Billionaire: Billionaire Romance: Billionaire Tiger (A Billionaire New Adult Shifter Contemporary Romance) (16 page)

BOOK: Billionaire: Billionaire Romance: Billionaire Tiger (A Billionaire New Adult Shifter Contemporary Romance)
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“That’s not all! He’s a …..” Glory paused for effect, “a shifter!”

“Omigod! That’s perfect for you! Why didn't we think of that before!?”

“What? You don't think it’s crazy? Me? With a

“Oh, honey” Paul looked her in her eyes seriously. “You need to be pulled out of your comfort zone so bad and I think a shifter is just the man to do it!”

“Oh man,” Glory groaned, “Not you too! Shania set this whole date up and she thinks a shifter is perfect for me too!”

“Well then, I think you better take your friends’ advice and be open to the idea before you end up alone with a million cats.” He sashayed away to help a customer.

“But I

Chapter Three


Glory laid out her red silk dress out on her bed and admired it. The soft red silk slid over her body perfectly. It was long and backless with a slit that almost reached her thigh. She admired the dress for a minute longer before she hopped in the shower. Her mood had increased considerably and she was almost looking forward to this date, even her hair was behaving and fell into soft, shiny waves around her face and down her back. It must be excited for the date too.

After her shower she applied soft makeup to make her green eyes pop. She finished with smear of red on her lips, the color of her dress. She slipped the dress over her head, but had trouble pulling it down. Dammit! She tugged the dress over her breasts and ass. It was skin tight. Glory admonished herself for all the croissants she had been eating lately. Since the dress was so tight there was no way she could wear underwear.

She admired herself in the mirror. She loved this dress and she felt beautiful and even a little sexy. She had heard the shifters were really good in bed. Maybe she would find that out tonight. She thought back to Todd. She had loved him and she thought their sex life was good, but she never felt her body respond to him the way it had to Man Candy. Maybe there was more out there than Todd could provide.

She shook the thoughts out of her head, it was getting late. If she wanted to be on time she would have to leave now. She was meeting her date, Trey Donovan, in the lobby of the hotel. The charity event was being held at one of the most opulent hotels in the city. Glory was excited to see what the ballroom looked like.




Her cab pulled up right on time. She hurried up the stairs to the coat room and then off the meet her date in the lobby. She quickly check her face in her pocket mirror.

She walked into the lobby and didn’t see anyone in black tie dress looking around.

“Well, well. We meet again.” came a deep voice from behind her. She spun around and was shocked to find Man Candy! “You wouldn’t happen to be Glory Smith, would you?” His eyes twinkled as he said it.

“Oh my God.” It slipped out of her mouth before she could stop it. “Trey Donovan?” she gasped out as the realization finally hit her. He was her date!

He raised an eyebrow and his eyes raked up her body with such intensity that the twinkle turned into a hunger.

“So it appears you are mine for the night.” he said, with what sounded like a growl. She felt a shiver down her back at the sound of his words. His eyes on her body made her blush at the tightness of her dress. “You look beautiful by the way.”

The hunger returned to his steel grey eyes. Her body responded to his gaze and she felt her nipples raise up against the silk of her dress.

He inhaled slowly as if he could smell the sweet scent of her arousal. A slow wicked grin crept across his face, as if he could read her thoughts. And there were many of them. Naughty ones. If this was just their introduction she had no idea how she was going to make it through the night!

Glory regained her composure. “Thank you. You look beautiful too, I mean nice. I mean, I like your tux.” Glory rambled when she was nervous. He chuckled as he took her hand and lead her to the ballroom. His hand was large and firm over hers and just the touch of his skin made her loins light up as if they had been set on fire.

All of her thoughts melted away as they walked into the ballroom. It was all deep reds and golds and decked out in Victorian splendor. She gasped audibly and did an impromptu spin so she could take in the all the room at once. Trey smiled at her.

“Like what you see? Me too.” He said as he stared firmly at Glory and only Glory. She tried to laugh it off in a way she hoped was charming. Her brain seemed to stop functioning when those grey eyes were on her. She tried to think of something to talk about.

