Read BirthDate (La Patron, the Alpha's Alpha) Online

Authors: Sydney Addae

Tags: #paranormal romance, #paranormal wolf romanance, #interracial shifter romance, #la patron series, #silas knight, #interracial family shifter romance, #wolf shifter romance

BirthDate (La Patron, the Alpha's Alpha) (25 page)

BOOK: BirthDate (La Patron, the Alpha's Alpha)
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“A word with you, Silas,” Angus said as they passed him.
“I don’t have time right now.” Silas continued walking. Leon was behind him with Brix following.
“I have more things to share with you and would appreciate traveling to this new lab as well,” Angus said following after them.
“Call my office, make an appointment and we can talk later, not now.”
“This information is critical to the success of your trip.”
Silas stopped, closed his eyes and turned. “I said no…” His mouth dropped open.
“What the hell?” Leon whispered as he stared at Angus.
“That is not a black wolf trick,” Silas said pointing.
“No this is not. Typically we can change the color of our wolf to shades of black, or the stockings or tips of ears. However, when the threat of the Liege became known to us, we improved on the chameleon gift that is our heritage,” Angus said in a softer, more feminine voice. He held up his wrist, the light hit a goldish looking bracelet he wore. “Technology comes in handy at times. Brix has used it to alter his appearance for the past five years. Now tell me you do not believe I can be of assistance in this endeavor?”
Silas shook his head, unsure what to say as he stared in awe at Angus, who now looked like Asia’s twin.

