Billionaire’s Quarry: A Billionaire, Bad Boy, Romance (An Alpha Billionaire Romance Boxed Set) (87 page)

BOOK: Billionaire’s Quarry: A Billionaire, Bad Boy, Romance (An Alpha Billionaire Romance Boxed Set)
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My body finally feels like mine again. I’ve been distant even from myself. Not letting a lot go into my brain as I try to come to terms with what has happened to me in very low doses.

I slip over Blake’s monster cock. As he fills me, it takes me to another place. A place only he can take me. A place I’ve been afraid of, but for some reason that fear is gone.

He rolls me over and lays me back on a mountainous pillow, my body still inclined towards his. He never lets us part and moves in and out of me as he looks down, watching our bodies connect and disconnect as he pulls all the way out of me with each long stroke.

It’s as if he’s seeing that he can live whether he’s inside me or not. That life can go on whether I stay or run. Then his eyes look into mine and I see it. I see the acceptance he’s giving me.

“I love you, Rachelle. No matter what you ever do, I love you and always will.” His body presses to mine and he takes my mouth to his, swirling his tongue over mine.

It doesn’t feel like he’s trying to dominate me like before. It doesn’t feel as if he’s trying to make me his. It feels like he wants us just to be. Just as much as I’ll allow us to be.

It feels perfect.

His blonde curls I wrap my hands in. Their soft and it’s one of the things I’ve missed most. One of my hands runs over his back and I moan as his muscles bunch with every soft, long stroke he makes into me.

He moans back into my mouth and one of his hands moves into my hair and he wraps it around his fist, pulling at it lightly. The softness is great, but I want more and I arch against him, trying to convey my need for him.

A little faster he moves, a little harder he thrusts, a little tighter he pulls my hair. My stomach grows taught as my insides tighten and my legs wrap around him.

His mouth moves off mine and he takes my neck in a hard bite as he begins to pound into me, taking my breath with his first really hard thrust. He sucks and bites my neck and it sends me into a frenzy.

I want him all, I need him all. I arch up to meet every hard thrust, bucking beneath him. All I can think about it how fantastic it will feel when his liquid heat fills me.

His lips touch my ear, his words hot, “Come.”

One single command and my body does as he’s said. I break apart inside and he strokes me that much harder. It’s made things a lot more slick, and he flows in and out of me faster.

My body pulses and pulls for him to join me in this ecstasy, but he holds on. His teeth clenched together as he holds onto his own release. He grunts a little and takes one of my breasts in his hot mouth and sucks hard.

The feeling goes straight down into my lower regions and I feel the ache of another hard orgasm building. Long, hard tugs he takes on my breast and I fall apart. Only this time he comes along for the ride and releases my breast as we both let out hellacious moans.

He rocks against me as our bodies come down off the high mountain top he took them to. I pepper little kisses over his neck and shoulder. Then I place my lips to his ear and whisper the words I know he’s longing to hear, “I love you, Blake.”

The way his body collapses onto mine leaves me with the knowledge he needed to hear those words from me like he needed the air he breathes. His face is the only thing he pulls up, and he looks into my eyes.

His eyes are still dark with emotion. “I love you, Rachelle.”

One sweet kiss he leaves on my pulsing lips. Then he rolls off me, leaving me cold in his wake. To have his body on mine for all eternity is a thing I wish I could have.

Rolling to his side, he pulls me to him, my back to his front, and he runs his arm around my waist. His soft lips touch the back of my neck. “I’m not holding you down, baby. I’m not holding you like you belong to me. I am merely holding you to feel your body next to mine, the way our bodies were meant to be together.”

His words bring something to my heart it had been lacking, though I had no idea it ever was. A sense of companionship. A sense of compassion, and a sense that this man knows me. Inside and out he knows me and he accepts me, big, fat, ugly flaws and shortcomings, and hurtful ways included.

Never have I felt more lucky!



My mind is peaceful. She is back where she should be. Nestled in my arms and sleeping like a baby.

The urge to kiss her awake and make sweet love to her again I am having to fight. She needs to sleep. The way her eyes looked when I saw her told me she’s had so much sorrow and has beaten herself up over too many things.

