Bewitched, Bothered, and Bitten (13 page)

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Authors: C.C. Wood

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica

BOOK: Bewitched, Bothered, and Bitten
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Finn nodded.

I took a large swallow of the cognac, gasping when the warmth turned into a fiery burn in my esophagus. “She wouldn’t have told them easily. They….they would have had to hurt her badly before she would have given them that information,” I rasped. I closed my eyes, imagining the horrors my friend would have endured in an effort to protect me.

“Stop, Kerry,” Finn whispered, his hand cupping my face.

“She shouldn’t have been there. I should have just closed the store, but I didn’t think.” I lifted my lids and stared at Finn, my eyes welling with tears. “You tried to tell me, but I didn’t listen.”

He pulled me into his lap. “No, don’t blame yourself. I didn’t explain how perilous your position truly is. I should have made you understand what was happening and I never should have let you out of my sight.”

Finn might not hold me responsible for what happened to Saundra, but I knew in my heart of hearts, that the coven would not feel the same way. The High Priestess and her successor were held to the highest of standards and were expected to put the safety of the coven and its members above even their own. Just as the witches of our coven were expected to do in regards to their High Priestess. We were supposed to have each other’s backs.

Finn plucked the snifter out of my limp hand, set it on the side table, and, for the second time that day, rocked me gently as I sobbed against his neck.

Chapter Thirteen

t was no
surprise that I had nightmares again that night.

After my tears subsided, Finn made me eat some soup and take a hot bath before he tucked me into his bed. Though the room was warm, I lay shivering beneath the covers. Finally, Finn climbed into the bed behind me, his long body stretched out behind mine and his arms wrapped tightly around me. I despised feeling weak, but the last forty-eight hours had been overwhelming and I didn’t have the energy to put on a brave face.

It was a long time before I fell asleep. That was when the dream began.

My eyes were covered, but I knew I was in my apartment because I smelled the vanilla and lavender candles I burned habitually. I could hear the low rumble of men’s voices but couldn’t make out what they were saying.

I was frightened. I tried to lift my hands to remove the blindfold, but they were tied down. I realized that I was flat on my back, my wrists and ankles securely fastened to my bed frame. My terror sharpened, slicing through my mind, removing my ability to think rationally.

Whimpering, I tried to twist my arms and legs in an effort to loosen my bonds. A spell. I should cast a spell. But when I attempted to speak the words, a gag prevented me. Tears of pure fear welled in my eyes, soaking into the fabric of the blindfold. Goddess help me.

“Ah, she is awake.”

I froze at the sound of that lightly accented voice. The blindfold was suddenly jerked off my eyes and I squinted at the bright light. Blinking, I stared up into the beautiful face of a vampire. His hair and eyes were both black and his olive skin was tanned from hours in the sun. Coupled with his accent, his appearance suggested he was from South America.

“Hello, darling,” he crooned.

His endearment contrasted vividly with the cold, soulless light in his eyes. I wasn’t his darling. I sincerely doubted he cared about anyone, even himself.

“Now that you’re awake, there are some things we should discuss.” He sat down on the edge of the bed, his hip resting against the curve of my waist.

I looked down my body and realized that I wasn’t myself. I was naked, but my body was not my own. Oh, Goddess, I was Saundra.

The vampire slapped my face lightly, but it was enough to make my ears ring. “Now, now, it’s rude to ignore your guests.” My eyes flew back to his. “Good, now that I have your attention, I have some questions for you and I expect you to answer them honestly. If you don’t, I’ll know and I’ll have to punish you.” His hands went to the gag. “If I remove this, you won’t scream, will you? Because I would hate to have to punish you for that too.”

I shook my head. As he pulled the cotton from my mouth, I licked my lips. I wanted to ask him who he was and what he wanted, but instinct told me that would be a horrible idea.

“Now, I know you are not Kerry Gayle. You do not possess enough power. But, I assume you do know where she is. Is that true?”

I shook my head, but did not speak.

