Read bedeviled & beyond 02 - bedeviled & bedazzled Online

Authors: sam cheever

Tags: #science fiction romance angels & devils, #humorous paranormal romance, #books romance angels & devils, #Romantic Comedy, #fantasy & futuristic romance, #books futuristic romance, #Demons & Devils urban fantasy

bedeviled & beyond 02 - bedeviled & bedazzled (35 page)

BOOK: bedeviled & beyond 02 - bedeviled & bedazzled
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We landed in the middle of a strange bed and he leapt on top of me before I could say, “Bob’s your uncle.” I had a brief and peripheral impression of rock walls and a lack of natural light. Somewhere in the distance water was running.

Any protest I might have made was completely lost when he lowered his soft lips to mine and nibbled my bottom lip before pressing the seam of my lips open with his hot tongue for a full scale invasion. I halfheartedly shoved at his shoulders but he grabbed my hands and held them pinned to the bed as I wriggled beneath his hard—and I mean hard—body.

He sucked on my tongue, growling with need. The sound vibrated through me, leaving me tingly in all the right places.

Despite my best efforts at remaining aloof, my traitorous body leaped right into the fray, heating and throbbing in response to his touch. My knees opened under gentle pressure from his leg and a hard, warm hand skimmed my inner thigh, leaving a trail of heat wherever it touched.

Coherent thought fled me.

Dialle reached the silky barrier of my panties and ripped them effortlessly away.

I gasped as the material left my body and arced through the air away from the bed.

“Caveman.” I murmured as his lips left mine and started a heated trail down my throat.

“Ugh,” he responded. His lips hit the soft material of my sweater and he tucked his fingers into the stretchy neckline.

“Don’t you dare!” I gasped out before he could rip that too.

He gave me a devilish grin and waved the hand over my sweater, making it disappear. The beautiful bra that matched my unfortunate panties followed them quickly, in a tattered arc through the air.

I sighed. “You owe me underclothing.”

Dialle didn’t respond. His mouth gently encompassed my left nipple and I was gone. My legs went numb, my heart picked up the rhythm of the pulsing between my thighs and all I could do was hang on to Dialle and enjoy the ride.

I ran my hands through his silky black hair and pressed his head closer to my breast, nearly crying out with delight. My brain went into meltdown and my body took over. Any remaining whisper of doubt was savagely beaten back into my subconscious by my raging slut-monkey side, which had come out to play and wasn’t leaving the sandbox until it had been thoroughly ravaged.

Dialle swung one long leg over me and I reached down to grab his thigh. My hands slipped over warm, smooth skin and lean muscle and I suddenly realized he was totally buffers.

My touch made him growl and he ground himself into my leg, which was warmly sandwiched between his.

Suddenly I envied my thigh. It was a very lucky thigh.

I tried to roll and bring my other leg over his hip but my skirt got in the way and I cursed in frustration.

Without looking up from his nibbling assault on my breasts Dialle waved a hand over the skirt and it was gone.

We were flesh to flesh from head to toe.

I thought I would die from pleasure.

I grabbed his hair and pulled him up so our lips could meet again.

He happily complied, his mouth slanting over mine with a pure, unfettered lust. I groaned as his body covered me and he positioned himself so that his hard, throbbing length was nestled in my happy place.

As our lips fed from each other, our bodies fought to find the rhythm we’d been searching for since first clapping eyes on each other.

I reached down and grabbed his hard, round buttocks and tried to push him into me, crying out when he resisted.

The heat between us built until I was pretty sure we were literally scorching the sheets. In fact I smelled them burning beneath my body and thought I saw the occasional wisp of smoke wafting up around us.

Like starving people, we drove our lips together, ruthlessly sucking each other’s essence and melding our bodies together so tightly I wasn’t sure we’d ever be able to separate again.

He reached a hand between us and something hot and hard nudged against my entrance. I groaned and reached down too. I fought to get hold of him, totally out of control and frantic at the thought that he might stop. That something would interrupt us again. That we were being spelled.

Whoa! Cold water.

Remembering my dream my eyes flew open and I tried to clamp my legs closed again. “Wait, Dialle, are you sure it’s just us in this room?”

