Black Dahlia (4 page)

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Authors: Tiffany Patterson

Tags: #Black Burlesque

BOOK: Black Dahlia
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“Ah, so you’re visiting family also?” He asked leaning back on his headboard.

“Yup.” Mercedes’ voice was clipped as if she didn’t want to talk about her family, but Raul pushed forward anyway. He wanted to know more about Mercedes.

“How is Houston this time of year?” He asked trying to ease into the conversation.

“Hot!” she said, laughing. He felt his chest tighten with an unfamiliar feeling at hearing her breathy laugh.

“Do you have any siblings?” He asked.

“What is this twenty questions? Why don’t you tell me about
family,” she said, turning the tables on Raul. He had no problem talking about his family. Over the next twenty minutes Raul told Mercedes the story of his parents meeting at Columbia, falling in love and moving back home to Brazil, so his father could start his bank and his mother became a teacher and later on opened her own school in Rio. Mercedes listened intently, asking questions here and there, while revealing a few details about her own family. It wasn’t lost on Raul that he did most of the sharing. He wondered what it was about her background Mercedes didn’t want to reveal. Just as he was going to pry, Mercedes’ other line beeped.

“Hey, that’s Devyn. I gotta go.”

Raul smiled as he hung up the phone. He’d already been intrigued by Mercedes, and their short phone conversation served to pique his interest even more. Raul could tell she was skittish when it came to getting to know him, but she would just have to get over that. Raul doggedly went after what he wanted and he wanted Mercedes.

Chapter 4

Mercedes watched as Devyn’s dark grey BMW SUV pulled up to the sidewalk at Atlanta International Airport the following afternoon.

“Hey girl!” Devyn greeted. She hopped out the car and hugged Mercedes, before they loaded her bags into the back of the car. Mercedes leaned in and placed kisses on each of her Godsons’ cheeks, before hopping into the passenger seat.

“How was your trip?” Devyn asked, as she pulled off.

“Ugh, long,” she sighed, dramatically.

“That bad, huh?”


Mercedes told Devyn all about her trip, including her father’s jabs about her life, as they drove to lunch at a popular restaurant. Even though it was the middle of the lunch rush, the restaurant accommodated the two women with a private room, which was good for the boys to move around without disturbing other patrons.

“How’s Jamal?” Devyn asked, as she wiped Theodore’s face.

“Still pissed you got married.” Devyn laughed. Mercedes’ brother had had a long-term crush on Devyn.

“Oh, please,” Devyn waved Mercedes off, “You know he’s got plenty other women to keep him company,” they both laughed. Mercedes’ younger brother was a bit of a playboy in his own right. They spent the next hour eating and catching up. Mercedes told Devyn all about her upcoming travel plans for the summer, which included burlesque tours while school was on break. This summer she had scheduled performances in New York, Chicago, and New Orleans, in addition to her regular performances at the Black Kitty and some smaller venues in a few other cities in Georgia. Thinking about the summer is what helped her get through the visit with her parents. She’d spent a few nights at Jamal’s condo, as well just to get away from the scrutiny of her father.

“I called Raul yesterday looking for you.” Mercedes didn’t know why she brought up Raul, but it just slipped out.

Now Devyn was staring at her with a raised eyebrow. “What? What the hell is that look for?” She asked defensively.

“Watch your mouth,” Devyn said, referring to the twins. “I’m just curious. What’s going on with you two?”

Mercedes shrugged as she pushed the remnants of her shrimp salad away. “Nothing’s going on with us. I don’t even trust him.”

Devyn frowned. “Why not? Did he do something to you?” she asked a cautiously.

“No, nothing like that. I mean…” Mercedes finally told Devyn what transpired between Raul and her the night of the wedding. Mercedes could feel her anger and embarrassment rise as she told the story. When she was finally done talking she expected Devyn to look just as shocked or even angry as she was, but she was surprised. Instead of a look of anger, Devyn began laughing.

“What the fu--heck are you laughing at?” she asked, irritated that Devyn would laugh at her.

Devyn waved her hand. “It’s not you I’m laughing at. Well...maybe. Girl, Raul wasn’t dating Cindy. She’s not Raul’s ex. She’s Nikola’s actually.”

