Black Dahlia (10 page)

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Authors: Tiffany Patterson

Tags: #Black Burlesque

BOOK: Black Dahlia
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But instead of revealing any of this to Raul, Mercedes clammed up. Again, she folded her arms across her chest in a move meant to be defensive. Raul recognized the stance for what it was. She was guarding her emotions. He refused to let her off the hook that easily. He took a few steps closer until they were now face to face.

“You were running because you’re feeling the same thing I’m feeling. You’re feelings for me are growing stronger and it makes you uncomfortable. You think putting distance between us will help you erase those feelings, but that’s not going to happen for two reasons. Do you know what those reasons are?” he asked looking her directly in the eye and raising an eyebrow.

Mercedes was overwhelmed by his closeness and the challenge she saw in his eyes. She opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. Clamping her mouth shut she merely shook her head in response to his question.

He waved his hand back and forth between them. “For one, this has been there all along. Since the first time we met. It’s not going away. And two, I won’t let anyone, not even you, compromise your safety. There is someone out there who is intent on harming you. I’m not about to let that happen, so get this silly notion of you moving out of my place and back to your apartment out of your head.” By the time Raul finished speaking Mercedes felt herself both turned on and a little frightened. Turned on to have this potently sexy man telling her like it is about this chemistry between them. And afraid at, once again, realizing he was right. Whoever this is behind her stalking wasn’t going away quietly. She dropped her arms to her side, no longer defensive. Maybe she could give in to whatever this was between them. It didn’t mean she would fall in love, right? Giving into the chemistry between her and Raul didn’t mean she had to lose herself, right? She’d been in plenty of relationships before. She may have even loved a few ex-partners-not been in love, mind you, but loved them as people. She could handle whatever this was with Raul. Mercedes lifted her gaze to meet Raul’s.

“Okay,” she said, nodding her head. ” You’re right, I’m not going anywhere.”

Before the words were fully out of her mouth, Raul pulled her in for a scorching kiss. When his tongue slid across the seam of her lips, urging them apart, Mercedes complied. She moaned as his tongue snaked around hers, tasting every inch of her mouth. Mercedes’ hands moved up Raul’s strong chest and wrapped around his neck, pulling him in even deeper. She was lost in the feel of his lips moving over hers and his hands as they reached around to grip her behind. She felt his growing length pressed against her stomach and moaned again as the wetness between her legs grew. She couldn’t even remember why she had been tempted to run from him in the first place. His kiss had the power to make her temporarily forget her fear of commitment and love. All that mattered right now, was this feeling. Unfortunately, their intimate moment was cut short by a knock on the door. 

Raul was the first to pull away from the embrace. Mercedes saw the passion in his eyes and knew exactly where his thoughts were going. He placed a quick peck on her cheek.

“This isn’t over,” he said just above a whisper.

“I’m counting on it,” she saucily challenged. This got Raul’s attention, and the embers of passion in his eyes grew even more. Before he could respond, there was another knock on the door, this one a little more forceful. Raul growled under his breathe.

“Come in,” he yelled through the door, as Mercedes made her way to the couch in the corner of his office.

“Hey boss, it looks like you were right. The only fingerprints on the letter are Mercedes, Ron Sherman, and the superintendent,” Lorenzo stated, handing Raul the fingerprint report.

“I thought so, but do me a favor and do a full report on Sherman and the superintendent,” Raul told Lorenzo.

“Already started it, Boss.” Lorenzo was one of Raul’s top men. He’d known that Raul would want to have anyone who came in contact with these letters investigated. But hearing this threw Mercedes off.

“You think Ron or my superintendent could have something to do with this?” she asked standing. Raul motioned for Lorenzo to leave before he turned to Mercedes.

“It’s really just a precaution, but I’ve had cases where stalkers sometimes send themselves letters or threats to throw us off the investigation-make themselves look like a victim or innocent bystander instead of the culprit. We’re just checking all possibilities,” he told her reassuringly.

Mercedes nodded. That made sense and he had a lot more experience with this type of thing than she did.

