Betrayed: Keeping her in the Dark Vol. 3 (6 page)

BOOK: Betrayed: Keeping her in the Dark Vol. 3
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“What?” Will tried to look innocent. “Blow jobs count as cheating?” he shrugged his shoulders. “Since when do blow jobs count as cheating? It isn’t like you’re coming inside her or kissing her mouth. I can see why she would get upset about that. But come on, what’s wrong with a little blow job?” Will was trying to be funny. He knew damn well what was wrong with a blow job. I crossed my ankle over my knee, slouched back on the couch and just smiled.

Will gestured to my waitress and she brought over more drinks and he touched her hand when she sat his drink on the table in front of him. 

“Will, this is my waitress…my very sexy waitress,” I scooted up closer and put some cash on her tray. 

“Kimberly,” she replied. 

“Kimberly,” I repeated and nodded my head over to Will. 

“Well Miss Kimberly, I think it is time for a break, don’t you?” Will took her hand and moved on the couch so she was sitting between him and me.  

“My friend here, Liam, really likes brunettes, Kimberly. Do you think you can give him a little dance?” I smiled but didn’t say a word. I leaned forward and placed my empty glass on the table and picked up the fresh one.  When I leaned back on the couch, she stood up and faced me. I gave Will yet another ‘what the fuck’ look. He shrugged his shoulders at me again.

“What? Now you can’t have a little dance? Come on, all the fun out here in the open is G rated fun, my friend. If you start to go to one of the private rooms, I’ll stop you.”

She parted my legs and moved seductively between them. I drank half my drink down. I was feeling very good but I wanted to feel better. 

Kimberly was very curvy, wearing a short leather corset that exposed her stomach but pushed her breasts up so they spilled over the top, beautifully. Her shorts accented her hips perfectly and were low cut enough so I could see her belly button ring. 

She moved her hips back and forth running her hands over her body. I just leaned back and watched her work. It was a glorious sight. She kept her clothes on which was safer for both of us because the way she was moving against my lap and body, it would have been very easy to open my pants and let her ride me. 

At first I didn’t move my hands. I kept my drink in my left hand and my right arm rested on the back of the couch behind Will. She did all the work. I drank the rest of my drink and handed the empty glass to Will while I enjoyed the view. 

Even though I knew this was wrong, I didn’t think this was wrong. I had a woman on my lap, I didn’t remember anything in my vows about women being on my lap. I remembered things like ‘in sickness and in health’ and promising to love and honor Norah all the days of my life. But nothing about lap dances.

Will handed me another drink which I gladly accepted and the music changed. The lights went down and everything went back black. Techno music started and strobe lights started flashing everywhere. 

I looked up at Kimberly moving against me and she wasn’t Kimberly anymore. She was Norah. I blinked trying to make Norah go away but she didn’t. I put my free hand on her hip and leaned forward to place my glass on the table after drinking half of it down. When I leaned back Norah was gone because my vision was blurry.

My lips touched her stomach and couldn’t take my mouth away. I moved my lips back and forth over her stomach and put my other hand on her behind. 

The lights were flashing, the music was loud, she was grinding against me and I was completely drunk. She even smelt like Norah, her skin felt like Norah’s against my lips, and I was completely drunk. So when she went for my zipper I didn’t stop her. I ran lips up her body and kissed the tops of her plump, beautiful breasts. Plump breasts that I knew in my heart my wife did not have. Norah’s breasts were beautiful but not plump. This was not my wife. That statement kept echoing in my head.

I kept moving up her chest and made it to her neck, when I felt her hand on my hard cock. I went straight for my favorite part of Norah’s body and it wasn’t there. Her butterfly wasn’t there…this wasn’t Norah.

 I shook my head and tried to see her face but it wasn’t clear. Nothing was clear to me. I pulled away and took her hands away from manhood. I pushed her off my lap and stood up, tucking myself away and running my hands through my hair. 

“I’m married. I’m a married man.” I looked over at Will, who was enjoying the view of Jane and Josie enjoying each other. Everything was so blurry to me. I stumbled when I tried to step away from her.

 “I’m going to the bar. I apologize.” I made my way to the bar and held on to the edge while the room seemed to spin. Even though I didn’t need one, I ordered another drink anyway. 