Mercedes raised an eyebrow. “Nikola’s?” she questioned.

“Mmhm,” Devyn nodded, as she proceeded to tell Mercedes about Cindy and how she tried to sneak into the wedding reception, and how Raul’s security team kicked her out.

“She probably decided to turn her sights on Raul seeing as how Nikola was no longer available.”

“Dada!” Jacques yelled out, at hearing his father’s name mentioned. Both women laughed.

“Anyway, I know for a fact there was never anything going on between Raul and Cindy. He would never date a woman that Nikola dated.”

Mercedes thought about all Devyn had just revealed. For the last year and a half, she’d thought of Raul as a two-timing bastard like her father. Maybe it was her fear of falling for a man who was like her father that really caused her to put up a wall between her and Raul. Just thinking about him brought up emotions Mercedes was not ready to deal with, and she wasn’t sure if she would ever be. To say she had trust issues was an understatement. They spent a few more minutes talking before getting ready to leave.

Devyn pulled into the parking lot of Mercedes’ apartment complex. Mercedes had a two bedroom, outfacing apartment that was located on the second floor of her building. They each carried a twin, and one of Mercedes’ bags. Mercedes loved her apartment and coming home to it felt like a relief after spending the last few days with her parents. She wanted to sigh with relief as she opened the door, but relief was the last emotion she felt as she laid eyes on her apartment. She felt as if she’d been kicked in the gut. Turning on the light, she stopped short, causing Devyn to bump into her.


“Wha-” Devyn gasped, as she took in the damage to Mercedes apartment. All her belongings were thrown on the floor, her leather couches were shredded as if someone took a pair of scissors to them, and her television had been ripped from the wall and smashed on the floor. As if all that wasn’t bad enough, the word “BITCH” was spray painted in big letters on the wall in her living room.

Blinking away tears at the destruction of all her belongings, Mercedes took a step to inspect the rest of her apartment, but Devyn’s hand stopped her.

“No, you can’t go any further. Let’s step outside and call the police. Whoever did this may still be inside,” Devyn said pulling out her cell phone and dialing 911. Mercedes knew Devyn was right, but she had to see the extent of the destruction. She wondered who would do something like this to her. Was it a random act or was this someone she knew? She began taking another step, but Devyn grabbed her arm again.

“No. You’re not going in there, especially as long as you have my son in your arms,” she reiterated worriedly. Mercedes looked down at Theodore who looked curiously around the room. Devyn was right, she didn’t know what the rest of her apartment looked like, and she didn’t want her Godson being witness to anymore horror. She relented, and stepped back towards the door on shaky legs. Mercedes’ body trembled with fear and rage as they waited outside her apartment for the police; Devyn stroking her arm reassuringly. She was glad to have her friend with her in that moment. She didn’t know how she would have reacted coming home and seeing her apartment destroyed if she were by herself.

About ten minutes later the police showed up to take her statement and go with her as she inspected the rest of her apartment. When she entered her bedroom her heart plummeted. Out of all her belongings, her burlesque costumes were what she was most proud of. Most of her costumes she’d made herself, by hand. She spent hours sewing garments together or gluing rhinestones to her corsets. She wanted to be in control of every aspect of her performance, which included her look. All of it was destroyed. Her costumes laid torn all over her bedroom floor. She couldn’t stop the tears that rolled down her cheeks. Sniffing, she gave the officers her statement and told them all the damage she saw that had been done. She didn’t see that anything was stolen, just destroyed. Devyn came in with the boys in her arms, and told Mercedes she would stay with her and Nikola until she felt it was safe to return. Mercedes thanked the officers, and called her landlord. They waited as an employee from her office apartment came to record all the damage that had been done. The police discovered the lock on Mercedes door had been tampered with, so the employee put in to have the locks changed. Mercedes was grateful for the items of clothing she’d had with her while in Houston. It looked like whoever did this, destroyed all her clothing as well.

Devyn hugged Mercedes as they stood by her car. “We can stop by the clothing store and pick up some things on the way to my place.”

