Read bedeviled & beyond 02 - bedeviled & bedazzled Online

Authors: sam cheever

Tags: #science fiction romance angels & devils, #humorous paranormal romance, #books romance angels & devils, #Romantic Comedy, #fantasy & futuristic romance, #books futuristic romance, #Demons & Devils urban fantasy

bedeviled & beyond 02 - bedeviled & bedazzled (42 page)

BOOK: bedeviled & beyond 02 - bedeviled & bedazzled
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Darma’s scowl smoothed just a little and she actually gave me a small smile. Then she threw Dialle a scowl and turned back to Torre.

Dialle grinned, shrugging. “She’s mad at me for blasting those demons.”

I shook my head and rolled my eyes. “Issues.” Then I grinned. “Nice distraction by the way.”

His black eyes sparkled and he raised my hand to his lips. Instead of kissing the hand as I expected he opened his lips and sucked the tips of my fingers into his hot mouth.

One at a time.

Oh so slowly.

My knees wobbled underneath me.

Unfortunately, the moment was ruined by my sister’s less than soothing tones. “Astra! We’re leaving.”

I jerked my head toward the nails-on-blackboard sound of my sister’s voice and looked upon her with dazed eyes. “Huh?”

Dazzling wit aside, I was shocked to see her clutched in Torre’s delicately muscular arms. “Wait a minute. You and I need to have a little talk.”

She actually looked a little guilty for a split second but she quickly regained her equilibrium. “I agree. But not here and not right now. We have...plans.” She looked up into Torre’s eyes and smiled. The smile made me distinctly uncomfortable. Partly because I so rarely saw her smile and partly because it was a smile filled with secrets and intimacy. My sister didn’t do intimacy. She barely did civil. And with a Royal? Impossible.

I opened my mouth to argue but she’d already forgotten me. She and Torre turned away and melted into the crowd. I started to follow but Dialle’s hand on my arm stopped me.

“Let them go. You can talk to your sister tomorrow.”

I pulled my arm from his grasp, suddenly angry. Not at him, of course but he seemed to be the only one available for me to pound on verbally. “What the hell is going on, Dialle? How long has my sister been dating your brother? Why didn’t you tell me about this relationship?”

He grabbed my hand and we were suddenly on the dance floor together, buried in the mass of humanity with a couple of feet of space all around us so we could dance. If you could call it dancing. It was actually more like mating, upright, with all our clothes on.

Dialle wrapped both arms around my waist and pressed himself against me, feathering kisses over my face and nibbling in strategic spots to take me completely off my game. I started to forget what I’d been mad about. Lifting my arms I wrapped them around his neck and clasped my hands loosely behind his head, sighing happily.

When he spoke in my ear a moment later it felt less like conversation and more like an extension of our mating ritual. His breath was hot and smelled of sexual fire and sweet promises to come.

“I just found out about Darma and Torre tonight. Apparently they’ve been seeing each other for months. Darma made him keep it from me.”

Calm now and refocusing my hot blood in another direction, I barely registered his words. I let my body drape around his and closed my eyes. The music that cocooned us on the dance floor was raw and wild, almost savage. The base throbbed in my mind and stomach and moved lower, causing me to press myself tightly against Dialle, wrapping one leg around his thighs.

He groaned and said, “Let’s get out of here.” But before he could whisk us away, the air on the dance floor changed and we were suddenly joined by my damnable guardian angel, Flick.

He poked me on the shoulder.

“Go away!” I murmured into Dialle’s hard chest, trying mightily to ignore him.

He poked me on the shoulder again.

“What!” I lifted my head, fixing him with an angry gaze.

My new guardian angel smiled nervously. I was still having trouble getting used to him and, I’ll admit it, hadn’t been very nice since he replace my aunt Myra. After decades of dealing with Myra the cranky and firm, I was saddled with a guardian who was shy and timid. I’d been assured that he was fully able to protect me in my...shall we say...challenging life but I was unconvinced, to put it mildly.

Flick slid a telling gaze toward Dialle, his mild brown eyes going hard for a split second before returning to me. “You are needed elsewhere.”

I frowned and stopped dancing. “What do you mean I’m needed elsewhere?”

