Betrayal (7 page)

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Authors: Velvet

BOOK: Betrayal
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“I don’t know. I’ll ask him. Sometimes he can be such a tight-ass, and not want to ask for favors,” Fiona said, taking a sip of coffee.

“Well, let me know as soon as possible, since the party is day after tomorrow.”

“Don’t worry. I’m sure he’ll come through. So …” She looked over her cup. “What are you going to wear?” Fiona knew that was a touchy subject, so she was treading lightly.

“I don’t know yet. It’s between the red Cavalli that I just bought, or the pink Michael Kors,” she said, taking a bite of her egg white omelet.

Fiona wanted to cringe. Both colors were much too loud to be discreet. She loved her friend dearly, and didn’t want to offend her, but Michele needed a “dress for success” lesson or two. Obviously, their talk at Angelica’s party had gone into one ear and out of the other. “Don’t you have a black gown?” she asked, trying to be subtle.

“No. Those are the only two evening gowns I have. I’m leaning toward the red one, it’s really hot.”

Fiona’s suggestion sailed right over Michele’s head—either she purposefully refused to take the hint, or she really didn’t understand that red and pink were colors befitting a creative black-tie affair, which this wasn’t. “Oh,” was all Fiona said. She didn’t want to browbeat Michele about her overtly sexy wardrobe. Michele was a grown woman, and if she chose to display her assets for the world to see, then that was her choice, so Fiona just let it drop. “How’s that fine man of yours?” she asked, changing the subject.

“He’s good. As a matter of fact, I’m taking the train to New York today to see him. We’re a little past due,” she said, winking. “If you know what I mean.”

A broad smiled spread across Fiona’s face. “Chile, I know exactly what you mean. Last night after the party, I showed Thompson what a freak in the sheets I can be. I rocked his world so tough, that he overslept this morning.”

“I know that’s right. Way to handle your business, girl.”

“I’ve got to handle it, to make sure no other woman creeps in. I truly believe that if you’re satisfying your man in bed on a regular basis the way he likes it, then he’ll be hard-pressed to stray.” Fiona may have been prim and proper in public, but she was a straight-up whore in bed. She granted her husband’s every request, from anal sex, to oral, to golden showers. She was determined to remain the first wife, and if being fucked in the ass and peeing on her husband would assure her position, then she wasn’t opposed to the freak-fest.

“I heard that.”

“So, when is Trey going to make an honest woman out of you? You guys have been dating long enough to take the relationship to the next level,” Fiona asked, point-blank.

“I don’t know, and the way Trey has been acting lately, I really don’t care,” Michele said cavalierly.

“What do you mean by that?”

“Well, you saw how he was at your last party. He was so uncomfortable, like being at a black-tie affair was the last place on earth he
wanted to be. Don’t get me wrong, I care about Trey, and may even love him, but I’m starting to wonder if he’s the one for me. When I first met him, he was all that I could think about. He’s handsome, successful, and can lay some serious pipe, but …” Her words trailed off, as if she were thinking.

“But what?”

“I want someone who desires to be in the limelight as much as I do, and Trey could give a rat’s ass about schmoozing with the movers and shakers. I’m beginning to think that we jumped into a relationship too soon, before we got to know each other. I like the political scene here in Washington, but Trey has no desire to move to D.C. Even though we’re in a committed relationship, how long do you think it’s going to last living in two different cities? Besides, I don’t have a ring on my finger, and until I do, as far as I’m concerned I’m a free agent.”

“I guess you have a point. But what if he feels the same way, and cheats on you? How would you feel?” Fiona asked, throwing the question back at Michele.

“And who’s to say that he’s not already cheating? I’m here in Washington, and he’s in New York, so who knows what he’s doing.” She shrugged her shoulders. “I’m a realist, and I know that if a man gets a whiff of some other pussy, then chances are that he’s going to do more than sniff. I don’t disillusion myself and think that Trey is being a Boy Scout. Truth be told, if I found the right man here, who was well connected, I’d give Trey his walking papers; that’s why you have to get me into that VIP party tomorrow night.”