Mercedes just nodded before climbing into the passenger seat. She knew she was too shaky to drive at the moment. She would come back in the next day or two to pick up her car.

Mercedes was in a daze as they picked up clothing items for her at the store. The same questions kept popping into her head over and over. Had this been a random act? If not, who would have so much hate for her? Could it be one of her exes? She tried to think of all the people she’d dated over the last few years. None stuck out as ending particularly badly, but she knew, from growing up with her father, how some people presented the outside world one image, meanwhile they hid their true colors behind closed doors. Even as Mercedes thought of these questions, she knew this wasn’t a random act. Mercedes began to realize whoever was behind this, was likely behind the hang up calls she’d been having. The dread and anxiety in the pit of her stomach began to increase the more she thought about it. Mercedes began to feel something she’d rarely felt since moving out of her parents’ home. She began to feel real fear.

Chapter 5

Raul slid his dark Cartier sunglasses up the brim of his nose as he descended the plane. He had planned to remain in Brazil for a few more days, but the phone call he got the day before from Nikola caused him to change his flight. As soon as he heard the tension in his friend’s voice he knew something was wrong. Nikola did not get agitated easily, but learning that his wife and sons were with Mercedes when they found her apartment broken into and in disarray had Nikola on edge. For his part, Raul’s heart rate sped up at the knowledge that Mercedes was possibly in danger. Raul’s firm specialized in family security and he came across a number of stalking cases. When Nikola described the damage that had been done to Mercedes apartment his stomach dropped. If this was what he thought it was, Mercedes could be in real danger. The thought of Mercedes’ safety being jeopardized bothered him more than he cared to admit to anyone but himself. The first stop he planned to make after leaving the airport was to Mercedes’ apartment. He would be able to get a look at the damage for himself and assess the situation.

Raul entered Mercedes’ apartment with the key the woman at the front office had given him. The fact that he was able to flash his famously charming smile and make a little small talk to convince the woman to turn over a key to the apartment was not a good sign. He’d merely told her he was a friend picking up some clothing and the woman was all too happy to do his bidding. If Mercedes returned to her apartment, he would definitely need to speak with management. Entering the apartment, Raul was struck by the sheer destruction. Raul stepped over the scattered and torn books that laid all over the floor, looked over the cut up leather couches, and saw the smashed television that laid on the floor. His eyes narrowed as he paused in front of the spray painted curse on the wall. Walking into the bedroom he encountered more destruction. Even the mattress had been slashed. Raul stopped short as he stepped on something that crunched underneath his foot. Moving back, he saw numerous tiny beads and sequins scattered all over the floor by the closet. Inside the closet, he saw more shredded clothing, feathers thrown about and more rhinestones, beads and sequins tossed about. The closet was a particular mess with more vile curses spray painted on the inside. Raul knew Mercedes danced burlesque though he’d never seen her perform. From the closet, he could tell performing was something Mercedes was very proud of, and whoever had destroyed her apartment knew that. Whoever the person was, they wanted to cause Mercedes emotional pain, distress, and fear. Raul’s protective instincts kicked into high gear as he looked over Mercedes’ apartment one last time. He knew the person responsible for this destruction also meant Mercedes harm. He would not let that happen. From here on out, whoever this was would have to go through him to get to her, and even the most determined stalkers hadn’t gotten through him.


When Raul arrived at Nikola and Devyn’s, he was let in by the housekeeper who informed him Nikola had been waiting on him. He was escorted to the back patio where Nikola, Devyn, Mercedes and the boys were eating lunch. On the way over he’d called his top security expert to begin their investigation, which would begin with his employee asking questions of Mercedes’ neighbors and apartment office. But Raul needed to speak with Mercedes to begin compiling a list of suspects. He also knew she’d balk at the security plan he’d come up with, but she would just have to deal with it.

“Why in the fu--” Raul saw Devyn raise her eyebrow at Mercedes. “...heck would you involve him?” Mercedes asked, incredulously. Raul could tell he was the “him” she was referring to. Her back was to him so she hadn’t seen him enter. He purposely remained still to not alert her of his presence. Nikola saw Raul, but he sent Nikola a look that let him know not to give his presence away. Years at West Point and serving together, gave the men the ability to communicate with one another without exchanging a single word.

