Billionaire: Billionaire Romance: Billionaire Tiger (A Billionaire New Adult Shifter Contemporary Romance) (19 page)

BOOK: Billionaire: Billionaire Romance: Billionaire Tiger (A Billionaire New Adult Shifter Contemporary Romance)
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He broke off the kiss and picked up her short frame easily, as if she were merely a piece of his furniture. He plopped her bottom down on a tall table so now they were eye to eye. They grabbed at each other again instantly, their mouths insufficient to satiate their desire. He pushed her legs open and yanked her forward. He was now positioned so his large erection rubbed her sex. Brea wrapped her legs around him and leaned back on her hands and pushed her herself harder against him. She rocked her hips and rubbed her clit over his erection. He looked down at her breasts thrust forward and the beast in his eyes darkened. He grabbed her dress and ripped it open with such force that the buttons flew all over the room, lost forever.

She sat up, she felt exposed. “Stop, Garrett.” She whispered. Her protests loosening the reigns of the beast even more. He growled and pushed her bra down exposing her naked breasts. He pushed his mouth down on her breasts and bit the nipple. Brea cried out in pain and pleasure. He began to suck on the nipple and desire shot down to her clit causing her hips to rock against his cock again.

Garrett pulled his mouth off her breast and grabbed her, pinning her arms against her sides.

“You are the sexiest woman I have ever seen and I will take you whenever I want to.” He growled into her ear.

Brea’s breath was ragged, “Yes.” she moaned, throwing her head back.

Suddenly, Garrett’s phone rang, breaking them both out of their haze. The beast disappeared from Garrett’s eyes. He looked shocked and let go of her instantly.

“Brea…” He started to speak. Brea felt shame rise up in her body. She pulled her shirt over her breasts and held it with her hand as she ran out of the store, crying. She hopped in her car and drove home as fast as she could.

Once home she peeled off her dress and threw it in the garbage. She hopped in the shower as the tears came. What had she done? She had never felt desire like that in her whole life. She was powerless against it. It scared her. She vowed to never be alone with Garrett Mathers again. No matter what her heart said.

Chapter 3


Over the next few days, Brea’s resolve broke down. She had expected him to call with an apology, but she heard nothing. Sarah called to say that Garrett was mysteriously busy at the estate and he had given them carte blanche to plan the wedding. Brea was surprised by how disappointedshe felt.

Saturday was Ben and Sarah’s engagement party. Even though Garrett wasn’t fighting for it anymore, Brea had brokered a compromise and the engagement party was to be held at the hotel were Sarah’s parents met. The wedding would take place at the Mather’s estate. She knew it was important to him and she wanted to show him that he meant something to her.

Brea had been extra busy this week planning the party, but that didn’t stop her from looking for Garrett wherever she went, her heart leaping when she thought she spotted him. But she didn't run into him.

By the weekend, Brea was feeling desperate. She couldn’t stop dreaming or thinking about him. Did he feel the same way? He had said she was the sexiest woman he had ever seen! Did he mean it? Would he ever want her for more than sex?

Brea took extra care getting ready for the party, she knew Garrett would be there and he couldn't avoid her any longer. She pulled on a black silk wrap dress that hugged her curves in all the right places. She curled her hair into soft waves and let it hang loose, framing her face. She carefully applied a sparkly eye and lipgloss. There was no way Garrett could ignore her now.

Brea pulled up at the party early so she could attend to some small details. She was so busy making everything perfect, that by the time she took a break the party was in full swing. Brea grabbed a glass of champagne from the kitchen as she made her way to the party. She paused and admired her handiwork. The room was elegant and simple. Everything was in white, to represent purity, which was important for bear shifter marriages.

She scanned the room for Garrett. She found him looking uncomfortable by the bar, in a form fitting suit. Brea practically drooled. She drained her champagne glass. They made eye contact. Electricity shot through Brea. She could tell he liked what he saw by the way he stared at her. He made his way over to her.

“Brea,” he said as came close. “I am so sorry, that things got…out of hand.” His eyes were kind, no trace of the beast at all. “It’s the perils of being a shifter.”

Brea summoned up her courage.

“I’m not sorry it happened. I can’t stop thinking about you.” She looked directly in his eyes.

