Bewitched, Bothered, and Bitten (30 page)

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Authors: C.C. Wood

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica

BOOK: Bewitched, Bothered, and Bitten
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I couldn’t resist the pull of sleep any longer. “Thank you for coming for me,” I mumbled.

He kissed my forehead. “I will always come for you,” he whispered. “I love you.”

“Love you too.”

The war may continue but, for tonight, I was safe and I was loved.



was freezing
and burning up simultaneously. Sweat rolled off my skin as though I were standing inside a sauna, yet I’d never felt so cold.

Shudders wracked my body violently and my teeth chattered so loudly they echoed in my head. When firm hands turned me, I tried to bat them away, but I couldn’t escape. The mere touch on my skin was agony.

“Noooo,” I moaned.

“Shhh. It’s okay. I know it hurts.” I was lifted into a semi-reclined position. “Drink this, it’ll help.”

A bowl was pressed to my lips and I drank the bitter brew, choking a little as it poured down my throat and trickled out of the corners of my mouth.

A gentle hand patted the liquid from my face and chest. My body seized in another bone-rattling shiver.

“You’re doing great, darlin’. I know it seems like it will never end, but you’re almost done.”

My eyes felt swollen and achy but I managed to lift my eyelids and stare up into a pair of gorgeous green eyes. “Is it too late to ask Conner to bite me?” I whimpered.

A rueful smile appeared on Calder’s face. “I’m afraid so.” He set the bowl on the table beside the bed. “Thank you for choosing me instead.”

I hummed in the back of my throat when his fingers stroked over my hair. It was the one place on my body that didn’t feel as though it were on fire or submerged in ice. “I’m sure I’ll make you pay for it later.”

Suddenly, a white hot pain ripped through my body, tearing a scream from my throat. My bones felt as though they were being broken and reset one after another, in rapid succession.

“Don’t fight it, Ricki. Just let it take you. I promise it only hurts the first few times, then your body adjusts.”

I screamed again, my voice cracking. My wail ended on a high-pitched, pained howl.

With one huge wrenching jolt, the agony ceased. For several long moments, I lay in Calder’s arms, panting. Still feeling shaky, I rolled away, putting my hands and feet beneath me, but the bed felt odd. When I looked down, two brown paws rested below me. Turning my head, I looked back, down a lean chestnut colored body, and saw a bushy tail curving over my back.

Well, the next time someone called me a bitch, I guess I couldn’t be offended.

The End


My deepest thanks to my hubby and father. Without you two, I would have a great deal less time to write stories. And I would be lost without my Lil Bit. She makes me smile every day.

Also, I love you bunches, Donna and Tania. You two do an admirable job of putting up with my crazy, neurotic ass and my avalanche of messages on an almost daily basis. Thank you for keeping me on track, encouraging me, and pushing me to do more and be better.

My Facebook group, C.C.’s Sinners, is a badass group of women. Love you all and thank you for reading and pimping my books. Now, go post a review of this book, dammit!

To my author friends; Tiffany King, Katie Ashley, Tara Sivec, R.K. Lilley, Raine Miller, Leighton Riley, Yara Greathouse, Gina Sorelle, B.L. Marsh, and, last but not least, my future baby mama, Penelope Reid. You all are the best! Thank you for reading my books and sending me books to read when I beg for them.

I also must say that I adore my amazing beta readers; Nikki, Christine, Nerd Herd Nikki, and Amber. Thanks for telling me what I need to hear, good or bad.

Last but not least, I eternally grateful to the readers and bloggers who review and share my books. There are too many of you to name (that would fill up another 200 pages!) but I appreciate each and every one of you.

About C.C.

A native Texan, C.C. grew up either reading or playing the piano. Years later, she’s still not grown up and doing the same things. Since the voices in her head never shut up, C.C. decided to share their crazy stories and started writing books.

Now that she has a baby girl at home, C.C.’s non-writing time is usually spent cleaning up poopy diapers or feeding the poop machine. Sometimes she teaches piano, cooks, or spends time bugging her hubby and two beagles.

Contact C.C.

C.C. loves to hear from her readers!




Titles by C.C. Wood

Girl Next Door Series:

Friends with Benefits


Drive Me Crazy

Girl Next Door-The Complete Series

Kiss Series:

A Kiss for Christmas

Kiss Me


Seasons of Sorrow

NSFW Series:

In Love With Lucy

Earning Yancy

Paranormal Romance:

Bitten Series

Bite Me (Bitten, #1)

Once Bitten, Twice Shy (Bitten, #2)

One Little Bite (Bitten, #2.5)

Bewitched, Bothered, and Bitten (Bitten, #3)

Other books

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