Bender (24 page)

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Authors: Stacy Borel

BOOK: Bender
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He groaned deep in his chest. “Your pussy is so tight. Fucking made for me. You’re mine. Tell me you’re mine.”

He wants to talk? Like right now?
I couldn’t even form a full thought, let alone have enough air to breathe out a sentence. My fingernails clung to the sheets and the swinging of my breasts with his thrusting was almost my undoing. I was about to fall over the edge when he stopped. I was panting hard. If he hadn’t been holding me down, I was certain I’d take a swing at him for pulling back.

Gritting his teeth he said, “You know what I want to hear, Keegan.”

I twisted my head back refusing to look in his intense eyes. Maybe if I just reached down and used my own fingers with him still inside me I could give myself a decent orgasm. I was right there anyway, wouldn’t take much work. I started to do just that when he snagged my hand and paused my movement.

“No fuckin’ way Blue. You get your pleasure only from me. Now say it.” I couldn’t help the giggle that bubbled up my throat. The action caused my pussy to clench around him because he let go of my hip, my butt resting on his legs, and he fell forward with a groan. He said a string of curse words, and I smiled.

“I’m sorry, what was that?” I cupped my ear.

His head snapped up and the vicious look he gave me made me shut my mouth. Oh, he was on the verge of coming just like I was, but he was torturing both of us. Bastard.

“I’m not fuckin’ around Keegan.”

He reared back till he almost fell out of me, and I swore I’d cry if he left me like this. Being that I was so close to what would likely be the most mind blowing orgasm of my life, I figured I’d pick this fight another time.

I brought my free hand up to his cheek and brush my fingers across his warm skin. “I’m yours Camden. Just yours.”

His eyes never strayed from mine. He rocked forward and seated himself back inside me. I sighed with relief. I continued to watch him as he slid in and out in a punishing pattern. We were both so worked up before his movement had subsided that it didn’t take long for me to get back to the moment of ecstasy. A few more pushes. When my vision clouded over and my body arched, my orgasm hit me with brutal force. My legs locked up and I shook, screaming out Camden’s name. I felt him stuttering above me, and he shouted out in satisfaction shortly after I did. He came down on top of me, his heat almost too much. He filled me to the point of overflowing, and I could feel his wetness dripping down the crack of my ass. Aftershocks wracked us both, as we came back from the euphoria.

Camden was still inside me when he lifted his head from being buried in my hair. He looked completely sated and sleepy. It was yet another new face that I’d never seen from him. It warmed me to know that I put him in the exhausted state. He gave me a lopsided grin that made him appear boyish and young. He brushed a few strands of hair that were sticking to my forehead away and tucked it behind my ear.

“How are you doing?” he asked, his voice tired and raspy.

“Fine,” I answered, unsure of what else to say.

As the high of what we’d just done started to fade, worry worked itself in. Were things going to be awkward between us? Did he regret it? What did he think of it, of me? I wasn’t fooling myself into believing that I was good in bed, but Camden was experienced. Ranking low on the totem pole would have been a blow to my ego. At best I hoped I fit somewhere in the middle.

Tilting his head to the side he looked at me curiously. “It’s like all of your emotions are written on your face right now. Breathe Keegan, whatever questions and worries you have, let them go. Feel the moment and just be in the now.”

“Since when did you become a mind reader and so philosophical?”

He smiled at me. “I’m not a mind reader, just a Keegan reader. I’ve watched you enough to know when you can’t let yourself relax. Like this.” He tugged on my lip, releasing it from my teeth. “Or this.” He used his thumb to smooth out the crease that was likely between my brows. “And there’s always your eyes.”

“What about my eyes?” I asked.

“I’m right here. You look over my shoulder, never at me when you’re nervous and lost in your head. I like eye contact, I know you’re with me when I can see those baby blues looking at mine.”

His words were sweet and laced with so much sentiment. I didn’t know he paid enough attention to me to pick up on certain habits. I felt a blush creep up to my cheeks, and I stared into the warm chocolate color that was reflecting just how I was feeling.

“I’m going to get something to clean up with. I’ll be right back.”

Despite the sex we’d just had, he still had a semi-hard erection that slid out of me when he lifted himself up. Cool air hit my bare skin on my chest, and my body shivered. Camden stood up and pulled the covers over the top of me in a very tender and sweet gesture. When he turned, I got a full view of the ass that I’ve been admiring through clothing for the past several months. It certainly didn’t disappoint. I made note to get a good feel of it the next time we were together.

Whoa wait…next time we’re together? Would we do this again?

I guessed I never made it that far in my thoughts as to whether this was a one-time deal just to get it out of our systems, or if he actually wanted me. I was clear on one thing, and that was the way that I felt about it. Every preconceived notion I’d had of Camden prior to tonight went straight out the window. I liked him. Like
liked him. I shouldn’t because of how he’d treated me in the past, but none of that really mattered.

My thoughts were cut short when Camden came back in the room with a washcloth in one hand and a folded t-shirt in the other. He approached the bed, and I noticed he put on a pair of black briefs that were snug. I lifted the blanket. He handed me the cloth, and I tried to discreetly clean myself. He either noticed my discomfort, or was being respectful because he sat on the edge of the bed, keeping his back to me. When I finished I tossed the cloth over his shoulder. He chuckled. Climbing back in beside me, he pulled me in close to him so that my back was to his front. I sank into him, loving the way that his biceps pillowed my head and supported me. He was completely curled around me, making me feel safe.

“Are you sore?” he rumbled in my ear.

I wiggled a bit just to check. Unfortunately it also caused my ass to grind back into him, so he poked me in my side with his fingers. I laughed and squirmed some more. “Maybe a little, but it’s a good sore.”

