Between Midnight and Dawn (15 page)

BOOK: Between Midnight and Dawn
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Kyle reached for the door handle, shooting him an amused look over the top of the car. “So, tell me again how you can afford this beauty on a cop’s salary?”

Swinging open the door, Rob slid behind the steering wheel, glancing over at his partner as he also got in and buckled up. With a smirk, he placed the key in the ignition and started the car. “You know how, dickhead. Inheritance.”

Kyle knew exactly where the money came from, although he still liked to rib him about it. A favorite aunt had died a few years back and left him a sizable inheritance. Appreciating his friend’s attempt to lighten the mood, they sat for a moment and listened to the powerful engine rumble. Rob glanced over at his partner. “Jealous?”

“Hell, yeah.” Kyle chuckled, then grew serious. “So, how you holding up?”

The tension in Rob’s shoulders increased, the pain running up the back of his neck and giving him the mother of all headaches. He didn’t respond. Glancing both ways, he eased the Mustang into the early morning traffic. Fear and anger built inside him with each passing moment Sheryl was missing.

Finally, he asked the one question that scared the hell out of him, and he almost hated to voice it. “What do you think he’ll do, now that he’s been made?”

Kill her and run was the logical solution, but that wasn’t something Rob wanted to contemplate. If he did, he wouldn’t be able to function. No, he had to believe Sheryl was still alive.

“Maybe he took off before he had a chance to kill her,” Kyle said quietly. “If he was smart, he’d get as far away from here as possible. Leave the country, if he could. As long as her body isn’t found, Rob, there’s hope.”

Rob nodded grimly. “But that means she’s out there alone, in God knows what condition. She’ll be dead either way if we don’t get to her soon.”

He raked his hand down his face. “Dammit, she invited me up to her place that afternoon. And I wanted to accept.” His voice vibrated with the guilt eating at him. “But I put the case first. If I hadn’t, she’d be safe right now.”

In my arms. Where she belongs.
His chest constricted. “Grab me a couple Tylenol from the glove-box, would ya?”

“This guy’s clever. If he had her targeted, he would have come back for her another night. You know that.” Kyle popped open the glove compartment and dug out the bottle of pain reliever. “You can’t blame yourself. We need to concentrate on finding her, and to do that, you need to get it together. We need your A-game, Rob.”

Rob nodded. Kyle was exactly right.

He took the two pills from his friend’s outstretched hand. He needed to put aside his emotions and approach the problem like a cop, using stone cold logic and reasoning. Anything else was likely to get Sheryl killed, and he desperately wanted the chance to get to know her better, nurture what he knew would be an amazing relationship. But he had to find her first. Then he’d help her heal from whatever she was going through.

Popping the pills to the back of his throat, Rob swallowed them down with no water. Taking a deep breath, he slowly let it out. His mind cleared, sharpening and focusing on the issues. “Okay. What do we know?”

“We know Barber’s arrogant. We know he goes for tiny, curvy redheads.”

Rob cut in. “Sheryl isn’t his type. It’s possible he hasn’t hurt her, and is only using her to bait Nicole.”

Kyle nodded. “I know if the FBI asked Nicole, she’d offer herself up to this psycho to save Sheryl.” There was no missing the fury at that statement. “So we need to catch this freak before it ever comes to that.”

Rob drummed the thumb of his right hand on the steering wheel. “So where should we start?” he asked, more to himself then to Kyle.

“I say we check with anyone who knows Barber. Maybe we’ll get lucky and get a lead on where he might be holding her.”

Entering the Dunkin’ Donuts parking lot, he switched off the ignition. “You think it’ll be that easy? A hard knot formed in his chest. “Sheryl’s going to need more than luck. This guy’s had her for over three days. How much longer will he keep her alive? If we don’t find her soon, it could be too late.”

Kyle’s tone was hard as he swung open the car door. “We best get moving, then.”

Rob waited in the vehicle as Kyle went in for coffee and snacks. They had a long day ahead of them, and he wouldn’t stop until they brought Sheryl home safely.

Chapter 15

“Kyle . . . Kyle.” Nicole’s voice trembled on the other end of the line. She began crying.

