Read BirthDate (La Patron, the Alpha's Alpha) Online

Authors: Sydney Addae

Tags: #paranormal romance, #paranormal wolf romanance, #interracial shifter romance, #la patron series, #silas knight, #interracial family shifter romance, #wolf shifter romance

BirthDate (La Patron, the Alpha's Alpha) (20 page)

BOOK: BirthDate (La Patron, the Alpha's Alpha)
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“Yes, Sir.” Samuel left the room heading to the opening with his cell phone in hand.
“Silas the stranger knows Angus, Asia says he is afraid of the two of you. I hope you can use that against him.”

“Thanks… you okay
?” She had been practicing controlling her energy, but was nowhere as good as she needed to be to enter a person and leave them whole. He hoped the connection she shared with Asia helped to keep her focused otherwise Asia might die and his mate would be forever changed, loaded with guilt.

“Yeah, I’m fine
,” she said too glibly. She had shuttered their link so he could not fully gauge her feelings. Perhaps that was for the best. She needed to do this on her own.

“Good, I’m proud of you. Let me know if you find out anything else

“Gotta go, the disgusting man is preparing to give her the shot.”
He wanted to offer assistance, but refrained. She hadn’t asked. Instead, he walked further into the room just as a door in the back of the room opened. The residents perked up, smiled, nodded as the man dressed in a gray jumpsuit walked in and took a seat.
Pleased that they had a pack mentality, even if they did not shift, Silas crossed his arms and stared at the older man. “Bruce?”
The older man nodded. “La Patron?”
Silas nodded, pleased when the man bowed in respect. He wasn’t sure if they understood pack protocol.
Smiling, Bruce ran his hand across his face. “She saw me, then? I wasn’t sure, but I hoped.”
Taken aback, Silas’ brow rose. “You knew Asia was there?”
“You saw her?” someone asked.
“She is safe?” Another asked.
Bruce nodded slowly. Silas wasn’t sure whose questions the man answered until he spoke. “I sensed her wolf. Deets couldn’t pick up anything and I know very little of the other two. Neither the man or woman have been here before, at least I have never seen them. As for her safety? It depends on what she does next.”
Silas sensed the man knew more than what he was saying. He ran a scan over Bruce searching for technology as well as the odor of deceit. “Tell me what you know and make it quick, they will blow up the lab.”
Bruce nodded. “Yes. I know. First off, they do not have her box. We have preserved it for her.” He waved and one of the women walked toward Silas and pulled something from beneath her dress. She placed a small metal box at his feet.
“That is the box she returned for. We have no idea what is in it and ask that you respect her privacy as well. The young bitch has suffered more than most and deserves her freedom,” Bruce said.
“Jasmine, I have Asia’s box.”
“Okay, I’ll tell her later. He is moving her down somewhere. I will show my ass Silas if someone doesn’t stop this soon.”
“Where are they taking her?” Silas asked Bruce, sensing he was the pack leader.
“To another lab or to the incinerator. At least that is what they said in front of me. I don’t trust those two. Especially the male, he did not smell right.”
Another lab? Silas hadn’t thought this was the only location, but he had hoped. “Do you know where the other lab is located?”
“No, Sir. I have never left here, and they never discussed particulars of other locations,” Bruce said.
Asia also said the stranger had an odd smell. “Describe the stranger to me,” Silas said. When Bruce finished the brief description the male could be any average height white male with brown hair walking the planet. There was nothing distinguishable about him.
“Take us where they are taking her now.” Silas sensed his mate’s growing anger and sought to soothe her before she detonated.
“Yes, Sir. But first we would give you these things in case we do not survive.” Bruce waved and each person stood, shed their clothes and removed bagged disks, or chips, or flash drives that were taped to their bodies. One by one they quickly dropped the bounty at Silas’ feet.
Excited over what he received, Silas needed Bruce to confirm what was on the disks. He raised his brow at the man.
Bruce gazed at the small pile on the floor as he spoke. “It did not take us long to realize what they were doing here was wrong. Others saw the abuse, fought back and died. We decided the best way to beat our oppressors was to become invisible, while gathering information. Information that could be used against them one day. They thought we stayed because we feared the outside. We stayed to see that one day they would be destroyed. We were not sure how or who to give this too, until we heard your name, La Patron. They were envious of your control over our brethren, and partnered with others over the years to slow you down, keep you unaware.”
“No one pays attention to the cook and what she sees or hears,” a woman said as she returned to her seat.
“Or the seamstress who makes their clothes,” another said.
Silas stood in wonder at what they had done.
Bruce waved toward the residents. “We have silently copied everything we could over the years and stored it in various ways as you can see. This tyranny on our people must end.” He paused and looked at Silas who still had not spoken.
“One of the reasons Asia must leave here with them is so that she can see the enemy in his camp. We have never had the stranger come here before. The way Deets responded to him suggests he is a high ranking member of the group or has access to the higher ups.”
Impressed by the windfall at his feet and how well Bruce spoke, Silas nodded. “We are working on a plan with Asia. And one day I would like to sit and discuss things with you, with all of you.” No need to tell anyone about his mate and the likelihood that Asia would not be going to the enemy’s camp today.
Leon, Tyrone and Tyrese stepped inside the room as Silas gazed at all the data and returned his gaze to Bruce. “Thank you, this will help us tremendously.”
“Hello Leon,” Bruce said.
“Hey, Jan. Good to see you.” Leon walked to the back and hugged the man while Silas told the twins what was on the floor.
“Do you have a box or bag that I can put this in and take up,” Tyrone asked.
“Yes.” One of the men stood and pulled a large garbage bag from his pocket.
“Thanks,” Tyrone said as he took the bag and carefully placed the various forms of data inside. “This will make Matt and Passen’s week. Jacques will be doing flips as well.”

