Between Midnight and Dawn (17 page)

BOOK: Between Midnight and Dawn
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“Well . . .” She nibbled on that lush bottom lip he wanted to taste again, before saying, “After I was attacked by Larry, I wasn’t on the pill during my hospital stay. I only started taking it again recently.”

He traced her lovely mouth with his finger. His heartbeat accelerated, thinking about the asshole who’d hurt her, but also with rising desire. “Okay.”


“Yeah, okay.” Unable to stop himself, he cradled her face and brought his head down to kiss her deeply. A long hungry kiss that he didn’t want to end. But finally they both needed to come up for air.

Her satisfied sigh washed over him. “That was nice.”

“Very nice,” he said, caressing her softly. All the ways he could keep her distracted throughout the night made his blood course hot, primed to take her again.
Dial it down, idiot.
He needed to take care of her emotions first. “This isn’t a casual fling for me, Nicole.”

Her eyes widened, before a smile curved her lips. “No?”

He grinned down at her. “No.”

She gave an exaggerated sigh. “So.” She ran her index finger across his bottom lip. “Do you have a gun strapped to your hip, or are you just happy to see me?” She gave him a teasing smile and wiggled her brows.

Warmth filled his heart as he stared into her sparkling eyes. She was so cute. And sexy. And sweet. He bit back a groan, thinking how he needed to get her into a bed so he could spend the rest of the night exploring every sexy inch of her.

Getting to his feet, he lifted her up and gently tossed her over his shoulder, one arm wrapped around the back of her knees, the other planted firmly on that delectable ass of hers.

Operation diversion, on.

She squealed.

“Think you’re pretty funny, uh?” he mock growled, giving her bottom a playful slap.

He was rewarded with a soft giggle then an “Uh-huh” as she gripped his thighs for support as he strode into the bedroom and dumped her on top of the covers. She immediately scrambled up toward the headboard, coming up on her elbows and thrusting those perfect breasts into the air, her cheeks flushed with happiness, eyes filled with desire.

That’s more like it.
He’d do whatever it took to keep that look on her face the rest of the night.
Screw that . . . more like the rest of her life.
His blood heated at the thought of having Nicole in his life, in his bed, from now until eternity.
Hell, yeah!

The sound of Charlie barking at the back door indicated his desire to be let back in.

Kyle groaned. “Don’t move from that spot.” He took a step back, eyes locked on her sprawled across her ruffled quilt like a tasty treat, waiting for him to sample her sweets. She bent one knee up, opening herself to him further. “Maybe when I get back you can introduce me to Mr. Happy?”

Her mouth fell open, a scarlet blush flooding her cheeks. “Oh my God, you heard that?”

“Yep,” he said, grinning, and feeling no remorse. The image in his head was too much of a turn-on to feel bad about it.

A wicked smile curved her full mouth. “Mmm.” Her gaze dropped over his hardened shaft, pointing at her like a divining rod. “Hurry back,” she murmured seductively, “and I’ll think about it.”

He about swallowed his tongue, taking another step back, then another. Charlie barked again, growing impatient. Still struggling to take his eyes off of Nicole long enough to let the dog in, he backed through the doorway, nearly tripping over his own feet in his haste.

Reaching the back door, he slid it open and let Charlie in. The dog plodded over and curled up in his dog bed in the corner of the living room.

Taking a moment to clear his mind, Kyle double-checked that the house was locked up tight, peeking through the curtain to make sure the squad car was still parked out front and everything was calm.

He hurried back to the bedroom, and thank God, she hadn’t moved. Still naked. Still lush. Still gorgeous. And Mr. Happy now rested on the end table by her bed. For a moment he forgot to breathe as lust slammed into him.

He was one lucky son of a bitch.

Her big brown eyes watched him as he approached, looking like a woman who’d been thoroughly loved, and ready for another round.

“In a hurry?” she teased.

“Not at all.” He crawled onto the bed, tugging all her soft naked flesh against him. “As a matter of fact, I plan on taking my sweet time getting to know every sweet inch of you. What you like. What you love.” Kyle kissed her, murmuring against her lips as he reached for the big purple vibrator. “What makes you come apart in my arms.”

