredulously at Shane and then at Lexi. “Bad timing?”

His friend just stopped him from making a fool out of himself.

“Nope, you’re right on schedule.”

* * *

to tell him?” Clay asked after Shane left the cafeteria.

“Yes!” Lexi ran a hand through her hair and looked up toward the fluorescent lights. “For a detective, this here—” Lexi waved her fingers around the empty room “—should have been your first clue. Quiet, out-of-the-way place. The two of us alone. Are you picking up what I’m putting down, Magnum?”

“I didn’t think you’d do it right now!” Clay huffed.

“Why not?” Lexi stood. “There’s no good time.”

Lexi returned to the waiting room when Vicki arrived. “We couldn’t get a sitter this late so I finally told Brandon to stay home with Randi Lynn and I came on my own. She really had a short labor, huh?”

Lexi had been in labor for twenty-two hours with Hunter. Several epidurals didn’t completely kill the pain and she understood why some people wanted to be unconscious. Then there were people like Vicki, who got overexcited at a baby shower and gave birth in a matter of minutes. Easy peasy and call it a day.

“Lexi, you can go in and see her now.” Kay ushered Lexi towards the hallway.

“Vicki’s here, she can go before me.” Lexi knew Shane was still in there and a hospital room with a baby was the last place she wanted to be.

“You go on,” Vicki insisted. “You drove her here. You deserve to go in first.”

“Room 226 on the left.” Kay pointed down the corridor.

The cream-colored walls seemed to close in on Lexi while she trekked down the hallway, painfully taking her time, hoping Shane would appear and return to the waiting area.

Room 226. There it was. Miranda, Jesse and the babies were on the other side of that door. And so was Shane. She inhaled deeply and let out a long slow breath. Knocking lightly, she gingerly pushed the door open and peeked inside.

Jesse opened the door the rest of the way. “They just fell asleep. Come on in.”

Lexi tried not to stare at the bandage on his forehead when she hugged her old friend.

“Congratulations,” she whispered.

Shane sat in the recliner cradling one of the boys, rocking slowly and staring intently into the infant’s face. Lexi was unable to choke back the tears she’d been holding the moment she walked in the room, and let them spill over. Shifting focus, she looked at Miranda holding a tiny wrapped bundle.

“I’m so happy for you.” Lexi squeezed her free hand.

“Thank you,” Miranda softly said. “This is Jackson and that’s Slade.”

“They are so precious.” Lexi didn’t dare gaze in Shane’s direction. “I love their names.”

“Here,” Shane said behind her. “You can hold him. Slade, meet Lexi.”

Their bodies touched as Shane placed Slade in her arms. Unable to control herself, she looked into his eyes. Now she knew. She knew exactly how it would have felt if Shane was there when Hunter was born.

Holding Slade in her arms, she sat down in the chair and cried.

Chapter Ten

After her emotional breakdown at the hospital, Lexi managed to limit her time on the ranch. She was thrilled to hear Shane had gone to Tennessee for a few days, and when he came back, she made herself nonexistent. Despite swearing she’d keep her distance, at the last minute she decided there was no way she’d miss her son’s birthday. Shane and Clay had both called that morning to remind her she was invited to the party they’d planned for that afternoon, reassuring Lexi that the reality show had finished taping. This was her first and last birthday with her son and she was determined to enjoy every second of it.

The barbecue pits were located near the bunkhouse and Lexi was glad she wore a pair of old sneakers to walk up the hill. She had her bathing suit on under her shorts and tank top in case everyone decided to go swimming.

Lexi loved the family atmosphere of the ranch birthday parties. Kay knew it was hard for the resident hippotherapy kids to be away from home and friends on their birthdays, so she’d decided to throw a party for each of them when their birthdays rolled around. Shane and Chase followed suit with Ride ’em High! and between both facilities, this was the second birthday this month.

After a lunch of barbecued hamburgers, hot dogs and corn on the cob, Shane and Chase carried out a huge sheet cake with a cartoon version of Hunter on top of a bucking bareback.

“Tight!” Hunter shouted.

Since it was Sunday and they didn’t have classes today, they rode four-wheelers down to the river for a swim. Thanks to Hunter’s machinations, Lexi ended up on the back of Shane’s ATV and had to hold on to his waist for dear life. He drove the blasted quad the way he drove that Jeep of his, wide open all the way.

It had been years since she’d swung on a rope swing and Lexi wasn’t sure she trusted anything that hung from a tree since grade school. “You’re up, babe.” Shane handed her the rope.

“I don’t think so, babe.” She didn’t need to swing out over the water and lose half of her bathing suit. What possessed her to wear a red bikini to a birthday party anyway?
Because you knew Shane would like it.
But like it or not, she was not taking her tank top off.

As she waded into the water, someone came up behind her and pushed her under. Resurfacing, she looked around to see Hunter laughing hysterically.

“You are asking for it.” Lexi splashed water in his direction.

“Uh-huh.” Hunter nodded. “But you have to catch me first.”

Lexi dived under the water and swam toward him. He may have had the element of surprise but she had speed on her side. Especially since she was on the swim team in high school. Within seconds she was upon him. Grabbing hold of his foot, she tugged him under the water.

