Betraying the Pack (7 page)

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Authors: Eve Langlais

BOOK: Betraying the Pack
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A thick forearm circled her
waist and yanked her back.

“I’m sorry, Bailey, but Wyatt
is right. You can’t stay here. You need to come with us. There are things going
on that I can’t explain. But trust me when I say it’s dangerous for you to stay.
We can keep you safe.”

Pushing at the arm manacling
her didn’t budge it. “Let me go. I’m not going anywhere with you guys.” She
opened her mouth to shriek, but a hand clamped over it.

Thrashing now in earnest,
Bailey fought to escape Gavin’s grip, which proved useless. The man was solid
as a rock and just as immovable. In the midst of her struggles, she glimpsed
Wyatt watching while shaking his head, his lips tight.

“We can’t carry her out in
broad daylight fighting like a rabid vixen.”

Bailey proved Wyatt’s point by
stomping down on Gavin’s foot.

“And what would you suggest we
do?” Gavin asked through gritted teeth. “We can’t stay here, and I’m not
leaving her.”

“Are you that sure?”

“Yes, damn it. And besides,
Nathan wants to see her.”

Bailey’s fight lessened as she
listened to their cryptic conversation.

“Mark her. That’ll at least
bind her to you so that she’s more likely to trust.”

“But she’s unwilling.” Gavin’s
voice sounded unhappy.

“Oh, please,” Wyatt snorted. “We
both know it’s going to happen at one point anyway. Remember what my dad used
to say?”

“It’s easier to beg for
forgiveness than ask permission from a woman.”

Ha, like she’d ever forgive
Gavin, or Wyatt, for that matter, for treating her like she didn’t own a

Wyatt laughed. “My dad, the
fountain of knowledge. Do it. We’ll worry about the rest later, when we’ve got
her stashed safely away in the heart of the pack. Besides, didn’t Nathan say no
secrets revealed until you did?”

“I remember what Nathan said, but
you know how Dana feels about forcing a claim.”

“So we take the long road back
so it’s not an issue by the time we arrive.”

Gavin sighed. “I still don’t like


“I’ll do it.” Gavin’s lips
brushed up against her ear as he whispered, “I’m sorry, Bailey, but you leave
me no choice.”

That sounded ominous even if
she didn’t understand what their entire byplay meant. She renewed her
struggles, but Wyatt came to stand in front of her. His added strength kept her
still while Gavin used one hand to brush the hair from her nape. The hand over
her mouth still muffled her, and she thought about biting it, anything to help
free the frantic mumbles of her trapped scream.

Warm lips touched her skin at
the back of her shoulder, a soft caress that even amidst the turmoil triggered
an answering response in her body.

“I will make this up to you,
from this day forth, for the rest of our lives. Believe me when I say, one day
you’ll understand what I’m doing and thank me for it.”

A shiver went down her spine at
his odd pronouncement. Before she could ponder it further, Gavin opened his
mouth wide on her skin, the tip of his longue laving her, and then . . . he bit
her hard enough to break skin.

Bailey screeched at the sudden
pain of it, and it was reflex for her to chomp down on the hand over her mouth.
She bit a little too hard and punctured his skin, not that he flinched or moved
away. On the contrary, he emitted a growl and sucked more intently at her neck
while the coppery taste of his blood filled her mouth.

Appalled, she tried to stem the
flow of blood with her tongue, but the fluid, with no place to go, filled her
mouth. She panicked as the realization struck that she had to swallow or she’d
choke on his blood.

Grossed out, but the need for
survival stronger, she gulped Gavin’s blood down, her eyes screwed tight. And at
the first gulp, lightning hit.



Blood to blood.
Soul to soul. Gavin felt the connection forge between them, an almost tangible
link that would join him to Bailey until death parted them. Even given the
circumstances, the power behind it awed him.

