Bent Out of Shape (2 page)

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Authors: Bebe Balocca

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Bent Out of Shape
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“Where is everyone?” she asked as she stepped inside. “Is the class cancelled?” Polished hardwood floors stretched in front of a mirrored wall, with a Stairmaster, treadmill and weight machines off to one side and a hallway that led to the rear of the building. The room was clean, modern and utterly empty.

“Mr Paul wanted me to take the first lesson solo. He asked me to report back to him with my experience before we called in more members of the staff. Hope you don’t mind. Mr Paul is a thorough and cautious employer.” He shrugged and Jamie detected the tiniest bit of an eye roll.

“Sure, no problem. I’d be happy to conduct a one-on-one lesson with you, Peter.” Jamie unfurled her exercise mat a few feet away from his, then turned on her music and stood with her back to the mirror. “Let’s start with some standing stretches and seated stretches, and then we’ll move on to sun salutations,
surya namaskar
A and
surya namaskar
Just follow me.” She stood with her feet at shoulder distance apart and inhaled deeply. “Ground down through the four corners of your feet,” she instructed. “Now straighten. Reach up through the crown of your head, hollow out your stomach and draw your belly button to your spine.”

He was eager, limber and so damn sexy that Jamie wanted to pounce on him and gobble him up. When he faced her in the warrior pose, his pectorals flexed, and she had to look away for fear that he could see her lascivious thoughts written right on her face.
Completely inappropriate for a yoga teacher,
she admonished herself. And when he shifted into the seated angle pose, with legs splayed, she thought she’d pass out before she could complete the class—which was crazy, really, because she wasn’t some kind of sex-crazed yoga bunny like some of her students. Jamie was mature, grounded—and totally in lust with the man spreadeagled in front of her.

“That’s good,” she encouraged. “You’re getting a good stretch in. Try to enjoy it, take it slow and relish it. It might be hard now, but…um…” A boner the size of a Mack truck tented the front of his shorts. Jamie looked away, her cheeks aflame.

He cleared his throat and looked down at his lap. “Uh, yeah, sorry about that. We can stop if you want to.” He chuckled. “It’s just, you know, distracting to be this close—”

“It’s okay. This happens often in group classes and it’s not a big deal. Yoga is all about being comfortable with your body. And, yeah, I know it’s hard.” She chuckled uncomfortably. “I mean difficult.”

“No, you meant hard,” he said. “And yes, it is.” He copied Jamie’s moves as she stood and lifted her hands overhead. His erection jutted out and pointed straight at her crotch. “But I can put up with it if you can.”

I wanna do a lot more than just put up with it,
Jamie thought,
but I’ve got a job to do, dammit.
“Let’s move into the cow pose. On your hands and knees, drop your spine towards the floor and try to make your shoulders touch your lower back. Just relax and breathe.”

“How’s this?” he asked, breathing hard. “Am I doing it right?”

Jamie looked at him and her heart pounded. Bent in one of the most traditionally embarrassing positions—at least for novice male yoga students—he was the picture of masculine gorgeousness. The tensed muscles of his ass pointed up to the ceiling, his bunched thighs trembled beneath the fabric of his shorts and his rampant erection now stretched towards the floor. “You look great,” Jamie told him, “but don’t push it. You don’t want to injure yourself.”

“I want to be good at it,” he grunted. “How could I get hurt doing this anyway? We couldn’t be moving any slower.”

“You can pull a muscle, no matter how slow we’re going,” she told him. The cords in his neck stood out with his effort. “Now arch your back up to the ceiling for the cat pose. You want to stretch the muscles between each vertebra. Move slowly and carefully. No rushing.”

Peter glanced at her and Jamie caught a glimmer of humour at the corner of his mouth. He exhaled, deepening the stretch, then yelled abruptly. “Aw, fuck! Dammit!” He dropped to his mat and rolled onto his side. “Ow!” His face contorted in pain and he squeezed his eyes shut.

“Oh, no, I’m so sorry.” Jamie knelt next to him. “Where does it hurt, Peter?”
Great, just great,
she thought bitterly.
The dude sent to evaluate my class has gotten hurt under my watch. There go my swim aerobics classes in Marcus Paul’s grotto pool.

He flopped onto his back, stiffened cock still at attention, and gestured to his abdomen. “Around my lower stomach or hip,” he mumbled. “Somewhere down there.”