“Oh, Brea, there are things you don't understand.”

Disappointment flooded over her. It wasn’t exactly the reunion she was hoping for.

“Come with me.” He lead her to a private conference room next to the party where they could be alone.

“I can’t stop thinking about that day. Something incredible happened between us and I know you felt it too.” Brea blurted out, as soon as they were alone.

“Brea, I want you. You stir up my beast in a way no one else has. But we come from different worlds. I need to be with my own kind.” He looked pained as he said the words.

“But it works for Ben and Sarah.”

“Ben is the youngest, he doesn’t have the same responsibilities as I do.”

“That’s ridiculous, it’s your life you can do whatever you want!” Brea was getting angry, he wanted her, but he was getting in his own way.

“Brea, I… I have a mate.” He refused to look her in the eye.

“What? A mate? You are
? Why did you try to make love to me?” The anger shot out of her and she pounded her fists on his chest. He grabbed her wrists but still she struggled, she wanted to hurt him. As much as he hurt her.

She struggled with him for a few minutes then looked up as his face. His eyes had changed, the beast was coming. She struggled harder, knowing it was turning him on.

“Let me go!” she cried. He held her wrists tighter. A growl escaped him. He pushed her against the wall behind the door. He yanked her wrists above her head and held them hard against the wall. He was so strong he could throw her around like rag doll. He kissed her, hard.

“Garrett.” she breathed, her voice dripping with passion.

“Shut up!” he commanded. “I will tell you what you want.” The beast was back and she felt her panties moisten in anticipation. He could do anything he wanted to her. She couldn’t protest, even if she wanted to.

With his free hand, he untied her dress roughly and pulled it open, exposing her body. He yanked her panties down and pushed his hand between her legs. He pushed a finger into her and felt her wetness. He moaned and pushed two more fingers in. He began to pump his fingers harshly.

“You want this. You like it like this.” he growled.

“Yes,” she whispered, “Yes.”

They were interrupted when the door opened beside them, luckily they were shielded behind it. Garrett put the hand that had just been in pussy over her mouth to keep her quiet. She could smell her sex.

Whoever had opened the door must have had the wrong room, because the shut door without anyone entering the room. Garrett waited a few moments and then let her go.

“Jesus, Brea, what do you do to me?” he shook his head and left the room.

Brea adjusted her clothes. He wanted her. They couldn't be alone together for even a minute before he jumped on her. She didn’t know who this ‘mate’ was but she didn't stand a chance. Brea was determined to never be heart broken again, and this man was meant for her.

The party was going strong when Brea rejoined it after cleaning herself up in the bathroom. Sarah came running up to Brea ecstatically.

“Oh Brea, thank you so much, everything is beautiful! I am so happy we came to a compromise with Garrett too.” Sarah gushed.

“Yes, he is real piece of work isn’t he?” Brea smiled, hoping to pump Sarah for information.

Sarah giggled, “He can be a stubborn but he has a good heart and his traditions are important to him.”

“Well I don’t envy the woman who ends up with him.”

“Oh, he is mated to another shifter. But she hasn’t lived in Ravenswood for years. She went abroad for school. Her name is Priscilla. She and Garrett had been promised to each other since they were kids. They got married right after high school. I haven't heard him even speak of her for months. But apparently she is coming home for the wedding.”

“Have you met her?”

“No, she has been away since before Ben and I met. Well, I should go find Ben!”

“Congratulations Sara, the wedding will be beautiful I promise.” Brea smiled at Sarah, she really was a sweetheart.

She smiled and skipped off to find Ben.

Brea wasn’t ready to give up on Garrett. She hadn’t felt this way about anyone, not even Scott. Maybe Scott had sensed that something was missing and that’s why he left. She knew she couldn’t go through the heartbreak again. It didn't sound like Garrett’s union was very strong. Maybe she still had a chance. Hope fluttered in her heart.

Chapter 4


Brea spent the rest of the weekend working. There was a lot to do, as the wedding was in three weeks and she still had other clients. When she finished up Sunday night, she was exhausted. She relaxed by taking a long, hot bath. It was only when the sweet smell of the lavender oils drifted to her face that the thoughts of Garrett creeped back in. As she let the jets gently massage her muscles, she remembered his touch and the feeling of electricity that coursed through her body. He was a flash of energy to her ordered life. She hadn’t realized how much she needed that until Garrett had showed up in her life. He needed it too, she was sure of it.