Silas nodded and spoke to the twins through their link. “
Your mother is with Asia in the tunnel. If we do not break up the party soon she has promised to set things ablaze

Tyrese nodded.
Tyrone shook his head and handed the bag to Samuel as he walked in. “Please lock this up, we will pick it up after we grab Asia.”
“Where is she?”
“Bruce is taking us down. Take the residents with you. Leave now,” Silas said turning to follow the janitor who had stood.
“Yes, Sir.” Samuel waved to the residents who remained sitting. “Come with me, we have to leave. By the time we reach the top, transportation will be waiting.”
The residents did not move.
Tired of the delay, Silas looked at Bruce. “Either you tell them to leave or I will compel their wolves and have Alpha drag them upstairs. You have three seconds to make a decision. One…”
Bruce’s gaze slid across his and then he nodded. The residents stood and filed out the room looking back at them as they went. The janitor turned, opened the door and took them through.

“He was kinda like their Alpha, huh?”
Tyrone asked Silas, but included Tyrese in their conversation as they moved slowly down the steep steps.

“Yeah, that was weird
,” Tyrese said.

“Having a pack mentality will help them later.”
Silas glanced behind at Angus, surprised the wolf hadn’t said much. “
Any thoughts on who the stranger may be? Asia said he knew you and I were above ground, called you by name

“If you are implying that he is with me, or that I am acquainted with anyone remotely responsible for this outrageous operation, I take offense. If that is not your implication the answer is the same as what I suppose yours must be. I do not know who he is, but I want to find out.”
“I changed the implant,” Bruce whispered over his shoulder.
“What?” Silas asked as they moved single file down the concrete steps.
“Deets sent me to get his supplies. I exchanged the chip implant with one of the first ones they made. What he inserted in Asia is harmless and will dissolve within five days. That’s one of the reasons they ditched them. Left them lying around for me to clean up.” He chuckled.
Silas wanted to howl, his relief was that profound. Not that he did not trust his mate, he did implicitly, but he knew she was not ready to take on the emotional weight of holding a life in her hand. “You have the chip he planned to install?”
“Yes, Sir. I will give it to you when we clear the stairs.”
“Asia is nearing the end of a dark tunnel. Most of the people are human, two breeds. Tell me you are close, Silas.”
“I am close Sweet Bitch. You are doing a great job easing Asia’s distress and keeping her calm. The Goddess showed her wisdom when she joined the two of –”

“Stop the bullshit and get the hell in here, I am not allowing them to take her, Silas. I don’t
give a damn about your quest

“I understand, sweetness. I am close
.” No need to tell her about the bogus chip or that he had hit the mother lode with all the data that had been taken over the years. She was too close to the edge and needed to remain focused.

“Once we get to the bottom, they will know we are here. Be prepared for gunfire and all hell to break loose,” Bruce said. “I will go first and draw their fire, that will give you time to get out.”
“No.” Silas said as he released energy creating a shield. It was obvious Bruce had no real idea how wolves or Silas’ wolves fought. They had no need of the janitor to give his life as a safeguard. “You will return upstairs and leave this place. Find your pack and work alongside Alpha Samuel to get them settled into his den. You have served our nation well today. I will find and repay you.”
“Yes…Yes, Sir,” Bruce said as they neared the bottom. “Here and no repayment is necessary.” He placed the chip in Silas’ hand and then pointed to the door. “I need to place my palm print on the door for it to open.”
“No. I am sure that has been changed and will only give them more time to prepare for our attack. I will open the door,” Silas said waving the older wolf toward the stairs. “Go and thank you again.”
Inhaling, Silas smelled the humans and the mutated breeds on the opposite side of the door and was sure everyone else had as well.
“Yes, Sir.” Bruce ran back up the stairs. Silas sent Samuel a message that the janitor was on his way and to take him along with the rest of the residents.

“You are going to leave this cramped space, I hope
,” Angus said in a dry tone.

“You are going to do more than observe this time, I hope
,” Silas said mimicking him.

“Of course.”
Silas focused on the door and exhaled. The heavy metal door flew backward, knocking whoever was in its path on their ass. Immediately gunfire erupted. Encased in a protective shield, Silas and the others stepped out the doorway and onto the landing. Leon, Tyrone and Tyrese bulked and spun out taking on anyone in their path.
“I’m here sweet bitch, where are you?”

“Trying to keep Asia from getting seasick. They are taking her to the boat.

Silas saw two boats further up and headed toward them, Angus was on his heels. All around them gunfire broke out. After the twins and Leon took out the breeds the sounds lessened to muffled screams.
BOOK: BirthDate (La Patron, the Alpha's Alpha)
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