Being with Her (8 page)

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Authors: Amanda Lynn

BOOK: Being with Her
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She giggles. "It was great. Thanks, Professor." She turns to leave. I smack her on the ass. She laughs, closing the door behind her.

Chapter 13


After I close the door to Gavin's office I turn to walk down the hall and Doug is standing there with a knowing look on his face. "Hey, Doug, whatcha doing here?" I ask nervously.

"What are you doing, Paige?" he asks.

"I don't know what you mean?" I play dumb. He walks over to me and runs his finger down my cheek.

"I think you do. Come on, Paige, the door was locked and you were in there a while," he whispers into my ear. He sucks my earlobe into his mouth and moans. "I've wanted to taste you since this class started months ago. And now I'm finally getting closer to you, I find out you’re fucking the teacher."

"Stop, Doug. I don't know what you're talking about," I say as I hear Gavin clear his throat in his open doorway. I step away from Doug and look over at Gavin. He's fuming.

"You need something, Doug?" Gavin is staring at Doug.

Doug is glaring back. "Yeah, I need something but not from you. Paige can take care of what I'm needing. Now I know why you have such a problem with me hanging out on her desk and talking to her. Look the other way, Professor, or I might have to get with Dr. Sanders about his faculty fraternizing with his students," Doug threatens Gavin.

Gavin walks over to Doug. "Don't threaten me. No need to get Dr. Sanders involved ’cause as of immediately I'm no longer a professor here. And as far as Paige goes, she's not going to be taking care of any of your needs anytime soon." Gavin continues to walk down the hall and knocks and walks into Dr. Sanders office.

Doug walks over to me after watching Gavin go into Dr. Sanders office. "This ain't over. I will get another taste of you and not just your ear. I want to taste a whole lot more." He swirls a piece of my hair around his finger.

I pull away. "I'm not interested Doug, I'm sorry if I led you on."

"We'll see," he says walking away.


What is wrong with me? I have Bobby threatening Gavin and now Doug who I thought was just innocent flirting and talking is now threatening us. I'm scared that I'm going to lose Gavin ’cause I'm turning his life upside down. He's having to quit early because of me and my so-called stalkers. I make my way home, skipping my next class. I try to call Gavin a couple times throughout the evening but it goes directly to voicemail. I leave a message asking him to call me but he doesn't. I search once again for my birth control pills that I've somehow lost. I'm so stupid. I always kept them in my purse but can't find them there or at home. I know that they were there before and then missing when I found my purse. I don't have a current doctor here and no one will prescribe any to me. I made an appointment with a new doctor but their schedule is booked out a few weeks. I was going to have Gavin start wearing a condom until I got on the pill again but of course in the heat of our passion I always forget to tell him and there's been a few encounters that I'm now worried about. What if it happens again? Will Gavin leave me, too, like Bobby? I don't think so; he seems to love Addy so he'd love another one, right?

At about ten that night my phone rings and I think it's Gavin but when I go to answer it I see it's Bobby.

"Hello?" I answer, not too friendly.

"Paige? What are you doing, baby?" he says all lovingly.

"What do you want Bobby? And I'm not your baby," I argue.

"I see lover boy got my letter. You're not his. You’re mine, you have my Addy," he says.

"She's my Addy, not yours; you didn't want her and you still don't. You’re using her to get to me. It's not going to work. Gavin's not giving us up and you can't threaten him anymore. He's not a professor there anymore." I am shaking as I tell him this.

He starts to sob. "Come on, baby, I just miss us together. I need you. I love you, Paige, and I'm not giving up."

"Come on Bobby, you had your chance when Addy was born and you chose to not want us. I love Gavin and he loves me. You need to move on, find someone that can make you happy." I try to sympathize with him.

"I don't want anyone else, you’re who I want. It just took me longer to figure it out. Please Paige give us another try. I can try to be a better dad for Addy. I promise. I love you, Paige." He's now begging.

"I gotta go, Bobby." I hang up, not waiting on him to say anything else. He's beginning to make me feel sick. My nerves are shot from all the worry.

