Bayou Paradox (13 page)

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Authors: Robin Caroll

BOOK: Bayou Paradox
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Tara leaned toward Suzie and lowered her voice. “I know you're pregnant.”

Mouth agape, Suzie blinked rapidly. “H-h-how do you know?”

“I just do.” She patted Suzie's knee. “Is everything okay? Did your visiting Tanty have something to do with the baby?”

Suzie pressed her mouth shut and shook her head.

“You can tell me. I won't tell anyone.”

“I…I went to see her beca—”

“May I see you, Ms. LeBlanc?”

Tara jerked her attention to the sheriff. Why did he have to pick
to show up? “Can you give me a minute, please?”

Suzie jumped to her feet. “No, it's okay.” She looked Tara in the eye. “We're done with our conversation, anyway. I need to get back to the prayer vigil for Tanty and Marie.”

Bubba took Tara's elbow and led her into the hall. She snatched free. “You don't have to manhandle me.”

“I'd like to shake you right now. Hard.” His words ground out from behind clenched teeth.

Oops, his anger hadn't lessened any.

“I should take you into custody.”

She flipped her hair over her shoulder. “For what?”

“Interfering with an open case. Obstruction of justice. Attempted poisoning. And that's just for starters.” His eyes were mere slits under his brows.

Tara swallowed. “Look, I only tried to help them. And it did work for Grandmere. She came out of the coma.”

His expression softened. “Tara, that potion didn't do anything for your grandmother. That healing came from God.”

Remorse filled her chest. “And because your aunt's not a Christian, God isn't healing her?”

“No, I'm not saying that. I don't know why Aunt Tanty's still in a coma. But I do know that God's in control.” He ran a hand through his hair. “I know well that God performs healing miracles. Look at me.”

A knot formed in her throat. “I can understand you wanting to believe in something. I do. But I believe in the healing potion and I believe that's what brought Grandmere out of a coma.”

“But at what cost?”

Guilt clamped her lips together.

“The doctors will run toxicology reports on the vial's contents and on both your grandmother and my aunt. If there's even a hint that what you gave them caused their illness or contributed to it in any way, shape or form, I'll charge you. Do you understand?”

Her legs wobbled. She nodded.

“So for the time being, you aren't allowed to visit either woman.”

“But she's my grandmother!”

“And you might be poisoning her. I can't take that chance.”

Her heartbeat echoed emptily in her chest.

“Matter of fact, I better not even see you at the hospital. Period. Got that?”

Tears threatened to burst. She nodded.

“And don't leave town.”

She cleared her throat. “I understand. Are we done now?”

He stared at her a long moment, something unrecognizable filling his eyes. Then he sighed. She wondered if he wanted to shake her or hug her. Maybe both. Then his gaze hardened. “Yes. You can leave.”

She turned and walked to the elevator. Her first impulse was to get mad—how dare he treat her like a criminal? She punched the button for the first floor hard.

But if he was right, she
a criminal. One of the worst kinds. One of those who hurt the ones closest to them.

If that was true, how could she ever live with herself?


ow what? Bubba stared at the LeBlanc home, his emotions playing havoc with his logic. The morning sun shone brightly over the bayou, promising nothing but blue skies and high temperatures. The town would crack apart if rain didn't come soon. What was he thinking? The town was already cracking up.

The toxicology reports had come back on Mrs. LeBlanc and Aunt Tanty, as well as on the contents of the vial. While Tara's “potion” wouldn't cause a coma, it could cause severe stomach cramping. But the doctors didn't think that was the case with Mrs. LeBlanc.

Aside from all the information he'd gleaned from the lab technicians, he hadn't had time to figure out exactly what he felt for Tara LeBlanc. Part of him wanted to hug her—another wanted to shake her until her teeth rattled. Maybe he should shake her and then see what happened.

He was back to his original question—now what?

Pushing open his truck door, he stepped onto the dusty driveway. She'd done as he instructed so far—staying away from the hospital. For three days, she'd followed his orders. He hated to be so hard-nosed about it, but he had no choice. It was his job.

The wooden stairs creaked as he made his way up to the veranda. He would do anything to avoid another confrontation with her, but this was also part of his job. He'd best remember that.

Tara pushed open the door just as he lifted his hand to knock. She nearly took his breath away. In denim shorts and a plain white T-shirt, her long hair pulled up in a high ponytail, she was a vision. Face void of makeup, but kissed by the sun.