Both came up for air at the same time.

“What was that you were saying?” Lexi asked.

“That’s not fair.” Hunter splashed her. “I didn’t know you were that fast.”

Lexi laughed. “You’re the one who asked for it.”

Hunter starting laughing again.

“What’s so—” Lexi felt herself rise out of the water and fly through the air. “Shane!”

Lexi jumped on his back and unsuccessfully tried to push him under. Seeing her struggle, Hunter joined her and together they were able to take him down.

“Who said anything about tag teams?” Shane pushed his hair back from his face, water dripping from his nose. “You two cheat and you know what happens to cheaters?”

Shane scooped her up in one arm and Hunter in the other, not letting either of them go. For the moment, Lexi allowed herself to enjoy what a summer day would have been like if she hadn’t give her son up for adoption.

“Thank you for coming today,” Shane said later as he sat down next to her in one of the Adirondack chairs. “I think this was the most fun we’ve had together since we were kids celebrating our own birthdays.”

“I’m glad I came.” Lexi admired the man beside her. “You’ve changed since you built the school. Do I dare say you’re tamer and more enjoyable to be around?”

“I know, it’s so strange,” Shane agreed. “I thought by the end of each day I’d be champing at the bit to get out of here, but I’m not. I’m actually going to miss these guys when they leave. Spending time with these kids has really made me rethink my life.”

“You won’t have time to miss them with your next class in August and your reality show.” Lexi bit back the bile on that last part.

“The show’s not a definite.
definite and my agent’s not a fan of the idea. Plus I noticed you weren’t thrilled with the idea.”

After Clay ran a background check on her and didn’t come up with anything linking her to Hunter, she felt more secure, but that didn’t mean she was willing to take the chance.

“I told you how I felt about that, Shane. I’m not going to change my mind.”

“What about us? Think you can change your mind about that?”

“I think we can discuss it, but I’m not making any promises.” Lexi knew she shouldn’t lead him on. She knew a relationship was impossible with a secret this deep. And if he did the reality show, there was definitely no way they’d be together, but the word
wouldn’t come out of her mouth. She wanted another chance at happiness with Shane in spite of it all.

“Do you want to open up the gift your parents sent down?” Shane stood when Hunter walked over to them.

Kay and Lexi joined Shane and Hunter at the picnic table while the teen eagerly tore at the silver gift wrap. Inside, one of a cowboy’s favorite items appeared.

“Now I have one just like you.” Hunter placed the straw Stetson on his head and tipped it forward slightly to match Shane’s.

“That’s sharp-looking,” Kay said, while Barney tried to squirm out of her arms. “You can even wear that with your Sunday jeans.”

“Don’t forget the card.” Lexi handed Hunter the envelope attached to the torn wrapping paper.

Hunter read the card to himself and his eyes began to fill with tears.

“What’s wrong, honey?” Lexi wrapped her arm protectively around his shoulder. “Why are you upset?”

“I’ve never been away from my family on my birthday before and I miss them,” Hunter confessed. “Plus they call this my Gotcha Day.”

“Your Gotcha Day?” Shane asked.

“It’s the day they adopted me. My brother and sister are adopted, too.”

Hunter’s indifference surprised Lexi. She was also surprised Clay hadn’t uncovered the other adoptions. He might have if she’d given him the go-ahead to keep digging.

No one asked any questions and Hunter didn’t expand any further. He was a normal, well-adjusted kid with a loving family and that was the best gift she could give to her child.

* * *


to get her car,” Hunter whispered to Shane when Lexi started to clean up the picnic table. “I can keep her busy.”

“I don’t want to leave in the middle of your party.”

“I’m a man now, I can take care of myself,” Hunter drawled. “And this is a get-together. I’m too old for parties. She still has her bathing suit on so I’ll ask her to go swimming again in the river.”

Sneaking across the corral, ducking behind horses, Shane hoped no one noticed the extra set of legs running by. He knew Lexi always left the keys under the seat in case she had an emergency and had to leave quickly. He didn’t have time to wash and wax it himself, but he did have time to drive down the highway to Bubba’s Bubbles and get it detailed.

The line for the car wash started all the way down the street. If Shane had any chance of getting Lexi’s car back soon, this wasn’t going to cut it. He dialed the number on the sign, and a woman answered.

“Darla? It’s Shane Langtry. Do you think that husband of yours can do me a favor?”

Two hours later, he was back on the road. Hunter had texted him thirty minutes ago that Lexi was receiving some business phone calls but so far none of them were emergencies. This was a good thing considering he had her medical bags in the car with him. Hopefully he’d return before she missed them. He had to give Hunter credit, the kid was a good partner in crime.

He glanced at the glove box and wondered what else she might have in the car. Reaching over he tried the latch but it was locked. Looking at the steering column, he saw the key on her key ring. If he pulled off the road and opened the lock, he’d learn what she had not so successfully been hiding.
And he’d be a first-class jackass.