“Are you sure, buddy? You don’t look so good,” the bartender said to me.

“Just give me another drink dammit!” I demanded.

I couldn’t believe what I had done. I was just going to watch. I was just going to watch and there wasn’t a problem with that. Watching other people enjoy themselves wasn’t betraying my wife. Somehow watching changed to getting a lap dance.

 I was just going to watch her grind against me. I wasn’t going to touch her, or let her touch me underneath my clothes. It was slightly less innocent than just watching but still completely within the limits of my marriage vows. 

I don’t know how that went to her hands on my cock and my mouth on her neck. I loved my wife. I loved my wife more than anything else and being with other women didn’t interest me.

The bartender handed me a bottle of water and the drink I ordered too. I drank the water down fast. My mouth was dry and felt like I had been eating beach sand. I asked for another bottle of water and drank that down too.

I still felt dizzy but my head was becoming clearer. Coming to this club was a bad idea. I drank too much, too fast. This was Will’s fault not mine. He knew this would happen and invited me anyway. I thought of every excuse possible. I blamed everyone and everything, except myself.

I turned around and faced Will at the table. He was now preoccupied with all three women. He was kissing Jane, with his hands on the back of Josie’s head as she and Kimberly went back and forth, sucking him off.

I turned back to the bar and took a small sip from my drink, when I heard her voice. 

“Liam Hastings?” she said. I turned my head in the direction of the voice. It was deep and raspy, just the way I remembered it. Her voice always reminded me of a woman who had smoked too much.

“Samantha?” I squinted my eyes. It was still really dark and I wasn’t sure it was actually her. I was also still a little dizzy and not seeing clearly anyway.

Samantha, the woman that trained me as a Dominant was standing right in front of me. 

“I didn’t know you still came to these clubs,” she put her hands out like she wanted a hug. I leaned in close and touched her back, while she kissed my cheek.

“I thought you started using ‘dial a sub’ services,” she laughed.   

“I don’t. I mean, I haven’t in a very long time. How are you? I haven’t seen you in...” she interrupted me. 

“In almost seven years. Liam, you haven’t changed a bit.” She touched my cheek. 

“Actually I have changed a lot, I got,” but before I could finish, Will came up behind me. 

“Sammy! Sammy girl! How the hell are you, love?” He gave her a big kiss. “And what is ‘dial a sub’?” he laughed. She hit his shoulder.

“You know what I mean, Will. Instead of coming to these clubs he started renting them for the weekend or whatever,” she said.

“Listen lets have one more drink, and then we are all going back to our hotel to have some fun. The really dirty kind of fun,” he raised his eyebrows and shoved a handful of peanuts in his mouth. He motioned to the bar tender and ordered drinks for everyone.

“Sammy, you have to join us! You can loosen this guy up. He’s so tense. He doesn’t know how to have fun anymore!” He slapped me on the back.   

This was a bad idea. I was drunk and had already made a bad decision, and I knew this was another one. But I still found myself walking back over the table and sitting down.

We sat around the table drinking and laughing. I couldn’t get over Samantha being here. She was older than me, so I assumed at this point in her life she would have settled down. 

We laughed and talked about old times and she told us how she was running her own escort service now. She had fifteen very beautiful, very sexy, young women working for her taking out rich men with nothing else better to do with their time than spend $5000 a night on a date. 

When she was trying to convince me that I would love “her girls” and how I should take advantage of the discount she was offering me, I knew I should bring up the very important detail that I was in fact married now. But I didn’t bring it up, and neither did Will or Jane. 

I started to really feel my liquor again. I felt drunk before when I had my hands on Kimberly, but I had nearly shaken it off while I was at the bar. But here I was again feeling drunk and unclear. I tried to stop drinking so I could see straight, but Will kept ordering drinks and I kept drinking.

After a few more minutes I couldn’t focus or even hear what people were saying around me. I felt the music in my head and while I could see everyone talking I couldn’t make out their words. Something was wrong. Drinking had never effecting me like this before. I had to get out of here. Something wasn’t right.  I stood up, slowly, and balanced myself by holding on to the side of the couch. 