Flick shrugged and, before I knew what he was doing, reached out and touched me with the tip of one long, pale finger.

I cursed silently as we left the plane of sound and movement and speculated that forced spaceshifting must be part of a guardian angel’s training.

Guardian Angel 101, creep up on your hapless charge and shift her wherever you please, against her will.

I’d been tricked the same way about a thousand times with Myra.

We landed on cracked, weed-infused concrete. A strong wind blew my dark auburn hair off my shoulders. As soon as my mouth would work I started spewing foul deprecations in every language I knew, including Hades, at my sneaky, damnable angel.

That, also, was business as usual between me and my guardians.

Flick just stood there looking paler then ever until I started to wind down. Then he peaked one mousy brown eyebrow and glanced meaningfully toward the glass and steel building squatting beside us.

I turned to see a knot of children, probably about ten or eleven years old, huddled in a lighted doorway together, giggling behind their hands.

I turned my back on them and lowered my voice. “Why didn’t you tell me they were there?”

Flick’s mouth flapped helplessly for a minute and then a sickly smile slid onto his nondescript face. He shrugged, “You really should consider taking some anger management classes, Astra.”

Stiffening, I opened my mouth to scour the air again but he jerked his head toward the school and I turned to find the entire group of children waiting with expectant faces for their next lesson in gutter language. I closed my eyes on a sigh. “We’ll discuss this later.” I was determined to train my current guardian angel much better than the last one. She was my aunt, although I’d only found that out recently, and had kept a watchful and protective eye on me since I’d been a baby. I really hadn’t had a chance to train her up right.

Turning toward the school, I started walking. Flick, in human-type jeans and a sweater so he could walk beside me without the kids knowing what he was, fell into step a little behind and to the left of me so he could guard my weaker side. I had done
training already.

Glaring at the knot of pre-pubescent humans standing in front of the door as I approached, I shooed them off the steps, “You kids go home now. You aren’t supposed to be here.”

“What’s going on, lady?” The young boy had spiky black hair and thick dark eyebrows that looked like fat caterpillars. His face was extremely pale and almost too delicate to belong to a boy. I figured the oversized clothes and pierced nose were ways to compensate. I felt his pain. I’d been compensating for being small all my life. But that didn’t mean I was gonna be nice to him. He needed to get the hell out of there.

“I don’t know yet but whatever it is it will probably eat you kid, so go on home.” When he just stood there looking at me I took a threatening step toward him. I might be small but I was way bigger than him. And meaner too. “Go on! Shoo, bidgie bug.”

He jumped and turned, starting down the steps at a pace that was leisurely but not naturally so. He jerked a little about every third step, like he wanted to take off running but didn’t want to embarrass himself in front of the girls.

Flick and I entered the building amid a chorus of snickers. “Where’s the demon?” I asked in an undertone to Flick.

“In the lunchroom.”

I gave him a sickly smile, “Of course.”

The halls were suspiciously quiet. Flick explained to me as we headed toward the lunchroom that the demon had been discovered and contained before it could do much more than terrorize a couple of the ladies who were in charge of keeping the food distribution modules filled. The kids at the dance hadn’t even known they had a demon in their midst. They’d been quickly evacuated and sent home.

The school officials and adults had stayed behind, apparently thinking they could do something to help.

The Big Guy knows what. The average demon could eat the whole passel of pinch-faced people in that hallway without even breaking a sweat.

As we approached the closed double doors of what I assumed was the lunchroom, a woman stepped forward and offered me her hand. “Mx. Phelps. Thank God you’re here.”

Yes, He was responsible for you being here.
Flick commented with a wry smile.

I slid him a quick glance before taking the woman’s sweaty hand. “Has it hurt anyone?”

The woman’s face was unnaturally pale. She wrung her hands nervously. Shaking her graying head she said, “I don’t know. I heard screaming earlier.” Tears leaked from her light colored eyes, “I think the lunchroom ladies might be injured...or...worse.” She gulped. “But thank God we had a priest in the building and he’s been huddled in front of the door praying since it happened. He’s been able to hold it in up until now.”

I nodded. “There were some kids on the front steps. I told them to go home but somebody should go check to make sure they left.”

The woman nodded and turned to look at the man behind her.

“I’ll go,” the man said. He started off down the hall, looking relieved that he had something to do.