Most matings
occurred during sex, and Gavin could easily see why given the rigidness of his
cock. The urge to bury himself inside of her, claiming her with his body, and
not just his soul, rode him hard. As he licked the spot he’d bitten, he
couldn’t help rubbing himself against her backside. Shock swept through him
when she gyrated back against him with a moan. Despite her reluctance to trust,
she obviously felt the same pull.
course she does. She’s my mate.

His mate. And he’d
yet to even kiss her.

Not for long.

He let his hand
slide from her mouth, ready to return it if she screamed, but instead, she
sighed as he turned her in his arms. She came willingly, her eyes glazed with
wonder, and when he fitted his mouth to hers, the world around them disappeared
until only she remained. His new reason for being, his woman, his mate.

Slanting his mouth
eagerly over hers, he took what she offered and demanded more. Clutched tightly
to him, she felt so right, her plush frame a perfect complement to his
hardness. He lifted her off the ground so she wouldn’t have to crane, and she
mewled in need, clutching at his shoulders, a sound that rose in intensity when
he ground himself against her hidden core.

A throat cleared.
“Um, I hate to interrupt, but we need to leave.”

Reluctance made him
want to ignore his friend’s words, but his new duty to his mate took precedence.
Her safety was more important than his lust.

Gavin tore his lips
from hers and allowed himself a moment to stare down at her upturned face. “So
beautiful,” he murmured, seeing her kiss-swollen lips, flushed cheeks, and bright
eyes. “Come, my darling. We will continue this elsewhere.”

“Wha-What just
happened?” she asked, a crease marring her brow. “What did you just do to me?”

“He claimed you. He
can explain what that means later. For now, let’s get out of here before those
rogues return and force us to fight.” Wyatt’s words broke the sensual spell, but
did nothing to dispel the confusion on her face.

“Rogues? I don’t—”

It seemed natural
to hush her with a kiss, to which Wyatt snorted and rolled his eyes. Despite
his friend’s attempts at nonchalance, though, Gavin could see the envy—and
desire—in his gaze. He’d bet his last dollar it wouldn’t be long before Wyatt
asked Bailey to allow him a bite.

The thought pleased
Gavin, his earlier jealousy at sharing melted now that he’d claimed her.
If I have to share her with anyone, I would
hope it would be my best friend, and almost brother.

A shake of his head,
and Wyatt once again wore his smooth mask. “Bring her to the truck while I see
if I can salvage any of her clothes and stuff. I’ll meet you down there in five

Letting Bailey up
for air, Gavin heard her complain. “Wait. I never agreed to go. And—”

Gavin kissed her
again. It was his pleasure to do so, and to his gratification, each time he
did, she melted in his arms. The only problem with all the embraces was the
effect on his poor cock, which throbbed unhappily behind his thick denim.

Arm anchored around
her side, he waltzed her out of the apartment, brushing his lips across hers
whenever she opened her mouth to protest. It wasn’t until they reached the
elevator that he released her lips so she could speak.

“Just because
you’re a good kisser doesn’t mean you’re allowed to kidnap me,” she informed
him breathlessly.

“Only good?” he
teased with an arched brow. A red hue flushed her cheeks, and he grinned.

“Stop trying to
distract me. I want to know what’s going on. Really going on.”

“I want to tell you.
Believe me I do. But for now, you need to trust me.”

Messy, dark curls
went flying as she shook her head. “How can I trust you when I barely know you?
Everything is moving so fast, and I don’t understand anything.”

“The only thing you
need to know right now is that you are very important to me, and I need to make
sure you’re safe.”

A long sigh escaped
her, almost drowned by the ding of the elevator arriving at the main floor of
her building.

“I wish I could
believe you.”

The doors slid
open, and before he could discern her intent, she thrust her knee into his
groin. He sucked in a startled breath, and she shoved him off-balance before
she took off running. It only took him seconds to regain his balance, and he
tore after her. He hit the door for the exit, rebounding from the glass surface
before he managed to locate the release clasp to open it. Those few seconds
cost him and gave her a head start that proved enough to hide her from him when
he hit the sidewalk.