Whoa! Better stop that line of thinking right there.

“Can I help you, Sheriff?” Apparently she'd lost that humble feeling.

“I got the toxicology reports back.”

She drew a sharp breath and moved back, waving him inside. “Have a seat.”

She perched on the arm of the couch and he sat on the recliner. “There's nothing in your brew that could've caused the coma.”

Relief flooded her face, and a twinge of guilt niggled at him. He'd figured she would beat herself up for even
putting the women at risk, even though she'd intended them no harm. Judging by her expression, he'd bet his annual salary—which didn't amount to a hill of beans—that she'd been doing just what she'd said. Trying to help.

“But?” She crossed her arms over her chest.

“But the mixture can cause severe stomach cramping.”

Her face flushed. “Like Grandmere's?”

It'd be cruel to let her think so. “No. The doctors don't think that's what has caused her pain.”

She let out a long breath.

“But you can't give them this anymore. Period. Okay?”

“I hear ya.”

He shifted. The worn leather creaked in protest. “But they found something else in their bloodwork when running this last test.”


“The lab has a new technician who's just out of school. She found traces of the unknown component in Aunt Tanty's and your grandmother's system matching that of the sample we took from the coffee cup.”

“That hyde-stuff?”

“Yep.” He leaned forward. “And while she couldn't identify it, either, she recalled having seen something similar in a medicine undergoing testing for FDA approval.”

“What medicine was that?”

“She couldn't remember. But she's checking.”

Tara frowned. “So what does that mean?”

“It means that if it's the same trace delivered in the same synthetic, then we can narrow down who would have access to it.”

“Now you sound like you believe me—that someone did this to them.”

“With the tox reports back, well, it does look like someone might've been involved.”

The smug smile creeping across her face annoyed him. “There's more.”

She remained silent and arched an eyebrow.

“The man who followed and hit you?”


“His name is Melvin Dubois. Do you know him?”

“No, never met him before he rammed into my car.”

“Well, he's the one you saw in the bayou. The one who trashed your place.”

The smugness dropped from her face. “Are you sure?”

“His boot matches the impression we took outside your shed, and his fingerprints match those found on the beer bottle.” He shrugged. “Besides that, he confessed.”

Tara shot to her feet. “Did he say why?”

What wasn't she telling him? “Do
have an idea?” he asked.

She licked her lips, then pressed them together.

“Tara?” He stood, as well.

“I think he was looking for some records. Of Grandmere's clients.”

“What makes you say that?”

“I noticed some of Tanty's client records had been messed with. I figured someone was looking to cover their tracks.”

“When did you notice that?”

Pink inched into her cheeks. “Remember, I told you about the unfiled papers in Tanty's workhouse the day I found her unconscious?”

He nodded. Made a connection. “Does the name Wayne Marshall mean anything to you?”

“No. Should it?”

“Mr. Dubois says he was looking for anything with that name on it.”


“He was hired to.”

She narrowed her eyes. “By whom?”

“A blond woman. New around here. Ring any bells?”

Tara pinched the bridge of her nose. “The nurse.”

“Excuse me?” He pulled his notebook and pencil from his shirt pocket.

She opened her eyes and sighed. “I've seen a blond nurse at the hospital a couple of times who looks familiar, but I can't place her.”

Oh. Nothing to get excited about. “Probably just one of the shift nurses you've seen on the ICU floor but never had to talk with.”

“No, that's not it. I feel like I should recognize her from someplace else.” She bit her bottom lip and tried to think. “I've just been so focused on Grandmere and Tanty. I can't think straight.”

“It's okay. You've been under a lot of strain.”

“But I
I should remember where I've seen her before.”

“Can you give me more details about her appearance?” He poised the pencil over a blank sheet of paper.

“Shoulder-length blond hair.” She closed her eyes. “At least a couple of inches taller than me. Curvy.” She opened her eyes and shook her head. “I can't remember much else because I just glimpse her occasionally. But I know her from somewhere.”

Bubba jotted her description in his notebook and then closed it. “It matches the description Mr. Dubois gave me.” Finally, a promising lead! He'd get this information to Deputy Anderson immediately. This could be the break they'd been searching for.

“Did he know anything more than the name Wayne Marshall? Any indication why he'd think there'd be something in my shed about him?”

“He said he didn't know.”

