Beers, Lies and Alibis (Warblers Point Series Book 2) (23 page)

BOOK: Beers, Lies and Alibis (Warblers Point Series Book 2)
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“My, my, my, your Irish temper is starting to show.”

Fiona sat up, gripped Booker’s head and shoved it between her legs, not even caring that she looked like a damn animal.

Booker just laughed as he pushed her back down and spread her legs as if they were in doctor’s stirrups. She should be embarrassed at being so completely exposed, but with Booker it didn’t bother her. She loved him and he loved her, for everything she was, red cheeks and everything.

He held her legs open, but didn’t do anything, he just held her there as she hovered between falling over and forever being frustrated.

“Please, Booker. I’m sorry, alright? I’m sorry for torturing you earlier. I just…”

“What do you need, baby? Tell me.”

“I need you to lick me, God, just fucking lick me already.”

“I love it when you talk dirty to me.”

“Booker James Hall!” Fiona shouted as he blew on her.

He laughed one last time and then finally started pleasuring her with his tongue. He started with incredibly slow and long strokes that were driving Fiona crazy. He had her legs pinned so she couldn’t move, all she could do was lay there with her legs spread and pray to the gods up above that he didn’t make her lose all control and blow wind in his face.

Finally, he picked up the pace and the pressure that had subsided while he was talking to her started to build up again and, before she knew it, she was hovering over the precipice again. Her legs were completely numb and she didn’t think she could breathe. One more stroke and she would be a goner. She prepared for it, for that last stroke of his tongue that would make her cry his name in pleasure, but it never came. She was about to yell at him once again when his tongue was replaced with his cock, and that was all she needed. She came hard and fast as Booker pressed into her. She felt herself constrict around him as he continued to pump himself in her, sending her over once again.

“Motherfucker!” Booker mumbled, as she felt his entire body stiffen and he released himself completely into her.

Once he finished stroking both of them, he pulled himself out of her and wrapped his entire body around Fiona’s. She had never felt more warm and satisfied before in her life.

“Damn, I love you.” Booker mumbled in her ear.

Fiona sat up and dragged Booker with her. “Let’s take a shower.”

Booker winked at her. “I can’t say no to that.”

Booker grabbed her hand and guided her to the bathroom. She sat on the toilet as Booker warmed up the shower for both of them. She stared at his toned ass as he leaned past the shower curtain and adjusted the nozzles of the shower.

Giving him a good slap, she said, “You have one fine ass.”

Booker squealed like a little girl as he grabbed his butt. “I’m not some model you can fondle, you know?”

“Oh I can fondle you any time I want,” Fiona said, as she grabbed his balls, testing the weight out in her hands.

“Careful, babe. Your future children rest in those sacs.”

“You’re disgusting,” she said, while laughing and shaking her head.

He kissed the top of her head as he pulled her in close. “Hey, what were you going to tell me earlier?”

Fiona stiffened at the reminder of what she needed to tell Booker. She was having such a good time with him, she didn’t want to ruin it. She just wanted to be with Booker right now and that was it. She didn’t want to think of anyone else or the real world. She was content just being with Booker for now and reveling in each other’s bodies.

“No need to worry about it now,” she said while pulling him into the shower.

She saw the worry lines on his face, but she ignored them. Instead, she pushed him under the water and knelt down so she was right in front of his already-impressive erection. It didn’t take much to get him going, which she was proud of. All she had to do was touch him and he was ready to go.

“Promise you’ll tell me later?” Booker asked.

“Promise, but right now, I have better things to do,” Fiona said, as she took Booker’s cock into her mouth. He leaned against the tile of the shower and let her take him away from the real world as she pleasured him once more.




Finn hovered over the stew as Raff finished up with the cornbread. They had shut down the bar for the night to have everyone over for a little family time, now that Booker was in town as well as Raff. They tried to get Mary Margaret out of the hospital for a little while, but she refused to leave Carlin’s side. His mom’s dedication to his dad was endearing and Finn knew, if it was Blaire in the bed instead of his dad, then he would be the same as Mary Margaret; nothing would be able to tear him away from her side.

Finn knew Booker was in town, but he had yet to see him. Fiona and Booker had been holed up in her apartment ever since they got home. If Finn didn’t like Booker so much, he would have charged into Fiona’s apartment and ripped the horny bastard off his sister, but he had to admit, Booker was growing on him. He actually liked the guy, even though Fiona had been sad lately; Finn knew it had nothing to do with Booker and everything to do with her new surroundings and insecurities.

“Aye, motherfucker!” Raff shouted, as he danced around the kitchen shaking his hand. “Those blasted pans are hot!”

Finn eyed what his cousin was doing and noticed he wasn’t using oven mitts.

“Are you a moron? You need to use oven mitts, dipshit.”

“I did. I just thought the pans had cooled off.”

“What’s going on?” Tipper said, as she came into the kitchen. They always included Tipper in all their family gatherings since she was practically family herself, so of course she would be present for tonight’s festivities.

“I burnt me bloody finger off,” Raff said, while shaking his hand around.

“Well that’s not going to help, you idiot.” Tipper grabbed his hand and ran it under the cold water in the sink.

Finn watched as they stood closely together and whispered to each other. That didn’t take too long, Finn thought, shaking his head. Of course Raff would have hooked up with Tipper. She was an attractive girl and Raff went after anything that was breathing with two tits, so it was only a matter of time until the two of them hooked up. Finn just hoped it didn’t mess with the flow they already had going on.