“Oh,” was her breathy response before he proceeded to do just that.

Chapter 18

Sheryl’s hand felt fragile clasped between Rob’s palms as she lay in the hospital bed. Dawn cast a soft light through the heavy gray drapes, sending streaks of light across her poor battered face.

Too-pale skin shown between splotches of black and blue. One eye was swollen completely shut, surrounded by varying shades of color, her lips cracked and puffy.

Barber had done a number on her. Ramsey wanted to take her statement, but the bastard wouldn’t get near her until she was recovered enough to handle the questioning. Rob would make sure of that.

The fury that had been riding him hard since he’d learned of her kidnapping hadn’t lessened. No. If anything, it’d increased, except now it was mixed with worry and a rage so powerful he wasn’t sure how to handle it.

Never had he felt so out of control. The need to get his hands on Barber for a little payback, all-consuming. There was no evidence of rape. Although a relief, that was surprising, given Barber’s history.

Taking in a deep calming breath, he lowered his head, noting her broken fingernails. The sharp pain between his shoulder blades felt like a knife in the back. But at least her fever was down.

The sound of her low moan had him jerking his head up. Getting to his feet, he stood by the side of her bed peering down at her. She moaned again, a pain-filled sound that made his teeth clench.

Rob lightly brushed loose strands of hair off her cheek. “Shh. You’re in the hospital, Sheryl.”

Long lashes fluttered open. Her light-green eyes appearing dazed as she stared at him.

“It’s okay,” he murmured soothingly, stroking her cheek again, trying to dispel her panic before it had a chance to take root. “You’re safe now. No one’s going to hurt you.”

Her eyes widened, and she inhaled sharply. Her gaze darted around the room as her chest rose and fell rapidly, another low moan shuddering from her lips. The monitor next to her bed began beeping rapidly.

“Hey, hey,” he crooned, tilting her face toward him and peering into her eyes. “I’ve gotcha, baby.”

Focusing on him, her breathing slowly returned to normal as a nurse rushed into the room.

“Hi,” the older woman said, moving to the other side of the hospital bed. She smiled brightly at them. Lifting Sheryl’s hand that he wasn’t holding, she checked her pulse. “How you feeling?”

Sheryl licked her lips, and Rob reached for the water glass next to her bed at the same time as she mumbled, “Thirsty” from a raspy throat.

He leaned in to offer her the straw. She took a few tiny sips, wincing as if it pained her to do so. Which it probably did, he thought darkly, as her split lip began to bleed slightly from the pressure.

“Thank you,” she said softly, her voice shaky. “H-How did you find me?”

The nurse broke in before he could answer. “If you could please wait in the hall while I give her a quick examination.”

Rob nodded, taking Sheryl’s hand again and giving it a little squeeze. “I’ll only be outside the door.” A flash of panic crossed her face, her hand tightening weakly around his. “I won’t go far. I promise.”

He was making her a lot of promises, and he intended to keep them. No way was Barber getting near her again.

She blinked back tears. Her lovely mouth firmed and she nodded. “Okay.” Her voice was soft, but there was no missing the steel resolve behind the word. She was a helluva lot tougher than she appeared.

“Okay,” he returned, offering her a comforting smile as pride filled him at her bravery.

Ten minutes later, he was back at her side. The nurse had given her something for pain and stress, and Rob could see that she was already more relaxed.

“Try and get some rest,” the nurse said as she left, closing the door behind her.

Sheryl repeated the question she’d asked earlier. “How did you find me?” Her voice was stronger now.

Taking a seat next to the bed, he took her hand again, trying not to dwell on her battered appearance so as to keep his temper under control. She didn’t need to see him angry right now. It’d probably frighten her after what she’d been through.

He held her hand loosely between his palms, absently rubbing his thumb across her inner wrist.
How much should I tell her?

As though reading his thoughts, she said, “Please.”

He nodded, not missing the rush of her pulse under his thumb. “The video.”

Her pale face went even paler. “Yes,” she said softly. “The video.”

