Beers, Lies and Alibis (Warblers Point Series Book 2) (27 page)

BOOK: Beers, Lies and Alibis (Warblers Point Series Book 2)
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Finn nodded as his mom walked out of the room.

“She’s a strange lady, you know that Da?”

Finn straightened up the cards as he took in the sight of his once-strong and overbearing father. Tubes were running all over his dad’s body that hooked up to different machines Finn only wished he could understand, but he had no clue what anything was.

“We started rebuilding today, Da. Booker and I took down the burnt cabin. We decided it would be best to just start over, but don’t worry we’re going to preserve the foundation. There are a couple of guys working on it right now and, by tomorrow, we should be able to start putting up the new frames. There are a lot of people in the community who are lending a helping hand, as well as supplies. They all want you to get better.”

Finn rested his head on his father’s hand as he spoke. “We all want you to get better. We need you to get better. I’m worried about Ma. She hasn’t left this room since you’ve been here. Yes, she will go out to get some food or coffee, but I don’t think she has breathed fresh air since you were admitted. I don’t know what will happen if you don’t make it. We can’t lose you both.”

Tears streamed down his face as he talked to his dad. Finn hadn’t taken much time to think about what the hell was happening to his family since he was constantly moving, but when he slowed down and actually thought about all the shit they were trying to get through, Finn broke down.

Wiping his eyes, Finn looked at his dad and said, “If you were awake right now, you would be telling me to quit acting like a little lassie and to pull my head out of my ass. Believe me, Da, I’m trying. There’s just only so much a guy can take.”

Finn adjusted his dad’s pillow a little as he said, “I haven’t heard from her at all. I think you know who I’m talking about. I tried the old fashioned letter thing, thinking that would win her over, but it didn’t. I really think I lost her, Da. I’m such an idiot. I always fuck up everything in my life…no matter what it is, I find a way to fuck it up. If it wasn’t for my damn Irish temper, I never would have went off at her the night I found out about Booker’s real identity.”

Finn put his head in his hands as he thought about the night he washed his future down the drain.

“I am a damn fool. I loved her and I let her go. Who knows where she is right now? She could be in the arms of another man, she could be falling in love as I sit here and cry over my…”


Finn’s head shot up at the same time his heart seized in his chest. Standing in the doorway of his father’s hospital room was Blaire. Her hair was longer than he remembered, but it was just as blonde and her brilliant blue eyes shined past the mascara that coated her eyelashes. She was wearing a tight pair of jeans and a cable knit sweater. She looked amazing.

Quickly standing up and wiping his eyes, not knowing what else to do, Finn said, “Hi…Blaire. Uh, what are you doing here?”

“I wanted to come and see if you were okay.”

She came to see him? Hope surged though Finn’s body as the prospect of Blaire actually caring to see him flowed through his mind.

“I’m alright,” he answered.

Yeah…the tension in the room was incredibly awkward. Finn didn’t know how to act. He knew all he wanted to do was scoop Blaire up into his arms and never let her go, but he also knew that currently wasn’t an option. Instead, he just stood in front of his dad’s bed and stared at her as she fidgeted in the doorway.

“I swear this staff doesn’t know a… Blaire?” Mary Margaret said as she stepped next to the doorway. “Is that you lassie?”

“Hi, Mary Margaret.”

Finn watched as two of the most important women in his life hugged. Blaire always got along with his family, even in the short amount of time they were together; she felt like she was meant to be an O’Leary.

“I can’t believe ya’re here. I’m so glad to see ya.”

“I’m glad to see you too.”

Mary Margaret escorted Blaire inside the room and sat her down next to Carlin, pushing Finn into the corner. He watched from a distance as Blaire and his mom talked about Carlin, how he was doing and what the doctors have said. Since Blaire was a nurse, she took her time and explained everything to Mary Margaret so she could understand a little bit more easily. Blaire told Mary Margaret what every machine was for and why Carlin was hooked up to them.

If Finn wasn’t already in love with Blaire, he would have fallen for her right there and then. She was so patient with his mom, making sure she understood everything and answered every question Mary Margaret posed, even the ridiculous ones.

Before Finn knew it, it had been an hour and he needed to get back to the pub. Not wanting to leave Blaire, but knowing that he had to, he got up and walked toward his mom and Blaire.

“Ma, I have to go help out at the pub. I’ll call you later.” He kissed her cheek. “I love you.”

“You’re such a good boy,” Mary Margaret said, as she held Finn’s cheek.

Finn turned to Blaire. “I guess I will see you around?” he posed it more as a question because he wanted her to say yes and because he had no clue what their future entailed.

“I’ll walk you out.” She turned back to Mary Margaret. “I’ll be right back.”

“Okay, dear. Take your time,” she said with a wink.

Finn inwardly groaned at his mom for her corniness as he and Blaire walked toward the elevators. He didn’t know how far she was going to walk him out, so he made sure to thank her for coming before they parted.

“Thank you so much for coming out here and explaining everything to my mom. It means a lot to us.”

“Of course.”

The elevator doors dinged, signaling Finn that it was time to part with the love of his life.

“That’s me. I will, uh, see you around. “

“Can I come over tonight?” Blaire asked in a panicked voice. “After you close?”

“I would like that.”

“Okay, see you later then,” Blaire smiled and turned around.

As the doors to the elevator closed, Finn thought about how his luck just might have changed. If Blaire was coming over later, he was going to make sure she never left. He was getting a second chance and he was going to take full advantage of it.