“Because someone obviously means you harm and Raul can help,” Devyn defended.

“How do we even know this wasn’t some random act? Whoever this was could have just seen I wasn’t there for a few days and wanted to cause damage for whatever reason.”

Raul thought briefly about the possibility that the break-in could be a random act of destruction, but then quickly dismissed that as an option as he thought back to being in the apartment. No, it was no random act. He knew with every fiber of his being that Mercedes was the intended target. And what Devyn said next only confirmed this for him.

“Mercedes, it’s doubtful this was some random act. You said last night you’ve been getting hang-up calls for weeks now. I still can’t believe you’re just now telling me, but that’s for another day’s discussion. Those calls and your apartment break-in are not just a coincidence.”

Raul watched as Devyn leveled a serious look at her friend. Her eyes were filled with concern and fear. He knew that look, and he agreed with her. Nikola hadn’t told him about the hang up calls the night before, but he knew they were not a coincidence either. Whoever was behind those calls, decided to elevate their level of intimidation and struck Mercedes’ apartment while she was away.

“OK, you’re probably right about that, but do you think it was necessary to have to get Raul involved? I’m sure we can let the police handle it. Isn’t he still in Brazil anyway?”

At that, Raul decided it was time to intervene in the conversation. 

“The police are already involved,” Raul stated casually, as he sauntered out onto the patio. Both women looked surprised to see him. Although she quickly tried to cover it up, Raul didn’t miss the look of appreciation Mercedes gave as her gaze perused up and down his tall frame. He would have smiled if it were under different circumstances.

“And no, I’m no longer in Brazil.”

Devyn stood and walked to greet him “Raul.” He then greeted Nikola before placing kisses on each of his sleeping Godson’s heads. Mercedes eyed him suspiciously for a few moments, as he took a seat nearby.

“I hope you didn’t cut your trip short on my account.” She tried to come across as nonchalant, but he saw something deeper. A look of fear that told him that inside she was feeling the opposite of the casual image she tried to portray. 

“I was coming back today anyway,” he lied. He saw the look Nikola gave him when he said it but ignored it.

“I just mean, this probably isn’t a big deal,” Mercedes said, quickly.

“Oh, really?” he questioned.

“Yes, I mean maybe both the hang up calls and break-in are related and maybe not. What if whoever this was just targeted a random apartment and it happened to be mine? Random acts of violence and destruction of property happen all the time. It sucks, but it happens.”

Raul leaned back in his chair and stared at Mercedes as she began tapping the table with her finger. It was a nervous tick, he’d seen many times before from clients. Often, it wasn’t people’s words, but the subconscious acts they didn’t even realize they were doing that gave them away. Mercedes’ tapping hand gave her away. She didn’t even believe the words she was saying, but she was struggling to make sense of being the target of an obviously off-balance individual.

“You’re right random acts of violence happen all the time. This could very well be the case for you...” he paused. Mercedes began to give a satisfied look that soon dropped with his next words.

“But it’s not,” he said, sternly. The look of relief that had begun to materialize in her eyes quickly faded.

“How--” Raul held his hand up.

“I know because I’ve worked more than fifty stalking cases. I know the different types of stalkers, their motives and their intent. The person targeting you is the most dangerous type of stalker.” He paused to let what he said sink in. His goal wasn’t to scare Mercedes, but he needed to make her understand the severity of the situation. This wasn’t some kid who was out to trash the first empty apartment they found.

“I have years of experience dealing with these types of stalkers, and I’ve been to your apartment. Whoever this is, is targeting
They are angry as hell at
for whatever reason. My job is to figure out whoever it is before their behavior escalates.” Raul saw the awareness and fear rise in Mercedes’ eyes. His heart squeezed at seeing the usually confident and fearless woman in front of him come to grips with the fact she was the victim of a stalker.

“Rau-” Devyn went to speak, but Nikola’s hand on her arm interrupted her.

“I think we should let Raul and Mercedes speak in private,” he stated. Devyn eyed her husband, not wanting to leave her friend, but Nikola was adamant.