Mercedes spent the rest of the day in Raul’s office, where he ordered takeout, and together they went over a few more leads. The investigation of her apartment break-in brought up no suspects. The police couldn’t find any foreign fingerprints. Even Raul’s men had gone in to sweep the apartment after the police and they came up with nothing new. Mercedes had opened a PO Box to have her mail forwarded to, so she wouldn’t have to worry about going back to get her mail. Raul had one of his employees pick up her mail a couple times a week and bring it to the office so he could deliver it to her. He was grateful for this foresight. Though, he hadn’t let on to Mercedes, she’d been receiving a number of threatening letters from her stalker. All types on plain white paper, the same as the note that’d been attached to the sent DVDs. The letters were vile in nature and he didn’t want to expose her to them. He’d had his team catalogue and collect any evidence they could get from these letters, but so far they hadn’t come up with anything. A few hours later he was ready to leave his office for the day. 

As Mercedes peered through her rearview mirror to see Raul’s car following her as they drove back to his home, she knew something had changed. She was willing to give in to whatever was going to happen with Raul. She wanted him for more than just his protection. She knew that whatever she and Raul would have it would be unlike anything she’d had in her past. That was for sure.










Chapter 9

“Hey, Mal. How are you doing?” Mercedes asked as she answered her cell phone. It was Friday evening and she was beginning to get ready for her performance at the Black Kitty that evening. She was feeling antsy seeing as this was her first time back there since she found out she had been recorded. She was grateful for the distraction.

“Hey, Sis. Just chillin’. Wanted to call on my way home from work. It’s been a minute since we last talked.” The truth was, it had only been a week since Mercedes last talked to her brother, but that was a long time for them. They usually spoke at least twice a week. Mercedes appreciated the close relationship she had with her brother. Despite being raised by different standards of freedom, they’d forged a close relationship. Jamal often intervened when he felt their father was going too overboard in how he spoke to Mercedes. He was never confrontational, but would try to divert their father’s attention to give Mercedes a little breathing room. She was thankful to have Jamal on her side. However, there were still things she kept from him, like her performing and the fact that she dated men and women. At times, she felt guilty about keeping these aspects of her life from her brother.

“Yeah, it has been. I’m sorry, it’s been a busy week,” Mercedes said by way of explanation. It hadn’t been that busy, but Mercedes found herself spending more and more time with Raul in the evenings after he came home from work. They would often spend hours watching the latest season of
Orange is the New Black
on Netflix, playing board games, or just talking. A smile spread across Mercedes’ face as she remembered the kisses Raul would steal, catching her off guard as they watched TV or sat outside on his back patio.
They hadn’t gone as far as that night in New York, but Mercedes knew that would soon change.

“No doubt. My week’s been a little crazy too, but I have some time off coming up, I was thinking of coming to A-t-l for a visit,” he said using Atlanta’s nickname.

“Um,” Mercedes said nervously. She hadn’t told Jamal or her parents about being stalked or living with Raul. Jamal picked up on her hesitation.

“Um? Dang, Cedes, if you didn’t want me to visit just say so,” he said jokingly, but Mercedes could hear his underlying hurt.

“Shut up, you know it’s not that,” she scoffed trying to lighten the mood, “I love when you come to visit. It’s just that, I’m not staying at my apartment for now, and I don’t know when I’ll be back.”

“You’re not staying in your apartment? Where are you staying? Is everything all right?” Mercedes could hear the worry in her brother’s voice. She didn’t like the idea of keeping more secrets between them. She decided to let him in on what was going on, but with one condition.

“Well, everything is all right so far, but there’s something I need to tell you, but you have to promise to keep it to yourself and not tell mom or dad,” she hedged.

“Cedes, what is it? You’re sounding a little scary now.”

Mercedes sighed, “Someone has been stalking me.”

“What? Have you been hurt? What’s going on?” he asked worriedly.

“I’m okay. It’s a little bit of a long story.” Mercedes proceeded to tell her brother about the hang up phone calls and the break-in into her apartment. She told him this person contacted her employers and told them some lies, instead of the full truth, since it would expose her burlesque performing, as she still wanted to keep secret from her brother until she was comfortable. Jamal was understandably upset with her for not telling him until now. He was concerned for her safety, even after she told him she was staying with Raul while he helped figure out whoever was behind this. He insisted on coming to visit her in a few weeks when he could get some time off from his job. She didn’t object. She knew if the roles were reversed she’d be worried about his safety too. After fifteen minutes of trying to reassure her brother that she was fine and convincing him not to tell their parents, she hung up and began gathering her costume for her performance that night. The antsy feeling she had earlier returned. She knew Raul saw it as soon as she came down the stairs.

“What’s wrong?” He asked pulling her into an embrace.