“So, you are a shifter.” she blurted out. “How? What kind?”
Oh no. What if that was rude?
She had never met one before.

“Whoa, that’s a lot of questions! Let’s get a drink first.” he deftly snatched two glasses of champagne from a nearby server’s tray.

Once in her hand Glory gulped at her champagne. This was not going well. She drained her glass. A waiter came by and she took another glass.

Trey just raised an eyebrow and she swear she saw a tiny smile curl the corners of his lips.

“To answer your questions, I was born a shifter. And I am a werepanther.” he looked deep into her eyes as he talked and Glory felt like she was the only one in the room. “Now was that enough small talk? I have the most beautiful date in the room and I want to show her off on the dance floor.” Glory was speechless. Nervously she drained her champagne again. He put his hand on the small of her back and his touch was electric. He steered her towards the dance floor and twirled her into his arms. The event boasted a live orchestra playing classical music. Glory never considered herself a good dancer but in Trey’s able arms she felt like she was floating. Trey pulled her close to him. So close she could feel his erection against her body. She felt heat rise up. He dipped his head down and his lips were inches from hers. They were dancing cheek to cheek.

She felt desire rise up in her body from a deep primal place that had never been touched before. Were all shifters as intoxicating as Trey? Glory felt her knees go weak as they swayed together, their rhythms matching each others perfectly.

“Let’s go out to the terrace, it’s getting too hot in here.” Trey whispered in her ear sexily. He made it sound so dirty. All Glory could do was nod her head.

She followed him out to the terrace to a dark, quiet corner where they could be alone. It was a beautiful night but Glory felt goosebumps over her entire body. It was the electricity between them. She shivered and Trey held her close. He caressed her face gently with his hand. He took his hand under her chin and tipped her face up. He gently brushed his lips against hers. She let out and moan of desire and he touched his lips to hers. Her body felt like it was going to explode. She deepened the kiss hungrily, forgetting that they were in public and that she had just met him. The champagne had gone straight to her head. She had lost her inhibitions and her body cried out for this man. He traced from her neck down to her cleavage with a finger. He brushed across her breasts and her nipples responded and puckered to hard points. She moaned again and in response he deepened the kiss, his tongue probing her mouth in a way that made her wet. His hand dropped down to her thigh and pulled her even closer. He caressed her ample ass and his hand found the slit in her skirt and moved his hand inside her dress to touch her. He moaned into her mouth “Oh God, Glory, you aren’t wearing any underwear.” He groaned and dipped his finger into her wet hole. She gasped and he moaned louder. “You are so wet.”

“Trey? Trey is that you?” A voice from around corner interrupted their sensual haze. They broke apart quickly and adjusted their clothes, just as a lithe woman turned around the corner. “I thought I heard your voice. Are you alright?” The woman must have been 6 feet tall with long silky straight black hear that hung down her back almost to her ass. She had the most beautiful ice blue eyes that Glory had ever seen.
Omigod, who was that?

Marion,” Trey answered smoothly like they hadn’t been locked in each others arms mere seconds ago. Glory saw his jaw tense almost imperceptibly. “I didn’t think you were coming tonight. I thought you were still in Geneva?”

“I took an earlier flight.” she looked at Glory and then back at Trey and raised a perfectly shaped eyebrow.

Marion Vanderwood, this is Glory Smith. Glory is my enchanting date for tonight, Marion is my business partner.” Trey smoothly introduced them, unfazed. They nodded to each other.

“Why don’t you two come out of the shadows and join the rest of us. There’s a party going on.” She said, her sultry voice dripping with sarcasm.

“Is there?” Trey said nonchalantly as he took Glory’s hand and lead her back into the ballroom. He smiled his charming smile at Marion as they passed her. She just scowled at Glory.

“Am I missing something?” Glory whispered when they were a safe distance away. “She seemed pissed.”

“Well, she is my ex as well as my business partner.” Trey shrugged and scanned the party. She could feel him shutting off but still she persisted.

“How recent an ex?” Glory squeaked.

“Don’t worry. She dumped me. It feels like it was forever ago now.” He smiled his charming smile. “I’d rather talk about us, sweet Glory…” He leaned in to whisper in her ear. “…and the fact that you aren’t wearing any underwear, you naughty girl.”