Shane caught a woman going through his phone once and that was enough for him to kick her to the curb. Curiosity was one thing, but respect was another and he wasn’t going to violate Lexi’s trust that way. Then again, he was driving around in a car he’d technically stolen so that didn’t say much about him.

Stopping at the ranch entrance, he texted Hunter to make sure Lexi couldn’t see the main drive or parking area. Pulling into the same spot she’d parked in, he tossed her keys under the seat and snuck back toward the barbecue pits.

“Where on earth have you been?” Kay grabbed hold of him behind the bunkhouse. “How dare you sneak out of here when this was your idea.”

“I took Lexi’s car to get detailed.” Shane loved the shocked expression on his mother’s face. “Hunter was in on it, too. Do me a favor and tell Lexi one of the grooms noticed she has a flat tire.”

Shane crept through the bushes on the other side of the pits so he’d be able to saunter in inconspicuously.

“Really?” Lexi listened to Kay and sighed. “Those are fairly new tires.”

“What’s wrong?” Shane slipped in beside her, signaling to Hunter, who was standing nearby with some of the other students.

“Where’d you come from?” Lexi looked around. “Never mind, someone told your mom I have a flat tire and I was going down to check it out.”

“Hunter and I can change it for you,” Shane offered. “Isn’t that right?”

“You can change it, I’ll supervise.” Hunter grinned. “It’s my birthday.”

“Thanks, kid.” Shane appreciated the added cover.

They hiked down to the parking area and Lexi walked all around her car, looking at each tire. “I don’t see a flat, do you?”

“Are you sure that’s your car?” Shane asked, trying not to laugh.

“Yeah, it looks too clean to be yours,” Hunter added.

“Of course this is—how did my car get so clean?” Lexi ran her hand over the trunk. “Waxed, too?”

“Must have been the car fairy.” Hunter peered in the windows. “Even the inside’s clean.”

“Did you do this?” Lexi poked Shane in the chest. “Is that where you’ve been?”

Shane sheepishly nodded, not sure if she was pleased or mad. “I’m repaying you for when you did mine.”

“Well, it sure took you long enough.” Lexi reached up and kissed him on the cheek while Hunter gave him the thumbs-up from the other side of the car. “Thank you.”

“I’d do anything to see you smile,” Shane said. “Someday I’ll prove just how much you mean to me, and when I do, you’ll finally understand we were meant to be together.”

* * *

in full swing at the Ride ’em High! Rodeo School when Lexi drove into the ranch. She’d made the decision last night to stay away because she didn’t want the pain of seeing her son with his adopted family. Curiosity got the best of her somewhere between “don’t do it”
and “just a peek won’t hurt

A peek it was. Grabbing her medical bag from the back of the car, she had the excuse to be there without looking suspicious. Not that she’d ever look suspicious at Bridle Dance, but she was overly paranoid and hoped no one caught on to her fear.

Walking through the stables, she turned the corner and faced Shane, Hunter and his family looking in at Apollo. Immediately regretting her decision, Lexi spun on her heels and tried to retreat before anyone saw her.

“Lexi, wait!” Hunter called out to her. “I want you to meet my parents.”

Lexi took a deep breath and slowly turned to meet the Rathbones...the people raising her son. She had opted for a closed adoption but she couldn’t be certain what the Rathbones knew about her. Slowly she reached out for what seemed like an eternity and shook the hand of the woman her son called Mom.

“It’s nice to meet you,” Lexi said.

The woman’s head tilted slightly and the handshake lingered longer than it should have, making Lexi increasingly nervous.

son tells us you’re a veterinarian,” Mrs. Rathbone said.

Paranoia be damned, there was a definite emphasis on the word
Lexi didn’t know how but she was almost certain the woman knew who she was. Maybe it was intuition, maybe the adoption agency revealed more about her than they should have, but the fear and anger in the woman’s eyes told Lexi she needed to get the hell out of there.

“I’m sorry, I have an emergency.” Lexi made a beeline for the side door and sprinted past two corrals to her car. Fumbling with the key, she started the engine and peeled out of there before anyone caught up with her.

She dialed Clay’s number and he answered on the second ring.

“They know.” Lexi began to hyperventilate and forced herself to pull down a side road and stop the car.

“Who knows?” Clay asked.

Lexi tried to calm her ragged breaths.

“Breathe, Lexi,” Clay soothed. “Are you home?”

Breathe in, breathe out.

“Are you at the ranch?”

“No, I left,” she croaked. “The Rathbones are here.”

“For Family Day, right?” he asked. “I’m not even going to ask why you went there. I probably would have done the same thing. Did you tell them or did they figure it out?”

“When she heard my name,” Lexi sobbed. “She knew. What have I done?”

“Don’t jump to any conclusions, Lex. How far are you from home?”

“Ten minutes.”

“I’ll meet you there,” Clay said. “Can you manage to drive there?”

“Y-yes. I’ll be in the stables.”

“Sit tight, Lex. I’m on my way.”

* * *

into the barn and started to brush her. She thanked the stars that she usually had the stables to herself with the exception of Nash when he wanted to ride. She didn’t have to worry about anyone invading her space and she could breathe a little easier.

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