Tomorrow she would have a chance to see him again. She was travelling out to his estate to see the spot near the waterfall where the vows were to take place. The estate also boasted a large ballroom for the reception. She was excited to see Garrett’s home and the place where he grew up. Garrett’s two other brothers were away at college, so after Ben got married Garrett would be alone. Unless his mate moved back. Brea pushed the thought out of her head. She climbed out of the bathtub, pulled on a long silk night shirt and put herself to bed. She drifted off to the memory of Garrett hot kisses.

The next morning Brea slept in and woke at 10am. Crap! She was going to be late. She didn’t have time to wash and dry her hair, so she piled it on top of her head in a messy bun. She looked in the mirror and a tired face peered back at her, so she carefully applied makeup. She tucked a deep emerald silk shirt into a high waisted pencil skirt. She completed the look with black pumps. She was trying look professional yet sexy. She checked the time, swore and ran out the door, skipping breakfast.

It was a beautiful drive out to the Mather estate. The day was sunny and bright. Brea felt the excitement build in her stomach at the thought of seeing Garrett. She was going to try again to convince him that he truly wanted to be with her.

She arrived at the gates to the estate in forty minutes flat, she had a bad habit of speeding. As she drove through the gates, her mouth opened in awe. The house was a huge Tudor styled affair. It was positioned in the middle of the property, the back of the house opened up into the woods. A large stream dissected the property. The waterfall was at the back end in a clearing that opened up onto to the rolling green hills that sprawled across the other half of the estate. It would be a beautiful wedding.

She pulled up at the house, climbed out of her car and hopped up the steps to the front door. She rang the bell and the door opened seconds later. Garret stood in the doorway looking gorgeous in his usual tight jeans and faded blue t-shirt.

“You’re late,” he grumbled.

“You’re in a lovely mood,” she retorted.

“I thought maybe you weren’t coming, because of the other night.”

“I am a professional and I have a job to do.” She was feeling especially self-righteous today. “Are you going to let me in? To see the ballroom? The reason I’m here?” She couldn't help the sarcasm dripping from her voice. His presence unnerved her. Why was she being such a bitch?

He just raised an eyebrow at her and she swore she saw a smile curve at the corner of his lips. But it was gone in a second. He moved aside and gestured for her to come in. The inside of the house was equally beautiful, with a dark stained wood floor and high ceilings. He lead her to the ballroom which was just off to the right of the front door.

The ballroom was made of the same dark wood and the windows were all stained glass which gave it the feel of a church. Brea gasped. “It’s beautiful! It’s perfect.”

“So you agree it’s the perfect place for the reception?”

“Of course! I would love to see the waterfall!”

“It’s a short walk away,” he lead her through the ballroom to a door at the back. It opened up on a path along the edge of the woods. They walked along the path together in silence. Brea didn't know what to say. All the determination and bravery she felt in the car on the way here dissipated as soon as she saw Garrett.

When they arrived at the waterfall they still hadn’t spoken to each other. The waterfall was hauntingly beautiful, it was about twenty feet high and cool clean water poured over the top down into a clear pool below. There was a flat wide section of grass near the waterfall. It was big enough to fit the fifty guests Ben and Sarah had invited.

Garrett had erected his archway at the edge of grass nearest the waterfall. 
“Oh Garret, it’s beautiful! It’s absolutely perfect!” Brea dared to imagine herself getting married in that very spot someday.

“I don’t want to say I told you so, but…” his words trailed off and the smile returned to his lips. Brea smiled at him and she felt her heart almost burst. It was the perfect moment for Brea to talk to Garrett again about how she felt.

Garrett interrupted her thoughts just as she was about to speak. “Is that all you need? I’m sure you want to get back to work. “

“Garrett, I want to talk to you, about us.” His coldness did not dissuade her.

“Brea, you know how I feel. I can’t be with a human.”

“I know how you feel about me! You can barely keep your hands off of me!”

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