“I just spoke with my brother. I told him everything-well almost everything.” Raul pulled back and gave her a questioning look at her cryptic statement.

“My family doesn’t know I do burlesque,” she answered.

“Why not?”

She sighed, knowing this question was coming. “I grew up in a strict Christian household. My father is a Preacher and his thoughts on women are...let’s just say they’re antiquated. He still hasn’t forgiven me fully for going away to Howard for college or moving to Atlanta afterwards. He certainly wouldn’t approve of me performing,” she answered putting it diplomatically. She knew her father would flip the hell out if he knew she danced and took her clothes off in front of an audience. She looked up at Raul and could tell he wanted to ask more, but thankfully he held his questions. Right now she just wanted to focus on getting through tonight’s performance.

“Let’s eat before you have to get ready to go,” he said pulling her to the back entrance that led to the patio. They usually ate all their meals outside now, weather permitting. Raul had fixed a delicious salad with Brazilian rice and beans and corn tortillas. Mercedes ate it up, thoroughly enjoying his culinary skills. It was a simple meal but delicious nonetheless.

About halfway through their dinner, Raul announced, “I spoke with Quince today.”

Mercedes looked over at him. Quince was an old boyfriend. She knew Raul was going to interview her most recent exes, so this news shouldn’t have surprised her, but nonetheless, it felt a little awkward.   

“Oh yeah, did you find out anything interesting?” she asked trying to sound casual.

Raul shrugged, “Nothing too interesting. He’s still in Atlanta, just had been away on business for a few weeks, which is why it took us a while to track him down. He still seemed a little miffed over being dumped, but not enough to be your stalker. Still, I’ll have my team keep an eye on him.”

“Thank y-”

“Stop thanking me,” he said cutting her off before she could thank him yet again. Mercedes smiled.

“Anyway, like I said he did still seemed miffed you dumped him. Why did you break up with him?” Mercedes stopped dating Quince close to two years ago. They’d been together for all of a few months. She knew his ego was more bruised at being dumped, than any real emotional investment.

Mercedes rolled her eyes as she placed her glass on the table. “He was more attracted to my sexuality than me,” she said shrugging. Raul tilted his head as if waiting for further explanation.

“What does that mean?” He asked.

“It means that when he heard I dated both men and women he thought it meant threesomes and orgies where he was the only man involved.”

Raul raised an eyebrow. “And that wasn’t the case?”

Mercedes had dated a lot of people in her youth, and had even indulged in a few threesomes, but that was years ago. When she first moved out of her parents’ house she was the typical good girl gone bad, for a little while. She’d done and experimented a lot in her youth, but that wasn’t her style anymore. She still dated who she found attractive, but she was not into sharing partners or random hookups, anymore. Mercedes looked Raul square in the eye. “No. That’s not my style. I like men and women, but that doesn’t mean I spread my legs for just anyone. I don’t like sharing either.”

“Wait, is that why you were so mad that night after Nikola and Devyn’s wedding? You thought I set you up to have a threesome with Cindy?” he asked remembering her anger that night. She’d refused to let him explain.

“Yeah, you wouldn’t be the first guy to try it,” she admitted.

“Querida, that’s not my style. I don’t have to sneak. If I want something, I’m upfront.”

Mercedes nodded, recognizing he was telling the truth. “I know that now, but I didn’t know you then.”

“That’s fair. So, do you consider yourself bisexual?” he asked.

Mercedes lifted in shoulder in a shrug, “I don’t really label it. I just like what I like.”

“And what about me? Do you like me?” he asked as he pulled her closer to him.

“You already know the answer to that,” she said, as she allowed herself to be taken into his arms.

Raul smiled that sexy smile of his. “I know. I just like to hear you say it.”

Mercedes found herself staring at his lips. She licked her own. “I like you, Raul.”

Raul pulled her fully onto his lap, so she was straddling him. He pulled her lips down to meet his. He nibbled at her lips before completely devouring her mouth. Mercedes felt the usual heady sensations overtake her whenever their lips met. She felt his hands glide up and down her back, making contact with exposed skin as they found their way to her uncovered shoulders. Raul deftly loosened the string of Mercedes’ halter top dress, letting it fall to expose her perky breasts.