He looked at me through lust glazed eyes and I had a second of horror that he was not quite himself but then he grinned and slid the first inch of his rock hard shaft inside my body.

My head slammed back to the pillow and I screamed in pure, unadulterated joy and lust as he slid completely in.

It was like nothing I’d ever known.

I felt every inch of his flesh with every inch of my skin. It was as if he had a drug on his skin that heightened the awareness of everything he touched. He slid into me so slowly I thought I would lose my mind before he reached the end and when he did, he slid back out so slowly I thought I’d die before he came back.

Then he dropped down to his elbows and lowered his lips to mine, stopping just before we touched. His hair fell around us like a silky, black curtain. Closing off the rest of the world and creating a magic place where we could hide while he made soft and exquisite love to me.

His breath tangled with my breath and we tasted the simple heat that came from our age-old dance of pleasure.

Each firm, lazy twist of his hips made my nipples peak and tingle, sensation tugging the randy nubs into a standing ovation. Every thrust massaged the tiny bud that was the seat of my pleasure and kneaded the hungry skin inside my body.

The gentle massage built slowly to a delicious sensual assault. My toes curled as he plunged and withdrew, only to thrust again with growing vigor. Dialle rose up on his knees and lifted my legs so that he could penetrate more deeply, allowing him to brush against my clitoris with every stroke. He played the randy bud like a maestro. A heartbeat later I was screaming his name to the sky in glorious release.

Dialle dropped my legs and pulled out of me.

I cried out and grabbed for him.

I needn’t have worried, he wasn’t done.

Flipping me over he grabbed my hips and lifted me into position. With a hungry growl, he plunged deep and took the dance to a new rhythm, which was frantic and savage and had me reaching for release again within seconds.

He twisted his long fingers into my hair, pulling me into the curve of his body as he continued to drive into me. I reached around and grabbed his pumping ass and held on, making sure he didn’t leave me until he completed the job.

Dialle released my hair and lowered his head to kiss my shoulder, his teeth quickly replacing his lips as he claimed me like a wild tiger claims its mate. Holding me in place with his strong, white teeth, he plundered my body with reckless passion.

I nudged against the thin restraint holding me from release, my muscles tightening with expectation. As Dialle’s tempo built so did my urgency. But my body held back as if it were waiting for something.

Then he placed his mouth over the daemon hickey he’d given me and my world exploded.

I clutched the damp cotton beneath me as I screamed, the sexual cocoon we’d woven around ourselves exploding into conflagration. I came untethered from the real world, my body weightless and sizzling with pleasure. It should have been disconcerting...that feeling of floating away...but it somehow felt right and good. Warmth caressed my back as Dialle bent over me, his lips pulling gently on my hickey as his body built the dance into a wild thing.

Every nerve ending in my body was alive. My senses flared on the impossible overload of sensation and I went over again, taking Dialle with me. He growled my name into my ear and slammed into me one last time, groaning with his release.

We collapsed together onto the bed, panting.

A moment later, Dialle wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me into the curve of his body, now soft and warm.

I sighed, feeling like I could drift into a deep and easy sleep.

But my mind kept tugging at me that I had things I needed to do. Always things I needed to do. No rest at all for a weary but extremely sated halfling.

My eyes finally popped open and I turned to look at Dialle. His head was lying on the pillow next to me, our hair tangling in a soft mix of sleek midnight black and wavy auburn, his eyes were closed.



“Where the hell are we?”

He opened his eyes and grinned. “In the fairy mound. No exterior magical influence can penetrate the mound. I wanted to make sure nothing interrupted us this time.”

I grinned back. “Brilliant.”

He nodded and climbed out of the sinfully soft bed, pulling his arrogance back around him like a cloak. “Of course.” But his lush lips tugged upward in a grin that softened the arrogance a bit. “What else would you expect from a royal?”

I snorted in an unladylike way. Sitting up, I glanced around for my clothes. My eyes landed on my dissected underclothing and I slanted him a look.

He shrugged. “Would you like me to clothe you?”

Remembering the wet dream ensemble he’d conjured up the last time he’d dressed me my “No!” was a little too fast and frantic.

Chuckling softly, my devil shrugged. “I bow to your wishes as always.” He waved a hand and my skirt and sweater appeared in my lap. I looked down at them and bit my lip. I so didn’t want to go save my father with a naked butt under my skirt and my boobies jiggling around under my sweater.