Glory giggled and whispered back, “You have no idea.”
Who is this bold girl? I’ve had too much champagne.

The rest of the night they were swept up into conversations with acquaintances and business partners. Marion made sure they were never alone again. She definitely had a possessive air around Trey, like he was her territory.

Glory had a wonderful time in spite of Marion. At the end of the evening Trey insisted on driving her home. He drove a black luxury sedan. And Glory leaned back in her seat. She hadn’t noticed till now how much the champagne had affected her. She closed her eyes for a minute and the next thing she knew Trey was gently shaking her awake. “Hey, Sleeping Beauty, you’re home.”

Glory opened her eyes to see Trey standing with her car door open and his hand out to help her. His eyes held that laughing twinkle.

She blushed and took his hand. He held her hand all the way up to her door. When they reached it, he slid his arm around her waist and pulled her close to him. He kissed her softly at first and then more passionately as he sensed Glory’s arousal. It was like he could sense her every emotion. Glory melted into his arms. She wanted to ask him inside, to beg him to do what ever he wanted to her. He groaned as if he could hear her thoughts.

He pulled away. As he caressed her lips with his fingers he whispered, “You have no idea the affect you have on me.”

Glory’s phone went off and the sound broke her out of her haze.
You can’t have sex with someone you just met tonight!
Her inner reason won over her enflamed body. She pulled away.

“Thank you for the wonderful evening, but I think it’s time I put myself to bed.” Glory finished her keys out of her purse.

“Are you sure you don’t need help with that?” Trey teased as he leaned against her door.

“I think I got it covered,” she shot back.

“Goodnight, Glory.” he winked as he turned to walk away to his car. “I’ll be seeing you very soon.” he called out as he reached his car and drove away.

Glory fumbled with her keys but managed to open her door. She stripped out of her dress as she walked to her bedroom and proceeded to fling herself on her bed. She was asleep before her head hit the pillow.

Chapter Four


Glory had to drag herself out of bed the next day. A hangover headache was pounding in her head. The memories of her sensual night with Trey came flooding back.
Why did I drink so much?!
Glory wanted to blame the alcohol for her unladylike behaviour last night. But she knew that she probably would have done the same thing sober. Trey had an incredible effect on her. What must he think of her? Her cheeks burned bright red as she remembered how desperate she felt for Trey’s touch.

Glory jumped into the shower and felt better after she was clean. She checked her phone.
Shania had texted her last night to ask about her date. She hadn’t replied and now she had 3 missed calls and several worried texts from Shania. She hit the call button beside Shania’s contact info.

“You’re alive!” Shania answered the phone, half joking.

“Sorry! I passed out as soon as I got home.”

“You didn't get drunk did you?” Shania knew her a little too well.

“Maybe. A little. I was nervous!”

“Spill! Spill! How was it? Isn't he the handsomest?” Shania chirped.

“It was something else. He was unlike any man I have ever met.” Normally she would have shared everything with Shania. But she wanted to keep what happened between her and Trey private.

“That’s it? Are you going to see him again?”

“I don’t know.” Glory answered truthfully.

“Well, I was expecting a little more gossip.” Shania was disappointed, normally they didn't have any secrets.

“When I have gossip you will be the first to know, you know that. I have to get going I need to be at the shop today.” Glory felt bad but she wanted to get off the phone. She wanted to keep her night to herself. As if speaking it out loud would take away the magic.





Glory was short staffed at the shop. She was so busy she didn't have time to think about Trey or her hangover all day. It wasn't until almost closing when she had time to catch her breath.

She heard the bell over the door ring and looked up to greet her customer. The last one of the day. She was shocked when Marion Vanderwood walked through the door. She was just as beautiful in the daylight. Her impossibly shiny black hair hung perfectly straight down her back as it had last night. Her makeup was flawless. She was dressed all in black with tight leather pants and stiletto heels. She didn't look the least bit hungover. Glory reached up to try to smooth her hair. Which she had pulled back in a sad ponytail. Her hair seemed to look as sick as she felt.

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