“Isn’t that a little harsh? I can’t believe you’d drop Trey just like that. I remember when you met him, you were in la-la land, and thought the sun rose and set on him.”

Michele took another bite of her omelet. “It’s not being harsh. It’s called being real. If he was really into me, he would have proposed months ago. I’m just reading the writing on the wall. Trey seems satisfied with the way things are. We see each other maybe twice a month, sometimes not even that much, and I’m beginning to think that he likes this arrangement just the way it is. Well, I want more. I want to be married.” She put her fork down. “And not only
married, but married to a man who’s going places. Not that Trey isn’t successful, but he’s content with running his club, and staying in New York. Even if he agreed to spend two weeks out of the month in D.C. and schmooze once in a while, I could deal with that.”

Fiona was taken aback. This was the first time she had heard Michele’s true feelings. “Wow, sounds like you’ve given this a lot of thought.”

“That’s all I’ve been able to think about. I’m not getting any younger, and I don’t plan on wasting my prime years in a one-sided relationship. When I see him today, I’m going to ask him point-blank where we stand. We’ve been together over a year, and I think it’s time we’ve had that conversation. And you know how men are, if a woman doesn’t broach the subject of taking the relationship to the next level, then chances are it’ll never happen.”

“Well, I guess you have a point. Why waste your time if he’s not serious? Three months after I started dating Thompson, I told him straight-out that I wanted to be married and have a family. I took my chances, knowing that he could have said, ‘Okay, see ya,’ but he didn’t. You’re right. Most men will avoid marriage for as long as possible, as if it’s a one-way ticket to Alcatraz.”

They clicked coffee cups, and laughed. Even though the comment was humorous, it rang true nonetheless. Once breakfast was over, Fiona dropped Michele off at the train station. The Acela from Washington to New York was express, with few stops in between. Michele thought that she would have a chance to delve deep into her novel, but by the time they pulled into Penn Station, she had only gotten through ten chapters. She caught a taxi up to Trey’s apartment. During the ride, she silently rehearsed her lines. Michele wanted to know exactly where their relationship was going, and if it was stalled, then that was all right too.

Once the taxi pulled in front of his building, she paid the driver and got out. The doorman was expecting her, so she went straight up to his apartment. Michele’s plan was to have a conversation before they hopped into bed, but the moment she walked in the door, Trey engulfed her in a bear hug and gave her kisses on the neck.

“Hey you,” he said, kissing her forehead.

“Hey yourself,” she said, taking a half step back. She wanted to say “Wait, let’s talk,” but Trey was shirtless and his muscular pecs and smooth chest made her mouth water. He looked like he was sculpted out of chocolate and she wanted to take a bite.
The conversation can wait
, she thought. Michele ran her hand up and down his chest, stopping at his right nipple. She circled it with her index finger, before planting her mouth on the small black button. She sucked ever so gently, and then trailed her tongue to the other side.

“I thought sucking breasts was my job,” Trey breathed.

“Yes, it is. I just wanted to remind you how I like mine sucked.”

“It’s been a long time, but it hasn’t been that long.” Trey started unbuttoning her blouse, and didn’t stop until her bra was exposed. He unhooked the front clasp, causing her boobs to fall out. He licked his lips. Michele had the best “girls” in town, and he missed them dearly. Trey immediately went to work with his tongue. He sucked and licked and stroked her rack until she started moaning. He then picked her up and carried her off to the bedroom.

Trey laid Michele on the bed, and took off her shoes, panties, and skirt. Once she was stripped down, he unloosened his buckle and dropped his jeans. He hadn’t bothered to put on briefs, so his cock sprang out before his jeans could hit the floor. “Spread them legs, ’cause I wanna get all up in there this afternoon,” he said, stroking his dick. He and Michele hadn’t had sex in quite awhile and he was anxious for some much-needed penetration.

Michele cocked her legs wide open, and began sliding her middle finger in and out of her moistness. “Come and get this wet pussy.”

