Beautiful Dreams (The Beautiful Series) (21 page)

Read Beautiful Dreams (The Beautiful Series) Online

Authors: Alicia Rae

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Beautiful Dreams (The Beautiful Series)
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“The bottom line is, Lily, that I’m ready when you are,” he whispered while gazing into my eyes. “I know how precious life is and how quickly it can be taken away. I just know that I want to have a family with you. The when part is up to you.”

Emotions filled every corner of his eyes as he spoke. When he said little things like that, I suspected that he had suffered a loss of his own. My heart nearly split in two. I ached for him and his unknown pain. I yearned for him to share it with me, and I longed to heal his heartache that he had only shown me glimpses of so far.

I took his face between my hands and drew him closer, wanting nothing more than to feel the heat of his skin on me. “Someday, when the time is right, I’d love to have a little blond-haired boy with your handsome eyes,” I said, meaning every word. “I just hope he doesn’t have me wrapped around his finger like his father.”

“Oh, beautiful girl…” Kyle’s chest vibrated with a low chuckle. “Between my stubbornness and your stunning looks, we’re doomed.”

Kyle and I made our way upstairs to my aunt’s spare bedroom where we had stayed during our last visit only a short month ago. So much had happened between then and now that it seemed like it had been much longer than that.

Kyle set our suitcases on the bed while I took first dibs on the shower down the hall. I made it a quick one since it was already five o’clock, and we needed to be at the restaurant by six.

After washing swiftly, I dried off once exiting the shower, and I brushed my hair. I wrapped a towel around my body and peeked out of the bathroom to make sure the coast was clear. Then, I darted into the hallway in pursuit of our bedroom that was only three feet away. I ran smack into Kyle’s hard wall of a chest as he must have been on his way out of our room. A startled gasp left my throat as his strong hands caught me by the waist to balance me.

“Whoa!” He laughed. “In a hurry much?”

“Yes!” I screeched, backing him up into the room. I closed the door behind me with my foot. It wasn’t an easy task while holding my towel in place. “I don’t want my whole family to see me naked!” I whispered, rather loudly.

His deep husky chuckle made warmth flood my belly while the coolness of my hair tickled the upper part of my back. The diverse contrast of the two sensations made a shiver run through my body.

Kyle’s eyes slightly darkened. “Well, maybe I want to see you naked,” he drawled in a challenging low tone.

I rested one hand on his collarbone while keeping my towel secured with the other, and I stretched up on my toes to place a hasty kiss on his lips. Then, I drew back and shook my head, denying him. “Nope, no time for that. Plus, you know the rules while we’re guests.”

“Rules are meant to be broken,” he countered while letting his eyes skim across the edge of the towel covering my chest.

“Get outta here,” I scolded playfully, pushing him backward with one hand. “Go shower, so you don’t smell.”

He actually smelled divine, but he did not need to know that. Teasing him was considerably more fun.

His mouth opened as he placed one hand over his heart while stepping closer. “You wound me, Lily,” he said theatrically.

I shook my head at him, and before I knew it, I was stifling my squeals as he caught me. His hands gathered at my sides, leisurely moving up and down, as he nuzzled his nose into my hair.

Slowly, he trailed kisses from the base of my neck all the way up to the curve of my ear. When he touched me, every other thought left my mind. He paused and then lightly bit the bottom of my earlobe. I shuddered, letting out a soft moan, as he smoothed the sting with his tongue. His breath came in and out against my bare skin. Even though I knew he was doing it on purpose, I could not stop my body from reacting to his proximity.

“Now…” he said, maneuvering his way over to my jaw.

He pulled back abruptly, and I wanted to protest.

“I can go shower,” he said, leaving me hanging with anticipation.

“Ass,” I muttered under my breath.

His only response was to chuckle slightly as he winked at me over his shoulder.

A few weeks ago, there would have been no doubt in my mind that Ted’s Restaurant would be where we were eating dinner. But since A.J.’s attack, everything had changed. I had not spoken to A.J.’s parents, Ted and Jane, at all. The last time I had talked to his sister, Meg, was when we said our good-byes right before I left Colorado.

At that time, she had thanked me on behalf of her family for not pressing charges against A.J. She’d informed me that A.J. was seeking counseling, and he was doing better. I had been glad to hear that, but it hadn’t changed my feelings about never wanting to see him again. It saddened me dearly to think that way. However, he had tried to take my life, and that was something I would never forget.

Meg and I had promised to keep in contact, but it felt awkward to even think about calling her. I wasn’t sure either of us would have much to talk about. Although she was a childhood friend, our circumstances had changed everything. Nevertheless, I still cared deeply for her, and I always would. With time, I hoped we could grow our friendship to what it had once been.

Kyle and I had followed Aunt Lucie and Uncle Dan to Dwayne’s Steakhouse. It was only a mile up the road. Jason and Damon had planned to meet us there at six.

As we pulled into the parking lot, I noticed Damon’s truck. Kyle found an empty spot and quickly parked the car. The place looked packed. Kyle and I exited the car. After I shut the door, I was grateful that I had grabbed a light shawl to wrap around my shoulders, so I would not be cold with the low evening temperatures closing in. Not to mention, I had never been warm inside a restaurant unless I had alcohol causing the effect.

Kyle came over to my side, and he reached for my hand. “Ready for a good steak?” he asked.

“I’m going for a filet tonight.” I tightened my grip on his hand as we walked toward the restaurant.

Aunt Lucie and Uncle Dan were already waiting for us at the entrance.

