Bear Down: BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance

BOOK: Bear Down: BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance
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Bear Down

A Paranormal Shifter Romance




By Terra Wolf




©2015 Terra Wolf

Bear Down

All Rights Reserved worldwide.

No part of this book may be reproduced, uploaded to the Internet, or copied without permission from the author. The author respectfully asks that you please support artistic expression and help promote anti-piracy efforts by purchasing a copy of this book at the authorized online outlets.

This is a work of fiction intended for mature audiences only. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Some may be used for parody purposes. Any resemblance to events, locales, business establishments, or actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is purely coincidental.

All sexual activities depicted occur between consenting characters 18 years or older who are not blood related.



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Bear Down

Chapter One

The liquid slid smoothly down his throat. It was sweet and smoky, like a mesquite-laden charcoal barbecue that had just been doused with water. As he waited, the notes of orange and rose swirled around, leaving a lasting impression upon his taste buds.

Even in his inebriated state he knew that the fifty-year-old scotch tasted damn good. It had better, since it cost him almost twenty grand for the bottle that was now half empty.  Lifting the snifter to his lips for another nip, he considered the scene playing out before him.

There was Ali, or Alice. No, it was Amber, he was positive about that. It was definitely Anastasia he was sure. She was the blonde one with the big rack, currently convulsing on the floor in pleasure. It was quite a sight, he had to admit. Part of him stirred as she massaged her large, fake breasts together, pulling hard on her nipples.

Buried between her legs was the short, raven-haired firecracker he had been singing raucous sex songs with earlier before he had dared her to go down on the blonde. Idly he wondered if she could do the same thing to him with her mouth. Either way, she seemed damn good at it. Her name was Emily, or Emma. Something like that.

He snorted softly to himself, realizing he did not have a fucking clue what their names were. Still, while he wasn't planning on participating, he was still a male, who had no intent of disturbing the scene. Instead, he poured himself another two fingers of amber heaven and sat back.

"Do it to each other at the same time," he slurred. It was likely a miracle they even understood him at that point. He was hoping that with them both devouring the warm honey from between the other's legs, that he might feel a stirring, some blood flow, anything to make him excited.

The highly-paid girls didn't even hesitate at his words, simply flashing him brilliant smiles and acting for all the world as if they hadn't wanted to do anything but taste each other.  For the amount he was paying though, he knew he could tell them to do just about anything and they would. His life had to have some bloody perks, or else there was no point. It was much better, in his estimation, to be a rich, lonely drunk, instead of just a lonely drunk.

The room swirled around him, the opulent furnishings blurring together for a moment before clarity returned. He was staying in the presidential suite, having come into town to celebrate the birth of his friend's child. Derek and Keri were the perfect couple he thought to himself, the old, dull ache of jealous rising inside him once more.

That was all he wanted, a woman who loved him the way Keri did Derek. He saw the way she looked at him, her eyes full of love and adoration. It was the same look the other member of his friend group received. Melissa's dark eyes were always riveted on Edward, rarely looking elsewhere.

Ever since his friends had found love, Philip  Macklin had been lonely. The bear inside of him was so depressed at a lack of a mate that it rarely stirred anymore. In days past the scene in front of him would have sent both halves of his soul into a growling, roaring frenzy. He would have been between the two women, giving as good as he got for hours on end, only stopping to recharge.

Scowling down at his inert cock, Philip heaved himself up out of the chair, the dark leather slowly returning to its normal position as it was freed from his weight. Although he may have been the smallest of his friends, he was still several inches over six feet tall and covered in slabs of muscle. The chair hadn't groaned in relief as he stumbled forward towards the women, but it may as well have.

The thick, reddish looking rug felt wonderful under his bare feet, causing him to pause for a second to enjoy the feeling. The two women had stopped their actions and were looking up at him, while one of them said something that sounded like a question.

"What?" he repeated, hoping she would say it slower this time.