Eyes scanning
rapidly, he searched the almost deserted area, but didn’t catch any signs of

Obviously, she’d
turned off into an alley nearby, or building. But which one? He sniffed the
air, catching a trace of her scent to the . . .

A scream, abruptly
cut off, sent him running into the alley bordering her building. Skidding
around the corner, he came across Bailey struggling in the grip of a stranger
while another advanced on her menacingly with something in his hand. Gavin dashed
toward them, his heart racing as he wondered if he could make it in time.

Thankfully, Parker
strolled into sight at the bottom end of the alley, just steps from the

“Put her down,” his
giant friend demanded in a soft tone.

The thug, holding
what Gavin now recognized as a syringe, turned with a belligerent, “Or else

“Are you fucking
kidding me?” Parker shook his head. “Man, you rogues are dumb as shit. Jaxon, get
the girl while I teach these dicks a lesson in how to treat a lady.”

From behind Parker,
Jaxon sprinted forward, while Gavin raced to meet them from the back. Their
pack giant, Parker, lashed out at the thug wielding the needle, but instead of
moving away from the swing, the rogue stood there and took it, the force of it
propelling him into a heap on the ground at Bailey’s feet.

Gavin only had time
to yell, “No,” before the rogue plunged the syringe into Bailey’s leg and
depressed the plunger. Too late, Parker, with a roar, grabbed the thug and tossed
him away. In the chaos, Jaxon jumped onto the thug holding Bailey. A few cuffs
to the rogue’s ear, and Bailey was released to slump, with glazed eyes, to the

When the guy Parker
pummeled came flying his way, Gavin caught him and spun him, pressing him up
against the wall with an arm over his throat.

“Who the fuck are
you?” he growled as his wolf pushed at his control.

“One of many,”
replied the rogue with a lunatic grin before his eyes rolled up in his head and
he began to thrash. Gavin dropped him and stepped back, chilled at the ease
with which Roderick disposed of his minions.

“Hey, bro. Lose
your woman?”

Whirling, Gavin
found Jaxon holding Bailey in his arms, while Parker made a moue of distaste at
the other rogue, who convulsed on the ground.

“What the fuck just
happened?” his giant friend asked.

“Roderick. It seems
he’s not about to leave any loose ends for us to question. Quick. We need to
get out of here before someone calls the cops.”

“Where’s Wyatt?”
Jaxon asked, leading the way with Gavin’s mate.

It took some
willpower to resist the jealous urge to snatch her from his friend. As his
mate, it should have fallen on him, the job of rescuing and then carrying his
woman. But he controlled his base urge to smack the pup upside the head. It wouldn’t
do well to start a pissing contest yet, when he’d seen the interest in Jaxon’s
eyes that said, along with Wyatt and Parker, Gavin might find himself in a four-way
pack mating.

That will be a first for someone not Lycan born.

He’d only ever
heard of one human bond having a pair of wolves. Then again, doubt remained as
to what exactly Bailey was. None of this had anything to do with the problems
at hand, though. Time to get his mind back on his pack brothers and getting out
of there before more rogues appeared.

“I’ll get Wyatt.
You guys get Bailey out of here. We’ll rendezvous at the squirrel place.”

Gavin didn’t speak
the name of the place aloud in case hidden ears listened. Parker, though,
caught the reference as he swung behind the wheel of the SUV, while Jaxon slid
into the back with Bailey on his lap.

“Take care of her,”
he added, drinking in the sight of her, hopefully not his last.

“Don’t worry, man.
I’ll keep her nice and warm for you.” Jaxon laughed as Gavin growled, his lunge
hitting the truck door just as Jaxon pulled it shut.

“I’ll make sure the
puppy behaves,” Parker rumbled. “Be careful.”

The SUV pulled away,
and Gavin watched the taillights for a moment before jogging back to the
building, in search of his pack brother. Debating on whether to go through the
rear or front, he ended up choosing neither as Wyatt emerged from the building
shaking his head.

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