Behind the Scenes: Book 0 (MC) (8 page)

BOOK: Behind the Scenes: Book 0 (MC)
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The bedroom:

Women aren’t as vocal as men. They don’t want to tell you when you are missing the spot that needs attention. Figure it out. Watch and listen to their reaction. All your focus is on them. If you’re the only one getting off they don’t need you. They got toys to get them what they want and what you missed. They also have Brothers willing to give them that. Pay attention.

It takes women time to be ready. It takes you talking or touching. Plan for that extra time. Behind her ears, the base of her neck, under her tits, the crease at her legs. Touch, kiss, bite, however you want hit those spots.

Make sure she gets hers first.

A woman has different ways to orgasm. You make sure you hit them all.

For some reason when she does it’s not complete unless her clit is involved. Don’t miss that one.

When you know she’s ready; use your hand, her hand, your mouth or whatever and make it complete for her.

Inside of women there’s a spot you hit that will get her off. She likes this one. With your hand - turn it up, find the spot and stroke the outside wall. Watch her eyes or reaction and you’ll know when you hit it. When you’re in her angle her so you know you’re hitting right. You can see it in her eyes. Make it good for her and don’t forget to get fingers on her clit.

Women like to be kissed. Make sure you’re not forgetting that.

Every time, show attention to her tits, your mouth, hands, hers, whatever, but make sure they get attention.

Your woman likes ass play you make it easy for her so she loves it as much as you do. Stretch her before you go in. Get her ready showing attention to the rest of her while you’re doing it. Wear a condom and make sure it’s slick enough to slide in. If it hurts she won’t do it again and if she’s sitting on the toilet for an hour it’s not fun. Make it easy and enjoyable so you get that again. When she’s ready, get fingers on her so it’s complete for her. Use a vibrator while you’re taking yours and she’ll love it.

You like restraining her, do it in a way that she’s getting the rush but isn’t scared. Cuffs with snaps at first work. She can get out at any time and is happy to play.

Use swings, rope, paddles, blindfolds, whatever you’re into but do it watching her reactions. Find a way to make that her favorite so you can have it when you want it.

Set up your room with what you need before you need it. Rings or grids on the ceiling should be up so you can just play. Plan what you’re doing so she isn’t waiting for it to happen.

Don’t get into a routine. Follow the lists to change things up so she’s not bored. If she is you are. You’ll be looking for new excitement and so will she. Since she’s surrounded by Brothers she’ll find it first.

We have some good role models. Watch them. The scariest Brothers take care of their women. Watch how they do it. No matter where they are, if their old lady is around, they watch every move she makes. That’s how they’ve kept them so long. Make your life about keeping her happy and you’ll be happy because she’ll give it right back.


Email me questions. Next list in three months.



Brothers - This is switch up time
Week One:

Now is the time to slow it down.

Worship your old lady. You’re not in a race and no one wins when it gets old.

Take her for a ride. If it’s night riding she likes, give her that. If it’s out by the water, take her to your thinking spot and let her know that’s where you are. Take your time. Don’t plan on anything but feeling the wind with your old ladies arms wrapped around you.

We get so busy we tend to forget the little things that drew us to our women. This is where you spend time remembering. Nothing beats those arms holding you.

We all spend time eating out. Make your night a memory she’ll keep with her until the next one. Everything should be about her. Don’t take her to the sports bar unless she’s into the game. Use your fuckin’ head and plan for a day the game isn’t on. She doesn’t need the plan just that you’re going out. If she likes pool, play. If she likes watching the water sit watching the water.

This is where you listen to what she’s saying. Pay attention Brothers. Women are going to talk to you on this night. You’ll get if she feels something is off. Pay attention and fix that.

Be the best you that she knows. She’s counting on it. Don’t drop the ball.

When you get home keep the ‘her night’ theme going. Fill the tub, light her favorite candles and sit in the tub with her. Nothing makes her feel closer to you than that.

Give your woman everything she needs so no other Brother turns her head. They’re waiting for you to fall. Don’t give them the chance.

Don’t fuck your woman tonight, worship her telling her every reason she’s yours. Whether it’s her ass, tits, legs or neck, make sure she knows you love it. Slow and steady is winning this race Brothers. Give her hers like it’s the first time. Pace yourself and get her off at least twice before you take yours.

You should be cleaning her up every day but tonight you spend time making sure she’s feeling it. We have strong women but they need your hands on them letting them know you’re there and you’ll do whatever it takes to keep them.

Badass doesn’t mean Neanderthal. They fell in love with you trying to win them. You’re still winning them every day. Don’t fuck it up. Those Brothers waiting will be right there when you do.