Quick as lightning, his hand shot out and he pressed his palm to my stomach. He murmured words in a language I didn’t understand and excruciating pain, the likes of which I’d never felt before, suffused my body. My back arched so hard that only my heels and my head were touching the bed. When I opened my mouth to scream, he clapped his other hand over it.

When the sensations faded, I collapsed back onto the mattress, panting.

“I told you that you would be punished for lying to me,” he stated. There was no expression on his face. No disgust. No enjoyment. This entire process held no meaning for him. He didn’t dislike it, nor did he relish in my pain. This was just business.

He must have noticed my epiphany in my face because he said, “I don’t necessarily want to hurt you, Saundra Abrams, but it doesn’t bother me to do it either. Your suffering has no effect on anyone but yourself.”

Another vampire entered the room, one side of his face covered in scorch marks. He stared at me with rage and hatred in his brown eyes.

“Now, Anthony, he wants you to hurt. In fact, he’s hoping you’ll hold out against my questions because he has plans for retribution for what you’ve done to his face.”

At the vampire’s words, Anthony trailed his fingers down the burnt flesh of his cheek. Now that the last bit of fogginess was leaving my mind, I remembered the fight downstairs and how I had hurled the strongest spells I knew at these vampires, but they had little effect. Any hopes I had toward fighting my way out of the situation died. The vampire beside me was a warlock and he was one of the most powerful I’d ever encountered. He was also on the knife’s edge of madness. That’s why he was so cold. All that evil was destroying him from within.

I swallowed hard, steeling myself for what was to come. Though I was terrified and in pain, I had to resist as long as possible. It was my duty to protect other members of my coven. Though Belinda hadn’t announced it to the rest of us yet, I knew she intended to make Kerry her successor for High Priestess. That made her even more valuable to us.

“Now, I’m going to ask you again. Where is Kerry?”

For the first time since I awoke, I spoke. “I won’t tell you.”

Once again, I was overwhelmed with unimaginable pain. This time I screamed.

When it ended, the unnamed vampire leaned over me, his black eyes gleaming. “This is the last time I will ask. If you don’t answer, I will let Anthony have you for a while and then we’ll see how accommodating you are. Where. Is. Kerry?”

“No.” Though I knew it meant even more pain, I wouldn’t give them the satisfaction. It was clear that I wasn’t going to survive the night. Even if Kerry’s life wasn’t in danger, if I broke, they would kill me. The longer I could hold out, the greater the chance I would be rescued.

Black Eyes sighed. “Very well.” He looked over his shoulder. “Anthony, she’s yours for the next thirty minutes. Just be sure she can still speak when you’re done with her.”

I stared at Anthony in horror as he approached the bed, his hands dropping to his belt buckle.

“You’re mine now, witch.” His eyes moved over my nude body, an unholy light gleaming in them. “Now, should I cut you first or fuck you?”

Despite knowing it was futile, I opened my mouth to cast a spell, only to have Black Eyes shove the gag back into it.

“Bad girl, Saundra. Casting spells at Anthony would only anger him further. That’s not a smart idea in your position.”

Bound and gagged, I lay helpless on the bed as Anthony finished undoing his pants, his intention clear. Though I knew it was fruitless, I screamed against the gag over and over again, hoping someone, anyone would hear.


My eyes popped open and I jerked upright in bed. The room was pitch black. Hands closed over my arms, holding me still.

“No!” I cried, fighting his hold. I couldn’t let it happen. I had to escape. I lashed out with my power.


The hands holding me down left my body and I sprang out of the bed. Suddenly, a lamp clicked on, revealing my surroundings. I stilled, looking around in confusion. This wasn’t my apartment. I looked down at the bed and saw Finn sitting on the edge of the mattress, watching me as he rubbed his abdomen.


He stood, walking slowly over to me, his hands in front of him, palm up. “It was just a dream, Kerry. You were having a bad dream.”

Gasping for air, I shook my head vigorously. “No, it wasn’t. It wasn’t a dream. It was a vision. I saw her. I saw Saundra and I know what happened to her.”

