Becoming His Slave (55 page)

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Authors: Talon P. S.,Ayla Stephan

Tags: #MF, #slave, #mm, #Caning, #Master, #BDSM, #D/S

BOOK: Becoming His Slave
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“Tell me my little mouse, what dark delights have you had back there?” His free hand stroked around to her ass, gripping firmly at the round globes and let one digit press further to tease her with the threat of approach.

She let out a gasp rolling forward easing away from his hand’s teasing threat. “Just a finger and it hurt really bad.” She whispered under her breath.

“Too bad—he didn’t know what he was doing. When I decide to make love to your ass I’m going to put every inch of my cock up there and then you’re going to scream with ecstasy while I mount you and ride you to new heights.”

Katianna felt like she’d turned a dozen different shades of red and pink and could feel the heat building in her already. It frightened her that he would insist he experienced her in such a way, but she could not deny she fantasized that it would feel exactly as he described it would. She had written anal sex into most of her stories. They just wouldn’t be complete without the dark erotic act, but she had never experienced it herself and yet as his explicit whispers spilled in her ears she could feel the yearning desire stir just beyond that forbidden entry.

“What will it be like for me? Being your slave.”

Trenton thought for a moment not entirely sure how to put it into words. Then finally went on to explain that as his Life Slave she was there for all his pampering and sexual attention but she was not a prisoner, she could go wherever she needed to go and he’d see to it she had transportation. She’d have to put up with his over protectiveness, but he would also expect her to behave and would issue out punishments when she didn’t. He was at least honest in that retrospect.

Her every need would be cared for and she would be spoiled in so many ways she’d find it hard to want for anything. But there was still his dominance and he had disciplines he expected her to follow just as he would any other slave. Such as honesty. And her orgasms, those were his too. The only time a battery operated toy would touch her was when he placed it there. And when he told her to do something he expected her to do it. And no amount of pouting was going to free her from punishment.

Katianna fell quiet, too quiet and he grew concerned, “Katianna what is it?”

She didn’t answer.

“Remember that part about honesty? I need you to talk to me.”

“You won’t cane me will you?” She tucked her eyes away suddenly and her entire body tensed. She knew what she was asking. She was about to lay down a hard rule on his favorite B&D scene. Trenton loved caning a submissive over bondage any day.

Trenton caught her chin with a finger and drew her back around to face him. “Scares you does it?”

She nodded. He’d always figured on this, caning was as advanced as they came for flanking. He didn’t count that she’d be able to handle it, even if it was an art he truly got considerable pleasure from.

“If it scares you that much, I promise not to use a cane on you.”

She let out a huge sigh of relief. “And no oral.”

Trenton blinked a moment, “I think you already broke that rule.”

“I mean on me. I don’t want you going down on me.”

His head was already shaking on that one, “Katianna nothing in this world is going to keep me from having that pleasure with you. You can count on that rule being broken
I’m going to take you to have your hair removed first thing this week. But I have to ask why?”

She shrugged hard, “I’m too sensitive for it—and I’m embarrassed by it.”

“And how did your previous lovers handle this?”

She shrugged again, “I only had to tell Garrett
once and he never tried again.”

“Don’t count on that with me Katianna. You’ll have to beat me off with a bat every night, because I’ll stay on it.” He fell quiet a moment deep in contemplation with her. “Anything else you want to say

She blinked a moment.

“This is our contract rules, so it’s now or never.” He drew her eyes around to connect with him. But he knew already where here limits were. Which ones he’d teach her to push and which ones may never allow to be coaxed open. Even if she never spoke them they would be treated with care, but he wanted her to have this chance to say them.

Katianna saw the world of caring in his eyes the same one he held for his slaves when he brought them into scene. This was the way of B&D, a contract between Dom and Sub that termed out the boundaries and limitation for both partners so their experience together was both fulfilling and not overtly frightening. Trenton wanted her as his slave for life which meant he needed to know her limits. And there were plenty of them, but nothing she was hard set against that she hadn’t already mentioned. At least none that came to mind
but she was certain she’d regret her silence later when the time became

“And the courtship? I don’t understand this courtship thing?”

“Now we spend time together. A lot of time together. I expect you to be with me at the club now, not in Amelia’s booth. And we’ll share a considerable amount of time outside the club too, because that’s really important for you and me right now. We haven’t had a lot of that. And I’m going to kiss you because you need to be kissed and kissed often. And I am going to spend a considerable amount of time teasing you.”

“You already tease me.” She whimpered out her accusation. Her body was already heating up like a melting pot and she was looking forward to the kissing part, because he took her breath away when he kissed her. Though she was gonna have to learn to stop that, because he always pulled back when she gasped under him and she hated that. But the teasing?
, she didn’t want to be teased any more.

“Now let me tell you what will not happen while I court you.” And he pulled her to him and whispered in her ear.

“What?!” Her eyes shot wide and leaned back hard in his grip, “What do you mean no fuc—” she stopped remembering she’d been warned once about her language right about the same time he went on to mention punishment, “Intercourse?”

He shot her a devilish grin. “Not till you’ve surrendered to me.”

Kat let out an instant exaggerated moan and tossed herself from his lap, falling back to the pillows on her side.
Oh god this was what hell was, agree to date a man who teased you into utter derailment only at the moment when you open up he denies you the whole package deal?

“God Trenton! Why’s it got to be like that?” She balled up and turned away from him, as if the whole thing caused her physical agony. Doling out more pouting.

Trenton held back his cachinnation, so hard it nearly hurt watching her; he brought a finger to his mouth strummed at his lip mostly to silence his gratification. She looked like a kid who’d just been told the vacation to Disney World was canceled. She truly was the most adorable thing he’d ever seen when she pouted and she was so damn good at it. But he wasn’t giving in this time.

