Behind the Scenes: Book 0 (MC) (7 page)

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Chapter Nineteen
One week

Shots wake me up. I pull on pants and grab my gun following the yelling to the common room. Less is being held back by JJ. He looks at me. “He talked to Caps about staying clean to ride and Caps shot two soldiers on his team. Said he’ll get a better take. Knight shot Caps and Less got pissed.” 

I look at Less. “Why you pissed?” 

He pushes JJ away. “Knight had no right to shoot him!” 

“He just hit two clean soldiers.” I look at him; it’s something more. “That’s okay, but not Knight hitting him before he takes out more?”

“Was aimin’ at Less,” Knight says. 

Less gives him a look. “He wouldn’t have hit me he’s my wife’s nephew.” 

Knight throws his hands up. “Watch the feeds. Walked in Caps shot a Brother. Less yelled. Caps pointed the gun at him. I shot him when he was set to fire.” 

I look at Less. “Let’s go see the video.” 

He follows me whining the whole way about Knight being trigger happy. I get Geek to show the area bigger and see Knight is right. “Knight saved your ass Less.” He pulls Geek’s barrel and pukes in it. Fuck. Geek doesn’t say a word. 

“Fuckin’’ drugs had him Axe. I was just telling him to run clean so he could take care of his family.” 

I’m surprised. “He’s got family?”

He watches the video screen and I touch Geek’s shoulder to change it. He does without me having to say the words. “Got a girl and baby not even a year old.” 

Fuck. “We’ll make it right with the girl.” 

He shakes his head no. “She’s using too, we got the kid.” 

“Jesus. Fuckin’’ drugs are just speeding up death. Why are so many people using?” JJ says from behind me. 

Less throws him chin. They’re good. “I’ll let Pres know. Less let me or JJ know if you need anything.” 

He nods walking the other way. “I will, thanks Axe.” 

Geek goes to the door and calls for a Prospect. I’m smiling, he’s got some balls. “I need my barrel cleaned.” The Prospect gives him a look and pushes by. 

“He’s patched in, since he is, you treat him with respect and maybe you’ll get patched in too.” JJ tells him. 

The Prospect gags picking up the barrel. Geek looks at him. “Me too. Brothers shouldn’t puke in my barrel or they should clean it.” The Prospect looks surprised. Geek nods. “He was Officer so I didn’t say shit.” 

JJ laughs. “Fuckin’’ Brother. Let’s get to work before Knight comes in here shooting.” Geek looks scared but pulls his keyboard to him. 

I look for Knight to see how we’re running without two. Pres stops me. “Less good?” 

“Yeah showed him the video and he saw it. Fuckin’’ kid was ready to shoot him. Less got Caps’ kid. They take her cause the mother is in the drugs too.” 

He shakes his head. “I’ll get that squared today with the lawyer. You good running less Brothers?” 

I look at him. “No but it is what it is.” 

He gets a sad look. “Yeah.” He walks to his rooms. 

Knight is at the bar looking at a list. When I sit he doesn’t look at me but starts talking. “Have to run three each. The circuit we can handle. Less will run his regulars. Don’t need stress on him.” 


“You ready?” 

I look at him. “As I’ll ever be.” We get with our crews and let them know the plan. 

Knight takes north and I do south. It’s an easier day with the circuit split but we’re two short. I have one from his crew and hope he’s good. We get everything delivered pretty easy except Worcester. Fuckin’’ gang is always waiting. The Brother in front is good. He clears our path shooting at everything pointed our way and doesn’t say shit on the headset. Level gets hit in the leg but tells us he’s good. JJ tells us to stop when it’s safe but Level says he’ll be fine for the ride back. The Brother is named right. His voice is the same whether he’s excited or in pain. 

At the Club JJ has a young guy waiting. “This is Doc. He’ll get you squared Level.”

Doc takes Level inside. I tell the new guy he did good. He nods walking in. I look at JJ. “He really a doctor?” 

He smiles. “Almost. He wants to open a clinic for low income. He’ll take what we give him for patching the Brothers toward that. Maybe someday we can help him more but for now he’ll take the extra cash.” 

Smart kid. Petey usually helps patching the Brothers but he’s no doctor. “Pres in?” 

His smile falls. “No. He’s been gone all day.” 

I nod. “He had some business to take care of.” I tell him wondering if I missed anything myself.

I start thinking about the list as I’m walking through the doors. Brothers are arguing and I walk right by. Fuckin’’ men bitch like pussies more than the pussies do. 

In the Ops room Geek is talking to Knight about something on his screen. I wait. When he’s done Knight turns to me. “Got to get rid of Worcester and North Shore.” I nod. It would be the smartest thing to do. “Drawin’ fire every time out. Not enough clean Brothers to keep it runnin’ safe.” 

JJ’s hands are in his hair. “Fuck. The Brothers will pitch a fit if we cut two out of the circuit.” 