“Nicole, what’s wrong?” He felt Rob’s concerned stare on him as the car picked up speed. Kyle’s fingers had a death-grip on his cell phone. “Answer me, baby.”

“Officer Wade,” a male voice came on the line, “this is Johnson. You need to get back here, right away.”

“I’m on the way. What happened?” Concern ratcheted through him as he listened to Nicole’s weeping in the background. “Is she hurt?”

“What’s going on?” Rob asked.

Kyle shook his head. He didn’t have a clue.

“Ms. Chambers is fine. But she received a disturbing video on her cell phone, and the FBI is on the way here.”

Kyle swore softly.

“What?” Rob bit out.

“What kind of video?” Kyle’s jaw flexed as bile rose inside him.

Rob’s brows snapped down, desperation flowing over his eyes. His hands clutched the steering wheel in a death-grip.

“It’s a video of the missing woman.” A slight pause followed that statement. “Like the photo we received, she’s strapped to a table. But this time she’s being whipped with a cane by someone out of the frame.”

Each word was like a punch in the gut. Kyle glanced out the window and braced himself, before asking, “But she’s alive?”

“Did they find her?” Rob barked out.

Kyle shook his head.

“Yes,” came the tense reply. “Although she’s in bad shape, and your girlfriend is really upset. You need to get back here.”

Kyle kept his gaze on the scenery out his window, afraid of the grief he’d see in his friend’s eyes. “We’re on our way. Tell Nicole I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.” Noting the fast moving landscape, he added, “Or less.” At the rate they were going, they’d be there in ten. He ended the call and braced for Rob’s questions, finally daring to look over at his partner.

“So, tell me,” Rob said calmly enough, but the rapid rise and fall of his chest gave away his churning emotions.

Resolved, Kyle laid it out there for him, like he’d expect Rob to do if the situation were reversed. Although they knew Sheryl had been beaten, having her suffering videotaped like a bad porn flick would enrage Rob beyond measure.

“Barber sent Nicole a video of Sheryl, and she’s hurt.”

Rob’s eyebrows shot down, eyes going glacier before he turned his attention back to the road. He swallowed hard. “How bad?”

“The video showed her being whipped with a cane.”

Rob’s jaw clenched. His fist hit the dashboard as he bit out, “He won’t live long enough to see the inside of a cell.”

“Don’t kill him, Rob, unless he gives you a good reason. You’ll do Sheryl no good if you go to prison for murder. And I’m thinking the inside of a jail cell is exactly where he needs to be. He’s an ex-cop. He’ll be lucky to survive a month in lock-up.”

“Maybe.” But he didn’t sound convinced. Like a pro, Rob maneuvered the car over to the right lane, around an asshole hanging out in the left, going five miles under the speed limit. Maneuvering back into the left again, he picked up speed. “How bad is she hurt?”

“I don’t know. The FBI’s on the way to Nicole’s and should be there by the time we arrive.”

Kyle hated the fact that he wasn’t there for her right now, knowing she’d be devastated by the video. His heart filled with a wealth of emotions, remembering the way they’d held each other throughout the night. He’d spoken to her about his mother’s death, something he hadn’t done with another human being. The ache in his chest that’d been with him for most of his life, becoming a little less painful.

When they finally reached Nicole’s place, the driveway was filled with marked and unmarked cars. Rob slowed and inched about halfway down her driveway, before being blocked by other vehicles. He killed the engine.

As they headed up the sidewalk, the front door banged open and Nicole came flying out, rushing into Kyle’s arms. He wrapped them around her trembling body, holding her close as Jason, the young FBI agent stepped out onto the porch.

Nicole buried her face into Kyle’s chest to breathe him in, instilling her with a sense of calm. She tried to shut out of her mind the images of her best friend being beaten.

Anger unlike anything she’d ever experienced before erupted inside her, flowing out in hot scalding waves until it filled her up completely. She trembled with the force of it.

Kyle brushed a kiss to the top of her head and hugged her tight. She heard Jason speaking to Rob. “We think we have a lead on her location.” He was the one nice guy out of the group of FBI creeps who’d shown up at her door after she’d received that video of Sheryl. She’d called Dean first, but he’d informed the FBI and they’d arrived about the same time.