They split apart to let Flick and me through. A small man dressed in stark black and white was kneeling before the door. He was on his knees, praying fervently. I touched him on the shoulder and the Latin based words he’d been muttering ceased abruptly as his gaze shot toward me. The priest sat back on his heels, sighing in what appeared to be relief. Then he looked up toward the ceiling and clasped his small hands together, raising them upward in front of his face, “Thank you Lord for delivering me of this horrible burden. Amen.”

He stood and offered me a shaky hand. “Go in His name, child and...” his weary brown eyes slid toward the door and he suppressed a shiver, “—be very careful.”

I took his hand and he squeezed mine warmly. Then his gaze slid to Flick and he gave a little start. “Well I’ll be...”

“Thank you, Father.” I said quickly before he could give Flick away.

The little priest slammed his mouth shut but continued to stare at Flick with a look of awe on his face. Flick gave him a nervous smile and turned with me toward the door.

As I put my hand out to open the door I glanced back at the priest, “You might want to continue praying, Father. Just in case it manages to get past me.”

His awestruck expression slid away and his eyes widened. I realized he hadn’t even considered the possibility that I might fail. “Oh...oh my. Yes, I’ll do that.”

He was dropping back to his knees with a muffled groan as I pulled the door open just enough to allow me and Flick to slip through.

The first thing I noticed was the smell of blood and violence. Then I saw the bright red smears along the tile floor and spattered across the wall. I slid a glance to Flick and he shook his head.

There were no living beings in that room.

Sighing, I closed my eyes and threw out my sensing power, slowly sliding it around the room. I almost missed the demon the first time around. It had hidden itself behind the bodies of the three women and a man, probably the lunch ladies and the janitor. The bodies had all been dragged into a corner of the room, arms and legs and dead, sightless faces tangled together in a sloppy pile. Their souls had already fled, leaving a blank spot in my sensing power as it slid past them.

I reached out and stopped Flick with a hand on his arm. We were standing just about twenty feet from the demon. Opening my eyes, I jerked my head for him to move away from me. We would work better together if we spread out, giving the demon two targets to worry about rather than one.

It was the type of instruction I would never have had to give Myra, since she was a member of the celestial army and therefore well trained in combat. But Flick was unskilled in combat, although I’d quickly discovered he had a natural ability and was an extremely quick study.

Once Flick was in position, I straightened to my full five feet and not much more height and said, “Demon show thyself.”

It was a summons with power woven into it and it couldn’t be ignored.

The pile of bodies started writhing, startling me at first before I realized the demon was burrowing under the dead humans, and a scaly snout started to emerge. The head that followed was large, nearly two feet across and oval shaped, with a squared off snout and slitted red eyes.

A snake demon
, I told Flick.

He didn’t respond but I could smell his fear from where I stood.
Don’t tell me, you hate snakes.

I do, yes. They terrify me.


Writing him off completely as being any help at all, I figured I could always call Emo if I needed help with the thing and settled into a battle stance.

The snake demon, known as the legendary Basilisk in human legend, was actually not the hundred foot long creature that had been portrayed. It was a relatively small demon of only about thirty feet or so. It couldn’t kill me or any magical creature with a glance but it was true that it could kill humans just by catching their eye.

I shuddered as I thought of the humans outside the door.
Flick, go tell them to evacuate the school. Now!

He hesitated. I knew he was reluctant to leave me with the demon, despite his fear of it.
It’s okay. I can vanquish this thing. But it might take me a while and I don’t want to risk it getting through those doors. Go tell them, okay?

A silence of a few beats throbbed between us and then he said simply, “Okay.”

I waited until I heard the door open and close and then gathered my power. The jolt I fired at the demon pinged harmlessly off the tile floor. I’d forgotten how fast the damn things were.

It was almost on top of me before I realized and I threw myself backward, landing on my hands and springing back to my feet to stay between the demon and the door. It stopped a few feet away from me, raising its huge head and testing the air with a long, forked tongue. I knew it was trying to sense my fear but I was ready for it. I had a deep respect for Basilisks but I’d bested worse and I had no intention of letting it slither out that door.

BOOK: bedeviled & beyond 02 - bedeviled & bedazzled
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