Week Three:

Pay attention to your surroundings Brothers. When an opportunity presents itself take it. All you need is your old lady and thirty minutes. Keep a towel in your saddlebag. When you see you’re going to get that chance, think about how you’re going to do it. It will get you ready and give you the fantasy to play out. Nothing better than living the fantasy Brothers. Bend her over your bike, take her in the water, over a counter or against the fridge. Where ever you can, take her like you pictured in your head. This one doesn’t have to be slow but it has to feel right. Make sure your fantasy gives her hers and tell her what you plan on doing as you do it.

Women love knowing they’ve affected you as much as you affect them. Don’t just tell her Brothers, show her and let that flame you lit burn her too. This is hard and fast. Barely breathing is how it ends and that needs to be for both of you.

Don’t give her the chance to wonder if you still lose it over her, show her you do.



Week Five:

Go back to slow Brothers. Pick up dinner. Make sure she’s got nothing holding her down or on her mind. Fill the tub with her bath shit. Put the iPod on her favorites, get the candles and a glass of wine or beer. Wash her without saying a word. Watch her and make sure you’re kissing her as you move. When you’re done, give her her drink and sit with her. You don’t have to say anything just sit with her. When she’s ready you dry her just like you washed her, don’t miss anything. Carry your old lady to bed and worship her Brothers. Make sure she gets hers twice before you take yours. Let her know everything you love about her.  Don’t leave her with any doubt Brothers. There’s always someone willing to slide in. Our women are beautiful inside and out make sure she feels it.


Week Seven:

New toys. Time for new toys Brothers. Your old lady likes the movies, find her a new one. She likes being tied, get her some new cuffs, blindfold, chain, whatever the fuck she’s into. Give her dirty. The dirtier the better. Don’t let her tell you what she wants, you tell her what she likes and how you’re going to give it to her. Play with what she likes but push just a little farther. Dom all the way Brothers. Take her to the edge and hold on to her so she knows you got her.

When you climb back from the edge, shower her and give her slow. Watch her eyes Brothers, make sure she gets hers and you see it. She needs to connect with you after being taken so hard. You give her slow then wash every bit of her. Let her know it’s you taking care of her.

When you put her to bed you clean the toys and room so she only remembers the fun and sweet.


Week Nine:

Fifteen minutes. This is about her Brothers. You need fifteen minutes and clean hands, give her hers when all you have is the fifteen. Sit her on the table and eat, stand behind her and slide your hand in her panties, bend her over and make her cum however you can. Trap her and give her sweet. Don’t take anything from her but your name on her lips. You walk away giving her that moment to remember all day.

She will be ready when you get home Brothers. Go slow and watch her eyes, take your cues from her, but make it slow. Give her hers again then take yours. Wash her touching every part of her. You don’t have to talk to show her what she means to you. Show her Brothers, so no one else gets a chance to.


Week Eleven:

Club night Brothers. Take your old lady to the Club. Drink, dance, make out. Make sure she’s ready before you drag her away. Use the safe room, the bathroom, against a wall without a camera, anywhere that she thinks someone might walk by. Give her the thrill of being caught out but remember the cameras. She doesn’t need to know where they are. Give her hard and fast. Make sure she gets hers and clean her up before you bring her back out. Old ladies are easy with the Club shit but make sure she’s not going to be embarrassed about what she just did. Don’t take her out without checking her clothes and hair. If her makeup is messed up take her to the bathroom to fix it. She’ll be happy you’re looking out for her and willing to do it again if she thinks you’ve got her back.



Brothers, for the weeks not listed, do what you normally do, pick from other lists or make up new for yourself. Remember to show your old lady she’s important to you and you’re willing to work to keep her.

The list is not the only way. Remember the old lady list and make sure you’re working from it too. The minute it’s all routine and you start taking your old lady for granted she’s got a Brother showing her attention. Give her what she needs so she shuts him down knowing you’re always right there for her.

Enjoy the ride Brothers. I’ll get you a new list when this one plays out.


Email me questions.




More Than Ink

Healing and growing: MC Series








L. Ann Marie




The Little Brothers are growing up. They learn about being men and heal through the ink that covers the horror of seeing one of their own hurt.




The artist applies her much needed skills. A picture unfolds, where only scars once dwelled. The brothers affected by the horror of that long ago day, release a long held breath. With a collective sigh, they all receive the gift bestowed....A healing thru ink!

Pam Foley



*Content Warning: includes graphic language and sex. Intended for mature audiences 18+


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

All rights reserved.