“But I bet you’re going to order the biggest steak on the menu,” I added.

Kyle lifted our joined hands and placed a tender kiss on my knuckles. Then, he cocked his head at me with a grin. “You know me too well,” he said with amusement.

We stopped alongside my aunt and uncle just as Damon walked outside. Damon was dressed casually in dark denim jeans and a black designer shirt that had white angel wings going down his shoulders.

“I called earlier today and made us a reservation, so our table is ready,” Damon said kindly. He stepped and opened the door for us.

“Thank you, Damon.” Lucie smiled while walking in first with Dan right behind her. “That was very sweet of you.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Jason jogging up to us. I turned to face him and saw a rare sight these days. He had changed out of his work clothes, and he was dressed in a clean pair of blue jeans and a white collared shirt that showed off his large build. His dirty-blond hair had an adorable roughed-up, messy look to it. He must have had it cut sometime this afternoon because it appeared shorter than when I’d seen him earlier today.

I could not wrap my mind around how the man was single—other than it must be by choice. It made me curious to know why he wasn’t ready for a steady woman in his life. Surely, he must have had women falling all over him.

“Hi, Jason.” I smiled at him as he approached. “You clean up nice.”

“Hey, Lily,” Jason said, pulling me in for a big quick hug. He stepped backward and held me at arm’s length. “You look radiant yourself,” he added affectionately.

“Thank you,” I responded.

Jason turned to face Kyle. “Hey, man. How’s it going?”

He offered his hand for a shake, and then with their opposite hands, they slapped each other’s backs in a manly hug-like gesture.

“Good. Just waitin’ on your ass, so I can eat,” Kyle replied jokingly.

In a teasing manner, Damon added, “About time you joined us.”

Jason rolled his eyes playfully. “You know I’m never late for food, so don’t make it sound like you guys have been out here for hours.” He laughed.

“We’ve been here for less than a minute,” I admitted to Jason as we walked inside and through the crowd. “So, don’t let them yank your chain.”

“I’d never give them such satisfaction.” Jason chuckled again.

Dan and Lucie were already sitting at the table as the four of us took our seats at the round booth. Kyle and I entered on the left side, making Dan and Lucie scoot to the center. Damon and Jason sat on the opposite side.

“I hope you all don’t mind that we ordered a double of spinach and artichoke dip,” Lucie said as the young waitress arrived with the appetizers.

“Fine by me,” Jason replied. He looked ready to devour the whole tray.

The waitress set down the platters in the middle of the table. Her eyes danced between Damon and Jason. She was utterly smitten with both of them, and I couldn’t help but grin.

“I’ll be right back to take your order,” she said in a shy voice before disappearing.

We all dug in, scooping the creamy sauce onto our plates and grabbing the large chips that had come with it. Within minutes, Kyle, Jason, and Damon knocked out one platter all by themselves.

“So, how was work, boys?” Lucie asked Jason and Damon directly.

“Quick,” answered Jason in between bites. “Gotta love half days,” he added with a chortle.

“Only one of us worked a few hours,” Damon retorted in amusement. “Us hard workers over here put in a full day,” he said while gesturing to their dad and himself.

“Hey,” Jason countered, “you didn’t have to rearrange half of the guest room upstairs that was packed from floor to ceiling.”

“It wasn’t that bad,” Lucie chimed in before taking a drink. “It was just a few boxes and my sewing machine table.”

“And about fifty other things.” Dan chuckled while adding more chips to his plate. He good-heartedly tapped Lucie’s forearm. “Don’t worry, dear. I’m sure your new curtains will look great.”

“I can’t wait to see them hanging on the walls.” Lucie beamed.

The waitress suddenly reappeared. We all placed our orders, and the waitress jotted them down, one at a time. She continued to have a flustered expression on her face. It was cute, but she was far too young for my cousins.

When she returned with our drinks, I could really see her nerves going haywire as she set down everyone’s beers and my chardonnay on the table with shaky hands.

Once she left again, Kyle leaned over and whispered in my ear, “I think she has a major crush…on both of them.”

I tilted my head in his direction. I was surprised that he’d detected her behavior. “She was having trouble deciding who to ogle more,” I replied with a smile.

My family, Kyle, and I made small talk for the next hour over dinner. We were all laughing and enjoying each other’s company. I was so happy that I had this extra time with them.

Uncle Dan insisted on paying the bill, totally overruling Jason, Damon, and Kyle as they had protested. My uncle said he was the oldest at the table, and they shouldn’t argue with their elder. All three men pouted but sat quietly. I thought it was hilarious.

Dan and Lucie were heading home since my aunt had been recovering from a cold that had started the day prior to our arrival. Kyle and I hugged them each good-bye, and we thanked them for treating us to dinner.

“What do you want to do, little cousin?” Jason asked as we made our way through the parking lot. “A live band is playing tonight at High-Tops Bar down the street, if you wanna go check it out.”

I had not been to a bar with live music in a long time. “That sounds fun,” I replied to Jason. Then, I turned to look at Kyle. “Want to go have a few drinks first before we head back?”

“Sure,” Kyle answered. “I could go for another beer and some live music.”

“Alright,” Jason responded before glancing at Damon. “Want to join us?”

Damon pondered it for a second. “Sure. Let me check with Beth and make sure she’s cool with it,” he said while pulling out his phone.

We all gave Damon a perplexed stare as his fingers typed away on his cell.

“Who’s Beth?” I asked out of curiosity.

Damon let out a slow smile as he met my eyes. “My date tonight.”

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