Chapter 14


Paige continues to call me and I want to hear her voice but I have so much going on. I have her ex on one side and now the prick from class on the other side threatening me. I went to Dr. Sanders office and dropped off my resignation letter. I just explained that I needed a few weeks to prepare for my move and have a few things to take care of before I start at the university. He understood and said that he will take my class unless my replacement wants to start early. I'm officially jobless until January and need to sort out my feelings for Paige. I know that I love her and they are what I want and even need. My concern is the problem that will come along with her. Bobby will always be in her life and now I have to worry about Doug being in her class. I won't be there to keep an eye on her and also wonder if he will still go to Dr. Sanders with his threat of what he obviously heard going on in my office with Paige. I should have known better, but damn it, I needed to feel her to get peace from her touch after the bad start of my day.

I finally call her and her phone goes to voicemail so I've probably pissed her off ignoring her calls. Right as I'm about to head to bed my phone rings and it's her.

"Hi," I say when I answer.

"Hi, how are you?" she asks, not sounding herself.

"Good. You?" I say and I feel bad when her voice quivers.

"I'm sorry, Gavin. This is a mess because of me. First it's Bobby and now it's Doug. I truly thought he just wanted someone to talk to in class. I had no idea that he was going to be like that." Her voice is sad.

"It's fine, Paige. You don't realize how beautiful and attractive you really are. I can't blame them for wanting you ’cause I want you too, so I understand. I put in my notice effective immediately so Dr. Sanders will be teaching class unless my replacement finishes this semester. I want you to keep your distance from Doug. I don't trust him and as far as Bobby goes let me worry about that." I try to reassure her.

"Bobby called tonight begging me to take him back and that he would be a better dad to Addy. I told him that I loved you and that you aren't giving us up and that you loved me, too. Are you still keeping Addy and me and not giving us up?" she asks, worried.

"Absolutely, you and Addy are both mine. I want you both and love you both. Why don't you and Addy come over to my place and spend the entire weekend?" I sound possessive like Bobby but at least the feeling is mutual from Paige ’cause she wants me too.

"That sounds great, Gavin. We can be there around five." Her voice is sounding better now.

"Okay, get some rest, baby. Are you sure you're all right? I love you." I 'm excited ’cause it's the first time they both are staying with me.

"I'm great and I love you, too ... Night," she whispers.

I have a feeling she’s not telling me something; I can hear it in her voice. I can't wait for the weekend ’cause I will have both my girls with me.


The rest of my week was uneventful since I no longer had to go into work. I did, however, have to invest in some slacks and button shirts ’cause the university wasn't going to let me wear whatever I wanted. I had stopped in and picked up a few slacks and shirts, also a nice belt and shoes that would look better than my boots with the pants. I refuse to wear a tie, though, and I hope that they won't press the issue. Paige is going to flip when she sees me dressed for the new job; she's so used to my jeans and t-shirts. She once said that she loved how casual I was and thought my tattoos were sexy. I will hate if they request me to remove my piercing. I think they noticed that I'm a little unconventional for a professor.

I answer my door Friday evening to my girls smiling at me. Addy runs and hugs my leg, dragging her little girlie suitcase behind her. "I stay night," she says, looking up at me. She seems so excited.

"Yes, you are, pumpkin." I ruffle her hair and she giggles at me.

I look over at Paige and she is smiling at Addy hugging my leg. "Hey, babe," I say, leaning over to kiss her luscious lips.

"Hi to you, too." She follows me into my place. "Hope you're ready for us. Addy has brought toys and more toys." She laughs.

"Always ready for toys," I say and wink at Paige. She blushes at me. "Whatcha want for dinner?"

"Whatever you and Addy want. I haven't been very hungry. I think my nerves are shot with my hectic life."

"What's for dinner, Addy?" I ask her as she is checking everything out.

"Pizeeea," she says, looking up at me with her big brown eyes.

"Okay, let's order you a pizza." I call in the order and I show Addy around the house while we wait for the delivery guy.

The doorbell rings and Addy and I go to grab the pizza and my good mood turns sour when I open the door to none other than Doug the douche. "Doug, thanks for the pizza," I say to hurry him away.

