Beyond Famous (Famous #3) (13 page)

BOOK: Beyond Famous (Famous #3)
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I looked at him in wonder. "Together?" I asked hopefully.

"The whole cast. I can't touch you like I want to, but we'll at least be able to get out together." His smile held a hint of sadness.

"Well, I’m just happy we have this time! You're amazing for arranging it.”

“What's the villa like?" Jennifer asked as she joined me in looking out the window.

"It's small and private, only a dozen or so rooms. There is a quaint little courtyard attached to one of them, and they have room service. It was built around two hundred years before the town rose around it, by a future Pope, I believe, but I can't remember his name."

We both looked at him in wonder. "How do you know all this stuff?" I asked in awe.

He shook his head and shrugged. "You'd be surprised what you can learn with a little free time waiting for your favorite person to arrive." He leaned in to whisper in my ear. "As promised, the studio has us staying in the same room this time, my love; though they probably had to bribe the staff to keep quiet. No phones will be allowed; so no photos."

His fingertips traced down my bare arm and I shivered. My breath hitched and I leaned my head on his shoulder. I reached for his hand and he laced his fingers through mine.

Jennifer shook her head at us. "Well, I guess I won't bother asking you two to join me for dinner!" she scoffed.

Cade smiled and answered in a quiet, but deliberate tone. "The others will be around tonight, and we… will see you for breakfast." We headed inside and went down an opposite hall away from Jennifer.

When the door to our room closed behind us, I was instantly in Cade's arms. He was lifting me up to bring my mouth level with his and then kissed me again and again. My hands held the sides of his face and one of them slid down to wrap around the back of his neck. Our mouths were wild on each other, as the five days we'd been apart melted away.

"Jesus, Brook... I can’t stand being away from you. You're so beautiful, love." He quickly pinned me up against a wall and ground into me after my legs automatically wrapped around his waist. I could feel him, hard and hot, pressing into me, and I wanted him closer still. My hips surged against his of their own volition and he groaned into my mouth.

His chest was plastered up against mine as our bodies moved and rubbed together in our frantic attempt to get closer to each other. I wanted to rip his clothes from his body. I was that hungry for him, desperate to feel his skin against mine. His hand moved up to cup my breast, his thumb brushing across the nipple again and again, and I felt my body respond, opening, seeking his, heat and wetness pooling.

"Oh God... Cade," I gasped against his mouth. "Don't be gentle, just make love to me," I begged against his mouth.

He brought me down off of the wall to set me on my feet. His hands clutched at the bottom of my T-Shirt to move up my body from the sides of my waist, lifting the shirt over my head and then flinging it across the room. Cade fell to his knees in front of me and began to place a series of open-mouthed kisses on the skin of my chest, neck and shoulders.

It felt so amazing; I could barely move. His tongue left a wet trail from one lace covered breast to the other, his lips closing around and tugging on my left nipple. My head fell back as the sensation shot through my breast and down between my legs. I needed to touch him, so my hands wound in his glorious head of hair then his hands found the clasp in the lace at my back and he released it. The offending piece of clothing fell away, fluttering in a whisper to the floor.

I felt the soft scratch of his nails dragging down my back and the goose bumps that they caused made my nipples even harder, more erect. Cade groaned, as one grew under his tongue while he continued to lick and suckle. Heat was building deep inside me as his other hand made short work of the button and zipper of my jeans, exposing my bikini panties beneath.

He rested his forehead against my body below my breasts as he suddenly slowed down, his breathing coming in heavy rasping gasps. "Bloody Hell, Brook. I want you." His hands resumed their slow task of pushing my jeans and panties down my body as he continued to run butterfly kisses over my skin. I kicked off my shoes and stepped out of the clothes, standing before him completely naked.

He reached for me, his hands closing over my hips as his eyes burned over my body, and his thumbs rubbed back and forth over both of my hip bones, as he pulled me close. I was dying, on fire as his open mouth came back to kiss my stomach and lower over the curl covered mound. His breath was hot, rushing over me and eliciting even more responses from me. I couldn't deny him, even if I'd have wanted to. I wasn't thinking, only feeling.

I took one of his hands and pulled him up to stand in front of me. My fingers lifted to the front of his button-down and worked my way down as fast as I could. I pushed his shirt open and off his shoulders as I kissed his muscled chest. Cade pushed it impatiently down his arms to let it fall to the floor. My breath left in a hot rush over his skin as his hands wound in my hair, his thumbs going under my chin to tip my face up to his.

"Make love to me, Brook," he whispered against my lips before he claimed my mouth in a deep, soul wrenching kiss, our mouths moving together in perfect union. It was so beautiful, too perfect.

Without breaking the kiss, he bent, placing one arm beneath my knees, the other around my back, he lifted me as if I weighed nothing and carried me to the bed.

He laid me down without taking down the covers and stepped back to remove his pants and boxer briefs.

"Damn it," he said when he struggled to kick his shoes off at the same time as he kicked away the pile of material at his feet.

I laughed softly, as he came back and moved over me. He spread my legs wide with his as he settled into the cradle of my body, my arms coming around his shoulders to pull him closer and I arched up toward him. I felt his hard cock, soft and urgently pressing against my thigh. It did amazing things to my insides; I was full of want and I needed him inside me.

I put my lips to his ear and tugged the lobe between my teeth, pulling away until it popped from my lips. Cade gasped as I whispered against the curve of his jaw, "Cade, don't play, don't be gentle. Just fuck me. I'm ready, and I want you."