She flipped her hair over her shoulder. The familiar gesture made Bubba's heart quicken. “Maybe Grandmere will be off the pain medication soon, and we can ask her if she knows who this Wayne is.”

“Possibly.” He needed to stop staring at her. But needing and being capable were two totally different things, obviously. He also needed to talk to her about their embrace. Heat fanned up the back of his neck. No time like the present.

“Um, Tara…”

“Sheriff, what're you doing here?” CoCo pushed open the screen door and gave him a brief sideways hug. “How's your aunt?”

He cleared his throat and coaxed his gaze from Tara. “Still in a coma, but her vitals are holding strong.”

CoCo touched his arm. “We're praying for her daily.”

“I appreciate that.” He let out a sigh. “Well, guess I'd better get going.” He turned toward the door.


The way Tara addressed him now, her soft words almost a caress, sent warmth spiraling through his chest. “Yes?”

“May I visit my grandmother now?”

“Sure. Just no more brews, okay?”

She smiled. “Got ya.”


“Brew?” The door had no sooner shut behind the sheriff than CoCo addressed her.

Tara sighed. Great, another lecture. “Let it go.” She went into the kitchen and grabbed a soda from the fridge.

, you need to let it go. He was referring to the healing potion, yes?”

It'd been too much to hope that CoCo wouldn't follow. “It brought Grandmere out of the coma.”

CoCo took her hand. “Oh,
non, ma chère,
that's not what woke her up.”

“Let me guess—your God did that.” She set the can on the counter.

the Great Physician.”

Oh, no, not again. She pulled her hand free of her sister's. “Believe what you want, but I know the truth.”

, I know the truth. I've been where you are, remember?”

Exactly! “Then how could you turn your back on what's right?”

CoCo shook her head. “It's not right. It's wrong.
was wrong. Grandmere was wrong. And I'm praying that one day, you'll realize you're wrong, too.”

Fat chance. But speaking of chances…“Hey, do you know a Melvin Dubois?” If he'd been a client of Tanty's, referred by Grandmere, maybe CoCo would remember something. Anything.

Her sister paused, cocking her head. “The name sounds familiar.”

“Anything beyond that?”

“Wait a minute. I know his wife, Becky Sue. Nice gal. Goes to my church.” CoCo's brow furrowed. “Oh, he has a drinking problem.”

“Apparently. He's the one who rammed my car and trashed the workhouse.”

“Any particular reason?”

Tara relayed what the sheriff had told her.

CoCo wiped a rag over the counter. “I don't remember him seeing Grandmere, but there were two years between me accepting Christ and getting out of voodoo and her salvation.”

Something about the soft edge to her sister's voice tugged at Tara's heart. “You really do believe all that, don't you?”

Setting the rag in the sink, CoCo met her gaze. “What? Salvation? Of course.”

“Despite all you were taught?”

“Despite all that.”

“Why?” Why was she even asking? She didn't care, did she?

Or did she? All of a sudden, she recognized the peace CoCo seemed to have all the time was similar to that of the women in Godly Women. Could their belief be the source of their inner peace? For the first time, Tara wanted to know.

CoCo took a seat at the table. “In training, we're taught that the spirits come from nature, yes?”

Tara took a seat, too, and nodded.

“Where does nature come from,


CoCo smiled. “If we use nature for potions, and spirits for channeling and chanting, shouldn't we know where nature comes from?”

“The earth.”

“But where does that come from?”

“Well, you know there's this theory out there—you might've heard of it—the Big Bang theory.”

“We're taught that you can trace trees, foliage, even dirt back to the beginnings of time, right?” CoCo asked.


“So if you can trace the elements back to the beginning, shouldn't you also be able to trace back Earth's past?”

“But the theory is—”

CoCo shook her head. “No. No theories. Let's look at it another way. I believe God created the earth like the Bible states. But let's say the Big Bang theory holds weight…” She leaned farther across the table. “C'mon, Tara, you've been taught that if you can't trace something back to its beginning, you shouldn't believe it. So, what was
the Big Bang?”

Tara didn't have an answer. Scary. Her heart thudded.

“You don't know, right?”

“It just was.”

“That's faith. Not being able to prove. Not being able to tangibly see. But knowing God just is. God is the creator. And if that much is true, then it makes sense that Jesus is true, too. And I know He is because He changed my life.”

Enough. Tara couldn't take anymore. She shoved her chair back and stood. “Interesting ideas. Thanks for giving me your insight.”

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