“We’re starving out here, what the hell is going on?” Bradon asked, as he walked into the kitchen. He spotted the little cuddling couple by the kitchen sink and Finn swore he saw steam start to flow from his ears. “Watch out Raff, you’ve got slut on you.”

“Bradon…” Finn warned.

“What?” Bradon shrugged innocently. “It’s true. She’s a slut. She spread her legs for Raff just this morning. Isn’t that right, sweetheart?” Bradon asked from across the kitchen.

Tipper looked at Raff and then slapped his shoulder. “You three are pigs.”

“Hey, what did I do?” Finn asked.

“You encourage them,” Tipper said, as she walked off.

Raff approached Finn and Bradon as he sucked on his burnt finger. “She has one fine ass. I swear I can’t get enough of that booty.”

“Did you really fuck her this morning?” Finn asked.

Raff just shrugged his shoulders as he grabbed the basket of muffins and headed out to the dining area. Finn dumped the stew into a giant bowl and started to carry it out to the dining area as well, when he noticed Bradon wasn’t following him.

“You coming dicksmack?” Finn asked.

“I can’t believe she fucked him this morning.”

“Who cares? She can do whatever she wants.”

“It’s such a whore thing to do.”

Finn laughed out loud. “This coming from the man-whore of Warblers Point.”

“It’s alright if I throw my junk around, I’m a guy. She needs to learn to keep her legs closed. Does she want to infect everyone with her nasty-ass pussy?”

Finn just shook his head as he headed through the swinging door. Instantly, he was filled with the warmth of the people he loved, except for his parents, of course. Finn looked around and was happy to see Fiona and Booker holding each other, Liam with a smile on his face, Tipper and Raff joking and then of course, Bradon brooding. It was always nice to see his little brother in a bad mood because most of the time he was a snarky little puke who annoyed the shit out of everyone.

“Finn, good to see you,” Booker said, as he shook Finn’s hand and pulled him in for a hug.

“You too. Did you…gain weight? Finn asked, joking around.

The look on Booker’s face was priceless. Finn threw his head back and laughed. “Once a Sheila, always a Sheila.”

“You’re a dick,” Booker teased.

“Don’t listen to him, handsome. He’s just jealous that he can’t build muscles like you.”

“Yeah, that’s it.” Finn started dishing out the stew in bowls and passed them around the table. “My goal in life is to be just like the Sheila. Hair full of product, clean-shaven, and jeans so tight you can make out the size of my balls from one hundred feet away.”

Booker looked down at his crotch and then back up. “It’s hard to hide it when you’re packin’, but you wouldn’t know that, would you Finn?”

“Bah!” Bradon shouted and pointed. “Buuuuuurrn. Who knew the Sheila had it in him?”

“I thought we’d moved past the whole Sheila thing.”

“The day you stop waxing your chest and ball sac is the day you reclaim your manhood from us,” Liam said, as he took a bite out of a cornbread muffin.

Booker looked down at Fiona in shock. “Seriously, babe? Can’t we have anything between us? There have to be some things we keep sacred and out of the O’Leary web.”

Fiona laughed. “I only told them because I was saying how amazing it is…you know when there’s proper man-scaping.”

“She has a point, boys,” Bradon added, as he held a Guinness in one hand and a muffin in another. “The waxing hurts like hell, but when a girl shoves your nut sac in her mouth because there’s no hair down there, you will fucking jiz all over her face; it’s that amazing. Am I right Book?”

“Dude, that’s our sister,” Liam scolded.

“Oh please, like she doesn’t suck him off.”

“There is somethin’ seriously wrong with ya lad,” Raff added. “But seriously, like jiz everywhere?” Raff seriously asked Booker.

“Annnnnd, we’re done with this conversation.” Booker leaned down and kissed Fiona on the head. “Thanks for that humiliating moment, babe.”

“So, what’s with the damn smirk?” Bradon asked Liam.

Liam sat up in his seat as if he was preparing for a giant speech. “Well, I just got back from visiting Neala and we are going to work things out.”

Finn nearly spit out the stew he had just shoved in his mouth. He knew Liam was going to visit Neala today, but never in a million years did he think Neala would all of a sudden want to work things out with Liam. She had frozen him out for months, barely talked to him and one visit to some rehab center and everything was okay? It seemed a little odd.

“What do you mean? You’re just going to forgive her for everything?” Finn asked.

“There’s more to it than you know,” Liam said, as he sat back and drank his beer.

Everyone waited on pins and needles for Liam to elaborate, but he didn’t; he just drank his beer, so Finn knew he needed a little encouragement.

“Care to elaborate, bro?”

“Not really.”

Fiona placed her hand on Liam’s arm. “Liam, we’re here for you and just want to help you out, if you don’t tell us what’s going on, how are we supposed to support you? Right now, all we know is that Neala has accused you of cheating on her and has made your life a living hell. How are we supposed to be okay with you getting back together if we have this bad image of her painted in our heads?”

Slowly placing his beer on the table, Liam ran his hands over his face as he thought about what Fiona said. When he looked back up, he looked at everyone in the room and said, “I don’t need this shit spread around for everyone to know.”

Fiona looked around the room. “You’re with family, Liam. We wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize that trust. Help us understand.”

The mood that was once light and airy was now full of tension as Liam’s mood took over the entire pub. It wasn’t the kind of night Finn was aiming for; he kind of wanted everyone just to let loose and have some fun, especially since all the shit they had been going through was tough enough, but apparently that plan was thrown out the window the minute Bradon opened his mouth.

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