More Than Ink

Copyright 2016 © L. Ann Marie

              Published by: L. Ann Marie

              Editor Emily Kirkpatrick


ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from L. Ann Marie, the author / publisher.


Chapter One
Little Ben

I hunt my dad down at Security. Fuckin’ guy is never in his office.  He’s in Ops talking to Geek. He turns to the door when I walk in. He always knows making me smile. I wait until he finishes and walks toward me. “I need a minute.” He nods and walks to his office with me following. We sit and I wish we were at home.

“Dad, I think it’s time for the tattoo. It’s been a year. I know what I want but I need you to look at it for me. I don’t want something I’ll regret and I don’t want it finished until I know the right words but I have the design.”

He nods and puts his hand out. “Don’t know the words?”

I hand him the drawing and run my hand through the front of my hair getting it out of my face. “No, something’s keeping me from filling it in. I feel good about the drawing but the words just don’t feel right. I’ll know when that changes.”

He nods looking at it. “A lot of fuckin’ ink. Will take hours. You ready for it?”

“Yeah. You think it’s right?” I keep seeing the wings and cross and it throws me.

“It’s not mine. You see it, you feel it’s right. Go with that. Think you’ll be happy with it when you’re older. That’s what you want from me. Think it’s right. Don’t know the words either but it looks good. Somethin’ to be proud of.” He’s happy with it.

I blow out a breath. “Amanda can start it this week. It should take close to a hundred hours with coloring and shading. Without the words maybe less. She won’t do it all together. She wants to split it up, outline, color and shading.”

He nods. “Smart. See how the skin takes each color. She knows what she’s doin’ did a good job with Tess. Let her decide.”

“Yeah. Thanks Dad.” I look at the design. It haunts me because it keeps coming back.

“You get paperwork to the lawyer?”

I look at him and smile. “Yeah just left him. He’s got it taken care of.”

“Surprised you didn’t take LB logo.”

I shake my head. “Never even thought about it. This one keeps popping up in my head. It’s something coming, not in the now.” Anyone else would think I’m fuckin’ nuts.

He just nods. “Must be important. Stick with what you feel.”


“Pres said he got your mom doing the books for LB. Proud of you gettin’ it all straight and earnin’ your way. Shows the young they’re worth somethin’.”

Fuck that feels good. “Yeah. We spent quite a bit on the parks and bikes and shit but we make a shitload. The tagging program and Baxter jobs put us close to a million in a year and a half. We needed to do something and they’re good at it. We have all the office supplies coming in today with the company name. You’d think it’s Christmas.” I smile thinking about how excited Alex and Diego are.

He laughs. “Saw Diego. Cute kid.” I nod. He is. “You want dinner? Goin’ to get Elizabeth and take her out. Mom’s goin’ with the old ladies to the Club.”

Fuck. I need to call Jessie. “Yeah. I’ll have Jessie and Darren meet us. Where are we going?”

“She picked Seafood Shack. Need thirty.” He stands up.

“I’ll meet you there. Uncle Danny coming?”

He shakes his head no and walks out. He knows I need to talk to Jessie and Darren and smiles walking away.

I walk out and hit Jessie. “No Club tonight. Old ladies are heading up there.”

“Fuck! We’re turning around.” Jessie says.

“Dad’s heading to the Seafood Shack with Elizabeth. Meet me there.”

He laughs. “He ever figure out the washer?”

I crack up. “I’ll tell you about it while we eat.”

“No fuckin’ way. He’s a scary mother. Tell me now while I’m stopped.”

Fuck I only have a few minutes. “He brought me down and had me show him how to open it. I let him go and he had all pink T-shirts. Was fuckin’ funny. Mom showed him how to use it but tried to get him to promise not to use it again. I guess he wrecked something of hers. Anyway he said no and he’s washing his clothes again without anyone else’s shit mixed in.”

He’s laughing then I hear Darren, he must be signing as I talk. “Your mom should have shown him when she got the new shit. He was good with the old. Why’d she switch?”

I smile about that. “I think it was for Lee’s mom. She needed them so mom got the new and gave them the old.”

He doesn’t say anything for a minute. “Fuckin’ ‘rents always have a lesson for us.”

I laugh. “Got shit to do. I’ll see you there in twenty.”

I get in my truck and haul ass to the compound then into KC training. Alex and Billy come running. Alex hugs me and Billy shows me the new cards with his name on them. I got everyone their own set so they get that this is real. “Fuckin’ nice Billy. Did you find the letterhead I told you about?” He’s good with money. Joey’s got him training for accounts receivable this quarter.

