BEAST (MMA Bad Boys Book 1) (4 page)

BOOK: BEAST (MMA Bad Boys Book 1)
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“Yeah?” I break eye contact and turn my head to look at Gemma. “Drink?” I shake my head and grab her arm, dragging her into the bar. I don’t spare Beast another glance. He’s untouchable, unreachable and ruthless. A guy like that goes for easy girls and I’m not one of them.

Reaching the bar after a lot of pushing and shoving, we order a Vodka each and lean against the bar to scout the crowd. Gemma is like a woman on a mission, and you can tell she’s hunting for hot bit of meat for the night. You can always tell because her eyes are only on men, she doesn’t bother looking at the types of women she has to compete with, mainly because she knows she has better looks and better morals than them. But, in my experience, the guys that chose to occupy this pub, they go for easy, no-strings attached, fake girls. Gemma can be a piece of work and you can tell that from when she opens her mouth. She doesn’t take any shit and she says things straight, and that’s why I love her so much.

“Hey, Doll. Want a drink?” I turn my head to right and a smile lights up my face.

“Jase!” I hug him tight as my heart soars. Jase is like the brother I never had. Every time I see him, my mood changes. I’m always happy around him because I know I can just banter with him and it not lead to anything. But if Jase is here, that means Roofie is. I glance at Gemma who isn’t paying me any attention when her eyes are hooked on some bit of muscle across the room by the jukebox. Shaking my head, I turn my attention back to Jase. “How are you? Is Roofie here?”

“I’m great, babe. Yeah, he’s here. Why? Am I not good company enough?” He chuckles as he playfully punches me in the arm.

“No, I’m asking because Gemma is with me. Remember what happened the last time we were all in the same room as each other?” I grin when I notice Jase’s face go from confused to amusement.

“It was a shit storm we didn’t see coming, that’s for sure. Who knew they slept together anyway? Well, the whole damn circuit knows now.” Jase is laughing so hard he has to grab the edge of the bar to steady himself. “Why they found it necessary to shout bollocks at each other in a packed pub, I don’t know. I’m still not sure why they were arguing in the first place. She sleeps with a lot of people, why is Roofie any different?”

“I’m not saying shit, Jase, so don’t bother asking me.” I stare at him as he tries to compose himself. His buzz cut confuses me because he’s never enlisted in the army before, his high cheek bones and chiselled jaw make him the handsome man every women on the planet is attracted to. His sky blue eyes are what’s more prominent. They look at you like you’re the only person in the room, and they make it look like he knows your secrets. I must be the only woman in the world who isn’t attracted to him in the ‘I need to fuck him’ way. “Don’t give the eyes because I still won’t tell.”

“You’re mean, d’ya know that?” He shakes his head but smirks in amusement. “Roofie is sat over there with some blonde chick who looks to be about sixteen. If I stayed sat there any longer I would have puked.” I laugh so loud that a few heads turn to give me the stink eye. But I don’t give a fuck, they need to lighten the hell up.

“Roofie will never change. I just hope tonight doesn’t end in an argument that includes who is the best at sex. Makes me cringe.” I shiver thinking about my bestie shagging anyone, let alone a man I know too. “Pretty sure she has her eyes on the hunk of meet by the jukebox anyway, she’s doing the ‘come fuck me eyes’. I guess I’ll be sleeping with earphones in tonight.”

Taking a moment to calm his laughter down, he shakes his head at me before putting an arm casually over my shoulders. “Come sit with us, Gem is preoccupied and I hate the thought of you standing all on your lonesome.” He steers us to the table and plops me onto a hard, wooden chair that’s a little bit wobbly and a lot uncomfortable. I place my drink on the table. “Roofie, you alright today? Or I shall I call for reinforcements tonight?”

“You’re so fucking funny, Car, I’m bent double laughing.” I can smell the sarcasm from here and I choke down a chuckle and take a sip of my vodka. “I’m fine, as you can see…I’m a little busy.” Oooh, someone is in a shitty mood this evening.

“Oo, touchy tonight, Roofie. I’m sure your little girlfriend isn’t going anywhere.” I raise my eyebrow at him. He doesn’t ruffle my feathers, he’s a pussy cat compared to some of the other guys in the ring. He ignores me and continues his conversation with the petite girl sitting on his lap.

“What crawled up his arse and died?” I turn my head to face Jase who is barely containing his laughter at the exchange.

“You, it seems. Or he’s noticed Gemma all over that dude.” He points to a few hundred yard away from us and my gaze follows as he points.

“Yeah, that might have done it.” I shake my head and engage Jase in a conversation about tonight’s fights. Well, debate is more like it. It’s what we do best.

“You’re in my seat.” A Low, husky and downright sexy voice speaks from over my shoulder. Taking a few heavy gulps, I turn slowly and my eyes trail from his faded Levi’s to his thin cotton t-shirt, over the ridges of his abs and to his bulging biceps. Fuck, this guy is hot. Then I reach his face and his hard features and five o’clock shadow come into view and I inwardly curse. Beast. Who else could own a body like that and have a voice dripping with sex?

“Sorry, I thought you had left.” Standing, I edge myself around him quickly and plonk my arse right next to Jase. Quickly draining my drink, I go to stand and head to the bar when Jase put an arm on my shoulder to keep me in place. My eyes are glued to Beast’s. I don’t know why, but I just can’t look away. It’s like he’s put a trance on me and I’m glued to the seat. I can feel my cheeks flame hotter when he takes a seat at the spot I just vacated but not removing his eyes from mine. It’s kind of unnerving, a little bit hot and a whole lot of sexy. Man, he makes my panties wet and he hasn’t even cracked a smile.