My mind told me to turn away from her, but my heart wouldn’t allow that. No matter her transgressions, she still is the only real love I’ve ever known and most likely ever will.

To make her happy is all I can think about. To make her feel my love for her encompasses my every thought, my every movement as I take her into my loving arms. I rushed my need for her before and I will never make that mistake again.

She’s sensitive to my feelings. If she senses I need her too much too soon, she’ll run. If she thinks for one second I’m trying to control her, she’ll bolt. Can’t say I blame her after all she’s went through.

She only really trusts herself to take care of what she wants. Again, who could blame her after her own mother let her down at the most vulnerable time of her life?

I have to wonder what I’m in for. She has two crazy as shit parents after all. I have to wonder if I’m strong enough to handle all which goes with this magnificent woman I hold in my arms.

She stirs and her eyes flicker open and she smiles when she sees me looking down at her as I’ve propped my head on my hand. “Hi,” she says, sleepily.

I kiss her cute little nose. “Hi.”

She turns in my arms and wraps her arms around my neck and snuggles into my chest. I lay back down and cuddle her to me. She feels so tiny and I think how I could never have left her somewhere and just walked away the way her mother did all those years ago.

The fact is if she’d never have run from me. I would’ve never let her go. My heart lurches as I think about her leaving me again.

I stop and push the thought from my head. There are no guarantees in this life. I sure as hell know that. I need to take each day as it comes and enjoy what I have at the moment and not dwell on what might happen tomorrow, or the next day, or even the day after that.

Today, this moment, is all which matters right now. I need to live in this moment and cherish the way her body feels as it conforms to mine. The way her warm breath is falling in waves on my chest. The way my love for her makes me feel.

It’s great that she loves me back. It’s fantastic, actually, but I don’t have to dwell on if she’ll love me forever.

It needs to be enough that I have felt all-encompassing love. If I get more days of this that is more than fantastic. If another never comes for me, well, at least I have felt it.

And that’s what really matters, after all!


Intense Luck

An Alpha Billionaire Romance

Book 6



By Michelle Love


Thin rays of pink light stream through a tiny opening in the dark curtains of Blake’s bedroom. His strong arms cradle me and the feeling I’m home is both comforting and scary as hell to me.

Soft kisses on the back of my neck let me know he’s awake and a familiar bump against my back begins to pulse. A low moan he makes and my body fills with heat.

Although we made love more times in the last few days than I can count, I still crave more of this man. He’s gorgeous, sweet, and so very well endowed.

My hand runs over his hip and down his muscular leg as he moves in even closer behind me. I lie on my side in front of him and lean my body back to meet his. He lifts my hair and peppers my neck with sweet little kisses.

“Good morning,” I say with a giggle as his kisses tickle me.

“Good morning to you.” He turns me in his arms and I’m looking into his beautiful, blue, brown eyes.

My stomach tightens as I look into his eyes and find love and freedom in them. His mouth moves over mine and lightly his tongue runs over my bottom lip. I open my mouth and let him come in.

His kiss takes me away from everything, no worries about him leaving me, no fear about what might happen in the future, just pure unadulterated pleasure. My body quickly reacts to his and I press mine to his. The moan he makes lets me know he’s happy with that.

With a quick movement, he turns me over to lie on my back. His knee pushes my legs apart, and he moves his body over mine. I arch up to meet his hard length and find myself moaning as he slides into me.

The way he fills me entirely makes me ache deep inside. My need for him consumes me and I arch up to get him as deep as I can in this position. Slow and steady he takes me.

Tender motions and tenderly he kisses me. I cup the back of his neck and press his mouth harder on mine. His tongue moves against mine with a little more fervor.

Harder he strokes and my heart speeds up as well. His entire body touches mine then he moves it away as he pulls all the way out of me. The absence of his warm body, though only a spilt second, leaves me aching.

He retracts his tongue and moves his mouth to nip at my neck, sending me spiraling towards the end. My nails I drag across his muscled back, making him groan in a sweet agony he returns to me as he bites my neck hard.

My legs start to shake and he pulls back and looks at me. “Do it,” he says and watches me as I let it all go for him.