The good news was that something in the video led these men to believe they knew the general location where Sheryl was being held.

She’d been too upset to really listen to what they’d been discussing, but she’d heard the man in charge, an arrogant jerk with no people skills whatsoever, mention something about an object he’d spotted when they’d watched the video.

Unable to look at the horrible images again, she’d curled up on the couch with Charlie and tried to put what she’d seen out of her mind. The anger she was feeling kept her from falling apart. “Kyle. We have to get her back.”

“We will.” He tightened his arms around her, brushing a kiss across her forehead. The heat rising off his body was like a warm hug, and she leaned into him, accepting the short moment of comfort.

At the sound of Rob’s curt voice cutting through the air, she glanced over to find him staring at Jason. She blinked, then swallowed at the naked rage covering his tight features. Kyle’s partner appeared to barely be keeping it together. And she wasn’t too sure he wasn’t going to take a swing at someone. Anyone.

“Where’s the video?” Rob asked between clenched teeth.

Jason nodded toward the house. “Ramsey has it.” Dark emotions flashed across his eyes. “The bastard’s torturing her.” His gaze shot to Nicole, apology in his eyes. “Sorry.”

“It’s okay,” she lied. Her stomach churned and bile burned her throat.

There was no other way to describe it. Her friend strapped to a table and being beaten with a cane. Though the man didn’t appear in the frame, only one gloved hand did, his mocking laughter was loud and clear. Along with the heartbreaking sound of Sheryl’s soft weeping.

It’d been like watching one of those torture flicks that seemed so popular today, instead of a true-life event with an actual person, her best friend, being subjected to such cruelty.

Feeling lightheaded, a whimper escaped her as a shudder shook her from head to toe, her knees going weak.

Swearing softly, Kyle drew her closer, holding her up with an arm around her waist. He threaded his fingers into her hair at the base of her neck, and spoke quietly over the top of her head. “Why don’t you two take it inside? We’ll be along shortly.”

Nicole inhaled slowly, breathing him in as she tried to calm her racing heart.

“I’m really sorry,” Jason said.

The sound of footsteps and the door opening and closing indicated their departure.

Kyle rubbed little circles in the middle of her back. “We won’t stop until she’s home safe.”

She squeezed her eyes shut, trying not to cry. Crying wouldn’t get Sheryl back. They stood in silence for a long time, while she tried to contain her grief.

“Nicole,” Kyle said. “Baby, look at me.”

Her emotions still wrecked, she peered up at him. Determination etched his features.

“Don’t give up. Sheryl’s strong and resilient. She’ll find a way to outsmart this guy and stay alive until we can get to her. You have to believe that.”

She nodded. “I keep telling myself that, Kyle. But when I think about all the women he’s murdered”—her voice cracked—“I wonder how. How will we ever get to her in time? Before . . .” Nicole couldn’t finish the sentence, the thought too horrible to contemplate. A tear slid down her cheek.

Cradling her face, Kyle brushed at the tear with his thumb. “Don’t cry. You heard Jason. They’ve got a lead on where to find her.”

“When will you find her, Kyle? Today? Tomorrow?” She clutched his shirt. “God, a serial killer has her.” Her voice rose hysterically.

“I know, baby, I know.” He pulled her in for another tight hug. “Don’t give up hope. Nothing’s going to stop us from bringing her home.”

Dead or alive.
Though the words were left unspoken, Nicole clearly heard them. Her fingers tightened on his shirt, needing the support to steady herself as grief made her knees weak.

Kyle cursed, tipping her face up. Seeking some sort of reassurance, she focused on his stormy eyes. “Alive, Nicole. We’ll bring her home alive.”

Her front door opened and Charlie came bounding out, followed by Rob and Dean, and a swarm of FBI agents. Charlie ran up to her, nosing her thigh. She absentmindedly patted his head, her attention on Rob, who looked like a man on a mission.

“We know the general location where Barber’s holding her,” Rob said. “I’ll explain on the way.” Not missing the way Kyle hesitated when his gaze fell to her, he continued, “Ramsey’s men will be here. She’ll be well guarded.”

Jason exited the house, onto the front porch. “I’ll stay with her.” He walked up to Kyle and gripped his shoulder. “I won’t let any harm come to her.”

