Bed of Thornes (Bed of Thornes Trilogy Book 1) (9 page)

BOOK: Bed of Thornes (Bed of Thornes Trilogy Book 1)
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I see Jenna sitting in a waiting chair in the lobby, she bounces up from the chair to her feet and dashes over to me. I'm sure she's ready to get my look completed for the day, she doesn't have much patience.

"How was the massage?" She asks when she gets up to me.

"It was very pleasant, thank you so much for treating me to it." I smile at her.

"You look like you enjoyed it, what a smile." She chuckles. "I didn't pay for anything extra, if there was anything beyond the massage, that was on her." Her laughter grows.

"Um, no, EW! You are so nasty." I join in on the laughter, knowing she's just messing with me as usual.

"Hey, whatever makes you smile like that, is cool with me. I just want no details." She jokes.

"Shut up, you know I don't swing that way bitch, that's you." I joke back.

"Proud of it, you mad?" She winks playfully.

"That both men and women flock to be with you, no, why would I be mad?"

"Hey, I don't mind it, have to experiment in life sometimes." She grins.

"Well whatever puts the smile on your face, then, Playmate." I smile wide. "Adrian is what my smile is about."

Her face straightens. "Was he in there?" Oh my god, the blonde comes out sometimes, bless her.

I bust out laughing, "No, he wasn't in there! I just mean that he's on my mind."

"Shit, don't look at me like I'm a crazy bitch, I wouldn't have doubted it if he had been in there with the way he is. It's charming you have a stalker." She giggles.

I playfully roll my eyes at her, "Whatever, bitch... you know you're crazy." I laugh.

She smiles big, she likes being considered crazy I think. Got to love her. I chuckle to myself.

"Let's get those nails done, I say red to match the dress, what you think?" She asks.

"Yeah, I think that will work. Speaking of color, I need to get shoes for tonight that will go with the dress. I have nothing. We have time to stop at the shoe shops before tonight?"

"I know that perfect spot to get them." She gives me a thumbs up and a wink.

Jenna is always on top of her shoe game, any fashion for that matter, I can trust that she will supply the demand. We sit down to have our manicures done. I'm so relaxed from the massage and now this pampering, I'm not very talkative at this time, but Jen carries on enough conversation for the two of us to the nail techs. After our fingernails are shining with fresh polish, they have us sit at the pedicure stations. I prop my feet up and the tech places them into the warm water to begin soaking them. My phone shows a text alert.

'Enjoying your time this afternoon?'
It's Adrian. I smile uncontrollably. He has that effect.

I reply,
'Yes, but I'm sure I'll enjoy tonight even more.'

'You will, I'll make sure of that.'

'What are you up to?'

'Setting up some things at the spot, getting ready for the night.'

'Where are we going? My curiosity is killing me.'

'You'll see when we get there.'

'Is it a club?'

'No it's better than a club, urban mixed with class... it's nice... you'll like it.'

'Well I can't wait to be there, with you.'

'I can't wait to see you in that dress.'

I pause, thinking about the fantasy I had while getting my massage, I can't wait to be out of the dress. I want to text that to him, but I don't want him to know all my secrets just yet. Instead, I send him something not so from the gutter of my mind.

'You have good taste in dresses, Mr. Montez.'

'That's not the only thing I have good taste in, Ms. Thorne.'

Hell, even when I try to veer the conversation from gutter, he brings it there for me. I swear there was a wink after that comment, I sure did visualize it. He's past asking for it.

'See you in about 7 hours.'
I hit reply, leaving him hanging from his dirty thoughts.

'Be ready, I'll be there on time.'

Without a doubt, I am ready. Maybe not my appearance quite yet, but my body is beyond ready. I put my phone beside me on the arm of the chair and rest my head on the back. The nail tech is almost finished with the soaking and scrubbing process, about to dry and polish my toes.

"Who was texting you?" Jenna asks, grinning like she already knows.

"Adrian, of course." I giggle at her widening grin.

"Oh yeah? What's stalker boy talking about?"

"Jen, he's not a stalker, stop it." I laugh. "He just asked if I was enjoying my afternoon, that's all."

"Awww, how sweet of him." She jokes all mushy-like.

I just smile and lay my head back, enjoying this day from head to toe, literally. To top it off, they bring us a glass of wine. I take one happily and have a sip before I can even get the words Thank You out of my mouth. I needed a drink, it's the cherry on top of all this relaxation.

"To your night with Adrian." Jenna holds up her glass.

"To a night of new beginnings." I hold mine up, half empty already.

"I'll drink to that... Cheers!" She boasts her glass up in the air and I do the same, connecting them in a clank.

We down the wine, and look at one another laughing. This is so wonderful to have this time with her, I've taken so many things for granted, I miss this.

After our mani/pedis are done, we get facials together before having my hair and makeup done. The facial almost put me to sleep after all of the calming sessions I've already had in combination with the wine. I take a bathroom break after my facial, suggesting to Jenna that we go by and pick out my shoes before having the remainder of my makeover finished. I need to get out and walk around, to wake back up. We head down the street to the shoe store.

I walk inside the shop, and in no time spot the perfect stilettos sitting inside of the glass display case at the checkout desk. I'm drawn to them, it's as if no other shoe existed.

