Begin Again (13 page)

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Authors: Evan Grace

BOOK: Begin Again
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“Well, I’m happy for you
, bro. So I have some news: Stacy and I are trying to get pregnant again.”

That was great news considering they didn’t have a choice when she got pregnant with Violet.
It still made his blood boil to think what that motherfucker Mark tried to do. For a long time afterwards, Stacy had been a shell of her former self. It wasn’t until they found out that it was Dustin’s baby she was carrying that she finally made a turn for the better. Granted, sometimes she would spook easily, especially if someone came up behind her, but those instances happened less and less.

Dylan stood up, pulling his brother up into a hug.
“Damn, dude, I think that’s great fucking news.” He sat back down. “Mom’s going to be thrilled with one baby and possibly a second coming.”

They ordered a pizza and another pitcher.
Into the second, Dylan looked up to see Zach walking towards them. He hadn’t seen him since the night he asked him to walk away from Journey and the kids. The guy didn’t even try to fight him, so maybe Zach hadn’t been as invested as Dylan originally thought. He came over and sat down next to Dustin.

“I stopped by and saw Journey and the kids earlier, how are things going there?”

Okay, well, that pissed him off a little. “Things are great, thanks,” his voice laced with sarcasm.

Zach looked ready to commit murder
, but he didn’t give a fuck. Dustin put his hand on his chest to keep him from getting in Zach’s face.

s, we are not doing this here. Zach, from what I hear you gave her up without even thinking, and Dylan, this mess wouldn’t be happening had you manned up two years ago. She’s a sweet woman and doesn’t need this. Now you pricks can either behave or leave.”

Dylan shrugged it off and grabbed
his beer. Zach grabbed his own beer, both men stared each other down until Zach looked away first.

It took a while before the tension seemed to dissipate. Journey would want them to get along. He knew she still cared about Zach and was hurt that he hadn’
t talked to her since he broke things off. If he wanted her, then he should’ve fought Dylan for her.

The rest of the night was a lot better than the beginning.
He and Zach were civil; there was definite tension, but at least they were talking. He was getting ready to head out, but was waiting for Dustin to come back to the table. His phone vibrated when he saw it was a text from Journey.


Journey: Hey, honey, the kids and I are home. Are you coming over?


He smiled, staring down at his phone. She just started calling him honey the other day and he loved it.


Dylan: Did y’all have a good time? Yeah, I’ll text you when I’m omw.


Journey: We did have a great time. I love your famil

See u when u get here.


He put his phone in his pocket and stood up as Dustin came back to the table. “I’m outta here. Gonna go see my girl and kids.” He hugged his brother, slapping him on the back. “See ya, bro. Again, great news for you and Stace. I hope it happens quickly for you.”

Luke stood up
, giving Dylan the same back-slapping hug. “Give my sister and my baby girl a hug for me.”

“Will do. See you later.”

He turned to Zach and gave him a chin lift. “See ya, and don’t hurt her because of me.”

Zach nodded, but made no move to get up. “I won’t. Regardless of what you think, I do really care about her and those kids.

.” And with that, Dylan walked out to his truck.

He texted Journey and told her he was on his way.
His dick was getting hard just thinking about burying himself deep inside her tight pussy. They didn’t have a lot of opportunities to sleep together, and he didn’t sleep over if Abby was there. He had no problems doing so, but Journey wanted to wait a while. She wanted Abby to be more used to Dylan being around first. He could respect that, and that made him care about her all the more, that she would put her kids first as she should.

A few minutes later he pulled up to Journey’s place.
By the time he made it to her door she was standing there holding it open.

, you’re so beautiful,” he whispered before he pulled her to him, taking her lips in a drugging kiss. “I missed you.” He pulled his lips away and scooped her up in his arms. He kicked the door closed as he walked further into the house. Dylan sat her on her feet and wrapped his arms around her waist.

“Were the kids good at my sister’s?”

“Of course
. Abby did pout a little—she wanted to spend the night. Bellamy and I are going to set up a sleepover for them soon, so that made them both happy. I think Joey and Violet are becoming friends.” A smile played on her lips. “I brought cupcakes, and instead of eating their own they were feeding each other theirs. It was too cute. How was beer with the guys?” He pushed her hair over her shoulder, placing a kiss there.

“It was good.
Zach showed up. He told me he came by to see you and the kids.”

Journey slid her hands up to his shoulders. “Yeah, he apologized for not coming around since he broke up with me.
I hope it’s not going to be a problem between you two. I really would still like to be his friend.”

“It’s not going to bother me, sweetheart.
I just want you to be happy.” He kissed her with renewed energy. His tongue slipping past her lips stroked hers, and he swallowed her moan. His hand gripped some of her hair and held her immobile as he deepened the kiss. Her nails bit into his shoulders, causing his cock to try and punch through his zipper.

He started backing her towards the bedroom when a little voice had them both freezing.

“Aunt JoJo, I threw up and my tummy hurts really bad.” Abby was crying, standing in the hall.

Journey scooped up Abby in her arms and put her hand on Abby’s forehead.
“Dylan, she’s burning up.” He could hear the panic in Journey’s voice.

, sweetheart, come here.” He took Abby from Journey. “Baby, why don’t you take care of her blankets, I’m going to get a cool washcloth for her.” He carried her into the bathroom and sat her on the counter.

“Baby girl, do you feel like you’re going to get sick again?” She shook her head.
“Okay, darlin’.” He grabbed a washcloth and ran it under the cold water. “This is gonna be really cold, but it’ll help make you feel better.” It killed him to hear the pathetic sounding whimper that left the little sweetheart’s mouth when he held it to her forehead. Journey came rushing into the bathroom.

