Betrayal (34 page)

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Authors: Velvet

BOOK: Betrayal
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Michele couldn’t have been happier and sang along to every song that played on the radio. Tonight she wouldn’t be turned down at the door, as before. She had the prized invitation with
name on the envelope, so she didn’t need to try and impersonate someone else. Yes, she was finally included amongst the A-listers.

The line of cars waiting for a valet in front of the Four Seasons Hotel was long, but moved swiftly. Michele waited patiently for her turn. She wasn’t going to park in the garage and run through the building like she did at the CBC function. No, tonight she was going to arrive in style just like the rest of the important guests.

“Here’s your ticket, miss,” the attendant said, handing her the valet number.

“Thank you.” She smiled and stepped out of her car.

The party was being held in the grand ballroom. She made her way through the lobby, and entered the majestic space. Michele marveled at the sparkling crystal prisms on the overhead chandeliers that cast a warm glow throughout the cavernous room. She suddenly felt tingly from head to toe as she scanned the room looking for famous faces. Bill and Hillary were there; so was Barack and his lovely wife, Michelle. She also spotted several secret service men
women, dressed in black-tie, trying not to look conspicuous. Michele wanted to pinch herself. She couldn’t believe that she was in the company of such distinguished luminaries. Teetering on four-inch heels, she made her way through the room, trying to find the bar. She was feeling a bit nervous and wanted a drink to calm her nerves.

“Why haven’t you returned any of my calls?” Fiona asked Michele, when she saw her approach the bar.

Michele had purposely avoided talking to her friend. Fiona could be a little self-righteous, and Michele didn’t want to share her secret affair with Laird and be chastised for sleeping with yet another married man. “I’m sorry,” she said, giving Fiona a hug. “I’ve been busy, that’s all.”

“Busy running around town with Laird Forester?” Fiona said, raising her eyebrow.

“How did you know?”

“Girl, this town is small and people talk.”

“Fiona, it’s not what you think. Laird has just been a good friend since Preston fired me.”

“Oh, I see.” Fiona had heard about Michele’s firing from her husband. “Michele, I hate to say this, but you’re in too deep. First you go after Preston, now you’re hooked up with another woman’s husband. I don’t want to see you get hurt, but at the rate you’re going it’s inevitable.”

“Chill out, Fiona. I’ve got everything under control.”

As the women were talking, Laird came up and grabbed Michele by the arm. “Come here,” he said, ushering her off to the side of the room.

She nearly stumbled. “Wait a minute, Laird, you’re going to make me fall! I have on heels, in case you haven’t noticed,” Michele said, as he pulled her along.

“Leona came back in town today unexpectedly. She opened our bank statement and grilled me about why I’ve been making so many withdrawals,” Laird whispered, once they were away from the crowd.

“What does that have to do with me?” she asked, pulling away from his grip.

“I’ve been taking money out of our savings account to give to you.”

“Why would you take money out of your joint account? That’s not too smart,” she said flippantly.

“Usually, I’m the one who reviews the statements, so I didn’t think it would be a problem. Besides, I’d planned on putting that money back before she ever noticed. Look, Michele, I’m not going to be able to give you any more cash for a while. Leona is starting to ask too many questions, first about my late nights, and now about what I’ve been doing with our money.” He looked down at his shoes, and then back at her. “Listen, I think we need to cool it for the time being.”

“Laird, don’t be so paranoid. You can still come over during the day, when she’s at work,” Michele said, refusing to accept no for an answer.

“What are you two doing huddled over in the corner?” Leona asked, walking up to them.

“Uh, uh—” he stammered, “we were just talking about uh—”

Leona gave him a look like, “stop lying,” and then said, “Laird, can you go and get me a Diet Coke with lime?” Once her husband was gone, Leona turned on Michele. “I know what you’ve been up to, girly,” she hissed.

“What are you talking about?”

“I’m talking about you sleeping with my husband,” she whispered, so she wouldn’t be overheard. “I know all about your little affair, so don’t try to deny it.”

Michele was speechless. She had no idea how Leona knew. She and Laird had been extremely discreet—or so she thought. “What the hell are you talking about?” she asked, playing the dumb role.

“For starters, I know that my husband is a hound dog; therefore, I keep a private investigator on retainer, and when I think Laird is stepping out of line, I have him followed. I haven’t shown him the pictures of you two yet, but when I do, trust me, he’ll drop you like a bad habit. You see, my dear, I’m the one with the old, old family money,
the clout. My husband is accustomed to living a certain lifestyle. A lifestyle he wouldn’t give up for you or anybody else.”

