Battle Earth V (27 page)

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Authors: Nick S. Thomas

BOOK: Battle Earth V
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An intercom channel opened on the tannoy above them.

“The is Admiral Uxbridge. All crews fire when ready. I want no survivors.”

A few seconds later, the Trafalgar lit up like a firework display as its guns opened up in a fierce opening salvo. The Deveron was still a way out of range, but they continued on course with the carrier. Fighters rushed out from the Trafalgar’s bays. It was an odd sensation to watch the enemy ships hold their ground against such a relentless attack, as if they awaited their death.

“How can they not run? What purpose does it serve to stay and die?” Ryan asked.

“It serves their masters’ orders,” replied Jafar.

“See, you think you have problems with authority?” Jones laughed.

The Washington’s guns destroyed two of the enemy’s larger ships in its opening fire. The ships were the size of the human frigates, and both displayed damage from their earlier engagement. There were just five smaller vessels and one of the frigate size left, as they descended upon them at speed.

“We have a solution, Sir,” said the gunnery officer.

“Fire,” replied Ryan in a sombre and monotone voice.

It was a bloody slaughter and far from the brave sally out they had expected. The fighters rushed in against the last enemy craft, like crows encircling the dead and dying of a battlefield. Even Taylor found no joy in the senseless slaughter. The Trafalgar’s guns continued relentlessly until the last enemy ship was blasted into a thousand pieces. Just as the guns went silent, so did the bridge of the Deveron. They all stared morbidly at the smashed hulks of the enemy ships. In the overwhelming assault, the humans had not lost a single vessel.

“This is what they fight for, this is what is a victory to them? They want to kill us all and feel nothing for it?” asked Ryan.

He turned back to Jafar for answers.

“How can your people be so cold? How can they want such devastation?”

“Former people.”

“But you were one of them, you fought for their goals?”

“That’s enough!” yelled Taylor.

“No,” replied Jafar.

Taylor looked up in surprise. It was the only time the alien had defied him, and it was in the most unusual of circumstances. Taylor thought he had to defend his newly found friends, but they didn’t need it.

“I am not proud of my time in their armies. I will not defend their actions.”

Ryan relaxed as he could see there was no fight in Jafar.

“Sir, we have an incoming transmission from the Trafalgar?”

Ryan cleared his throat before replying.

“Put it on screen.”

A video feed of Admiral Uxbridge was displayed aboard the Trafalgar.

“To the fleet, well done. The enemy is vanquished, and we are without injury. A perfect victory.”

Taylor took his opportunity, leaping forward to address Uxbridge.

“Admiral, we have succeeded in our endeavours here. We have the opportunity to continue on to Red 1, as Admiral Huber recommended should we meet with success.”

Uxbridge took in a deep breath as he thought it over. It was clear he had not intended to do as such.

“We will continue onwards, Major, until we can scan the area of the planet and assess the situation.”

“Thank you, Sir.”

“Recall all fighters. We continue on without delay. Uxbridge out.”

Taylor sighed in relief.

There is hope yet.

* * *

“Colonel! We can’t hold much longer!” Warren called out to her.

She looked up over the defences to see that despite the fact the Mechs were being cut down in vast numbers, they continued to advance. In places their dead were now two or three deep, but they would not stop.

“How can we fight such relentless enemies?” she whispered.

“We have to fall back, or we’ll be overrun!”

She looked around to see dozens of Warren’s troops lying dead behind the defences, and she knew the casualties would be as bad or worse further down the lines. They held the ground nearest the surface. She knew the docking bay lay just two floors down, and that it was the last place they could go where there was still a way out. They’re backs would soon be against the wall.

“Alright, sound the retreat. Fall back to the docking bay entrance!”

She jumped off the wall and rushed to the CP to pass the word herself. Jafar was closely at her side, but Suarez was nowhere to be found. His platoon lay scattered along the defensive line and had quickly fallen under the command of Major Warren. She rushed through into the CP to find the five personnel frantically dealing with communications from all sectors.

“Pack it up. Our lines are falling, and we’re falling back!”

Corporal Bradley turned in horror at her orders.

“What about our comms?”

“Grab what you can, and get a rifle in hand!”

They leapt into action, grabbing everything they could carry as she ushered them onwards.

“Come on! Go!”

They rushed out of the room to find troops flooding past them in a frenzied rush to retreat. Many fought on at their backs to cover their retreat. Chandra dreaded to think how many hundreds or thousands lay dead at their frontlines, but she feared more the realisation that they may be burying themselves into a hole they would never get out of.

* * *

Taylor had been waiting anxiously to see Red 1. Never before had he been so eager to see an enemy world. He knew they were just a couple of hours out now and prayed for good news. He and Jones had not left the bridge since the battle, and Jafar would not leave his Major either.

“Major, we’ve got a visual.”

He nodded for the Captain to go ahead.