“Go, Kyle.” Nicole took his hand and clutched it against her right breast. Standing on tiptoes, she gave him a quick kiss, hope filling her chest. “Bring Sheryl home.”

“I’ll drive,” Dean said.

Rob shot Dean a nod of agreement, glancing toward Kyle. “Okay, let’s go get this bastard.”

From the passenger seat of Dean’s squad car, Kyle studied Rob in the backseat. Fury vibrated off the guy. “So, fill me in.”

Kyle tried not to think about Nicole and how he’d rather be with her, making sure she stayed safe. He had to trust that Jason and his men would protect her. His partner needed him right now. Although Kyle hadn’t viewed the video, he knew the cruelties Barber was capable of.

Flipping on his blinkers, Dean steered onto the bypass, heading toward Detroit. “Ramsey noticed a crack in the curtains, so they blew up the image and I recognized the area.”

Kyle raised a brow. “How’d you do that?”

At the sound of Rob’s amused snort, Dean grinned. “There’s a water tower on the outskirts of Ann Arbor that resembles a dick, and I saw it off in the distance.”

Kyle nodded thoughtfully. “Yeah, I know of it. The Brick Dick. It’s not too far from here.” A grin tugged at his lips. “It won the ‘Most Phallic Building Contest’ a ways back.”

Rob smiled slightly, but the humor didn’t reach his eyes. “That’s the one.” He glanced at the clock on the dash. “We should be there in about forty minutes.”

“There’s a map in the glove compartment,” Dean said. “Check it for rural roads near the tower.”

Kyle reached into the glove compartment and retrieved the map, smoothing it out on his lap. “How nearby?”

“Within a couple miles, something near a thick forest of trees. Because the damn thing resembles a huge cock, I couldn’t tell which direction I was looking from, which makes it hard to pinpoint a location to start searching.”

Rob leaned forward and they both studied the map. “It’s too hard to tell from that,” Rob snapped, clearly frustrated. “Kyle, check that fancy phone of yours and pull up a map.”

Kyle retrieved his iPhone and pressed the button for Siri. “Map. Ypsilanti, Michigan.”

“Okay, here’s Michigan,”
the female voice of his phone said.

Pressing the button again, Kyle spoke more slowly. “Map. Ypsilanti, Michigan.”

Here’s Ypsilanti.”

“Can you locate the tower?” Rob asked.

It took some doing, but he finally located the tower and they searched the surrounding topography. By the time they neared Ypsilanti, they’d determined which rural roads were near a forest large enough for a killer to hide, where no one could hear a woman screaming. They narrowed it down to a handful of areas to search.

Dean shot a quick glance over his shoulder. “The local sheriff has already been contacted and he’s rounded up a team of men to help cover the search area. We’ll meet up with them tonight and go over everything, but given the late hour they won’t start searching until morning.”

A low growl rumbled from the back seat before Rob said, “I’m not waiting until morning.”

“I get it, Rob,” Dean said. “I care about her too. Hell, I’ve known Sheryl since the seventh grade. She dated my best friend in high school. But you know as well as I do, it’s unlikely we’d be able to locate her in the dark. We’ll grab a couple rooms at a local motel, and map out a detailed search area for tomorrow.”

“You know Dean’s right,” Kyle said. “We’d only be spinning our wheels out there in the dark. Let’s get a good night’s rest and start fresh first thing tomorrow.” It’d be nearly nine by the time they reached Ypsilanti, and they’d already spent a full day attempting to track down leads.

Rob’s mouth pressed tight, anger burning bright in his eyes.

Kyle wasn’t exactly sure what he had going on with Sheryl, but it was enough that his partner was in a rage. Kyle needed to make sure Rob didn’t do anything stupid and possibly get himself killed. Although he understood completely, because he felt the same way. Thinking about Sheryl spending even one more second with Barber was untenable. But there wasn’t a thing they could do about it tonight.

“It’s possible Barber took off after his release,” Kyle said, trying to offer some reassurance. And who knew, maybe it was true. Although the thought of Barber fleeing the country and never paying for his crimes infuriated him on a primal level.

BOOK: Between Midnight and Dawn
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