Black Butterfly (26 page)

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Authors: Nika Michelle

BOOK: Black Butterfly
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“That’s cool with me,” he agreed anxiously. “What do you want to drink?”

“Remy on the rocks.”

He ordered our drinks and led me to the VIP section. “Damn girl, you’re wearing the hell out of that dress.”

“Yeah, and it’s easy to take off,” I flirted as I sipped my drink.

He kissed me softly and I could taste the Patron on his tongue. “After you my lady,” he smiled slyly pointing to a small table for two.

I knew that he wanted to get a view of my ass in my snug dress. I had no problem delivering as I shook my hips seductively as I passed him. I didn’t bother looking back because I knew he was hypnotized. After forty minutes or so of teasing and flirting I decided to get straight to the point. I was horny as hell and needed some kind of sexual release.

“Remember I told you that I had to show you something?” I asked playing with the cherry in the mouth.

He nodded with his tongue literally hanging out of his mouth. I twirled the cherry around with my tongue while holding on to the stem. As I spread my legs to give him a look at my bare goods his eyes widened. He licked his lips greedily.

“She’s pretty,” he whispered.

“You can touch,” I said batting my long lashes at him.

“I want to do more than that.” He slid closer to me. “But touching is a start.” I felt his tongue on my neck and then the warmth of one of his fingers inside me.

“Mmm, let’s get out of here,” I whispered breathlessly. My arousal was eminent.

His breath tickled my ear causing an erotic shiver to travel down my spine. “I want to taste you first.”

“What are you waiting for?” I asked not caring who was around or how crowded the VIP section was.

Jermaine looked around before he ducked his tall ass under the table and crouched between my thighs. I felt his warm tongue sweep softly across my clitoris in quick, skillfull strokes. Grabbing the back of his head I grinded into the wet, heat of his mouth and enjoyed the feeling. My heartbeat quickened at the excitement of what he was doing to me. A moan escaped my lips.

“Oh hmmm…” I closed my eyes and bit my bottom lip as he expertly used his tongue and lips to suck my clit. The feeling was deliciously pleasurable and my body jerked in spasms. I was coming quickly. It had been so long and the orgasmic wave that took over my neglected body was much needed. “Yesss…fuck!” I felt him slide two fingers inside me and push against my Gspot. I came again. “FUCK!!!”  I was glad the music was loud.

He reluctantly removed his mouth and fingers from my drenched pussy and appeared from under the table. We kissed passionately and he helped me up from my seat. “Let’s go.”

I obliged without hesitation. On the way out of the club we were bombarded by the papparazi. “Are you two together now? Are you still depressed about the break up with Maurice?” They asked as their cameras flashed. We just ignored them and got into our cars. I couldn’t wait to fuck his fine ass. Even the mention of Maurice couldn’t change that.

I wasn’t surprised when the photos were plastered all over the internet the next day. Any press was good press and controvery was good for my career.

*             *               *


What the hell was so urgent? Raheem sounded like he was having a fit.

“Get over here now Seantay!” He yelled. “Don’t fuck with me woman!”             

He’d never yelled at me before. “What’s your problem Raheem?” I asked. “Why are you yelling at me?”

My short, white Christian Dior slip dress flapped in the wind as I made my way to my car. He didn’t say anything. “Rah? I just called you with good news and now you’re screaming on me! What’s up?” I got in the car and waited for his response.

“Get here shawty. Don’t make the old me come out. I’m giving your lil’ red ass thirty fucking minutes.”

I realized that he’d hung up on me. I just stared at the phone with my mouth wide open. What the hell had crawled up his ass? I sped past traffic and got to his place in thirty-two minutes. Before I could ring the doorbell he opened the door. The look on his face let me know that he was pissed. I had never seen him look like that before.

After he closed the door behind me I followed him into the living room. No words were spoken between us and the tension was thick.

“What’s going on Rah?” I asked breaking the silence.

He shook his head. “I had a special night planned for us. I went to the store to get some of those scented candles that you like. When I got to the counter I saw something that made me sick to my fucking stomach. I was excited that you were excited and I wanted to celebrate with you. My girl. My girl right?” He asked with eyes on fire.

I nodded. “Yes baby. I’m your girl. What do you mean?” I asked confused. I tried to figure out what he could be so upset about, but I kept drawing a blank.

“I planned on going to see the billboard. It’s funny how quickly things can change.” He held up a magazine that I didn’t even notice he’d been holding the entire time.

Like a deer caught in headlights I was stuck. I couldn’t even blink. I didn’t want to because my tears would’ve been like water falls.

Finally, I found my voice. “Baby, that’s not what you think,” I started trying to explain.

“Well, what the fuck was it? Huh?’ He asked still holding up the magazine.

“It was before we made our relationship official Rah,” I defended myself.

“If you read the article it says that he admits to a relationship with you. Let me rephrase that. He admits to a romantic relationship with you. Look at this fucking cover Seantay!” He yelled angrily throwing the magazine across the room.

I jumped. There it was. A photo of Dean and I on the night we’d gone out. It all came back to me in a flash. There were paparrazi everywhere. There we were on the cover of Us magazine. I massaged my temples as I felt the beginning of a nagging headache. Damn, this relationship shit was difficult. I was a victim of circumstance.