He’s bobbing his head up and down with a killer smile. I laugh. “Good. That’s what you use from now on for all the billing. Yeah?”

“Yeah Pres. We got envelopes too. Just like the MC.” He starts walking toward the table.

I give Alex a squeeze and take his hand turning him around. We walk to the table with him holding my hand tight. “Did you find your cards Alex?” He stops and looks at me. “You put your cards in the holder on your desk and send it in an envelope with the invoices Billy gives you. When people have a question they need to know who to email. Yeah?” I get the biggest fuckin’ smile and a hug. He’s so fuckin’ cute. “I need you to explain it to the other Brothers so everyone knows to add their cards. You know about the jobs you do. I don’t need them calling me.”

Ricky throws me chin. “I got it Pres. We’ll go over it with them all so it’s done right. Love that they all got cards with their email.” Alex and Billy are doing a dance. Fuckin’ kids.

I give it back. “Yeah we need it, with the new business we picked up, I won’t know who the fuck I’m talking about. Did the program for Durfee get finished?” I have a meeting with the owner tomorrow.

He nods. “Darren has it ready to go with the PowerPoint on a separate flash.”

Thank Fuck. I didn’t want to reschedule launch date. “I have a dinner I need to get to. You good with this?”

“Yeah. I’m on tonight. I’ll get this shit put away and get the Little Brothers straight with the new procedures.”

I hug Alex again. “Ricky will get you directions and show you the new way. You good Brother.”

His head starts bobbing like Billy. “Yeah Pres I’m good. I’ll show Ally so she knows too.”

“Good job Brother. We take care of each other and make sure our girls get all the information we have.” I smile he’s still bobbing his head. “You’re going to make a good big Brother Alex.” I throw Ricky chin and walk away smiling. The kids always leave me smiling.

At the Seafood Shack I sit with Jessie and Darren. “The office supplies came in. Alex and Billy are helping Ricky get it sorted and put away.” 

Darren smiles. “Alex see his cards?”

“Not until I got there. They were dancing.” They laugh. “The program for Durfee is done Ricky said.”

Darren signs, ‘It has been done but I wanted to run through everything I could think of as a problem before I let it go. I know it was checked but I wanted to make sure. The presentation is on another flash. They did an awesome job on it. It’s not slides. Jason made some videos to go along with it. You have very little talking to do.”

I nod. “Thanks. They’re getting good with this shit.” 

Jessie laughs. “I can’t wait until someone tries calling in to talk to Diego or Alex.”

Darren shakes his head no. “There’s built in chat, so if the email hits when they’re on, it will send an alert. They can chat in real time to fix problems.”

“Jesus they’re like fuckin’ miniature Geeks,” Jessie says. He’s been training with my dad so the KC day to day is news to him.

I see that it bothers him. “When your schedule lightens up I need you with Ricky so Darren can get with my mom in HR. You’ll get caught up and see what the wiz kids are coming up with.”

He nods but he’s still bothered. “I need to finish this semester. My schedule is fuckin’ nuts.”

Darren nods and signs, ‘You doing ok with the online classes?’

“Yeah. I tested out of what I could and only have eight classes left.”

He nods. He’s done. He was a grade ahead of us but he’s fuckin’ smart and tested out of half his fuckin’ course load. The rest he took online and did it in a year. ‘I have your History and US Government notes if you want them.’

“Yeah I want them. I start both next semester.” I look at Jessie.

He smiles. “I tested out with his notes.”

Shit. “Why the fuck didn’t you tell me?” My dad walks in with Elizabeth. She runs to me for a hug then Jessie and Darren.

We hear about her day. She’s getting so big. There are times I feel like I need to focus on her but I don’t know why. She talks in my head all the time but I never get the feeling she sees anything bad coming. My dad doesn’t want anyone knowing about her either so we keep it close but she talks to Jeremy and Tess knows. I wonder what it is that he sees that has him guarding us the way he does.

He looks right at me. “When you’re older you’ll get it. More comin’ at us. In time.” I nod. I guess that’s it.

We get dinner and Dad tells Jessie he has work coming up. Jessie nods but doesn’t ask. It’s a job. I think Jessie is too young for the jobs my dad does but he thinks he’s ready.

“Did Amanda do the design for you?” Jessie asks changing the subject.

“Yeah.” I pull it out of my pocket and hand it to him.

Elizabeth goes and sits on his lap. “It’s pretty. Like a prince.”

I laugh. “That’s a little much but I like it. I keep seeing it for some reason. Amanda says it’s as it should be.”

Darren laughs. “She talking to Jeremy?”

I shrug. Jeremy liked it so I’ll take it as a good sign.

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