Bed of Thornes (Bed of Thornes Trilogy Book 1) (10 page)

BOOK: Bed of Thornes (Bed of Thornes Trilogy Book 1)
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"Welcome to the Candleroom." Adrian says in my ear from behind me. He sends chills up my neck.

I've heard a lot of nice things about this place before, from a friend or two, but never been myself. Speaking of which, I see a couple of my friends that I haven't seen or spoke to in a while, due to busy lives. They spot me and hurry over.

"Wow, Ver-on-i-ca!" Keysha says. "Girl, you look amazing, where have you been hiding?"

James, her boyfriend and an old friend of mine chimes in before I can say a word, "Are you here with Adrian?" He asks.

I look over, Adrian standing beside of me smiling. "Yes, I am." I say proudly.

"Oh shit, that's what's up!" James says and shakes Adrian hand. "I've watched you perform many times man, mad talent bro."

"I appreciate it." Adrian says to James.

"Yeah, and Veronica, she's been a friend of ours for years... since we were young." James continues.

Keysha leans in for a hug from me, "It's so good to see you and to know that you're doing well."

"Thanks, Key. I'm sorry I haven't been in touch in so long, life gets in the way sometimes. We all should get together soon though. I miss you all." I say.

"You got it, we will get in touch. Has Jenna quit work yet?" Keysha and James chuckle.

"No, she's doing well, she hasn't gave up on me. Actually, there's so much we need to catch up on. But let me get inside, Adrian has a few things to handle before his show tonight. I want to get caught up with you two though, I'll call you soon." I give them both a big hug.

"It was nice meeting you personally, Adrian, we really enjoy your shows and glad we made it tonight." James tells Adrian as he shakes his hand.

"I'm glad to have you here tonight. Hope you all enjoy the show tonight, too." Adrian says.

"Alright, man, we'll holla at y'all." James says.

I take Adrian's hand and we head inside. This place is gorgeous. The bar is the first place he takes me to.

"What's good, Vince?" Adrian says to the bartender. "Hook the lady up with anything she wants, put it on my tab for the night."

"No problem, A, I'll take care of her for you." The bartender says, his voice deep and gruff. He's dressed nicely, his silver chain sticks out to me, and his short gray streaked dark hair.

"Appreciate it." Adrian says to him.

Vince looks over at me, "What's your poison?" He asks with a warm smile.

"I'll have a Shady Lady, please." A drink that is made up of X-Rated Liqueur, Cointreau, and Champagne.

"Coming right up." He says.

Adrian leans into me, "When you get your drink, step over to the lounge area and make yourself comfortable. I have a seat reserved in front for you, you'll see your name on the table. I'll meet you over there after I talk to my manager real quick."

I nod at him and smile, "Okay."

He walks off and I turn to watch Vince mix my drink. He hands it to me and smiles.

"Hope you enjoy, just let me know if I can get you anything through the night." He says.

"Thank you." I take a sip. "It's delicious."

He nods and I turn to walk over to the lounge. I notice the stage as soon as I walk in. There are round white tables placed all around the floor, each of them dressed up with glowing votive candles in the center. The chairs are white cushioned. There's a dim candle chandelier hanging from the ceiling in the center of the room. The stage has blue and violet lights shining down on the center of it. The lounge is very modern and clean looking, fresh and up to date, the lighting sets the mood.

I slowly walk around the room, checking everything out, looking for my name on the tables in the process. I come to the front, there it is, written in bold capital lettering.
. I pull the seat out and set my drink on the table. Just as I sit down, I hear Adrian's voice, over the speakers. I look around, and then I see him step out on the stage from the back.

"Mic check, one two, one two." He says over the microphone. "Check check." His voice echoes through the empty room. He walks up to the front of the stage and looks down at me, squinting from the lights.
"Swear you got me where you want me."
He sings out a line that must be from a song he knows or of his own. Damn, his voice melts me on the spot. I may not make it through the night after all. How do the ladies resist tackling him right on stage?

"The mic and the sound system's good, Jimmy." Adrian says, looking off to the distance. He looks back at me, "Jimmy's the sound guy." He says into the microphone. His voice, vibrates right through me, it's like a sexy melodic tune you want to keep on repeat to hear it over and over again. "Come up here with me." He says holding his hand out.

Not expecting to get up on stage, I freeze for a second. His adorable chuckle goes through the room and right through me. He jumps down and approaches me, takes my hand and leads me to the stage stairs. I walk up, my knees shaking, hoping I don't fall in these stilettos. I make my way onto the stage and he jumps up onto it from the floor, then he makes his way over to me and grabs me by the waist. He puts the mic up to his mouth and smiles at me, his eyes shining in the stage lights.

"Don't be nervous, mami, it's just you and me." His sexy grin convinces me, I relax my body. "I just want to show you what it's like up here, the stage is a big part of me, so it means a lot to share this with you." My heart grows a size bigger in my chest, he's sharing a special part of himself with me, I feel so good in his presence... he has to be the sweetest man alive. I just stand still, staring at him, looking into those bedroom eyes of his.

"Thank you for giving me this experience, Adrian."

"I wouldn't want to give it to anyone else." He says softly into the mic and winks.

Okay, I'm about done warning him mentally. If I wasn't afraid of all the people that would catch us, I would fuck him right here on this stage.

"It's almost showtime." I look at my phone I'm holding. "Take a pic with me?" I ask him sweetly.

"Of course." He winks. Damn it, Adrian. Fuck.

I shake off the wink, last warning, I'll let him get away with it this time. We get close, I turn the camera on as we lean our heads together, and take a picture of us up on stage. I bring the phone down to my side and turn to face him, as close as we are I can smell his scent.

"I'm going back to my table, before everyone starts rolling in." I say at almost a whisper.