“Carlotta? Your drink, babe.” Jase waves the glass under my nose and clicks his fingers to get my attention. Snapping out the trance I was put under, I grab my drink and mutter my thanks. This time when I look up, I let my eyes take in the crowd instead of Beast.

“Who are you? You spoke to me as I was leaving the warehouse too. But I don’t think I’ve seen you before.” His voice is deep and I can hear the rumble in his chest.

“I’m Carlotta, lightweight fighter. I don’t usually get placed in rings around here. Usually I’m based in Essex.” Now my nerves are under control and my pulse is back to normal, I feel I can actually have a conversation with him. I won’t let him see how he affects me. Why should I? He’s just a person like the next hot man.

“I’m sure you don’t need me to introduce myself formally.” He smirks at me before lifting his beer to lips, taking a long sip. My eyes drop to his throat, watching as it bobs up and down with each swallow. I never thought that was hot before, but I do now.

“Arrogant much?” I shake my head, looking at Gemma as she shoves her tongue down Mr. Muscles’ throat. Gross. No self-respect, that girl.

“I have every reason to be, don’t you think, Carlotta?” His eyes pierce mine, holding my stare once again and the sounds of the pub fades away. I don’t need this shit.

“Get your head out your arse, Beast. You’re really not all that,” I scoff, my lips turning down. He’s irritating the shit out me. How anyone can put up with his sorry arse, I’ll never know.

I turn to Jase. “How do you put up with that?” I point my thumb in Beast’s direction, not caring that I’m being rude. I gave up my moral-compass years ago when I was left to fend for myself. “He’s intolerable.”

Jase laughs in my face and I have to wipe away the spittle that lands on my face. “Gross, Jase.”

“Sorry, babe, but I’ve never seen anyone speak to, or about, Beast like that, especially when he is sat right there, within ear shot.” Jase wipes the fake tears from his eyes and I punch him hard in the thigh. “Ouch!”

“Shut up then. I don’t give a fuck that he’s right there. He’s a complete twat. Why would you want to be friends with him?” I can feel my cheeks heat but I don’t care. Beast needs to get his head out of his arse and smell the damn roses.

I hear a throat clear and I turn to see Beast shooting daggers at me. “I don’t appreciate women speaking about me like I’m a bit of dog shit on their shoe, Carlotta. Just because you’re a fighter, doesn’t mean you’ll get away with it. If you do your research, you’ll know exactly who I am and where I came from. This is why I hate hanging with bitches.”

My mouth drops open, instantaneously making me speechless. Comebacks are swirling in my head but I can’t seem to voice them. “Did you just call me a bitch, Beast? I don’t think that was very nice either. The pot calling the kettle black and all that. I don’t need this shit. Catch ya later, Jase.”

Grabbing my bag, I don’t wait for a reply and I head straight to the bar and sit on the first available stool. I put my head in my hands as I fight against an oncoming headache. Infuriating, insufferable men are the worst. Usually, I wouldn’t associate with them because well…they’re a pain in the arse and complete mood killers. Not that I had a choice then, he’s Jase’s friend after all.

“Hey girl. Where did you go?” Gemma asks as she throws an arm across my shoulders. “I was looking for you.”

“No you weren’t. You were locking lips with Mr. Muscles over there.” I nodded my head in his direction and her cheeks flush pink which makes me chuckle.

“Yeah, I meant after for like five minutes.” She bites her lip as she takes a glance back over at the jukebox.

“Seriously? You couldn’t make it any more obvious, Gem.” I laugh as I say this so she doesn’t think I’m grilling her or nagging…which I often do. “I was suffering through an awkward meeting with Beast over there. I was sat with Jase when he practically pushed me off the stool he had previously vacated. Ugh, he’s killed my mood for drinking.”

“He did not! No way! I’ve heard shit about him. I’ve never wanted to meet the moody arsehole myself.” Gemma shakes her head, waving to get the bartender’s attention. “One more and we’ll leave then.”

“What about the dude you were all over?” I ask, frowning. Usually, if Gemma is into someone, she won’t hesitate to bring him back to ours to have her wicked way with him.

“Nothing special. He can’t even kiss properly.” She visibly blanches and I can’t help the loud laugh that tumbles out of my mouth. “I’m being serious. Not only that, all he talks about is himself. And you know how annoying that shit is.”

After downing our final drinks, we leave the bar. I can feel the heat of Beast’s glare on my back and the shiver that runs down my spine makes me uncomfortable. It feels like an animal stalking its prey, making me feel uneasy.




Back home that night, my thoughts are a fucking riot of the girl that had the ghoul to call my shit out in front of the lads. It angered me yet flawed me. How so much courage comes packaged in such a small woman. I’m not blind, she was fucking hot, hottest girl I’ve seen in a long time. All natural; no fake tits, no bottle blonde hair. She was petite with shoulder length, mousy brown hair, straight nose and sparkling, emerald green eyes. She had the perfect bow shaped lips that I could fucking maul all night long. But she angered me, talking about me like I wasn’t there. What gave her the fucking right?

Running my hands through my hair, I growl into my empty apartment. No woman has ever got to me like she has. If she wasn’t Jase’s friend, I would have had her pinned to the wall in a matter of seconds, been in her face, intimidating her into silence. But I restrained myself. First time for everything, right?

Her attitude was a bit off, but I’m actually quite glad there is someone out there that can hold their own and I think I found myself a challenge. And I fucking love a challenge. Mentally break her down, show her who Beast really fucking is because next time, Jase won’t be there to hold me back.

Flicking my shoes off, I decide on a shower to clear my mind, not like it ever fucking does but it’s worth a try right now. If that fails, to the gym to beat the shit out of a bag to get this built up frustration out of my system because there is no way I can sleep with
in my head.

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