But even more I didn’t want to ask him to make me something. I was pretty sure whatever he conjured wouldn’t suit either.

Dialle stepped closer and leaned down. I looked up and he captured my lips in a gentle kiss. When he pulled away he was suspiciously sober but his lips were twitching. “Is that better?”

I looked down and saw that I was wearing white cotton granny panties. The elastic waist band hit me somewhere around my lowermost rib and bloomed out around my hips as if someone had filled them with air. The matching bra could have been used to sling a good sized demon across the room without breaking and was held up with industrial strength straps that were an inch wide on my shoulders.

I heard a suspicious snort and looked up, glaring at him with the appropriate amount of disdain. He was struggling mightily not to laugh. No doubt fearing my wrath if he did.

He burst into laughter, tears flooding his sexy eyes.

Or not. “Very funny, Dialle.”

“You look very pretty in giant panties, Astra.” He wiped the tears from his eyes.

“Bite me.” I pulled my sweater over my head and slipped into my skirt. “At least I won’t have to worry about my butt hanging out,” I murmured.

Dialle tilted his head and peered at the skirt, which was pretty short. “I’d be more worried about the giant panties hanging out.”

I gave in to the urge to stick my tongue out at him. “I don’t care.”

“They make the skirt look a little puffy...”

“Oh shut up! I’m so outta here.” I glared at him and turned away, intending to leave. Looking around I realized there were no doors. Not even any windows. The room was circular, with a dome like ceiling and looked as if it had been chiseled out of pure rock. I looked back at Dialle. “There are no doors!”

He grinned. “Fairies don’t need doors.”

“But there are no windows either.”

“We’re two hundred feet below the ground, Astra, windows would be impractical.” He smirked at me and I felt my devil rising in a big way. Suddenly I could not remember what I had ever seen in the...sneaky...damn...”

I didn’t see him move but he was suddenly pressed full length against me. His hot, smoky breath sweetly caressing my lips and his hands branding my waist with unnatural heat.

Oh yeah...that’s what I saw in him.

Then we were locked in space and time and I remembered another one of his more useful qualities. He could spaceshift us from one place to another without embedding us into demons or furniture.

That was always a plus.

We landed in my office and Dialle closed the last quarter inch of space between us and kissed me languorously and thoroughly. I was all atingle when he pulled away. “Now, about my father...”

I shook my head. “I need to help my father first.”

Dialle narrowed devilish black eyes at me, “Help him? How do you intend to do that, Astra?”

He had me there. “I’m not sure. But I have to do something or he’s going to be branded a dark angel and dropped into a fiery circle. I can’t let that happen.”

Dialle stared hard at me for a moment but I crossed my arms and glared at him, letting him know with every rock solid line of my body that I wasn’t budging. He must have decided arguing with me would be fruitless because he finally nodded.

Score a point for my side.

“I guess the old man can stay in his little glass cage for a while longer. Maybe it will cool his temper a bit.”

I shook my head. “Don’t count on it. I’ll probably need to take a vacation in another part of the galaxy when he gets out.”

Dialle smiled. “I meant to ask you about that but I had other things on my mind at the time.”

I smiled too.

“What did you say to him.”

My grin turned mischievous, after all, he wasn’t the only one in the room with devil blood. “Not telling. It’s my little secret.”

He grabbed my butt with both hands and yanked me up against his, shall we say, firmer regions, grinding gently against me. “You’ll tell me. Eventually.” Then he gave my butt a tentative squeeze and said, “I never knew giant panties could be such a turn on.”

I laughed. “Dream on, bud. Me and my granny panties are hittin’ the road.”

I headed for my office door and opened it, then had a thought. “Is it safe to use the elevator?”

His beautiful gaze narrowed on me and his head tilted in question. “Why would it not be safe?”

He was either a damned good actor or he knew nothing about my passionate elevator experience. Which left me wondering who the hell I’d had sex with in the elevator.

Holy bent gargoyle toes!

That damnable pearl dropped back into my stomach and started growing. My temper flared unreasonably at the perplexed-looking devil standing in my office.

BOOK: bedeviled & beyond 02 - bedeviled & bedazzled
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