Chapter 13

Booker sat on Fiona’s couch as he waited for her to return from wherever she stormed off to after she left The Sleeping Potato. Returning back to work with her brothers wasn’t awkward at all, especially since Murphy and Keara were still there, talking about the trek Keara made from California to Warblers Point.

Instead of going back to talk to everyone, Booker grabbed his sledgehammer and started taking his frustration out on the burnt down building, while he envisioned cracking Murphy’s skull. No doubt Murphy set Keara up to talk about their little trip in front of Fiona. Booker could kill Murphy at the moment.

Now it was after nine at night and Fiona was nowhere to be found, which grated on Booker’s nerves. He knew she wasn’t working down at the pub because Booker had checked about ten times. If he went down there one more time, Booker was almost positive he would be handing over his man card to Raff and Finn, who were manning the pub.

There were voices in the hallway, so Booker got off the couch and headed toward the door so he could hear who was coming.

“Thanks for the ride,” came Fiona’s voice through the door. “I appreciate it.”

Booker felt like a teenage girl as he pressed his face against the door, trying to hear who Fiona was talking to in the hallway. Maybe afterwards he really should hand over his man card and put on the bonnet he once had to wear when he was named the Sheila; it would suit him perfectly right now.

“Not a problem, lass. Anytime ya need me, I’m there for ya.”

Visions of Booker’s fist plowing through the door and making contact with Murphy’s jaw ran through his head, but he calmed himself because he knew if he made a scene now, Fiona would most likely never forgive him. He was already skating on thin ice.

“You didn’t have to walk me up here.”

“A true gentleman always walks his girl to her door.”

“But I’m not your girl, Murphy.”

Booker wanted to shout “Amen sister,” but thought that was probably not the best idea.

“Whose girl are ya then?”

“I don’t know.”

Damn. That was not the response Booker was expecting her to say. He knew their relationship status was currently in fighting mode, but he didn’t think that meant they were no longer with each other.

“Don’t go back to him, lass. Ya know ya want to be with me, you felt it the other night…”

The other night? Booker couldn’t take it anymore; he opened the door to the hallway and interrupted the little moment between Fiona and Murphy. Booker didn’t say a thing, he just stared Murphy down. He knew if he ever got in a fight with Murphy, he would most likely lose because the man had about fifty pounds of muscle over Booker, but Booker didn’t care; he would fight for his girl.

“Well, I guess I will leave ya two to ya’selves.” Murphy leaned over and planted a kiss on Fiona’s cheek, right in front of Booker. “I love ya, Fiona.”

“Don’t Murphy…I can’t.”

Booker couldn’t take the touching moment that was in front of him, so he turned around and headed back into Fiona’s apartment. It was crazy to Booker that Fiona could act like Booker wasn’t even in the same room when Murphy was talking to her.

Absolutely furious, Booker grabbed his jacket and headed for the door, not caring if Murphy and Fiona were still out there. He needed to leave and get away because he couldn’t be around Fiona at the moment, not with the way she just overlooked his presence when talking to her ex-boyfriend.

As Booker exited Fiona’s apartment, his phone rang in his pocket. Quickly answering it and blowing past Fiona and Murphy he said, “Hello?”

“Hey Booker, its Blaire. I’m in Warblers Point, do you want to meet up?”

“Yeah, I’ll meet you anywhere but O’Leary’s pub.”

“Okay…” Blaire drew out. “Let’s go to the diner. Meet you there in twenty?”

“I’ll be there.”

Not even asking why Blaire was in Warblers Point, Booker headed toward his rental car. He was so mad, he didn’t even think it was safe to drive, but he didn’t care; he had to get the hell away from the O’Learys.

Booker got in his car and started the vehicle. Just as he started to pull out, Fiona beat her fist against his window, asking him to stop. A part of Booker wanted to just drive off and leave her in the parking lot and make her wait like he’d waited on her all day, but when he looked her in the eyes, he couldn’t muster the courage to drive away from her. He was too far in love with her and he hated himself for it.

He turned off the car, but didn’t open the door. He just stayed in the car waiting for Fiona to make the next move.

Hesitantly, she opened the door to his car and turned his face towards her. Booker didn’t want to look at her, but the look of desperation in her eyes made him oblige her request.

“Can we talk?” she asked.

“I don’t know, Fiona. I don’t know how much more I can take today.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, I feel like my heart’s been ripped out of my chest and dragged through the snow today. I spent all day wondering where the hell you were and then you come home with Murphy Ryan, the same guy who you did who knows what with? I don’t think I can take anymore.”

“Where are you going?”


“Are you going to go meet up with her?” Fiona asked, with a snide tone to her voice.

Booker shook his head and started up his car again. He shut his door, but then rolled down his window.

“For your information, I don’t even have her number or even care to have it because, for some godforsaken reason, I am deathly in love with you. I’m going to go meet my sister who flew into Warblers Point to check in on your family. As much as you probably don’t want to believe it, we actually care about all of you and would do anything to make you guys happy. I would never intentionally hurt you Fiona, like you hurt me today. I don’t play mind games. I’ll call you later.”

Booker rolled up his window and pulled out of the parking lot, leaving Fiona by herself in the back parking lot of O’Leary’s Pub.




Life wasn’t necessarily going as planned for Sophie. Apparently, Liam and Neala were working things out with their marriage; Sophie didn’t know the details, but she was determined to find them out. Blaire was in town and visiting the O’Learys, which meant she had most likely made up with Finn and the rebuild was already taking place and her supposedly co-conspirator switched sides and was now helping out the enemy.

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