“I think I am turning myself in for the evening. I am feeling a little…a little,” just then Will stood up and held my arm. I couldn’t even finish my thought. I couldn’t remember what I was trying to say.  

“I think it is time for all of us to go back to our room. And trust me you will start to feel a whole lot better in a few minutes.” He winked at me. I had every confidence that what I was about to feel wasn’t going to make me feel better at all.

 It occurred to me that I should ask him what he meant by feeling better. Why did he think I would start to feel better? How did he know how I supposed to be feeling? But I couldn’t form the words. Will helped me back to the limo and all the girls piled inside. All I could think about at that moment was getting into my bed alone, and sleeping this off. But that isn’t what happened.  


Chapter Five




Things got a little crazy in the limo after the wedding. We were so happy everything went off without a hitch, we went out to have a few drinks. Brenda had been flirting with a groomsmen during the reception and he heard we were going out drinking, so he invited himself as well as several other groomsmen to go with us. 

We went to a late dinner and had a few margaritas as a prequel to dancing in a club. 

Liam called and somehow the phone got knocked out of my hand while some of the bridal party were trying to play Twister in the back of the limo. I tried to get it back and while doing so one of the groomsmen who seemed to be flirting with all the girls offered it back to me in exchange for a kiss. 

I tried to call Liam back several times and when he didn’t answer, I knew he had heard the kiss comment. 

I left several messages and told him I would call him from the airport in the morning and that we would be home by lunch. 

I tried to let it go and have a good time. But I knew he was going to be upset. He didn’t want me to come to Verona without him in the first place and now I was out having fun. Me having fun without him was off limits, me having fun with single men that wanted to kiss me was probably grounds for a trip to the basement in his eyes. 

We arrived at Dante’s Ballare after midnight. The music had a Latin beat, the floor was packed and lights made the room hot. We danced like I remembered doing in college. We danced, we drank jello shots and danced some more. 

John and Winston even had a good time. John was nervous at first and felt like he couldn’t keep an eye on me while I was in a crowd surrounded by people. My answer was to drag him out on the dance floor with me. 

“Come on, John!” I yelled over the music. “You want to keep an eye on me and I want to dance. So the natural answer is for you to dance with me!” I grabbed his hands and drug him out on the floor.

“Besides you are probably the only guy in the room that Liam would trust to dance with me!” I shouted.

“I’m not too sure about, Norah.” But he danced with me anyway. At first he was as a stiff as a board. I put my hands on his hips and made him move with me. He began to loosen up around the third or fourth song. 

We ended our night around 3am and I wanted to call Liam. I was feeling good and I wanted to talk to my man. But I knew he was asleep and I had been drinking. He wouldn’t be happy being woken up and he certainly wouldn’t be happy about me drinking. 

Our conversation would be the typical ‘drunk dial’ call, where I kept telling him how I much I loved him. He would hear how drunk I was and be angry with me for putting myself in danger. 

I made sure all of my people made it to their rooms safely, then I crawled into my bed and set my alarm for 6am. 





I woke up from the sunlight coming through the window. My mouth tasted like a combination of sand paper and a wool sweater. I leaned up and grabbed for a glass water next to the bed and realized I was on the floor. I ran my hands over my face and through my hair trying to wake myself up. 

“What the fuck am I doing on the floor?” I asked myself, but I got an answer from a voice I didn’t recognize. 

“The bed was taken, so we slept down here.” I looked to my side and saw Kimberly lying next to me. 

“Oh shit! What are you doing here?” I stood up and moved as far away from her as I could putting my back against the window. She rolled over and thankfully she still had all her clothes on under the blanket. I thought that was a good sign. “What the fuck did we do?” I looked down and noticed my pants were unzipped. 

I quietly zipped them up and walked to the other side of the room. 

“Shit! Shit! Shit! What the fuck did we do? I told you I was married, Kimberly! I am married!” I looked in the bed and it was empty but all scrambled up and most of the blankets were on the floor. My eyes wandered over to the bathroom and it too was a huge mess. There were towels everywhere and the floor was wet.  I walked back over to her and yanked her off the floor.  “Tell me right now! What did we do? Did we fuck? Tell me right now!” She yanked her arms away and grabbed a t-shirt off the floor and pulled it over her head. 

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