Chapter 15


Mélange glanced behind her, checking that her passenger was secure in the steel cage that took up half the small underwater pod. She tapped her Bluetooth to make a call. He answered on the first ring.
“You have her?”
“Yes, Sir. I am nearing the location for the next step.” She glanced at the coordinates and realized she should be arriving within ten minutes.
“Good. The van is waiting along with a truck. They will follow you to the main road and then split off. I will give you the coordinates once you have loaded the merchandise. How did it go? Anyone follow or suspicious?”
She thought back. “No, it was a smooth exchange. Sims rolled her on board and then placed her in the pod. Just as he finished La Patron showed up, I left before he got to the boat.” She was sure Sims died for his role in stalling the wolf leader but it couldn’t be helped.
“Did you remove the tracking device? It should have still been in her chest.”
“Yes, Sir, I removed it.” The small chip had moved in the opposite direction, and was near the surface of her skin making it easy to extract.
“What of Orsis?”
Mélange’s feelings regarding her former partner were mixed. Orsis wasn’t much to look at, brown hair, average height and build guy, but he was cunning and smart. More than once he had saved her ass. Leaving him behind had been difficult, the man was hot in bed, but when she was approached for this side job she jumped on the opportunity to move up in the organization.
“I told him I needed to check on something. He never questioned. The last I saw of him a huge black wolf was running toward him.” For old times’ sake she hoped he survived. Even though he wanted nothing more from her than occasional sex, she could trust him whenever they were on Liege business to watch her back and that was rare.
“His chips blinked out. You are the only one who made it out of there alive. La Patron was thorough.”
Her fingers tightened on the control as she processed the fact her former partner was dead. “The wolf killed him?” her jaw tightened.
“Could be, or the hybrid or La Patron. I do not know who killed him. He was an excellent operative and will be missed.”
Surprised to hear any kind of praise regarding someone other than himself, Mélange nodded. “He was loyal to the Liege.” She knew better than to pay tribute to another employee. Everything all operatives did must lead to the success of the Liege Lords. But her thoughts couldn’t be monitored, and she wished whoever killed her partner a long and painful death. Later she would mourn his loss; right now she had to deliver the most sought after person in the world to her Liege.
“Yes, he was, so are you, Mellie.”
She cringed. His nickname for her grated her nerves. “Thank you, Sir.”
“There is an opening in the Canadian office, I think you will be perfect. You will oversee a hundred workers in our manufacturing plant. The hours will be long, but if you do as well as I suspect, financially you will be set for a long time.”
Exhaling, she touched the flashing red button on the dashboard. If she could take back the night in Rio five years ago when she allowed him to take her to bed she would. The sex had been over before she was warmed up and he snored like a grouchy bear. The next morning at breakfast she had been politely grille over her past life. When she left later that day, she had unwittingly given him keys that he dangled in front of her whenever he wanted something. Griffith may have been horrible in the sack, but he was one of the geniuses behind the Liege Lords organization.
“Thank you, Sir, for your consideration and the opportunity to serve my Lieges. I will do my best to bring honor to your recommendation, Sir.”
He chuckled. “And you want to make a lot of money too. I know that is the driving force behind your actions, you cannot trick me. But since I understand why, it works in our favor.”
She nodded. If only he knew. Taking the job with the organization ten years ago, money and the chance to rub her success in her family’s face had been the reason she accepted the job without researching the company. Once she started, she realized her mistake within the first ninety days, but it was too late. The first of many implants had been slipped beneath her skin.
When she graduated from high school, she joined the military and eventually went to officers training. Her family had seen her stint as an officer in the army as a desperate move by an unwanted child and mocked her. She had thought working for a large corporation would be just the thing to make them see her as more than the bastard child of her deceased mother’s lover.
Now they thought she lived an exciting life as a marketing executive traveling around the world. She sent them pictures of her in the best clothes at the best hotels and all they did was ask for more money. Not once had she been invited to any of the birthday parties, christenings or Christmas celebrations that she paid for. The only contact she had with them was through emails. No one ever contacted her to just say hello or ask how she was doing.
“Yes, Sir. I don’t ever want to be dependent on family again,” she said knowing he expected a similar response.
“Clan is not all it should be these days. You should be at the pickup point,” he said.
“Yes, Sir.” She wasn’t surprised that he knew exactly where she was, the man was a brilliant strategist and never left anything to chance. Although she was surprised when he gave her this assignment, everyone knew Asia was a loose cannon and under La Patron’s protection, she immediately accepted. “I am shutting off the pod now; the men are securing it to the dock.”
“Ah, La Patron’s plane has left, they are on their way to Minnesota. I will make sure they are welcomed.” He paused. “Let me know when she is loaded and you are ready to drive. Leave behind them and I will give you the co-ordinates.”
“Yes, Sir,” she said her mind focused on parking the water vehicle and stretching her legs. When the door opened, she grabbed her back pack and stepped out.
“Bring the cage out and store it in my van. Be careful with her, I don’t want her to wake up.” Despite Griffith’s assurance that Asia would be drugged and harmless. She had given the woman another shot as soon as they submerged. Asia had the highest body count in the organization, the woman had been around for decades. No one messed with her.
Once her feet hit land, Mélange stretched. Standing in her alligator boots near the swirling water, she watched as two men lifted the cage from the pod and handed it off to the two men on the ground. They held Asia between them and headed toward the trucks. One of the men fiddled with a palm held device and the pod slowly sank beneath the water. Mélange snorted as she followed behind the men. Griffith had always been in control of the pod. Had she attempted to do anything other than what he wanted, these men would have given her a different type of greeting.
After the cage containing Asia was locked into place in the back of the van, the men went to two separate trucks. “Sir, I am locked and loaded.”
“Good, here are the co-ordinates.”
She typed them into the GPS. “Yes, Sir they are in. I have an arrival time of two hours and forty minutes. Is that correct, Sir?”
“Yes, depending on traffic. But at this time of the morning the roads should be clear. You should arrive in time for an early breakfast.”
She smiled. “Yes, Sir.”
He laughed. “Thought you’d like that. Get moving, your clock starts now.”
She turned the key and shifted gears. “Yes, Sir, waiting for the first truck to move.” The trucks moved into position slowly with her in the middle. “Moving out now, Sir.” She had no doubt the drivers in the other vehicles were making similar comments to him now. He probably had a video installed somewhere in the van. She made quick glances around the van but nothing was glaringly obvious.


Chapter 16


A low throb at the back her head greeted Asia as she slowly wakened. Opening her senses, but not her eyes, she thanked the Goddess that she was no longer rocking on the waves of the boat. For some reason she had yet to discover, being on a boat terrified her. Somewhere hidden in the deep recesses of her mind lay the reason and one day she would have her answer. A few moments later she realized she was in a car. The smooth motion soothed her.
Sensing she was not alone, she commanded her body to remain in a comatose state while she checked things out.
Inhaling, she recognized the scent from the lab. This female was with Deets when she had been captured. Asia tried to remember what happened, everything was blank after she was placed on the boat.
“Asia?... Please tell me you are okay? Well… alive and healthy.”
“Yes, I just woke up. They gave me something while I …after I passed out. I wonder where I am. They removed the tracker. I am not sure who has me this time.”
“Silas walked me through how to lock on you so they can come to you. If we’re lucky they’ll beat your plane at the airport.”

“Why are they in a plane? Where are they going?”
That made no sense.

“They are headed to Minnesota to the other lab. It was the closest one to Pennsylvania.”
She paused
. “Are you on a plane?”

BOOK: BirthDate (La Patron, the Alpha's Alpha)
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