A projection flickered, and several gasps rang out as they realised what they were looking at. Taylor felt his stomach turn, when he realised over a hundred enemy vessels surrounded the planet. Transports were pouring down to the surface. He could see no signs of battle but knew it must still be ongoing beneath the surface. They all gazed open mouthed at the frightful sight for a minute when a transmission came in from Uxbridge.

“Admiral Uxbridge to all ships. Come around, full withdrawal!”

Ryan nodded to his crew to carry out the orders, for he could not bring himself to say the words and resign thousands of comrades to their fate on the enemy world.

Taylor thought.

They had gotten so close. The planet was in sight, and yet there was no chance of getting through to Chandra. He could not believe they had made it so far only to turn back.

“We could still...” began Jones.

“It’s over,” cut in Taylor.

“We’re just going to leave them there?”

Taylor did not reply.

“Major! This is Chandra we are talking about!”

Taylor turned quickly and grabbed Jones by the collar of his body armour and wrenched him in close.

“Don’t think I don’t want to, but it would be folly to throw our lives away. Do you think that is what she would want?”

“I know she wouldn’t want to be left behind to the mercy of those bastards!”

Taylor shook his head.

“What would you have us do?”

He spun Jones around so that he was looking at the video feed of the planet and the enemy forces in orbit.

“Look at them! What can we do against that?”

Taylor could feel Jones go limp. His anger was replaced with sadness and desperation as he slumped against a console and lowered his head. They could see several dozen of the enemy ships engines fire up and pursue them. It was enough to pose a threat in itself, let alone the remainder of their fleet.

“The Colonel will do her duty, just as I expect every one of you to do so.”

“So they’ll die down there, and for what?” whispered Jones.

“Look at the time we have gained for Earth. We’ve smashed two fleets that were amassing. Destroyed much of their weapons research and development. We’ve held them in their own lands. Every day we gain for Earth could make a difference in what comes next.”

“And you believe that? You believe we are making a difference?” asked Jones.

“You are,” replied Jafar.

They all turned in surprise at hearing the alien’s inception into the conversation. He stepped forward to continue.

“My people believed they were the most powerful beings in the universe. Every victory you gain weakens them. They are beginning to see they are not all powerful, and that they might not win this war. I saw it the day I joined you. Continue as you are, and you may well win the war yet.”

The alien’s words had a profound effect on Jones. It gave him hope and did the same for all of them there. For most of them, it was the most words they had ever heard the alien say, and yet they appeared words of wisdom. He continued on.

“The Colonel is a brave warrior, and I can say I have been honoured to fight alongside her. Even now, in the face of armies so vastly larger, she battles on. She should be an example to us all.”

The bridge fell silent once again as they reflected on his sentiment. The sights they had seen were dire, but he gave them all hope and the desire to fight on with a new sense of pride and belief in themselves. Taylor looked into the eyes of his alien friend and nodded in gratitude.

* * *

Warren’s commandos were formed up at the next line of defences that lay at the entrance to the docking bay. It was a relatively narrow corridor and would only allow the Mechs to advance fifteen wide and without cover. The ramp they had to descend before reaching flat ground meant that few could fire on the human defences at any one time.

Troops continued to flood into the docking bay, as others tossed anything they could find onto the makeshift wall. Many had left their shields behind in the frenzied retreat. They waited now for the enemy to reach them. Chandra turned to look across the hall to the other two entrances that were guarded by Klimenko and Chen’s Battalions. They looked even more decimated than Warren’s forces.

They had less than half of the troops they had when the battle begun, fifteen hundred dead or dying. It was a level of brutal devastation they had not known since the war in France. She turned to see Warren was reloading his rifle at the frontline of the defence. He looked exhausted, and his helmet had taken a glancing strike by a pulse that had burnt into his visor. Chandra strolled up to the Major, and he looked up to her as she approached.

“There’s no leaving this world, is there?” he asked.

She shook her head.

“If this is to be our fate, let us make them pay a bitter price for it.”

She smiled in return. The courage and resolve of all those around her was a marvel to behold.

“Here they come!” a voice cried out.

She took up position beside Warren, and each lifted their rifle into place.

“Come on, you bastards!” screamed one of the commandos.

The clatter of the Mechs’ heavy footsteps roared up ahead and echoed from all the walls.

“Fire at will!” she shouted.

The first dozen of the enemy were cut down instantly. The next wave stepped over them and fired their cannons as they advanced. Several smashed into the mound of the defences in front of the Colonel, and she felt the wall rock and the heat rush through. She quickly adjusted her aim and fired two bursts into the faceplate of the first target she acquired.

She kept firing until her magazine was empty, leaping back to let another take her place as she reloaded. She looked at the supply crates that had been stacked for them. Most had their lids ripped off and were now empty. She looked to Warren who was thinking the same thing. Ammunition was being spent at a rapid rate.

“How much longer can we keep this up?” he asked her.

“We’ll fight to the very last bullet, then we’ll fight in hand-to-hand. I’ll fight with my bare hands before I lay down and die.”

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