"Yeah, Professor ... I thought this was your place." He leans in and lowers his voice cause Addy is standing next to me. "I sure am glad you resigned ’cause I won't have you fucking with me when I talk to Paige. Dr. Sanders is oblivious to just about anything. I'm going to continue to get closer to Paige, just you wait and see." He hands me the pizza. "Enjoy your pizza." He looks down at Addy and smiles. I pull her back behind me.

"Thanks again," I say before slamming the door in his face. Paige is too sweet to tell him to take a hike. It's about time I talk to Natalie ’cause I don't mind her knowing now about us. Maybe she can keep an eye on Doug the douche for me and report his behavior.

After eating the pizza and watching the mermaid movie Addy brought over with her, we lay her down in the guest room. We head to bed ourselves. Paige crawls into bed wearing only her panties with a tiny tank top. I'm lying there watching her crawl toward me. I pull her on top of me and start kissing her neck. She sits up straddling my lap and she instantly pulls her top off. I lean forward and lick and nip at her puckered nipple. She begins grinding against me while reaching between us, pulling out my cock from beneath my briefs. She strokes my shaft and I moan. I help her stand up on the bed above me as I lower her panties down her legs. I scoot down the bed. "Sit on my face so I can eat my girl's pussy." She looks down at me, confused. I grab her hips to lower her down. She shifts on her knees above my face and I instantly push two fingers into her wet sex. She’s so fucking wet and ready. She moans and grinds down as I suck her clit into my mouth. I lick back and forth between the wet folds of her cleft.

She begins bouncing and grinding and the moment that I push my tongue into her she screams out her release. "Oh my God, Gavin!" I hold her still a minute wiggling my tongue in her pussy. Her whole body is shaking and quivering.

I pull her off my face covered in her juices and push her onto her hands and knees as I slam home. I continue to thrust and work her into another release as I finger her clit. She starts to pulse around my cock and it feels so great tightening around me. Soon we fall over the edge together moaning and groaning. I collapse onto her back panting. I pull out and we both collapse in a heap of limp bones. I spoon her back against my front.

"Babe, I need to tell you something," Paige pants as she threads our fingers together. "Don't be mad."

Fuck, that's never good when told not to be mad. It's either about Doug the douche or Bobby. "What's wrong, Paige?"

"I can't find my pills." She's still panting and now whispering.

"What pills? Are you sick?" I'm confused.

"No, my birth control pills. I lost or misplaced them. I think when I lost my purse several things were missing from it. I couldn't get in to the new doctor for a few weeks. I meant to tell you to use a condom but I always forget ’cause you make me lose myself when you do what you do. I'm so sorry." She starts to cry.

Oh my God. Being a father wouldn't be the end of the world. I wouldn't choose to do it in this order but if it happens ... it happens. "Don't cry, baby. We'll figure it out if something happens." I rub her palm, trying to calm her down. I kiss her neck and close my eyes wondering if I may become a father sooner rather than later. Oh shit.


Without fail, the next morning, I felt Paige jump from the bed and run into the bathroom. I could hear her dry heave and begin crying. I crack the door open and she’s crouched over the toilet crying. I grab a wet cloth and wipe her forehead while pulling her hair away from her face. "Shhhh, it's going to be okay."

She looks over at me and her smile turns into a frown and she covers her mouth and turns to dry heave again. I feel bad for her. I guess my previous night’s question may be answered.

Addy comes running into the bathroom. "Momma okay?"

I look over and smile. "Yeah, Momma's okay, she just don't feel good."

Addy looks at me seriously. "Momma up in bafroom?"

"Yeah, Momma threw up. Let's go find something to eat and give Momma a minute to clean up." I grab Addy's hand, taking her out and toward the kitchen.

After I get Addy breakfast, I check on Paige. She's still next to the toilet. "You okay, baby?" I kneel behind her at the toilet and rub her back. She nods. "Addy's eating and watching cartoons," I tell her. "I didn't realize you were sick. Is this the first time that you've gotten sick? Everything’s going be okay, I promise." I grab the wet rag and pull out a toothbrush for her.

"I'm fine. This started yesterday. I can't keep anything down. That's why I told you last night. I don't know if it's that or just stress with Doug and Bobby." She tries to smile at me.

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