“Are you mad at me
, Aunt JoJo?” Abby started to cry.

, sweetheart, no. I’m just worried about you, my darlin’ girl.” She grabbed a thermometer out of the medicine cabinet. She stuck it in Abby’s ear.

“Oh god, it’s 101.6.
Honey, I’m going to get you some medicine.”

Once she got some Tylenol in her she went to pick her up off of the counter, but Abby just gripped Dylan tighter.

“I want Dylan,” she cried.

“It’s okay
, baby, I’ve got her.” He picked up her slight weight into his arms and carried her out into the living room. He settled onto the couch with Abby curled up in his lap. Journey sat down next to him and lovingly stroked Abby’s back.

A gagging sound had Journey grabbing the wastebasket from the floor as Dylan moved Abby
, so when she started getting sick it went in there. Dylan had a hold of her hair while Journey held the wastebasket and rubbed Abby’s back. When she finally stopped, Journey wiped Abby’s face off and kissed her forehead. Seeing this tender, mothering side of her was causing the ache in his chest to grow even more.

“My tummy hurts.” Abby was breaking his heart and he felt completely helpless.

Journey grabbed her phone. “Nan’s working tonight. I’m going to see if I can reach her. She’ll know what to do.”

He watched her take the phone into the kitchen and could hear her talking softly in the other room. Abby was curled deeper into his lap holding her stomach.
He pulled out his phone to see if his mom would come stay with Joey. More than likely they were going to be taking Abby to the emergency room. He hit the house phone number and waited for them to answer. It was only ten o’clock so he was hoping they were still up.

,” his dad answered, sounding awake and alert.

, Dad, I need a favor. I’m over at Journey’s and Abby is really sick. I think she may need to go to the ER and we won’t want to take Joey. Can Mom come sit with him?”

, son, what’s the address?”

Dylan was just hanging up after giving his dad the address when Journey came back into the room

“I just talked to Nan
. I’ve got to get her to the hospital. She’s worried it’s her appendix. Can you stay with Joey?”

“Sweetheart, I’m going with
you. My mom’s going to come and sit with Joey.”

He was glad to see the relief on her face when he told her the plan.
“Why don’t you go get a bag ready for her just in case they keep her?” He didn’t want to overstep, but Journey was fidgeting so much that it might be good to keep her occupied. He kissed Abby’s head. “Hold on, little girl, we’re just waiting for my mom to get here to stay with Joey.”




After Journey finished packing a small bag for Abby, she set it by the front door. She went in to check on Joey, who was sleeping soundly throughout the whole ordeal. Backing out of his bedroom, she heard a soft knock on the front door. She couldn’t help but feel relief when she opened the door to Dylan’s mom and dad.

“Thank you so much for coming.
Nan’s worried its Abby’s appendix so she wants us to bring her in. I just checked on Joey and he’s out.”

She grabbed Abby’s bag and her car keys and waited while Dylan got off the couch with Abby still clutched to his chest.
The sight tore at her heart, her brother was nowhere to be found and someone else had to hold that sweet little girl while she hurt.

Ruth walked up to Dylan and rubbed her hand over Abby’s hair.
“They’re going to make you feel all better, sweetheart.” She kissed the little girl’s forehead before she kissed her grown son on both of his cheeks. Journey figured she’d get a hug, but what she got made tears spring to her eyes. Ruth wrapped her arms around her, squeezing Journey tight. She pulled back, holding her face in her hands.

“It is by far the worst part about being a momma, seeing your baby sick and feeling utterly helpless,
but as hard as it is, I can see how strong you’re trying to be for her. Things like this happen and sometimes we blame ourselves because we’re afraid we missed the signs. Well, don’t do it, sweetheart, it happens to the best of us. You go get your little girl taken care of and I’ll make sure your boy is safe and snug in his bed.” She ended that with a kiss to Journey’s forehead. “Y’all call me and let me know how she’s doing.”

She followed silently behind Dylan, but instead of heading to her car, they were heading towards a black Charger in the driveway. Charlie stepped up next to her
. “I’m going to drive you guys so you both can sit with her in the backseat just in case she gets sick again.”

“Thank you, Mr. Carmichael.”
He threw an arm around her shoulders.

“Sweetheart, it
’s Charlie, and you’re very welcome. Now let’s get your girl to the hospital.” He kissed her on her temple and then went to the driver’s side, getting in.

Journey and Dylan got settled in the backseat with Abby’s head in her lap.
She was burning up still and her skin was clammy. Dylan grabbed her hand, squeezing it tight.

Twenty minutes later they were in an exam room waiting for the doctor to come see them.
She’d gotten sick again while they were waiting. Luckily they didn’t have to wait long once they walked in, but considering she was curled up in Dylan’s arms and looked very pale, they knew they had an emergency.

Nan worked up
in Oncology, but called down, talking to their nurse. She wasn’t going to be able to come down until her dinner break, but assured Journey that Abby was in very capable hands. She trusted Nan’s opinion since she seemed to know everyone in the hospital. Dylan sat next to the bed, holding Abby’s hand while Journey stroked her hair. His dad was even waiting with them, watching Abby with worried eyes.

“Ms. Cummings, I’m Dr. Morris.” It was a female doctor that walked into the room, shaking everyone’s hand. “Can you tell me when Abby’s symptoms started?”

Journey told her about everything that happened before they decided to bring her there. She felt helpless as the doctor poked at Abby’s stomach, causing her to cry out. She and Dylan both were bent over, talking to Abby, trying to soothe her.

“Well, I’m going to say it’s her appendix, but I can’t say for sure until we do a CT scan, which I’m ordering stat. The nurse will be right back to start her IV.
I’m worried with her fever and the vomiting that she’s going to become dehydrated.”

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