“Let’s put the boys in their cribs while Raul and Mercedes talk,” he said, as he rose, and moved to pull out Devyn’s chair. Devyn finally relented and moved around the table, placing a reassuring arm on Mercedes’ shoulder, before picking up Theodore and heading into the house with Nikola carrying Jacques. Raul turned his attention fully to Mercedes. She still looked as if she was processing what he’d just told her. The finger that had been tapping the hardwood table before was now still, but Raul could see that her leg was still bouncing…another telltale sign.

“Mercedes…” He trailed off as her gaze met his.

“No…” she said lifting her hand in the air. “How do you know? How can you be sure?” She was still trying to fight the obvious. It was a defense mechanism that Raul was familiar with. He stood and moved to the chair next to her.

“Look at me,” he demanded. As she turned her body to face him, he grasped both of her hands in his. He felt the slight tremor in her hands and cursed himself for being the one to have to deliver such news to her. Still, he had to make her understand the threat she faced. His heart squeezed again as she lifted her big brown eyes to his and he saw the fear there.

“Querida, I did not say any of that to scare you, but this is the reality of what we’re dealing with. In my business it’s always necessary to deal with what we know for sure, and hope for the best, instead of putting our head in the sand. Someone has been calling and hanging up on your line as a way to cause fear. Now that person has raised the stakes and destroyed your home and personal property. Whoever did this has some sort of vendetta against you. They targeted aspects of your life that obviously mean a lot to you. This is personal for them.”

Mercedes leaned back in her chair and looked out into the distance. He knew she was taking a moment to let everything sink in. Inhaling deeply, Mercedes closed her eyes for a few moments before opening them and turning her attention back to Raul. When she looked back at him, the fear that was there before, was replaced by anger. The trembling in her hands all but stopped.

“Who the hell is doing this?” she asked pointedly. The left side of Raul’s mouth kicked up into a half smile. This was his Mercedes. Her usual confidence and fire were returning.

Raul decided to ignore the fact that he’d just thought of Mercedes as “his.” Right now, they had work to do.

“That’s what we’re going to find out. I’ve already called my top security guy and he’s working on questioning your neighbors and I’ll contact him later to see if he can get the phone records to access a number for the hang-up calls. We need to compile a list of people you think may have something against you--exes, colleagues, other dancers--” He stopped talking when Mercedes turned to him sharply and snatched her hand away.

“You know about my dancing?” she asked almost defensively.

“Of course. Your Devyn’s best friend and she is married to my best friend. Although, I’ve never seen you perform.”
I’d sure like to see you perform just for me.

He decided it was best to leave that last thought unsaid.

“Was it supposed to be a secret?” he asked curiously, wondering why she seemed upset by the fact he knew she was a burlesque dancer.

“No. No, it’s not. I just...didn’t know you knew. That’s all.”

Raul decided to change the subject. “Okay, we also need to plan out your schedule for the next few weeks or months, so you can have someone with you at all times.”

She lifted a perfectly arched eyebrow. “Do you think that’s necessary?”

Raul nodded. “Yes,” he said, without hesitation.

“It’s just...I mean, you said you’re the best and I’m not sure I ca--” Raul squeezed the hand he was still holding onto knowing what she was going to say.

“Don’t worry about that.”

“You say that, but this already seems to be a big use of your resources, and I’m sure you have high end clients who could afford triple what I can pay you.”

Raul stared at Mercedes. He knew she was right about being able to afford his usual rates. He meant what he said when he told her that he was the best, and the best did not come cheap. But he had no intention of charging Mercedes for anything. He’d handled security for pro bono clients before. His company did very well with wealthy clients, and he could afford to take on a lot more pro bono clients if he chose. However this was different. This was Mercedes, and as sure as he had breath in his body, he knew he would do anything to ensure her safety.

“You’re Devyn’s best friend and the Godmother of my Godsons. As far as I’m concerned, you’re family. We won’t discuss price or costs. Let me worry about that. Right now we have to worry about keeping you safe,” he said staring at her, to let her know he was serious about not discussing price. After a few heartbeats she nodded her head.

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