Becoming His Slave (61 page)

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Authors: Talon P. S.,Ayla Stephan

Tags: #MF, #slave, #mm, #Caning, #Master, #BDSM, #D/S

BOOK: Becoming His Slave
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“That’s his choice not yours.” Trenton straightened with a smug expression in his face as Dane looked up at him still working on catching his breath.

“Damn that was incredible.” Dane hissed sinking into the sofa cushions, his strength drained along with his semen. A stupid grin on his face was clear indication he’d enjoyed it immensely.

Trenton grinned at him, he knew how to get the most out of a scene, “Have your Sub ready and waiting in the sitting room.” And before Dane could protest, Trenton was marching off in search for the hostess to have the props arranged.

~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~


Katianna woke what seemed like hours later in her own bed, the soft down comforter folded over with only the light sheet pulled over her and the small fan oscillating across her bed. On the night stand next to her head a small vase with a fragrant mix of flowers, sprigs of jasmine and honeysuckle, a few night blooming flowers like the night phlox and night jasmine and then one large epiphyllum. It too was a night bloomer and did so for only one night. She pushed up to her elbows and leaned in to inhale the strong sweet fragrance. Closing her eyes letting the fragrance seep into every cell of her senses and energize her. She fell back with a huge smile beaming across her face. Amelia would have his balls on a platter if she found out he’d plucked one of her epiphyllums from the green house, but it was such a nice touch, she wasn’t about to tattle on him.

The sun had already gone down not even a hint of golden color lingered in the distant horizon, told her that at the least a few hours had passed since he’d ravished her out on the pool deck. Perfect time for her to get to her computer and start writing. If only she could find the strength to move from her spot. She giggled.

She glanced round to her table noticing her laptop there and saw that it had already been powered up. Next to it her favorite muffin and a juice glass filled with the dark red nectar of pomegranate. Trenton was always about healthy rejuvenation and next to it her favorite Icelandic bottled water. He didn’t miss a single detail. She might actually have to let it slide that he’d broken one of her hard rules.

Her stomach growled and decided the muffin had waited long enough and jumped to her feet and headed for the desk. But as she strolled passed the large double wide floor mirror, something caught her eye and she stopped taking a step back. She starred at her reflection then down at her body at the chemise she was wearing. It wasn’t one of hers; she’d never seen it before. Her hand floated up to the broad lace shoulder straps and the lace imperial top held closed by dainty silk ribbons tied neatly into three bows. From the lacy ribbon banister that conformed to her ribs just under her breast, the softest linen draped down in a soft flow to her hips trimmed with more lace.

The Edwardian vintage piece was instantly won favorite status, enjoying it along with the other
he’d left her with this evening.

She dropped down in her chair broke off a large piece of muffin and popped it into her mouth savoring the rich flavor, when she spotted the small note placed with care over the keyboard:

‘Don’t forget to write about today in one of your stories.’

~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~


He felt wickedly high at the moment. The taste of Katianna’s wet cunt still lingered on his tongue along with the satisfaction he got from taking control of the scene using Paris to fulfill the blow job he was giving his brother. Put it all together and he felt returned to the top of his game. He was the Dominus and he controlled everyone around him, because he knew what they wanted and he knew how to deliver it.

Trenton departed in search of the Heiress Amelia, finding her finally talking with a young lady near the banister in the foyer.

Amelia immediately diverted her eyes to the floor. As hostess to her own party, in her own home she was not subject to the rules as Sub, but Trenton wasn’t just any Dom, he was the Dominus even in her house and she did so out of respect for him. Not to mention it made her hot
she wanted something from him, something she’d never asked of him before.

Trenton strolled up reaching for her graceful hand bringing it to his lips and kissed her like the true lady that she was. He caught the light fragrance of her perfume a sensuous floral with honeysuckle, Sicilian lemon, chocolate, and musk. Somehow it all smelled quite luxurious. The perfect scent for a woman of such power who just happened to be one hell of a tasty treat if a Dom were so lucky to be contracted by her.