Trey leaned on her knees, pushing them down toward the bed. As he was about to enter her, he heard a phone ringing in the distance. Trey ignored the sound. He didn’t care who was calling. The only thing he cared about at the moment was gliding his dick into a warm, wet place.

Michele raised her head off the bed. “Wait a minute. I think that’s my phone.”

“Whoever it is can wait. We got more important things to do,” he said, easing in closer.

The phone stopped, but started ringing again.
That might be Fiona calling about the ticket to the VIP party
. “Hold on, Trey.” She moved from underneath him. “I need to answer it.”

Trey pulled her back toward him. “Let whoever it is leave a message. Mr. Happy ain’t gonna be too happy if he has to wait much longer.”

“It’ll only take a minute,” she said, getting out of the bed.

Michele went into the living room, dug her cell phone out of her purse, and checked her voice mail. It was Fiona calling with an urgent message to call back as soon as possible. Michele immediately dialed her number. “Hey girl, what’s up?” she asked.

“I know you’re with Trey, and I wouldn’t have called if it wasn’t important. Thompson has a ticket on hold for you at his office—”

“Oh, that’s great!” Michele squealed before Fiona had a chance to finish her sentence.

“But there’s a catch. You have to pick it up before the end of the day otherwise he’s giving it to his assistant. I tried to get him to hold it solely for you, but he said that his assistant has been begging him for a ticket for months. Besides, he thinks that Preston can get you into the party. He said that being a justice, Preston has more clout than he does, and wonders why you didn’t ask him in the first place.”

Michele knew that she could never ask Preston for such favors. He would think that she was social climbing at his expense. “Okay, I’ll be there. Talk to you later,” she said, and hung up. Michele retrieved her bra from the floor, and put it back on.

“Whoa … what are you doing?” Trey asked as he watched Michele come back into the room and pick her clothes off the floor. “And why do you have on your bra?”

“Sorry, honey, but I’ve got to go back to D.C.”

A shocked expression registered on his face. “What? Why?”

Michele started to tell a lie, but decided to tell him the truth, hoping that he would understand. “Fiona’s husband has a VIP ticket for the CBC cocktail party, and if I don’t pick it up from his office this afternoon, he’s giving it away to his assistant,” she said, zipping up her skirt.

“What kind of party?”

“The Congressional Black Caucus’s party. It’s going to be the hottest event in town. I heard that Denzel and his wife are coming, as well as Don Cheadle, Danny Glover—”

Trey cut her off. “Are you telling me that you’d rather go to some party with a bunch of celebrities who don’t even know your name, than stay here with me and make love?” he asked, sounding upset.

“Well … it’s not that I don’t want to stay with you, but this is an opportunity of a lifetime, and—”

He interrupted again. “Fine. Go.” Trey was pissed. He knew from the last black-tie party that he attended with Michele that she loved schmoozing with the rich and powerful, but he didn’t think that she would leave him with blue balls, just to get her hands on some party ticket. His dick was still hard, so he softened his tone, and tried to persuade her to stay. “Come here, baby. Can’t you at least give me some head?”

Michele looked at his swollen cock standing at attention, and had to admit that it did look enticing. She glanced at her watch. “I would love to Trey, but if I don’t leave right now, I’m going to miss the next train,” she said, heading toward the door.

“Well, at least give Mr. Happy a good-bye kiss,” he suggested, still trying to get his way.

“I wish I could, but I’ve got to run.” With that said, she blew him a kiss, and was gone like the wind.

“Ain’t that a bitch!” Trey shouted into the empty apartment. His dick was still throbbing, so he did the next best thing—got out the K-Y and gave himself a good old-fashioned hand job.


so proud of herself. She had used her sly, fox-like ways to slip into Angelica Oglesby’s birthday party. Initially, she hadn’t planned on crashing, but when she was sorting through Preston’s mail, she noticed a package from the chief justice. The package wasn’t marked urgent, but it looked as if it could’ve been important, which wasn’t unusual, since Preston received mail from the chief on a regular basis. As Michele looked the package over, a bright idea occurred to her.

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