“Someone recognized a landmark, and that led us to you.”

“And that man?” Her voice shook, but her chin lifted, although he could read the fear in her eyes. “Did you catch him?”

The rapid beat under his thumb jumped as he continued to gently caress the silken skin. Maintaining eye contact with her, he brought her hand up and brushed his lips across the fluttering pulse, trying to soothe her.

Her lips parted, expelling a soft breath.

Desire joined with the fear in her pretty green eyes.

“Not yet, darlin’. But we will,” he promised, filling his voice with conviction. Turning her palm over, he pressed a kiss to the back of her hand. “Can you tell me what happened? It might help in finding him.”

She nodded. “He came to my apartment with a flower delivery.” Her gaze softened. “I thought they were from you.”

He kissed her hand again, hating that he was even remotely responsible for her abduction. “We figured that much out. What happened after? When was the last time you saw Barber?”

“Barber? Is that his name?”

Rob nodded. “Allan Barber.”

Sheryl licked her lips, moaning softly. “He was only there that first day. He locked me in that filthy room and never came back.”

Probably because he was arrested, which may have saved her life. But where did he go after his release?

He brushed a wisp of hair off her cheek. “Get some rest. I’ll be right here.”

She stared at him for a long moment with those big beautiful eyes . . . The tension drained from her body, and she relaxed back onto the mattress.

“Okay.” Her eyes drooped, probably from an adrenaline crash now that she felt safe, combined with the pain medication.

“I’m sure the nurse will be back in no time to wake you up.” He gave a quiet laugh, trying to lighten the mood and cheer her up. “That is, if Nicole doesn’t beat her to it. Word is, Kyle had to all but tie her down to keep her from rushing out in the middle of the night to see you.”

Sheryl blinked sleepily at him, a captivating smile teasing her bruised lips. Lips that he wanted to feel under his again in a bad way, but he couldn’t. At least not yet.

“Mmm. Tie her down.” Her voice lowered into a sexy purr. “Kinky.”

Now it was Rob’s turn to blink. He chuckled as her lids closed into sleep. She was something. Already her spirit was reviving from her ordeal. The woman might look like a wounded cover model, but she had a spine of steel.

And he liked her. A lot.

Rushing into the hospital, with Kyle following close on her heels, Nicole hurried over to the elevator and pushed the button for Sheryl’s floor, a fresh bouquet of flowers she’d cut from her garden clutched tightly in her hands.

Kyle moved closer and pressed his hand against the slender curve of her back. “How you holding up?”

Anxious to see her friend, she rocked impatiently on her heels, watching the light above the doors scroll down the floor numbers at a far too slow pace.

Nicole groaned when it stopped on the 4
floor. She fidgeted some more, sending Kyle a nervous glance. “I need to see her. To know she’s really all right.”

“Honey, you spoke with her less than an hour ago. She assured you she was fine, and will probably be released by tomorrow.”

The elevator door dinged, sliding open. After a young family exited, with two small children in tow, they entered and Kyle punched the floor number.

“So soon?” She chewed her bottom lip, thinking about Sheryl being released that quickly. The elevator began to rise. “Shouldn’t they keep her in longer?” A tremor ran through her as she recalled that horrible video.

“It looks worse than it is.”

Nicole pressed her lips together, not buying that for an instant.

“She was roughed up, Nicole. But besides being dehydrated, with a slight concussion, she’s doing fine.” He chucked her under the chin. “Your friend’s one tough cookie.”

The elevator set down with a slight jolt on Sheryl’s floor. Nicole knew Sheryl was way tougher than she looked, but what she’d gone through with that horrible man was something even the toughest person would have a problem dealing with.

Sheryl was a bit of a control freak, and it would have been especially hard for her having no control over what was happening to her.

As they exited the elevator, her legs felt shaky at the thought. Her nerves were strung so tight it felt like she’d break apart at any minute. Even without looking at him, she could feel the compassion and worry for her oozing from Kyle’s pores.