Finn moved into me, wrapping his arms around me as my legs collapsed.

“I saw it all,” I whimpered. “Everything they did to her.” Tears streamed down my face at the pain and terror I knew she suffered. “I’m glad I killed them. I know I shouldn’t be, but I am. I only wish I had killed that fucking warlock too! The bastard deserves to die for what he did to her!”

Finn released my body and cupped my face. “He will. The Council and the pack will find him and they will kill him.”

I shook my head. “No, you won’t. He’s too powerful. You’ll need a witch to help you.” I covered his hands with mine and stared into his eyes. “You’ll need me.”

Finn grimaced. “Kerry….”

I pulled away from his hands and paced around the room. “Stop it, Finn! You know I’m telling you the truth. Belinda might be able to pull it off.
. And that’s only if you can talk Lachlan into letting her out of his sight.” I caught the surprised look on his face. “What? You know that it will take an act of the Goddess to separate them if he’s attached to her, if he’s marked her. And there’s no guarantee she’s strong enough. I know I am. I’ve tasted his power and he’s tasted mine. The warlock won’t be able to win against me and he knows it. He’s as strong as me, but his complete lack of connection or emotion weakens him.”

“Slow down, Kerry.”

I whirled and marched over to Finn. “That fucker deserves to die slowly and painfully. He deserves to suffer a hundredfold more than Saundra. If I can’t have that, then I’ll settle for him dead. Period. I don’t have to be the one to do it, but you will need me if it’s to be done at all.”

Finn’s jaw locked down as though he were gritting his teeth. I knew he didn’t want to agree with me, but he had no other choice. Everything I was saying was true.


“Yes,” I hissed. “If you won’t help me, then I will leave. I’ll go to Lex. I know he’ll have no compunction about using me as he deems fit.”

Though I’d seen Finn angry before, I’d never seen him snap, which is exactly what he did.

His hands clasped my biceps and he lifted me onto my toes so that our faces were just a few inches apart. “NO!” he roared. “You are mine, Kerry, my mate, and I will not let you put yourself in harm’s way!”

I shoved at his chest, hard, but he didn’t move. “Fuck you, Finn! I never agreed to any of this. You can’t just come into my life and take over and expect me to go along with it. You’re a leader among your people, you know you have a responsibility to them. Guess what? I have a responsibility to my people, too! I’m supposed to lead them when Belinda steps down and there is no way they’ll respect me if I don’t do something about this entire situation.”

He released me so abruptly that I stumbled back. “You are the most fucking stubborn woman I have ever met. I don’t care if you do have a death wish, I will not allow you to sacrifice yourself.” Finn moved around me, heading for the door. He stopped in the doorway. “I’ll be back later. Do not leave this house. If you do, I swear, I will bring you back and lock you in this room. You may be more powerful than me, but I promise you, I can find a way to keep you contained.”

With those parting words, he exited the bedroom, slamming the door behind him.

Enraged beyond words and filled with grief and frustration, I screamed, wishing I could destroy everything around me. I jumped when a book flew off one of the nightstands and slammed into the heavy wooden door. I was so worked up that I was losing control of my powers.

Closing my eyes, I sat on the floor, crossing my legs, and focused on my breathing. I had to calm down before I did something drastic, like reduce this house to a pile of rubble and ash.

As I forced myself to breathe slowly and deeply, I began to plan. Finn might not want my help, but the Council would need it. The black-eyed warlock was too strong, even for Finn’s magic. Though I would never tell Belinda, he was stronger than my High Priestess as well.

Despite what Finn thought, I didn’t have a death wish. What he didn’t seem to understand was that I would likely die at the hands of the Faction in the future if I didn’t stand and fight now.

They would never admit it, but the vampires, werewolves, and the coven would lose against the Faction’s warlock. Somehow, I had to persuade enough of them that I was necessary to their success. If I could convince Conner, Lex, and Gabriel of the truth, then Finn would have no choice but to accept my involvement. Especially if Belinda and the MacIntire pack stood behind me.

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