“You have such beautiful breasts. I’ve wanted to devour them since the first time I saw you on stage,” he said pulling back to stare at her breasts. In all honesty Raul had wanted to see all of her since the first time they met, but seeing her on stage, performing nearly naked increased his hunger for her. He had to remind himself over and over that his first job was to keep her safe while she performed. Not get sidetracked with his own desire to feel her writhing beneath him. But right now was a different story. Right now, she wasn’t performing. She was safe from harm and in his arms, and her eyes were filled with a need he knew was a reflection of his own. Raul lowered his head and licked, first one, and then a second pert nipple. Mercedes moaned at the contact and arched her back, thrusting her breasts in his face even more, encouraging him. Raul was happy to oblige. He latched on to her left breast and suckled, while he let his hand massage and play with the other nipple. He alternated between both breasts, giving each side his full attention. Mercedes grasped onto Raul’s shoulders as the delightful sensations of his mouth on her rushed through her body. She reflexively began to rock her hips back and forth on his lap, trying to ease the ache that began to develop between her lips. She felt Raul’s growing bulge against her stomach. This spurred her on even more, and in turn spurred Raul on. He continued feasting on her breasts, while his fingers eased up her thighs and found the edge of her panties. Mercedes aided him, by spreading her legs, making room for his fingers. Mercedes’ fingernails dug into Raul’s sleeves when his two fingers entered her wetness. Mercedes ground her hips on his fingers as Raul lifted his head from her breasts, pulling her head down for another kiss. She moaned loudly into his mouth. She bucked and rode his fingers, and when his thumb came up to massage her clit, her release was imminent. Moving his head to suckle on the skin behind her ear, Raul allowed his fingers to quicken. Mercedes threw her head back and was coming. She rode his fingers through her orgasm panting loudly. She rested her forehead against his and moaned as he withdrew his fingers from her core. Just as Raul prepared to move this encounter to his bedroom, Mercedes’ phone alarm went off, bringing them both back to reality. 

Jarred by the ringing of the phone, they abruptly pulled apart. It took both a second to realize what that noise was, until Mercedes finally remembered.

“Th-that’s my alarm. We’re going to be late.” Mercedes had set her phone alarm to remind her of her scheduled performances.

“Mierda!” Raul cursed in Brazilian, as he shifted himself in his pants, and eased Mercedes off his lap. She smiled at his reaction. She didn’t want to leave either, but she had to.

“We’re not finished with this conversation,” Raul said to her. By the way he said the word “conversation” she knew talking was not what he was referring to.

“You’ve said that before,” she teased and stood up. Raul took one look at the smirk on her kiss swollen lips, and pulled her back down onto his lap.

“Querida, I suggest you stop teasing me or the only stage you’ll be performing on tonight is in my bedroom.” Mercedes’ breath caught. She had no response as he used his finger to trace her jawline, his eyes burrowing into her own. But just as quickly as he pulled her down, he placed a short kiss on her lips and eased her up as he stood.

“Go get your things. I’ll put the dishes away so we can head out,’ Raul said bending down to pick up their plates and glasses. Mercedes hurried up to her room to get her belongings and costume she’d be wearing that night. She had a feeling that performing at the Black Kitty wasn’t the only action she was going to have by night’s end.


Raul watched as the woman on stage gracefully lifted her leg into the air as she leapt across the stage. The woman he had come to know as Jazmine was a regular performer at the Black Kitty. She started her routine wearing a white feathered leotard, but she was now down to her white leggings, pasties and en pointe shoes. He could tell she had a great deal of ballet training, and that she mixed it with a more modern dance style. She was around the same height as Mercedes, and had the physique of a dancer, with smooth skin the color of cocoa. By all accounts she was beautiful, but the woman that held his rapt attention was the one standing next to him. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see flashes of emerald blue and purple, as Mercedes fluffed her peacock costume. She was to hit the stage next, after Jazmine. Her closeness sent his senses into overdrive. Earlier in the evening, he’d come close to dragging her up to his bedroom and not letting her up for air until the next morning. If it wasn’t for the damn alarm they’d be in his bed, arms and legs entangled. Now, he was here on full alert, with a few of his men positioned around the club to help keep her safe. Her stalker had videotaped her in this very club without anyone’s knowledge. They could be here tonight, watching her. Raul wouldn’t blame her if she chose not to perform, but Mercedes wouldn’t hear of it. She was a trooper. Once she realized this person’s goal was to completely upend her life, Mercedes made the decision to live her life as normal as possible, within reason, of course. Raul respected that, and he was going to make damn sure whoever this was didn’t have a chance to hurt Mercedes more than they already had.

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