“Disappointed are you?” He raised a brow in her direction, struggling to keep stern; she really was that damn cute it was laughable.

“Disappointed?” She rolled up on elbows and her head snapped up to glare at him, “I haven’t had anything touch my nethers that weren’t run on batteries in a long time.” Pout—
double pouting with the lip, the brow thing and whole nine yards.

Trenton made a sound in the back of his throat, and she knew damn well what that was.

“How long?” He actually knew the answer to his question or pretty much thought he did, but the night was about opening up and communicating.

She dropped to her back and tucked her head almost hiding and fell quiet a moment, “Not since you—at the hospital.”

“And no dates? All this time?”

“I never go out except to the club—
(more pouting)
— and no one but you and that guy Cliff ever approach me—
(again more pouting)
— I tried going out on a date once—” Her voice trailed off.

“The date when you returned home in a taxi cab?”


Trenton remembered that night well. Everyone knew she had a date planned; himself included and Diesel had to stay on his ass to keep him from interfering. That night, she returned in a cab rather than her date bringing her back.

Troy was on duty that night at Amelia’s estate and was alerted when someone was trying to enter the gate code with no success. Troy found Katianna arguing with the cab driver just outside the gates, because she hadn’t had enough money on her to pay the full fair and when she failed to get the gate open, the cabby accused her of fraud. Troy took care of the fare, but when he question Katianna what had happened she ran off crying. Troy became concerned that she might have been forced so he called Trenton right away.

Trenton had gotten to the estate less than thirty minutes after he got the call. His fears were the same as Troy’s. Turned out her date was just too pushy when she’d only wanted a dinner date. His good little mouse tasered her date’s ass when he didn’t stop pawing at her and came home. Trenton had stayed half the night, with her balled up in his lap, touching nothing more than her hair and her shoulders as she cried till she finally fell asleep.
You don’t want to know what he did to the guy


Trenton reached for Katianna grabbing one ankle then a wrist and pulled her back up and over his lap. “Perhaps I should back off?”

.” She shifted into a whole new kind of pouting, the type that got him every time, turning his insides into pudding. She dropped against his chest, her arms wrapping around his shoulders and her cheek rested on the one. Perfectly matched up to his body. He could feel every inch of her pressed flat against his. Like a kid skin glove, she was made for him and his heart ached to keep her there. “Four years is long enough.” She sulked and her reverence melted his heart.

As much as he loved the feel of her pressed against his body, he pushed her out, firm hands on her arms, “So then why have you always shied away?”

“Because you frighten me.” She thought for a moment, “but not having you around is even more so.”

“So shall I start courting you?” She nodded. “You have to say it, Katianna. You have to tell me what you want.”

Katianna swallowed hard near frozen, she never asked for what she wanted, it only made not getting it harder to live with, deepened the disappointment. Not to mention she had been raised to never ask for what was not given. It had been her mother’s way of dealing with why they didn’t always have what others had. And for the most part that philosophy worked.

“Katianna.” His gaze burned into her like he could see right to her soul. “You have to say it.”

“Yes.” She murmured.

“Yes what?”

“Yes it starts.” She took a deep breath “But can’t our courtship have sex in it?”

Trenton laughed, “No. That will happen only once you‘ve begged so hard that you really mean it. And then it will happen.”

—” her head rocked back groaning with the instant intrusion of his fingers reaching deeply passed her folds. Her nails snaring into his shoulders as his fingers pumped and twirled inside her.

“But you may consider your nethers touched now.” He commanded

~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~











Trenton’s commanding touch was relentless, reaching deep inside her to exalt her whimpering cries bringing her to the very cuspate edge of delirious release, then stopped leaving her dangling mercilessly in need.

What started inside their semi private dining alcove, magically relocated to the parking garage next to his Knight. It had to of been magic cause damned if she recalled them getting there.


“Stay put.” He held her against his chest. “I just want to touch you.”


—Just let me feel—” he crooned, pressing a kiss to her cheek, holding her steady as his fingers grazed her swollen clit. “Do you remember how beautiful this made you feel once before?”

His fingers surging in so deep triggering sparks of pleasure through a network of nerves that hadn’t been aroused and awakened in so long, reeling her mind and her body into a dark burgundy abyss of ecstasy.

Those same fingers withdrew drawing out the warm silk and used it to message her clit in slow demanding circles then back to find the red pillow of deep penetrating nerves till she came. Her muscles hugging around his fingers, her thighs clamping around his waist as he held her pinned against the vehicle.

Some part of her heard her moans echoing off the concrete ceiling of the garage and she bit down on her lip to silence them, but she was so weakened. Only his kisses and words telling her how beautiful she was and how long he had waited to have this again kept her here on this earth. Had it not been his rule over her she would be off floating in space right now.

He asked her something and all she could do was giggle and hum against his cheek.

He kissed her again tender warm possessive kisses as he lowered her slowly back to her feet, till she fell just below level with his chest. She was so dear to him, but kissing her did present a challenge. Not that he minded picking her up, nor was he going to trade her for someone taller. Looking down at her blushing face how she glowed all because if him and how he made her body respond to his touch. He clasped her hand in his and brought it to his lips kissing the very tips of her fingers.

“Good I plan to do more of that when we get to the club.” He carried on with more of what he’d said earlier. Only this time it registered in her mind. The club? They’re heading to the club? On a Sunday? Her eyes shot down as did herself realization to her slick soaked thighs.
Not like this she wasn’t.

Abruptly, Katianna was brushing his hands away and jerked the door to the back seat of the Gurkha open.

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