"Are you going to come join us now Philip?" The blonde was speaking, doing her best to act seductively for him. Something about it though just turned him off more. He was done with these women for the night.

"Get out."


"You heard me. Leave me alone. Now."

The last word was more growl than anything, a low, deep sound that rumbled through the room. At last, something his bear approved of. The two women gathered up the scanty amounts of clothing they had arrived in and beat a hasty retreat, leaving him to wallow in his misery and loneliness.

In the morning, he stumbled down to the breakfast bar. Rubbing sleep from his bleary eyes, he noted that the bright, electronic sign now read 'Lunch'. Taking a peek at his watch, forcing his bloodshot eyes to focus, he realized it was actually closer to dinner than it was lunch.

He shook his head at that, wincing as the wooden tables and numerous flower pots blurred into one momentarily. Philip made a mental note not to do that again for some time. Instead, he brought the bottle of beer to his lips, moistening them briefly. He simply raised an eyebrow at a member of the hotel staff who was looking his way, an unimpressed frown on her face.

She turned away rapidly, not wanting to risk his wrath. They had learned early on in his stay to simply let him do as he pleased as long as he did not wreck anything outside of his room. Besides, anything he did wreck he paid for, so they couldn't complain too much.

Some grease in his belly, the taste of undercooked bacon and runny eggs in his mouth, Philip stumbled back to his room. He rapidly punched the button on the elevator, stabbing the grey plastic with all his strength, willing it to close before the businessman got on. The doors betrayed him, but with a loud growl he made it clear that this was to be his elevator and his alone.  He made it back to the room uninterrupted and picked up the phone.

"Platinum Partner's, this is Lucy, how can I help you?" The friendly sounding voice was the same each time he called.

"It's Macklin. Send me two more tonight. Give me something different this time or I'm done." He knew the threat in his raspy, tired sounding voice was empty, but they didn't. The company loved his money, and would do anything to keep him happy. A quick look at his rapidly diminishing bank statements told the truth of that thought.

Wondering just what kind of freak they would send his way tonight, Philip passed out face down on the white sheets that covered his king-sized bed.


Angela Harmony readied herself for the evening. Curly brown hair straightened, over the top face makeup applied and sexily suggestive clothing donned, she stood back to look herself over in the mirror.

The outfit she wore hugged her curves wonderfully.  The thigh-length dress dipped low in the front, exposing more than ample amounts of her breasts, which were in turned pushed up and in with the help of her favorite lace bra. A black band around her waist cinched it tight, while the black and white swirls added an extra twist.

Taking a step forward, she looked at how far  the hemline rode up her legs. Much farther she noted, and more than her upper leg would be exposed. It was perfect for tonight's activities though, at least according to Jessie.

"Are you sure this is necessary?" She looked over at her redheaded friend, one of the few she had in the city.

"Am I sure what's necessary?" Jessie replied distractedly, focusing on pushing her chest together even more than it already was.

"The short dress, the ridiculous cleavage and this crazy eye makeup? I know I'm new still, but I've never gone quite so overboard with the look before."

"Trust me, Angie, this is what this guy likes. Besides, put on a good act, and you'll walk out of there with five to ten grand in your purse. Are you really telling me you're too good to show some tits and ass for that kind of money?"

Angela didn't reply except to roll her eyes at the moniker her friend used. She hated being called Angie, preferring to hear Ange or Angela instead. For whatever reason, the common short of her name drove her insane, which Jessie used to great effect.

"So where is it we're going anyways?" Angela had simply received an email from Lucy stating that she should meet up with her friend and do as she was told, no matter what. It sounded like she was going to have to do some rather unusual things for the night, which had her stomach filled with butterflies.

Grabbing her red clutch and keys,  she followed Jessie out the door and down the stairs. Her friend lived in a two story walk-up, occupying the top floor all to herself. The building wasn't amazing, but the crisp, well-cut grass, perfectly maintained shrubs and garbage-free walkway that led to it from the parking lot bespoke of a landlord that took pride in their work, even if it was an older building.