Jamie placed a tentative hand on the waistband of his shorts. “Here?” she asked. “It’s unusual to pull an abdominal muscle during the cat pose.”

“Hmm, lower,” he answered, wincing.

She slid her fingertips towards his hip bone, carefully avoiding his erection.

“More in the middle, Jamie. I think some gentle pressure would help.”

Jamie swallowed and rubbed light circles on his belly. The back of her hand brushed his shaft and she caught her breath.

“I’m sorry,” she said. “This is becoming unprofessional and I probably should—”

He caught her wrist and placed her hand on top of his cock. “Please don’t stop.” He grinned. “It was just getting good.”

“Oh,” Jamie breathed. She wrapped her hand around his shaft.
Good lord, it is thick.

He covered her hand with his own and moved it up and down his length. “I feel better already.”

Chapter Two

“You didn’t pull a muscle,” she stated.

“Who said anything about a pulled muscle? I’m so damn hard that if I don’t get some attention from you I’m going to have to excuse myself and go jerk off. I could solve this problem on my own, but it sure would be more fun to have some help.” He tightened his hand over hers and slid it faster. “Your choice, Jamie.”

“What about—?”

“Mr Paul? He’s away on a trip right now, and nobody’s going to bother us in here.” He pushed her hand beneath his shorts and underwear. “C’mon, Jamie, touch it.”

She glanced over her shoulder at the door. “This job would really mean a lot to me, Peter. I don’t want to mess anything up by, you know, messing around. It would have to be a black mark on my application to get caught with my pants down by another staff member, don’t you think?”
If only he wasn’t so damn tempting and persuasive.

“You’ve got it in the bag, don’t worry. I’ll tell Mr Paul that you’re fabulous. And there’s no way anyone would interrupt us in here, either.”

Jamie suppressed a girlish squeal of glee.
Do I really have the job? Yesss!

She felt prickles of excitement run from her cheeks to her chest then to her belly.
Is this what Madame Callais had in mind? Don’t overthink, don’t hesitate, be open to the gifts the world has to offer.
His shaft was silky-smooth and hard as steel.
It’s a pretty tempting gift, and I’d be silly to reject it, wouldn’t I?
He was decidedly
in the mood for yoga right now, so attempting to teach him would clearly be a waste of time anyway, she rationalised. She let his cock slide through her fist and watched as he exhaled slowly and let his eyes fall closed.

Jamie swallowed. “Sure nobody’s coming in?”

Peter smiled and shimmied out of his shorts and boxers. “Definitely not.” He sat up, abdominal muscles bunching, and ran his fingers through the back of her hair. Jamie bit her lower lip. He no longer looked like a rumpled undergrad on his way to the gym. He looked intent, powerful and maybe just a little bit dangerous.
Don’t overthink.
She tightened her grip around his shaft and saw his eyes darken in response.
A romance with Marcus Paul’s hot personal assistant could be just what Madame Callais had in mind…
She gasped when he kissed her suddenly, plunging his tongue in her mouth as if he’d been hungering for her for years.

Her body, primed by the stretches, went on auto-pilot, and Jamie threw caution to the wind. The barest hint of stubble on his face scrubbed against her lips.
I’m gonna totally get beard-burn from this
but it’ll be worth it.
She sucked the tip of his tongue and stroked his erection faster.

He pulled his tongue free and smiled devilishly. “You like to suck on stuff, huh?” He glanced down at his lap then back up at her. “I got something for you to suck.”

Jamie couldn’t have kept her eyes away if she’d tried. His cock pointed up at her, shiny and thick, from a soft nest of brown curls. She ran the pad of her thumb across the tip and spread a clear drop of pre-cum over the rounded knob. “Oh, god,” she whispered. “I came here to teach a yoga class…” She lowered her head to his crotch and licked her lips.

“Wait!” he said sharply. “Would you mind getting out of your clothes first? I’ve got a feeling I’m going to want access to some places that Spandex is covering.”

“Think we could lock the doors?” she asked. “I know you’re not expecting anyone, but it’s sort of distracting me.”

“Okay. You get naked and I’ll lock the doors. It’s a deal.” He rose to turn the latch on the front door, then walked to the side door to secure it as well. After he returned to his yoga mats in the centre of the room, he pulled his T-shirt over his head and stood in front of her in his naked, muscular, fully aroused glory. “Okay, your turn, Jamie.”