Michele was shocked. Laird had presented himself as a well-connected heavy hitter, when in actuality, it was his wife who had the power. “Look, Leona, I don’t—”

“Save it, girly! I’m not interested in hearing any more lies from you. As a matter of fact, I think that you should leave.”

“I’m not going anywhere. I was invited,” Michele said defiantly, putting her hands on her hips.

“Either you leave on your own, or I’ll have secret service escort you out. I’m on the committee for this affair, and I’ll simply tell them that you are an uninvited guest. Am I making myself clear?” she asked, staring Michele down.

Michele couldn’t believe the sudden turn of events. Less than an hour ago, she was flying high; now she was crashing like a deflated helium balloon. “Whatever.” She rolled her eyes. “I don’t want to be
at this stuffy party anyway.” Michele turned on her heel, and strutted through the crowd and out the door.

By the time Michele got home, she felt sick to her stomach. It was the combination of being thrown out of the party, and the too tight dress pressing against her stomach. She quickly unzipped the gown, and crawled into bed, without taking off her makeup. She was depressed, and just wanted to sleep.

For the next two days, Michele slept on and off. She was in a serious funk. She didn’t have a job, very little money in the bank, and no more sugar daddy. And to top it off, she seemed to be coming down with the flu. Michele called her doctor and made an appointment for the following week. She needed to look for another job, and couldn’t afford to be laid up for weeks with a cold.

On day three, she mustered the strength to put on clothes, go outside, and pick up a newspaper. She combed through the want ads, and found some good leads, but every person she called said that the job had already been filled. By the end of the week, Michele had exhausted the daily papers and decided to consult an employment agency. The first of the month was quickly approaching and she needed a J-O-B, quick, fast, and in a hurry.

“Your résumé is impeccable, but unfortunately we don’t have any positions for you,” the headhunter told Michele, and then handed back her résumé.

“I have another copy,” she said, returning her résumé back to the woman’s desk. “Why don’t you keep it on file, in case something comes in?”

“Trust me, nothing will be coming in anytime soon.” The woman stood up, indicating the end of the interview. “I hate to rush you off, but I have another meeting,” she said coldly.

“Thanks for your time,” Michele said, and left.

That scene was repeated over and over during the course of the next few days. The doors to gainful employment were slamming in her face, one after the other. Finally it occurred to Michele that she had been blackballed. At first she thought that Ariel was behind the scheme, but Ariel had left D.C. shortly after the fallout. Then it
dawned on her that Leona was the culprit. Leona had told her at the party that she was well connected. Obviously she was using those connections to keep Michele unemployed. She called Laird to enlist his help, but he didn’t answer her calls, and asking Preston for her job back wasn’t even an option.

Michele had no other recourse but to pack up and move back in with her parents, but before she left Washington, she decided to keep her doctor’s appointment. Since it was time for her annual checkup, he not only gave her a flu shot, but a complete examination.

“You can get dressed now, and come into my office when you’re done,” he instructed her.

“So … Doctor, I’ve been feeling run-down lately. I’m guessing I have this new virus that’s been going around. I read that this strain is from China and is hard to kill,” she said, taking a seat in front of his desk.

“Yes, there is a new virus going around, but you don’t have it,” he said.

“Really?” she asked, with a hint of concern. “Well, if I don’t have a virus, then what do I have?” she asked, praying that it wasn’t anything serious.

“You’re pregnant.” He smiled.

“Pregnant? Did you say I’m pregnant?”

“Yes. You’re about four weeks along.”

Michele was dumbfounded, but shouldn’t have been since she’d been having unprotected sex. She immediately thought that the baby was Laird’s, but remembered that she had also fucked Preston without using a condom. Her mind began to reel. She was carrying a child, and didn’t know who the father was. She started to panic, but then a sense of calm came over her. It really didn’t matter who turned out to be the father, since they were both powerful men in their own right. Even though Laird’s wife held the purse strings, Michele was sure Leona would be more than generous in order to keep the scandal off the front page of the paper. And as far as Preston was concerned, he was the type of man who would accept his responsibility without blinking. Michele had been looking for the ideal
person to usher her into the A-list crowd, and who could be more perfect than the baby of a high-profile man?

She sat back, smiled, and rubbed her stomach. She wasn’t maternal in the least, but a baby would give her the leverage she had been seeking for so long. Now it was just a matter of waiting another eight months to confirm the DNA!

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