BirthStone (31 page)

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Authors: Sydney Addae

Tags: #interracial paranormal romance, #bwwm erotic romance, #wolf alpha male, #bwwm erotic romance remove bwwm interracial remove bwwm paranormal romance remove shifters romance remove lions remove bikers remove bounty hunters remove

BOOK: BirthStone
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Rose was already inside the nursery. “I’ve
got David and Renee ready to go,” she said. “We’re going to have to
roll them to keep the IV’s intact.”

Jasmine nodded and started to work on Jackie
and then Adam. She looked at the nurses who were gathering their
things to head for a separate underground tunnel. “Thank you
ladies, be safe. La Patron has a security screen around the
compound so no other hits will impact the buildings. But he wants
everyone in the tunnels until he accesses the damages. I suspect
he’ll give updates within the hour.”

“Thank you, Ma’am.” They left the nursery
through one door while Jasmine wheeled two small incubators and
Rose wheeled the other two out a different door. She watched as
Jarcee brought up the rear, making sure no one entered the private
corridor. Once they accessed the elevator he remained outside,
unable to continue further.

Silas walked through the rubble at the back
of the compound. The gym and separate condos had been hit. It would
take some time to repair. Froggy and Stefan had been taken to the
infirmary for injuries. He was thankful there weren’t more people
in the gym, but it was late. Tyrese and Tyrone took a group of
security to search and scan the forest for proof that the mortars
had come from the coverage of green foliage. He expected the police
chief any moment, as well as a few investigators. Hopefully, the
twins would have some information to give them.

Silas sat on the floor of the gym and looked
out the hole in the side of the wall. His fortress had never been
attacked before. He’d never taken a direct hit…until now.

Jasmine, are you and my pups

Yes, where’s mama?”

He had forgotten. “


Take Victoria and Mark to the staff

Yes, Sir. I… I was on my way to her
suite to check on her, thank you for not making me look like a

I understand mates, do what you need to
do to keep her safe. You have to include Mark, though.”


Silas shook his head and looked at the
“Jacques is on his way to her suite.”

Any of the wings get hit?”

Just the outermost buildings.”

You think it was Merriweather?”

Yeah. I did take his mother.”

She didn’t laugh as he expected. “
warned me this might happen.”


When you asked me to postpone the
christening, you said this could happen. I didn’t listen. I’m
sorry, Silas. More than you could know.”

I feel your pain and your sorrow,
Jasmine. I do know, sweet bitch. We will work through this
together. Merriweather will not win.”

Where are the twins?”

He exhaled. “
In the forest searching for
clues, they should be back in a few minutes.”
He waited for her

Okay, let me know when they’re back

Surprised, but pleased, he spoke,

Mama’s in the other tunnel?”

Yes, she doesn’t have access to ours,
you understand?”

Yeah, I do. It’s just hard. I don’t know
how to tell her she’s being poisoned. I don’t even know if she’ll
understand. Hopefully Mark can help me get through to her.”

Yeah, he needs to know as well.”

Sir?” Jacques called out to him.


Victoria isn’t waking up. Mark had
fallen in the shower, has some sort of bruise on his forehead, but
Victoria is unconscious.”

Silas, is that Jacques? I can’t hear him
clearly. Is something wrong with mama?”
He told her what
Jacques told him.

Get her to the hospital or to the
she demanded.

He hesitated taking the woman to the lab
area where the larger infirmary was located. The one in the other
tunnel area was rarely staffed because of the wolf’s abilities to
self-heal. “
The ambulance is on its way along with the police.
Shouldn’t they take a look at her?”

That’s fine with me, but they’re going
to draw blood, might have some questions…I just want her taken care

I can’t allow Mark in the lab

That’s okay. Just have Matt or Dr.
Passen look at her. It could be the poison from the drugs.”

Separating Mark and Victoria is going to
be tricky, especially with Jacques in the picture.”

Just do it, please.”

This was one part of dealing with family
Silas could do without.


Is your mate awake?”

Not yet, Sir.”

Where is Mark?”

In the bathroom getting dressed. I
helped bandage his head
.” Silas heard the disgust in Jacques
voice and snorted.

Take Victoria down to the tunnels, right
now. Mark is not permitted and I’m only making this allowance for
my mate. Matt will look at her. Leave now while he is in the

Yes, Sir.”

Silas stood and finished his inspection of
the damage. He had just completed the condos when Tyrese called out
to him.

We are returning, Sir.”

Silas opened an area so the scouts could
enter the compound. He waited until they were inside the damaged
gym before cutting off access. Tyrone and Tyrese shifted. Leonidas
padded around a bit and then sat nearby. Two other wolves sat next
to Leonidas.

“What’d you find?”

“Scents connected to Griggs and
Merriweather. They used remotes, cowards,” Tyrese spat.

Silas updated them on family matters.

“Mark’s going to try and find her,” Tyrone
said, grinning.

“Security is going to corral him to the
EMTs,” Silas said. “Where is Griggs?”

“Gone,” Tyrone said.

Silas nodded. “Let’s find Alfred.”

Hank contacted him. “Police called. There’s
been another explosion on the edge of town at the mill, one dead,
two hurt, plus there was quite a bit of property damage. Hold on,
another call’s coming in.” He paused. “Merriweather is melting down
in the town square, screaming you killed his family. He’s swearing
to blow up everything unless you turn yourself in to the Feds. The
police are clearing the area but have no idea if he’s loaded.”