He was so sweet. She’d spent all night wrapped up in his arms, either making love or sleeping. He’d kept her too occupied with pleasure to think about her friend. Which actually sent a sliver of guilt through her now, and she all but ran down the hall toward Sheryl’s room.

Kyle didn’t try to stop her, but stuck with her like glue, with long, easy strides. She pushed open the door and entered Sheryl’s hospital room.

Nicole froze, anguish gripping her. Her friend was sleeping, and her beautiful face was a mass of cuts and bruises.

Rob sat next to the hospital bed, his too-large frame squeezed into an uncomfortable beige chair. Blond hair disheveled, as though he’d been running his fingers through it, a five o’clock shadow lined his chiseled jaw.

He held one of Sheryl’s hands in his, and the gaze he lifted to them burned with an anger so intense Nicole gave a soft gasp.

Kyle paused for only a fraction of a second behind her before giving her a gentle nudge, and she continued inside. By the time she reached him, Rob had his emotions under control and no longer looked like he wanted to tear somebody’s throat out.

“Hi,” she whispered, trying not to disturb Sheryl, who obviously needed her rest to heal.

She placed the vase and flowers along the window’s edge, next to a dozen red roses she guessed came from Rob. There was also a huge plant with a bunch of colorful balloons, and a card from Sheryl’s folks, who Dean had been in contact with during the entire ordeal, sitting next to it. They’d moved out to California about five years ago.

“Hey,” he said, giving her a smile that didn’t reach his eyes. “How you holding up, sweetheart?”

“Fine,” she lied as Kyle wrapped an arm around her waist. The sight of her friend’s injuries made her want to weep, then go get a shotgun so she could hunt down the bastard who’d hurt her and blow his brains out. The anger so blistering hot, for a moment she couldn’t breathe.

Kyle pressed a kiss to her forehead, helping ease the furious emotions churning inside her. “How’s she doing?” he asked.

Rob’s mouth tightened into an angry slash. “Better than expected, considering.”

“I’m fine,” Sheryl’s soft, shaky voice said. She opened one sleepy eye, the other swollen shut.

Nicole’s stomach clenched, as she stepped to the side of the bed. She wanted to reach out and touch her friend, but was afraid to, given the bruises she could now see along her arms. She was probably bruised everywhere.

So, she did what she could do to boost her friend’s spirits. “Of course you are.” She gently brushed a clump of blond hair off Sheryl’s cheek and tucked it behind her ear. “We love you, and are here for you.” A tear slipped down her cheek. “You’re home where you belong.”

Sheryl snorted. The sound was so much like Sheryl, before her ordeal that everyone smiled. Her good eye bore into Nicole with a look of determination. “No crying, girlfriend.”

Nicole sniffled and pinched the bridge of her nose, taking a moment to get herself together, before swiping the tear off her face and blinking the rest back. “No crying.”

She took Sheryl’s other hand, the one Rob wasn’t holding onto like he’d never let it go, and clasped it between her palms. “I’m just so happy you’re safe.”

“A little worse for wear, but I’ll live.” She gave them a shaky smile, the tough girl act slipping for an instant. “Not everyone that fucker took was as lucky.”

Rob bit out a short laugh that held no humor. He brought Sheryl’s hand up and pressed a kiss to the back of it.

“That’s my girl,” he said, both admiration and possessiveness underlying his words. “Stay pissed. All this guy deserves is your anger. Stay strong. Don’t let that fucker cause you one more drop of fear.”

Rob got to his feet and leaned down to brush a soft kiss across her forehead, murmuring, “I’m going to bring down this sorry excuse for a human being. That’s what you need to focus on. Only that.”

He peered down at her with a tender expression. But there wasn’t a hint of tenderness in his hard voice as he said, “I promise you, baby, he’ll pay for every bruise. Every cut. Every goddamn moment of terror you felt, he’ll pay.”

Sheryl’s tense features relaxed as she stared up at Rob. A soft smile curved her bruised lips as she nodded.

“Rob’s right,” Kyle said. “We’re going to get this guy. And there’s no way he’ll get near you again. You just concentrate on getting better.”

BOOK: Between Midnight and Dawn
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