The other woman with Amelia kept her head bowed as well, but he could glimpse enough of it to see the expression of envy as she licked her lips greedily, “You’re dismissed.” He ordered the girl away.

“She does not please you tonight Dominus?”

“These young Subs watch you—how you sway from Sub to Heiress and they get to thinking they can get away with doing the same.”

“Lucky them, if their Dom chooses to punish them for it.” She smiled, her mind already scheming to find what would whet her appetite. “So is my girl tucked away busy with her writing?” That same sheepish smile deepening with the knowing he had been playing with her earlier.

“Mmmm she is—sad to say.” He stepped in to hover over her knowing his threatening stance would arouse her—asserting his overruling dominance. “But I’m pretty certain she’s
girl.” Feeling the disappointment he couldn’t have Katianna at his side right now, but this party was beyond the intimacies of friends and she would be exposed to enough of that when the he took her to the auction event.

“Remember you parked her in my garage where you’ve left her going on four years now. I’d say that makes her mine by law of possession.”

It had been four years since he’d asked Amelia to take her in so that she’d be safe. It was a good arrangement. Amelia rarely ever used the guest house and still had a second if it were needed. Katianna was safe where she could be watched by his own men and Amelia got her books, several from what he understood, since Katianna never went out except when Amelia dragged her out to join her.  But still he had not pushed into her life till now. She definitely was in his head, he couldn’t shake free of her, when what he’d really like right now was to have her on his cock. He needed diversion and there was food for plenty around tonight to do that with. But he was only looking for the diversion, the good stuff he had to offer he was saving—savoring his needs and his desires for Katianna only.

“Besides I like having my favorite erotica romance writer right here.” Amelia could see his frustration. He didn’t care about the Subs around him anymore. He hardly acknowledged they were even there, not to mention he was fighting a serious hard on for her star writer and she knew it.

“Well just so you understand those days are numbered. Katianna is mine and I will be claiming her soon.”

Amelia heard the certainty in his voice. It sent a chill down her spine and fired off the nerves in her clit, not that he turned her on; but that she wished that one day a man would say the same for her. That she would meet a Dom that could take control of her and as the Dominus termed it—
claim her
. She fidgeted something she never did and right away she knew that Trenton saw it in her and his gaze was turning suspicious as he watched her more intently.

“Out with it.” Was all he said with a stern command.

Amelia shifted her weight; her hands clasped in front of her, but finally after a deep breath, relinquished her question of need. She had always searched for her own Doms, but for the past two years they had been unfulfilling and short lived. She was tired of always having to look for the next one, only to come home unsatisfied, because they hadn’t mastered her needs yet. “Dominus I need your services.”

“What are you wishing?”

“I need the perfect Dom—” her eyes dropped as did her voice like a whispering song bird, “I need a master to know me and keep me.”

“You micro manage too much, and in doing so you would cancel out the perfect match.”

“Dominus please.” The request came out nearly a whimper.

Trenton's gaze came down on her, studying her for a long moment. She was the Betty Page and Marilyn Monroe pinup, all wrapped into one body. Any man would be considered lucky to have her. But that she was head of a powerful family didn’t help her situation to find the perfect master. She had to be let off her leash almost daily. Trying to reel her back in during the afterhours could be tiresome for a Dom. It would definitely take a Master to handle her; he just wasn’t so sure she was ready to relinquish that much control. She topped from the bottom on a regular basis which was also why she was unsatisfied. You can’t enjoy the bliss of surrender if you haven’t actually surrendered. But he knew she had run out of
’s and
Doms to play her game with and he could see she was in fervent need for the real experience to surrender. She needed the control to be taken away from her.

“If I do this, then you will meet him blindfolded.” He pushed in on her backing her against the wall now, displaying his own control.


“No buts. I choose who your master will be. I alone make all the arrangements and take you to him blindfolded which you will remain so for the first three nights you have with him.”

Amelia swallowed hard and she felt her body heat rise.

“Is this clear?”

Another hard swallow and she found she had to lick her lips just to get them to work. “Yes Dominus. It is clear.”