"Go get another drink before the show starts, I don't want you missing anything." He smiles.

I walk off the stage, and head to the bar to get another drink while I finish my first one. Already feeling the beginning of a buzz, I drink my second one halfway and have Vince make another to take with me back to the table. I decide to use the restroom before the show starts, that way there's no interruptions. On my way to the ladies room, I pull out my phone and call Jenna.

"Hey, is everything okay?" She answers with worry.

"Yeah, it's all good, I just wanted to call and thank you for being there for me today. I really enjoyed having some time with you, I know it's been too long since the last time we had time like that together."

"I love you, Ronni, you're my girl. I had a great time today too. Of course I looked out for you, I know you deserve it, you've been through a lot."

"I was thinking, why don't you come through tonight? I mean, it's a public venue, you could come chill with me while we watch the show."

"No girl, I'd love to and all... but look, this is about you tonight. Adrian wants to have some time with you, and this is his way of getting that. If he wanted me there, he would've invited me out. Not saying he didn't invite me to be rude or whatever, but I'm sure he'd rather you focus on him than be distracted by me being there." She chuckles. "I appreciate the offer though, maybe next time."

"If you say so, I hear what you're saying though. Next time then."

"No doubt. Now go have a good time. Make sure you get that before the night's over."

I laugh, "You're something else. I do plan on it though, I'm not even gonna lie."

"I knew you were, shit I don't blame you!" She laughs.

"Alright, let me get back out here before it starts then." I tell her.

"Where are you now?"

"Going to use the bathroom, these drinks are running through me." I chuckle.

"Oh wow, well take it easy baby girl, you know that liquid courage will get you pregnant." She laughs hysterically.

"No, not me!" I laugh. "That's why I stay protected anyway. I'm not trying to have any kids yet, not ready for that curve ball."

"Well be you tonight and don't hold back, you need this." She says before we say our good nights and hang up.

I rush in to the restroom so I can get back out to the lounge. I get myself situated at my table, and then I look over to see Keysha and James sitting in the back. I wave them over.

"I'm all alone at this table, if you want to join me, you're more than welcome." I offer them.

Keysha looks at James, "We don't want to intrude since he had this reserved especially just for you." she says to me.

"No, you won't be intruding, he probably has me sitting here alone because he didn't think I'd know anyone here tonight. I really don't think he'd mind. Come on, grab a seat. It's a better view anyway." I smile wide, hoping they will accept and accompany me so I won't feel so awkward sitting alone.

James smiles at me, "Sounds good, let us go grab some drinks and we'll be right over."

I nod at him and feel relieved. The room continues to fill up with people, fans of the man that I'm here with. I have never felt something like this, it's pretty amazing to see all these people that like to watch him perform. Music starts quietly, the lights begin changing. I hear the DJ tap on the mic, "Warm Candleroom welcome to everyone tonight... how's everybody feeling out there?" The crowd reacts to his question with a loud response in unison. The DJ gets the crowd hyped up for a minute or two, then he introduces the man I'm waiting to see on the stage. "Ladies and Gentlemen, make some noise for Adrian Montez!" I see Keysha and James getting through the crowd, making their way to my table.

Adrian steps out onto the stage while the first track begins playing. "What's good, Dallas? Thank you for having me here tonight!" The crowd shows him their welcomes by clapping and shouting. Adrian continues, "Let me introduce someone to you all real quick before the song starts... this very special lady accepted a night out with me tonight, and I just want to thank her for giving me a chance... Veronica Thorne, this show is dedicated to you." The crowd applauds and hollers. I am frozen in time, blushing, but I manage to throw a wink his way and mouth the words 'Thank You' to him.

The music hits the bass in the speakers and Adrian begins singing, the beats have me feeling it, plus this drink has me loosened up. The first song ends and another one starts right up, this one slower and more soulful. His voice puts a spell on me, I'm captivated by his talent, his lyrics are mesmerizing. I'm in love with his music, it's love at first sound. I can't get over how good he is, I wouldn't have been able to imagine this. He looks at me often throughout his performance, singing to me with the connection of our eyes, catching my glance every chance he gets. Some of his songs are so sexual, it's like we're fucking through his music. I love every second of it.

The room is hot, the crowd is worked up, and the waiters are bringing drinks to the tables. I lost count on which drink I'm on, but I know I am feeling really good at this point. Adrian announces that he is on his last song for the night, and gives some shout outs to his band and other members of his team, he points at me and starts singing.
'I can see through your soul --- Baby, you ain't fooling me.'
He locks his focus on me through the entire song, performing straight from his heart, making me weak and vulnerable to him. I feel hypnotized, he is everything that I find attractive in a man, but I can't let emotions rise. All I want from him is to fuck, nothing more and nothing less. I need all of his sexual attention. Only condition, no catching feelings, I'm not looking for that... my career won't allow it, I'm just too busy for love.

I shake the thoughts, too deep right now. I try to remain attentive to the end of Adrian's performance, giving him my full attention and soaking in his vibe. When he finishes, he exits through the backstage. I look down at my glass, empty. I figure I should go get another before leaving, I want this buzz to continue as long as possible tonight. I head over to the bar and let Vince know I need one more to top it off, he grins and gets me together. I have to admit, I'm zoning and I know my guard is down more than normal, but I want to be open with Adrian tonight. Alcohol may not be the answer, but being an uptight person lately, with recent events and all, I need the extra push to loosen up.

I take a sip of my last Shady Lady, and I see Adrian coming over to the bar. His sweat glistens in the lights, he looks the opposite of tired from performing he actually looks pretty pumped. He comes up to me and grabs my drink from my hand, turns it up in his mouth, emptying my glass in one swallow. He sets the glass on the bar and motions for Vince to make another. I look at him with my hand on my hip, about to ask if he enjoyed my drink.

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