Tightly I clench my legs around him as I fall apart and he smiles as I do. My breath comes in waves and it makes him smile even more. He moves harder into me and when it all starts to fade he pounds harder then stops and pulls out.

A quick flip and I’m on my knees. He fills me again and I cry out as he goes deeper and my body convulses around him. It sends the waning orgasm into a full blown one and I moan and make little mewing sounds as he takes me further into the pleasure zone I am sure only he can.

His large hands hold me by my hips and he jerks me back to meet each hard thrust. My body is shaking as he leans over and bites my shoulder as he stiffens and climaxes, sending heat into me.

I scream a little scream and press back to him, relishing how he pulses deep inside me, sending more heat further into me. Once we both stop making any more movements he lies me down and rolls to the side of me.

He rolls right off the bed and I feel cold. I pull the blanket back to cover me and he comes back to the side of the bed with a little grin on his handsome face. My hair he brushes back and kisses my cheek.

“What do you want to do today, my little, sweet princess?”

Lie around in bed with you all day!

“I don’t know, Blake. What do you want to do?”

He kneels down beside the bed and runs his hand over my cheek. “I only want to make you happy.”

He only wants to make me happy yet my stomach dropped when he said the words. I gaze into his eyes and then I smile despite my internal feelings.

“How about you go to the store and get me some things so I can make a really great lunch. I’m thinking Monte Christos and homemade sweet potato fries.”

“Mmmm,” he moans. “Sounds good. I’ll take a shower and get dressed and you make me a list of what you need.” He stands up and strides his delicious naked body to the bathroom and my mouth waters for more of him.

My cell phone buzzes and I pick it up off the night stand to see my mother has left me a text message. -
Your grandfather told me he told you about your father.-

I call her to talk and she answers on the first ring. “Hi Tabitha,” I say. “I hope you didn’t get too angry with Grandpa.”

“I did, but don’t worry about that,” she says. “I never wanted you to know about Rodney. You see, it was his all-consuming love of me that sent me running from him. And the truth is he got me pregnant on purpose. He wanted me to marry him before we even finished high school. He trapped me, by getting me pregnant. He used a condom, but had purposely poked holes in it. Only his trap didn’t work, and I ran.”

“Wow!” I say as she finally tells me the truth about things. “But why run if he was willing to do right by you?”

“I was eighteen. Not at all ready to marry him or be a parent. He didn’t understand, didn’t care to I suppose. He wanted me and kids and he did what he could to make that happen whether I was in agreement or not.” She makes a long sigh then sniffles. “Your grandfather also told me you’re in Lubbock with some man. I just wanted to let you know that you remind me so much of your father.”

“How? How can I remind you of him, he’s crazy?” I ask in complete confusion.

“You have the same tendency he has to strive hard to get what you want. The cooking degree, you know how hard you’ve worked to get that. And this man you’re with now, well, how deeply do you feel for him?” she asks.

“I love him like I never thought possible to love someone,” I answer. “I feel at home with him.”

Another deep sigh my mother makes then says, “Shelly, that’s bad. It’s not normal to think that much about someone, especially so damn soon. I’m really afraid that if this guy dumps you, like the rest did, you’ll end up like your father, going crazy like he did when I left him.”

“I need to go, Tabitha.” My mind is spinning and I feel as if I might be sick. “Thanks for the talk.”

“No problem, Shelly,” she says. “I just don’t want you to go down the same path your father did. Keep men at arm’s length. Keep your heart guarded. You don’t want to end up living under a bridge like he does. Bye now.”

She ends the call and all my hopes of having a slightly normal life with Blake by my side. I pull the blanket up to cover my now shivering body. Shock and disappointment fill me.

Blake walks out of the bathroom looking like the handsome angel he is and I stop my body from shaking. I manage to put a fake smile on my face and say, “Let me write down what I need so you can run and get that for me, babe.”

With a smile he reaches into a drawer and gets out a pen and some paper. He sits down on the bed next to me and strokes my hair as I write the list that will take him a little while to get.

I need the time to get my things and go. My body aches with every little stroke his fingers make over my head. Mentally, I make note of how this feels, for I will never feel it again.

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