It was a far cry from the graffiti covered walls and rugs stained with unmentionables that lined the hallways of her own apartment building. The relief she felt to have an escape from there, even for the evening, was palpable. Now if only the night went as planned.

"Tell me again, who is this guy?"

"He's a rich, lonely fuck, who drinks a lot and rarely participates. It's likely going to be just you and me tonight hottie," her friend replied, winking as she opened the door to her white sports car.

Sliding into the passenger side, Angela couldn't help but admire the clean, sharp lines of the car, nor could she ignore the comfortable leather seats that seemed to mold to her plush frame. Normally she had a hard time fitting her five foot ten frame into cars this small, but for whatever reason, she had never had a problem with Jessie's.

"So, why does he pay so well if he never gets off?"

"That, nobody seems to know. I guess we'll have a first-hand glimpse soon enough."

The two of them settled back into silence as they glided in and out of traffic, making their way towards the ultra-ritzy part of town. Angela wondered a little more about the man they were supposed to meet tonight. She was in it for the money, and only the money, and she wondered if someone who paid so well might be willing to cough up more.

Since coming here at the request of her ex-boyfriend, she had been saving every penny after he had left her on the streets without warning. On the other side of the country from everyone she had known, without money to get home, she had turned to the one thing a woman could rely on: selling her body.

That was where she had been lucky, having befriended another girl who had shown her a higher-class way of doing so. Still, saving up money was first on her list. Angela even worked a crummy day job as a waitress at a diner to help bring in some more income.

It all went into savings so one day she might be able to go back to school and get a diploma. The terrible living conditions were worth that dream to her. Perhaps she could turn tonight into a ticket to help her on her way though.

The valet took the car at a simple drop of their clients last name, not even requesting money. Clearly the staff knew him and his routine well, she noted. The presidential suite was on the top floor, and only one of the elevators had access to it, used through a private keycard that they obtained from the front desk.

The two of them paced back and forth nervously, constantly fixing and adjusting themselves in the full-length mirrors on three of the walls. When it finally dinged to signal their arrival, Angela looked at Jessie, neither of them wanting to be the first one out.

"Come in," a voice echoed as they knocked. With a deep breath, Jessie opened the door. Angela followed her in, wondering just what they would find.

The door swung out of the way, revealing their office for the night. The L-shaped room curled off to the left at the back, where a big four-poster bed was just barely visible. Right in front of her was a marble-tiled entry, with places for shoes to the right and jackets to the left. The girls decided to keep their heels on to better emphasize themselves.

It was dim, but she could make out a lounge area straight ahead, a chair, loveseat and full blown couch arrayed around a large television set. The entire right side of the room was windows, floor to ceiling with an incredible view of the city from so high up.

Standing in the kitchen area located behind the lounge was a large man. She couldn't make out much in the low lighting, but he was quite tall and muscular looking. Part of her felt a little intimidated at someone so large in size, but from what she had heard, he was harmless.

As they watched, he  stumbled around the island counter with drinks in hand, making his way towards them. Angela hadn't planned on drinking a lot tonight, but it seemed she wouldn't have much choice. One thing she had quickly learned was to do whatever your client wanted unless it was illegal.

"I hope you like cocktails," he slurred. They moved forward to say hello and take their drinks, the two parties meeting in the better light of the lounge area, where two bright pot-lights illuminated the entire area. She and their host stepped into the light at the same time.

Her deep chocolate eyes met his brilliant emerald orbs. Immediately her body exploded into flame, the heat in the room rising a handful of degrees at the sudden tension between them. Blood rushed to her clit as it throbbed, begging to be touched by this stranger. Warm, thick lust built between her thighs, soaking her sexy underwear in a heartbeat.

Every ounce of her flesh screamed out to run to him, to cater to his every whim as long as he took her right then. Her blood flowed like molten steel, singing with desire and drowning out any bit of rationality that may have remained.

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