“I haven’t been with Dean in any kind of way. I’m with you and only you. Baby, that’s not a recent picture. You had told me about your drama with your ex that night and I went out with him once. Nothing happened between us. I went home alone that night.”

“Should I believe you Tay? Or did you just think I would never know about it? Shit, you’ve never been in a relationship before. Maybe you don’t know how to be faithful,” he said harshly. Bad intentions laced every word. He wanted to hurt me because he was hurt.

Before I could open my mouth he spat, “Is that why you went to Atlanta? To fuck that nigga?!”

“No! Dean wouldn’t say we’re together because we’re not. I never fucked him! I love you and I know how to be faithful because I have been! True, this is new to me, but I told Dean that we’re together now. I went to Atlanta strictly for a business meeting with him. We were discussing the ad campaign and my modeling contract. Dean knows there’s nothing intimate between us. How can you believe a gossip magazine over me? So all this time I’ve been faithful to you for nothing?” Tears stung my eyes.

“The pictures and the article say it all. Read that shit yourself! It’s a personal interview with Dean. He’s quoted saying that you’re his girl and you’ll be designing with him. He’s talking about the two of you are going to be the next Russell and Kimora Lee Simmons. What the fuck kind of shit is that?” He asked with undisputable fury in his eyes. His handsome face was contorted into a menacing scowl. “I even searched the internet and the story of you and Dean is hot shit right now.”

“You’re going to believe him over me? If you can’t believe me over a damn magazine article then we have no relationship Raheem!” I stormed out of his apartment in anger and he didn’t come after me.

Sure I had a past, but he could’ve tried to trust me. Tears streamed from my eyes as I drove in deep thought. I gave him the benefit of the doubt with his situation, but he couldn’t do that shit for me. If Dean had really done that interview I couldn’t understand why. What was his agenda?

I wiped the tears from my eyes and called Dean. “Dean!” I yelled once I heard his voice.

“You miss me?” He asked in that cocky, northern accent.

“What the fuck are you trying to prove?” I asked not holding anything back.

“What do you mean?” He asked playing dumb.

“Why would you lie Dean? You know nothing happened between us! Do you realize that I do have a life that you’ve ruined! What the hell made you tell a fucking gossip magazine that we’re together?!” I was fuming. If he had been standing in front of me I would’ve punched the shit out of his smug ass.

Dean just let out a light chuckle. “It was just press ma. Think of it as a publicity stunt. You know, to boost revenue. Don’t worry you’ll get paid, with your fine ass. You’re a Beauvois and your fame can sale anything.”

I was shocked and appaled. “What? That’s all this shit was to you? Do you realize that I had a boyfriend? I guess you didn’t give a shit! This was all about you! You plotted this shit from the beginning! You just broke up my relationship! I don’t need your fucking money! I’m richer than you! Remember!” I was speeding. I always drove fast when I got upset.

“So, that means you’re single. I have a chance then right? It could be you and me ma. We’d be a power couple for real. You’re sexy. I’m sexy. This could be some hot shit.”

I couldn’t believe him. “Listen to me you sick, greedy fuck! You will be hearing from my lawyers! The billboard is coming down tomorrow! I will have your ass in court so fast your fucking arrogant ass head will spin! Fuck your little precious WoMan Ross ad! It’ll never hit the shelves! You will be so broke I will have your lame ass designing for me! You fucked with the wrong bitch! I will ruin you!” With that said I hung up and tossed the phone in the passenger seat. I calmed down and lifted my foot from the gas slightly steadying my speed to a slow cruise. I could feel the mist on my skin as I got closer to the ocean. I ended up at Renell’s door.

Chapter 1


              It was already seven a.m. and mother and father still weren’t home. I was worried because they’d assured me that Edwin would be picking them up from the airport. Their plane was scheduled to land at five. I sent up a silent prayer and sat down in front of the television. There was a news bulletin about a plane crash. I turned up the volume and read the words that flashed across the screen. A plane had crashed before it had even made its way out of Thailand. It was my parents’ flight. The sound of the phone startled me and I jumped up to answer it.

“Hello,” I answered in a whisper.

“Are you okay Miss Seantay?” Edwin asked.

Tears started to fall down my cheeks and my sobs were uncontrollable. “No! I saw it on the news!  What the hell is going on Edwin?”

“I’m not sure. All I know is that at first they said the plane was delayed, but now they are saying there’s been a plane crash. I was told that the engine failed about forty minutes after take off. It looks like we are going to have to wait to find out any additional information,” he explained. “I will be there soon.”

Just then Jacques walked into the room with a worried look on his handsome face. “Call your sisters,” he instructed sternly.

“Okay,” I said feeling like I was in shock.

My attention focused back on the news. The young, white reporter talked in a monotone voice and I listened on autopilot. “There isn’t much to go on. The plane’s engine failed and caused a fire. We’re told that the whole plane was engulfed in flames. It is unknown if there are any survivors
. We will continue bringing you coverage on this story as more information becomes available. Back to you regularly scheduled program.”

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