This is crazy, this is crazy, this is
crazy! Jamie thought as she slipped out of her tank top and yoga pants and pulled the elastic from her ponytail. Yoga had given her many things, including improved stamina, flexibility and concentration, and at the same time it had stripped her of self-consciousness. While she felt that all healthy bodies were beautiful, she knew that men appreciated her own. She was toned, tanned, lithe and slender, and she loved to be admired.

“Hot damn.” Peter chuckled. “You look much better naked, you know.” He lay back down on his mat and gripped his erection. “Where were we?”

Jamie grabbed her own yoga mat and folded it into thirds, then placed it beneath her knees. She knelt at his ribs and looked down at him. Her dark blonde hair fell in a curtain over her face and she tossed it over her shoulder. He bent one arm behind his head as a pillow and the muscles of his upper arm bulged gorgeously.

He waited, watching her, and ran his shaft through his fist.

When she covered his cock with her mouth, he groaned and tensed. “Ah, fuck,” he murmured. She swirled her tongue over the tip, tasting him, then slid him to the back of her mouth. He found one nipple and pinched it, tugging and rolling it between his fingers. The sensitive folds between her legs grew slippery and she twisted her hips with impatience. Peter tugged her pelvis closer to his head and ran his hand up the inside of one thigh.

“I’m glad you got out of your pants,” he whispered, “because now I can touch you here…” He slid his fingers over the swollen edges of her labia, tracing a path between them and found her entrance with one fingertip. “And here…” She moaned around a mouthful of cock when he penetrated her with one slim digit. “You’re wet, you know that?” He added a second finger and began a steady in-and-out rhythm, then tugged her hips closer to his head. Jamie tensed, swallowed around his shaft and bucked against his hand.

“Do the splits,” he suggested.

Jamie let his erection slide from her mouth and looked down at him, confused.

“On my
,” he clarified.

Jamie stifled a giggle.
Men and their gymnastics fantasies
. She straddled his face and spread her feet out on the wooden floor, holding her pelvis up with her toes so that she didn’t squash him with her body. “How’s that?”

“Nice view,” he noted.

She sighed when his lips made contact with her skin. He placed his hands on her inner thighs, deepening her stretch and supporting her before slipping his tongue into her entrance.

She squeezed her eyes shut, melting into his touch, then opened them. His cock was inches from her face. When she pulled his shaft between her lips, the vibrations from his groan rumbled through her flesh. He scooted his palms down her thighs, closer to her core, and pressed his thumbs against her centre. He kissed her and nipped her skin lightly, and pressed the tips of his thumbs into her pussy. She stiffened.

“Try to enjoy the stretch,” he told her, pushing both thick digits in to the knuckle.

“Oh, god,” Jamie gasped. She was full—beyond full—and he pushed her thighs apart to deepen her split. She kissed the head of his shaft and pushed it into her mouth again.

“Just take it slow, okay?” Peter fucked her deeper, pushing his way to the second knuckle. “Relish the stretch. It may be hard now…” He forced his joined thumbs in to the hilt. “But it’ll all be worth it.”

Jamie’s face was on fire and she felt slippery dampness between her legs. “I’m holding you up,” he murmured, “so don’t worry about that. Just suck me.” She drew him in and swallowed around his girth. “And fuck me.” Jamie, her thighs trembling, bucked her hips against his hands.

The tingling closeness of an orgasm thrummed through her body, from her mouth down to the toes of her spread-eagled legs. She braced her chest up off the floor with one hand and fed him between her lips with the other. The veins on his shaft grew more defined and she tasted the faint flavour of his cum.

“Faster,” he urged. He bit her inner thigh again, hard, and she cried out in protest, but then the wet heat of his lips and tongue covered the bite, soothing and sucking. Jamie thrust against his hands, his thumbs wedged completely inside her cunt. The surge of his climax surprised her, spurting against the roof of her mouth, but it was his throaty, animal groan that pushed her over the edge.

Her body took over, bucking wildly, and she swallowed his semen as her own orgasm washed over her.

She held him inside her until her climax lessened, then let his softening shaft slide free. He released her thighs and eased her onto her side, withdrawing his thumbs from her pussy in the process. Jamie exhaled and twisted her hips and shoulders in opposite directions, first one way, then the other. “That was amazing.” She grinned. “And I got a good stretch in, too.” She sent a silent thank you to Madame Callais for yet another spot-on prophecy.

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