“Damn,” Silas murmured. “That man is a pain
in my ass.” He gazed at the twins, unsure if he should allow them
to travel with him.

“What’s up?” Tyrese asked, watching him

Leon had shifted and stood further back, but
he was alert as well as Tyrone. The other two security men had
stepped back to guard the entry, but they would be able to hear him
as well.

Silas briefly repeated what Hank said and
wasn’t surprised by the glimmer of lights in the twins’ eyes. They
had been sparring in the gym and relished a fight with real
adversaries. But this wouldn’t be one on one, or one on ten.
Merriweather would have someone nearby locked and loaded. Silas
doubted the man was on a suicide mission and didn’t expect
Merriweather to carry explosives.

“Son of a bitch,” Tyrone said and then

“I have an idea,” Tyrese said, and then

Silas nodded. Tyrese’ plan could work. “Grab
what you need and we’ll leave in five. I’ve got to get a couple of
things myself.” He glanced at Leon. “Be ready in five, you’re going
with us.” He didn’t miss the man’s feral grin. Silas shook his head
at the eagerness they all showed at the prospect of bringing down
prey. Youth, he scoffed silently.

Chapter 27


After giving Jackie her medication, Jasmine
discovered the container was empty, fortunately she’d had enough to
give each child their prescribed doses. There were more meds in the
nursery. Once the children were asleep and Rose lay on the sofa
watching a video, Jasmine decided to leave.

“I’m going to grab another bottle of meds
for the next round. Silas and the guys will be in town for a while
checking the damage. It won’t take me long, you need anything from
upstairs?” she asked, thinking she would check on her mom while she
was out.

“No, I’m good. They’re going to be asleep
for a few hours, I’ll probably doze off myself before the movie

“Okay, be back in a bit.” She left the suite
and after signing herself out of the maximum security area, headed
for the nursery. The corridors were eerily quiet. Most personnel
were in the separate tunnel and hadn’t been released yet. She had
broken protocol by leaving her space but she’d need to medication
in a few hours, better to get it now rather than risk falling
asleep and forgetting until it was too late.

The private elevator arrived near the
nursery and she noticed Jarcee standing in the shadows. He came to
attention when she stepped off.

Waving him down, she offered a brief
explanation. “I forgot the children’s meds.”

He nodded and lagged behind her. Inside the
nursery, she grabbed two bottles of the medicine, a few additional
blankets and clothes, which she stuffed into a diaper bag. The high
security area was fully stocked with food and diapers, but Renee
preferred the blanket Jasmine pulled from the shelf, along with a
few other particulars.

“Got it.” She hefted the bag over her
shoulder and returned the way she had come. Once she entered the
elevator, Jarcee nodded and returned to his post. Instead of
stopping the elevator on the maximum security floor, she headed
down to the labs with the infirmary to check on her mom. This
elevator stopped in the rear of the laboratory, closer to Asia than
the front where her mom had been taken. Thinking this would only
take a few moments, Jasmine headed toward the front of the area.
She had just turned a corner when she saw Mark. Smiling, she shook
her head. She had told Silas the man would try to find her mom.

She raised her hand to call out to him,
thinking they could walk the rest of the way together, when he
stopped in front of Asia’s cubicle.

Puzzled, Jasmine stopped and watched as he
placed something metallic on the door. Seconds later he punched
keys on the security pad that would allow access into the room.
Jasmine’s breath caught as the door opened and Asia flew out of the
room like a tornado. She hit Mark so hard in the chest, the sound
echoed in the hall. He swung and she ducked and hit him again.

Silas called.

Watching something here. Take care of
what you’re doing.”

Are you in trouble?”

She scoffed as the fight intensified.

No, Mark and Asia are fighting

he yelled.

Yeah, I’ll get back with you. Focus on
the bombs, Silas. Trust me, I got this
.” she said with more
confidence than she felt.

I’m sending security.”

Don’t insult me. I said I had this.
Leave it to me.”

Okay, just don’t burn down the building,
and we will discuss why you are not where I asked you to be when I

Because I’m a grown woman, Silas, and
your mate. It’s my job to put out fires, not start them. Go away,
the fight’s getting interesting.”

Mark stumbled, but didn’t fall. Instead, he
bulked up like the incredible Hulk and returned the hit. Jasmine’s
hand flew to her mouth as Asia went from a slender size eight to
five times her size, with a huge snout, pointy ears, razor looking
claws, and long sharp teeth. She made snapping and barking sounds
that sent a chill of excitement down Jasmine’s spine. Mark had his
hands full fighting Asia’s two-legged wolf.

The two combatants fought in earnest. Gone
was the man who'd fawned over her mother the past few days. Mark’s
confident movements landed powerful blows. Even blind, Asia fought
with speed and cunning, drawing blood from her opponent. But it
became obvious her blindness was a major handicap. When Mark picked
Asia up and slammed her onto the ground, the snapping sound,
coupled with the loud scream of pain, catapulted Jasmine into

One moment she watched in horrified silence,
the next she was airborne, heading for Mark. Her fist slammed into
his jaw, knocking him off his feet as he flew backward and skidded
across the floor. Running, she grabbed the much larger man by his
tattered shirt and punched him in the face again and again. He
pushed her back, causing her to stumble.

Standing shakily, he shook his head, snarled
and ran at her. Fire raced up her back as she braced her feet apart
and then jumped out of the way when he reached her. Spinning, she
watched as he tried to stop and fell short. Before he could
regroup, she ran forward, jumped and kicked him in the back. He hit
the ground.

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