"How much for these?" I ask the lady behind the counter, who looks like she has more money than she knows what to do with. Apparently she is the owner, at least that's what I gather from her tag on the silky black collar of her business suit top. She has on a matching skirt, frame flattering and professional. Paired with her outfit are shiny black leather heels. Her hair is a deep auburn red with one stripe of blonde at the front of her bang area. She's draped in diamonds, with red lipstick and all.

"Those are custom made from France. There is no price tag for a reason." She says so properly.

"Are they not for sale?" I ask, eager to find out how much it will take to own them.

"They are for sale, just not in your price range." Her snob just showed its ass.

"Oh? My price range is low because my hair and makeup isn't done, and my three thousand dollar dress isn't on me yet, is that right?" I ask, wanting to throw the stiletto at her face, aiming right at her eye. Bitch doesn't know me.

She smirks, "I like your attitude." She takes the shoe from me, sets it on top of the display case and pulls out the other one to set next to it. "$1500" She says looking straight at me to see my reaction.

"That's all you had to say." I pull out my credit card. "Thank god they're my size." I say handing her my card with a sarcastic smile on my face.

The snooty bitch gladly swipes my card and boxes up the stilettos, handing me the receipt. I rip the receipt and hand it back to her, "I won't be needing this, I own these now and they won't be returning." I smile and walk away from the counter.

Jenna is standing near the front of the shop, staring at me, she must have heard the whole thing.

"Ready?" I ask her.

"Uh, yeah, sure." She says.

We leave the shop and start walking to the car to head over to the salon.

"What was that?" She asks me.

"What?" I ask in return.

"You owned that bitch in there. I'm proud of you, Ronni." She says with a smile.

I shake my head and smile.

"Hey..." She says as we get into the car, "Is that dress really worth three thousand?"

I chuckle, "I don't have a clue what it cost, he paid for it and I asked no questions. I just wanted to shove it in the snob's face that I'm not a starving artist and that I can afford anything I want. I don't even act like that, and I make more money than that shop will ever see, she's full of herself."

"You know it girl." She turns to look at the shoe box in my lap, "I didn't even get to see the ones you got, I was too worried about what you had to say to the witch in the shop." She laughs.

I open the box and pull out the stilettos. Jenna is in awe, and so am I. Smooth red suede, same shade as the dress. Roses made of high quality silk surround the top of the back. Thorns wrapping around the heel from top to bottom. These stilettos scream sex, my kind of sex at that. I am in love with them.

"Holy shit, Ronni, these are incredible."

"I know, it's like they were made just for me. They're from France, custom made. Worth every dollar." I tell her while we both stare at the beauty of them.

"You're getting laid tonight." She says with a serious face.

"I'll be wearing these the whole time, too." I say with a wicked smile and wink.

"Yeah, you obviously need some, sounding like a damn fiend." She chuckles.

"Shut up." I laugh. She's right though, she would be shocked if she knew just how much I fiend for sex. "Take me to get this face of mine together and my hair done, I look like a mess." I chuckle.

"Freak." She says and laughs as we pull off and head to the salon.

evening hits. Jenna drops me off at home, giving me a big hug and luck that the night goes well. I love what she had done with my hair, the up-do has my dark and highlighted strands of spiral curls cascading down in just the right places. My makeup is more than I normally have it, not so subtle, but it's fitting for a night out. I had such a good day with her, I almost wish it hadn't ended. However, I'm more than ready to get this night with Adrian started. I look at my phone as I step inside my house, I still have about an hour before he gets here.

I go upstairs and freshen up before slipping the dress over my head, it falls over my body like a delicate sheet that is capturing my curves gracefully. I put on my black diamond necklace. Wanting to keep the focus on my dress, I don't bother with any other jewelry. I walk out of my bedroom and start heading downstairs when I hear the doorbell, followed by a knock.

He's early. I think to myself. Knots of butterflies hit my stomach like a punch to the gut. I get to the bottom of the stairs, and open the door. He's standing on my porch, dressed in a red fitting t-shirt that showcases the muscles of his arms and a pair of black cargo shorts with black and red Jordan's on his feet. He looks good, young and urban, clean cut face to go with his look. I feel weak in the knees.

"Mr. Montez, you're early." I smile at him.

"Ms. Thorne, you're breathtaking." He stands looking at every detail of me up and down. "Damn. You know how to make a man melt."

I blush. "Thank you. You look really good yourself. I like it." I blush harder.

"Thank you. Are you ready to go or do you need a moment?"

I look down, "My shoes, just let me grab those and I'll be ready. You can come in if you want." I invite him to step inside while I gather my purse and shoes. I slide into the stilettos and walk over to him where he's standing by the front door. He looks down, I swear I can see him coming mentally.

"You like?" I ask him, knowing damn well he does just by the look on his face.

"I don't even have the words to describe how much I love them, they look so sexy on you. You're killing' it, ma."

My blood runs hot through my veins, knowing he is enticed and possibly even turned on by me, has me quite worked up. Calm down, Veronica, we have a whole night to make it through. I remind myself.

"Come on." I say to him. "I'm ready to see this place and watch you perform. Plus I could use a drink." I grin.

"I got you." He says with that sexy grin of his.

We walk out to the car and leave out, he explains on the way there that he likes to arrive early anyway to do mic checks and have a drink or two before hitting the stage. We pull up, the city lights are glowing like a symphony. He gets out to open my door for me and hands the keys to the valet. I step out and turn to see the building, the parking lot full of vehicles.

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