Knight looks at him. “Tell ‘em to pick it up. They lose men they’ll find a new supply. Not on us.” 

JJ nods and looks at me. “Sound right Brother?” I nod. He looks at Knight. “I’ll set it up where do you want them to meet you?” Knight gets the big maps out and they start talking. 

I sit in the chair beside Geek. “You know where Pres is?” 

He nods. “He told me not to follow but he’s tracked.” 

He isn’t going to say. “He get you squared till you’re legal?” 

I get the big smile. “A lawyer is getting me paperwork saying I take care of myself. Pres says if I keep working he’ll put up money for me, but I got a pay now so I don’t need that. I’m going to keep working and he can find someone that needs it. JJ gave me a book about taking care of money. I’m going to read it and take care of me.” 

I mess up his hair. “That’s good little Brother. You do what you can to make it easy on them.” 

He nods and looks at his screen. “Pres is back.” 

I get up to go meet him for a beer. “Stay here Ben, Axe,” Knight says. 

Geek spins around and pulls up the lot video then the common room. I don’t see Knight but I see Pres walking in the door. I hear a shot and Pres is down. I move for the door and JJ stops me. “Pres told me to keep you here. It’s not your time yet.” He has tears in his eyes and I look away.

I sit and Geek puts his head on my arm. I hold on to him waiting for what I already know. 

Everything moves fast. JJ gets Pres moved, calls Officers Church and moves to President. He takes Knight as VP and Tiny as SAA leaving me on but dropping Tommy and Less. He tells them they can keep their jobs and take. Less looks relieved but Tommy is pissed. They walk out not saying a word.

Knight hit three Brothers. The one that thought taking Pres out would give him a bigger take and two other users. 

JJ passes envelopes to everyone. “Read them in your rooms. He left over a million for each of us. Axe he didn’t leave you anything but the letter. He set Geek up until he’s eighteen. He left enough to keep the Club running for eight years. After that we find our own way. He said we do. He was never wrong. We got Brothers waiting and I need to do that. If you need to talk I’ll be in my room later or tomorrow. I got a ton of shit to go over.” We nod as one. I think we’re all in shock.

“Thank you Brothers. It is not an easy day but I have to believe we get through it and make it. Church dismissed.” He walks out. Knight and Tiny follow. 

I take a minute looking at the letter. I did the same thing. Each one has a letter now I wonder if this is right. I put it in my pocket and join them at the bar. JJ waited for me. Tiny whistles but everyone is quiet so it isn’t needed. JJ talks about Pres and we drink to our Brother. Geek is behind the bar and I watch him drink with tears in his eyes. He drinks a cup of water then goes back to the Ops room. When I turn back Less and Tommy are leaving. 

I take a bottle and go to my room. 

Opening the letter I laugh. He colored the lines for me. Fuckin’’ Pres. He talks about our good rides and getting beat by Danny in Laconia. Those were happy days. At the end he tells me he’s always been proud of me. I can’t read the last line but I know it says ‘Brotherhood above all’. I blink to clear my eyes and see I was right. 

I fold the letter and put it in the envelope. He was a good man. I think of all the times we had laughing and riding. We came up together like JJ and Knight. It was a good run. With more happy than bad. “Ride the wind my friend.” 

Chapter Twenty
Three days

I have the training class and I’m glad Knight isn’t here. He’d fuckin’’ shoot the derelict in front of me. “Go sleep it off. You’re not running the course drunk.” 

Fuckin’’ Brothers knew Knight wanted them to go through the assessments to rank them. It will make it easier for scheduling and Knight’s all about the schedule. I smile. It surprised me. He knows how to run training and the runs as an Officer. He’s not wasting money or men. 

I hear the bike start up and I shake my head. He’ll be one eating asphalt on the news. 

The rest of the Brothers run with no problems. They’re good and it shows. 

We ride back to the Club and I let them talk their shit. They deserve it. I give Tiny the clipboard and he takes it to Knight. I raise a beer with them and hear the shot. 


It’s the first Sunday but Axe didn’t show. He’s never not shown. I lift Rich and start for the door but hear a truck in front. I’m smiling when I see his truck but he’s not driving it. A Prospect gets out and walks to me. “I was told to get this to you. You’re Danny right?” I nod. He hands me a bag. “This is for now. The trunk is important but it can wait until you’re ready. Those were the exact words I was told to tell you.” He turns and walks to a car waiting for him. I push it away until I can get Rich settled. 

“Axe,” he says.

Fuck. “He went bye bye Rich.” 

“Bye bye Axe.” He kisses the tags. 

I get my boy washed and in bed and take the bag to my office. I dump it and pull the envelope. Before I open it I have a drink for my Brother. He was a good Brother always looking out for me. Opening the envelope I see he colored the page and it makes me smile. It says I have this because he’s riding the wind for good then the same thing the Prospect said and he’s proud of me. A bike will be delivered and he hopes I use it soon. He signed it Brotherhood always. I wipe my eyes and fold it back up then put it in the safe. 