Trenton took several steps back then leaned back on the rail posts of the grand stairs, his eyes wondering about the room. It was his way of shifting back to party mod and releasing her from his control.

Her eyes scanned over her guests watching their movement and noticed the slight migration towards the sitting room. Heard Dane’s voice coming from the room, something was in store for her guests, she turned back to him, “What do you need to ease you?”

“One of the Subs has been insubordinate and needs to be whipped. Do you have the right props here so we can proceed?”

Amelia grew flushed and her mouth watered,
ooh she did love a good paddling
, “I have a whipping chair, but I don’t have a cane available for you.”

She had to catch her breath when she saw the sudden rise in his chest and the flare of his nostrils. She knew he would expect her to have everything that might be called for ready and waiting, if she were to hold such an elaborate party of selected guests.

“This could be a problem.” He kept his disapproval controlled and level. But she could feel the heat radiate from his body, so much power and the woman he needed to let it all out was still just out of reach for him.

“So few can cane without damage. I don’t keep them handy—but I do have a pearl back.” Her eyes twinkled up at him hoping what she offered would satisfy him.

His shoulders relaxed and he managed a slight grin, “Have everything ready in the sitting room will you? I have something to take care of first.”

Amelia watched him as he headed down the long corridor making no stops till he reached the end and went through the doors that led out to the back. She knew where he was heading.

~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~


Trenton circled around the guest house peering in the windows. Katianna wasn’t in her bedroom where he expected her to be. He moved around the back till he spotted her at the desk in the corner of the living room working on the desk top computer still wearing the Edwardian chemise he slipped her into which pleased him immensely. Head phones over her ears and her fingers typing away like little speed demons. Sitting in her ergonomic stool like chair, she’d paused every so often—every one thousand words he’d guessed— stretched, stared out in space a moment. An arm lifted up over her head dancing to the beat of her music a moment then returned to the keyboard and she started typing again.

The sliding glass door on the back was open allowing the sea breeze to flow into the house keeping it cool. He tested the screen door only to find it wasn’t latched and that did
make him happy and when she didn’t notice him as he enter, it pleased him even less. She should not leave herself so vulnerable. Her of all people knew better.

He stepped for her and still she didn’t see or hear him coming. Her fingers type-type-typing, suddenly her arms went up swaying to a beat he could not hear and just as he was behind her he spotted his reflection in the window that would have allowed her to see him had she been looking, but it was too late, he already had her and she wasn’t even aware of it.

Trenton grabbed her arms and twisted them behind her back yanking her out of her seat lifting her toes from the floor.

Katianna let out a high pitch yelp that was nearly a scream and she twisted to look at her capture and falling limp just as quickly when she saw it was Trenton. The quickening of adrenalin drained from her body so quickly it left her weakened and she let out a gasp letting her head fall against him.

“Jesus you scared me.” Suddenly winded, as he lowered her back to her seat, but kept her arms tight behind her back.

“You deserved it, leaving the doors open and unlocked.” He locked her under the reflection of his gaze in the dark window. He was not at all pleased that he’d managed to take her by such surprise despite that she was so at ease in his arms right now.

“Amelia’s estate is secure. She has three of your men here. Plus didn’t I see a few more just for tonight.” Katianna negotiated for his pardon rather than give him any fuss that he would continue to scold her. More so she fought to hide the worrisome thoughts he managed to ignite in her.

“Amelia has nearly a hundred and twenty five guests here tonight to which I only know a third of, the rest I don’t trust.”

Katianna lifted her head and rested it back against his abdomen and let it drop to the side where she could see his face in the mirror, “Worrying over me already, are you?” Her question tender but teasing.

“Watching over you is not a new thing for me little mouse.” He knelt down behind her pressing her head further over so he could nibble at her neck, pulling her arms further back and down slightly to force her breasts out. Hard erect nipples pushing through the delicate linen of lace that covered them made perfect eye candy begging to be sucked on. “Dane is about to paddle his new sub. Come watch with me, come kneel at my feet while I over see her conditioning.” He released her arms only to wrap around her waist and pull her into him, pressing the hard shaft in his pants into the small of her back.

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