His eyes met mine as one hand moved to guide the head of his dick to my opening, feeling the wetness waiting for him there, he rubbed it up and down my core, teasing my clit until I gasped and begged for him to enter me.

"Cade, please...
."  I pulled his mouth to mine as I felt him fill me to the hilt.

"Jesus, Brook. Oh God, you feel so good," he moaned as he started to move within me. Hard and fast; we matched each other's rhythm and he moved his hips in circles so that his pelvic bone ground onto my clit. It felt so incredible.

We were breathing hard and moaning each other's names over and over again. My heart thumped in my chest as he continued to kiss me as hard and fast as his body was pounding into mine.

"Yes, babe," I panted against his mouth as I felt my body start to clench around him, the sensations exploding within me and leaving my hips surging hard against his as I urged him to let go. "Cade, come on...”

The muscles of his back and ass were flexing under my hands as he continued to thrust into me, until finally, he tensed against me. "God, Brook. I love you," he moaned softly into my neck as he came hard inside me.

I kissed his sweat-dampened shoulder and then his temple as he jerked against me. "Oh, babe. I missed you so much, Cade."

The minute I said the words, I felt my eyes sting and my throat ache as once again the reality of our situation came back into focus. "I'm...
to miss you...” I began.

His face turned toward mine and he kissed me again. "Shh... Shhh, my love. I still have five days with you and every second is going to be glorious, I promise." His blue eyes were liquid as they burned into mine. "There will be plenty of time to cry later. Just love me right now. We're together, so let's concentrate on making memories and not dwell on the summer, okay?"

I blinked back the tears and nodded.

"That's my girl."

"Always," I whispered as his mouth found mine again.





we didn't talk about the coming separation. We went sightseeing with Jennifer, Dawson, and Martin, and then lounged around at local restaurants for dinner and nightlife before heading back to the villa.

The nights we spent alone together, talking, playing music and making love over and over again. We were soaking as much of each other up as we could.

I'd never got enough of Brook. I wanted to memorize every line of her body, how she tasted, her scent, the sound of my name on her lips, how her hair felt on my skin as we loved each other... everything.

I told her we should try to make these last days as joyous as possible and we were happy, but the cloud that hung over us was ever present. Just because we didn't talk about it didn't make it go away, and the pain I saw in her beautiful blue eyes at times when I caught her watching me, made my heart literally stop beating.

The last two days we were in Italy would be spent at the festival, making appearances and giving interviews. Like magic, Denise and Jeanne showed up to herd us around like cattle and make sure all of our ducks were in a row.

Brook and Jennifer, along with Dawson and I, rented two Ferrari F12berlinettas to drive around when we managed to get away. We tore over the streets and country roads between Venice and the villa. The cars were sweet. We had a black one, and Dawson was driving an atrocious yellow one. I didn’t understand why anyone would ruin a car like this by painting it such a hideous color.

When I told Brook I liked it; she snorted playfully. "And I thought you were too talented and deep to care about material shit."

The next day our sightseeing plans were put on hold because Martin got a call from the second director on the film and there was a problem; editing lost an entire segment of one of our most important love scenes. To keep the film on schedule, it would mean a reshoot in a short amount of time and by some miracle, Martin managed to arrange a sound stage with an Italian production company and have a part of the bedroom set reconstructed. It wasn’t perfect, but the scene was dark and the camera operators were told to avoid shots that showed room proportions too well. Martin would have to keep the shots tight, very close to our bodies and faces. Instead of being annoyed I was happy to have another day of shooting with Brook, and one that kept us close and intimate, though I would have preferred a different scene being lost because we nailed it the first time.

Brook was basically bare above the waist beneath a man’s white button-down, except for flesh-colored panties. I was dressed in sweats and a T-Shirt, but she’d strip those off of me during the take.

She giggled and rolled her eyes as they started working on her makeup while I grabbed a water bottle and downed the contents. I watched them work on her, brushing her hair and dusting her face with powder. She sneezed as one of the brushes tickled her nose. My heart skipped a beat at how beautiful she was.

When she was finished, Martin called us over to go over the scene.

"Okay, guys, so first we're going to get the whole piano scene. We'll be filming from a lot of angles and we're starting from where you come out of the bathroom while Cade is playing the piano, just like in the previous takes, okay? Let's roll."

"Cade, we only have three days left until you leave. That's what I'm working off of in this scene," she whispered to me as she gently touched my stomach. My eyes met hers and I saw the pain there and I felt my heart squeeze. She was so smart. She knew that if we let ourselves feel the loss and desperation that we would face, we'd smoke this shot; maybe even better than the first time.

I swallowed hard as the feelings rushed over me. "Okay. I'm with you."

Her chin jutted out and she bit her lip as she moved to her mark offset and waited for Martin to cue the sound. I took my place at the piano and ran my fingers over the keys.

Martin held his hand in the air and spoke into his headset. He dropped his hand, and motioned for the cameras to roll. "Get ready. Action!" he said.

Brook came to sit next to me, her creamy thighs straddling the piano bench so she could face me, the tails of the shirt pooling between them. I let myself forget about Martin and the camera crew, and just melt into the scene; letting the love between us show. The love between these characters echoed our own, and I was so thankful they’d brought Brook into my life.

I played the song and she leaned against me, resting her head on my shoulder, her hand ghosting down my back and making goosebumps cover my skin and then said my lines.

"Do you remember anything about that song?  Other than the lyrics?" I asked in a husky whisper, my lips still up against the top of her head.  She smelled so enticing and my body stirred anew, but her nearness was something I had to have; as Ryan; as myself.

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