The books have advice and good times we had. It was a good thing to do, all the times we laughed or ran crazy, he wrote for me to see the good we had. He’s even got dinners and building with me. His favorite memory is watching Rich run across the bridge to the treehouse. That was the last time he was here.

I spend all night reading them then put them on a shelf with the others. I know I’ll be reading them again. I’m curious about the chest but just move it into the garage. He said when I’m ready. I guess I’m not ready. 

Patches List

An answered question for the MC Series








L. Ann Marie




Patches: Not having a family of his own he watched from a far to see what “Normal” was. He learned from others actions what worked and what didn’t. He watched how people treated each other, how men treated women, and how the women responded from the actions of the men. This is just a small part of what he learned.

Barbi Barnard




*Content Warning: includes graphic language and sex. Intended for mature audiences 18+


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

All rights reserved.


Patches List

Copyright 2016 © L. Ann Marie

              Published by: L. Ann Marie

              Editor Emily Kirkpatrick


ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from L. Ann Marie, the author / publisher.


Old lady list

You worked getting your old lady now you work to keep her. Every one of us has an old lady that’s beautiful and smart and the Brothers notice them. Think about how many times you’ve given the look to Brothers. You know what they’re thinking and you stake your claim every fuckin’ time you’re out.

Keeping your old lady takes more work than getting them.

Let’s start with the house. You share the work. You didn’t pick a maid you picked an old lady.

We have cleaners coming in but they’re not doing the day to day shit. You need to help with that. Every old lady has a job. Just like you they have bad days, tiring days or just plain shit days. You can change that for them. Don’t come home and sit in front of the TV with your beer waiting for dinner.

Make plans to pick it up or cook.

If you get home before your old lady start dinner. Have her glass of wine or beer waiting for her. She walks in you get her mouth then give her her drink.

If she’s cooking set the table.

Take out the fuckin’ trash. Women hate that shit. It’s heavy and stinks.

Help with laundry. You wear clothes and like them clean, help get them that way.

You eat so make sure you have food, whether you’re shopping or helping carry bags for her, you help.

You have a yard, you get the lawn company keeping it up or you’re pushing a fuckin’ mower. Plenty of Brothers will cut your grass to make your old lady happy.

Everything you do is to make her life a little easier. If she has to do everything alone, she don’t need you.

You think about what you want back from her and make it easy to get it. You bitch about stupid shit so will she. You give her sweet, she’ll give it back.

Everyday think about what her day is like. We deal with shit all the time, they put up with it. You need to let them know all day they are on your mind.

If you’re wondering how her day is call her. She likes knowing you thought about her.

You have free time, stop and see her. If you don’t, send her lunch or a text letting her know you’re busy but she’s on your mind.

You want her to go somewhere with you, fix her schedule and cover her work so she can. Don’t leave that to her. Women don’t want to put anyone out. Don’t give her the chance for a no, get it set and just do it.

Buy her little things on days that aren’t holidays. Go see Nancy she’ll get you straight. She can get you clothes, jewelry and set the panties up with Victoria’s.

Spend time with your old lady walking the beach, riding or sitting on the back deck. You don’t need hours to do it, spend an hour giving her the time to tell you what’s happening with her. Listen and fix what you can for her. She don’t need you fixing everything but make her life easier with the little things too.

You have kids, spend time teaching them how to be good Brothers.

She didn’t have them alone so you help with what they need too.

You want your old lady happy when you meet in bed. You get there by doing what you can to make that happen.

Women like when you do things for them.

They love being taken care of.

They like baths and relaxing in the tub.

They like the smelly stuff they put in it. So do you, so get it for her or make sure she doesn’t run out.

Women love your hands on them. Wash and dry her like she’s a baby. Touch every spot on her body so she feels that from you.

They like feeling sexy. You make sure she has everything she needs for that. Victoria’s and Nancy can help. Do that.

They like dressing pretty, you give them that time and do it without bitching. You like when she’s dressed pretty for you. Tell her or show her you appreciate it but don’t fuck with her makeup or you have to wait again. They hate that.

You start looking at other women, she will know and start looking at other men. Don’t do it.

Touch your woman when you’re out. Let other Brothers know she’s yours and they have no chance sliding in there. Women love being touched and you get your point across.

You order your clothes when she gets hers. Make sure you’re not a walking embarrassment to her. You like what you wear so make sure it’s decent. Old ladies are pretty easy with what we wear. Don’t give her a reason to bitch about it.

We have a shop and garage, make sure her car is running right. Keep up with the maintenance. The garage will send you an email or text when it needs maintenance. Handle it. There’s nothing worse than having to pick up your woman on the side of the road. Anyone can stop to help her and they’ll give her the help that you didn’t. Don’t let it happen.

Your old lady is tired, carry her. Women love that even if they say they can walk. They love being carried and you love her in your arms, so carry her.


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