Camden grunted, and I felt him rearranging himself. “Good. Now let’s get some sleep. It’s been a really long night. I’ll make you breakfast in the morning.”

I sighed deeply, feeling my muscles loosen and becoming limp. “Mmm… sounds good,” I said, closing my eyes.

“Moan like that again, and neither of us will be sleeping,” he threatened.

I shut my mouth and smirked. “Good to know Camden, good to know.”

He barked a laugh and squeezed me tight. That was the end of the talking before we both passed out from exhaustion.

through the cracks of the blinds. Peeling my eyes open, I squinted. My cheek was currently plastered to Camden’s firm chest. I breathed in deep and smelled everything that was him. I lifted the corner of my mouth in a smile. His soapy scent was still clinging to his skin. I was tempted to lick him, just to see if he tasted as good as he smelled. It was a mouthwatering essence. If this was what waking up in Camden’s arms was like every day, sign me up. He had a hand resting on my hip, and one of my legs slung over his. I lay there, feeling his heart beating under my palm. He breathing was deep. I tried not to move, but carefully raised my head and glanced up at him. I took my time and let my eyes roam over his features. His strong jaw didn’t appear to be as harsh in the light and from the angle that I was laying. He had high cheek bones that gave him a chiseled look. Long, dark lashes fanned his eyelids, and his hair was sticking up haphazardly. He had a very subtle boyish appearance in his sleep. It was almost approachable and not so intimidating. I turned to rest my cheek back in the same little nook of his shoulder. It felt like a place that was meant just for me. Tentatively I let my fingers trace the pattern of his defined abs and carved chest. He was exactly the type of man girls like me admired from afar but could never attempt to have.

“I’ll have you know, that tickles.” His groggy sleepy voice sounded under my cheek.

I smiled, knowing that he could feel it. “Just looking at everything that’s Camden.”

He shifted slightly, giving me a lovely view of the V down his waist. “And what do we think of everything that is
?” he asked in amusement.

I spelled my name with my finger over and over on his golden skin, trying to think of the right words. “Well….” I paused. Might as well get this all out in the open. Camden and I
cross a barrier last night, and it might be time to define what we are. “I think that you are arrogant, stubborn, full of yourself, and can be a complete asshole.”

He scoffed, “Tell me how you really feel.” I could feel his stomach bouncing up and down with light laughter.

I lifted my head to glare at him. “I wasn’t finished. Now shhh…” He put his hands up in a sign to continue. I put my head back in its special spot. “You’re all of those things, Camden. But you’re also kindhearted, warm, caring, protective, genuine, and funny. It’s like all of your negative qualities are overshadowed by your good ones. And even then, your bad ones can be spun into something positive. Like your stubbornness. Most guys wouldn’t put up with my sarcasm. They find it offensive and off-putting. But you somehow play off of it and turn it into this weird flirting thing that I don’t think I get, but am strangely attracted to.”

“Hmmm…I’m intrigued. Go on.”

“Well, last night you were sorta…here for me. I’m assuming that Dodger gave you a heads-up that we were coming home, but when we walked in the door, you had this look about you like you wanted to pound somebody’s face in.”

“That’s because I did.”

I nodded. “I know. That’s the side of you that confuses me.”

He brushed his fingers through my long waves. “What do you mean?”

“Camden, since I moved in here, things didn’t get off on the right foot. You were cruel with your words, and you acted like you wished I never walked into your apartment. Nobody has ever made me feel like the mere sight of me disgusted them.”

“Keegan, that’s not how it happened,” he argued.

“That’s how it happened to
. You said some very hurtful things to me, and they cut pretty deep. My weight seemed to be an issue for you, but yet your words now say the opposite. Do you see how I could be feeling like a yo-yo in my head?”

“Yes, but I’d like to have a chance to explain all of it.”

I shook my head. “Not yet. I need to get this out.” He sighed in resignation. “I like you Camden. Despite how the last couple of months have played out between us, there has been one constant. You’ve always been the protector. I don’t know why you took on that role, but you did. From the night I brought my little sister back home, to bossing me around and telling me what I could and couldn’t do at the gym, and then warning me about Luke. For some reason, regardless of how you came across to me in the beginning, you’ve always been there. You wedged yourself into my life when I wasn’t asking for it, and when I least expected it. As much as you piss me off, and I’ve secretly plotted how to murder you in your sleep, you’ve grown on me.”

I could feel the vibrations of his chest as he laughed at what I said. “Boy this conversation keeps getting better and better.” I reached up and tweaked his nipple. “Ouch!”

He grabbed my wrist and flipped me on to my back, pinning my arms on either side of my head. “Careful. If you’re wanting to play, I’ll play.”

I narrowed my eyes. “Then quit laughing at me.”

“Quit saying funny shit,” he retorted.

“Gah you frustrate me! I wasn’t trying to be funny, I was telling you how you make me feel.”

He maneuvered himself between my legs and rolled his hips till he rubbed against parts of me that were still sensitive from the night before. “So then tell me how I make you feel.”

My eyelids fluttered shut, and I bit my lip to hide my moan. “Stop distracting me,” I whined.

“Look at me Keegan. Let me see your eyes.” I opened them and gave him my full attention. “Good girl, now tell me how I make you feel. I won’t distract you.”

“Yeah right, you’re one big distraction,” I mumbled under my breath, and he chuckled. I sighed before continuing, “Look, somewhere along the line, something between us shifted. You went from just being my roommate, to the person that I look forward to seeing when I come home. If you’re not around, I’m wondering what you’re doing. When I go to the gym, I catch myself searching for you. There’s even been times when I can
you come into a room, and I know your eyes are on me. It gives me butterflies, and I don’t know what to do about it. It’s been a lot of confusing emotions that I don’t know how to express because you have to be one of the hardest people to figure out that I’ve ever met.”

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