Band of Brothers (43 page)

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Authors: Stephen E. Ambrose

Tags: #History, #Military, #General

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Abrams, Creighton,

Airborne Command,

airsickness pills,

Aisne River,

description of,
postinvasion training at,
preinvasion training at,
return to,
training schedule at,

Eagle’s Nest

Alley, James,
in attack on Noville,
on D-Day,
at Foy,
wounding of,

Allied Military Marks,

All Quiet on the Western Front


101st in,
supplies in,
weather in,

ammunition, ammunition supplies,

Ardennes offensive and,
at Bastogne,
for bazookas,
at Foy,
“Hell’s Highway” and,
for machine-guns,
at Mourmelon,
at Noville,
see also

amputation ward,


antiaircraft fire,

antitank guns,


Arabs, U.S. soldiers’ view of,

Ardennes, German offensive at,

Allied intelligence and,
causalities of,
demand for U.S. surrender in,
Montgomery and,
Nordwind and,
publicity of,
see also
Bastogne; Noville

Armed Forces Network (AFN),

Army, U.S.
Ardennes casualties of,
combat attitudes of,
comradeship in,
morale of troops in,
nonfraternization policy of,
official historian of,
point system in,
replacement soldiers in,
returning wounded in,
violations of discipline in,


“Arnhem Annie,”


Atlanta, Ga., march to,


autobahn, German,


Bad Reichenhall,

Bain, Rob,


basic training,
of E Company,

advantages of defensive at,
ammunition supplies at,
breaking of siege at,
casualties at,
civilian population of,
German Main Line of Resistance at,
German strategy at,
patrols at,
ring defense of,
supplies at,
U.S. Main Line of Resistance at,
weather at,
see also
Ardennes, German offensive at; Noville

battalion review,



Belleau Wood,

description of,
Hitler at,
looting of,
Nazis at,


Blithe, Albert,

Bois Jacques,

Bormann, Martin,

Boyle, Leo,
on D-Day,
promotions of,
wounding of,

Bradley, Omar,
at awards ceremony,

Brécourt Manor,

Brenner Pass,

Brereton, Lewis,

Brewer, Bob,

British Military Cross,

Bronze Star,
point system and,

Bulge, Battle of the,
Ardennes, German offensive at

Burgess, Tom,

California, University of, at Los Angeles (UCLA),

Calvados coast,

Camp Breckinridge,

Camp Mackall,

Camp Mourmelon,

Camp Shanks,

Camp Toccoa,
comradeship at,
infantry training at,

Cappelluto, Harold,

Allied Strategy and,
capture of,
casualties at,
German defense of,
population of,

Carson, Gordon,
in Austria,
in Berchtesgaden,
on D-Day,
at Fort Benning,
in Germany,
promotions of,
reassignment of,
wounding of,

Chamberlain, Neville,



Chase, Charles,


Chattahoochee River,

Cherbourg, Allied strategy and,

“chickenshit,” defined,

Chiem See,

Chilton Foliat,

Christenson, Burton “Pat,”
at Camp Toccoa,
on D-Day,
in departure for Europe,
at Foy,
at Mourmelon,
promotion of,

Churchill, Winston,

Cobb, Roy,

court-martial of,
on D-Day,
at Haguenau,


Cole, Robert,

Collins, Hermin,

Collins, J. Lawton,


Combat Exhaustion,

Compton, Lynn “Buck,”
at Aldbourne,
character of,
on D-Day,
at Mourmelon,
promotion of,
wounding of,

concentration camps, first sight of,

Congressional Medal of Honor,

Cotentin Peninsula,
Allied strategy and,
see also
Utah Beach

Cromwell tanks,

Crutchfield tongs,


Currahee, Mount,

“Currahee” (battle cry),



Daladier, Edouard,

D (Dog) Company,
basic training of,
at Bastogne,
in Berchtesgaden,
on D-Day,
at Haguenau,
in Holland,

airdrop on,
Allied strategy of,
battleships on,
casualties on,
cricket identification on,
drop zone on,
gear on,
German soldiers on,
infantry tactics on,
jump on,
leg bags on,
paratroopers on,
password identification on,
rehearsals for,
2d Battalion on,
significance of E Company on,
strength of Allied forces on,
strength of E Company on,
tanks on,
visibility on,
von der Heydte on,
Winters as commanding officer on,
Winters’s diary of,
see also
Normandy invasion and campaign

DeFlita, Frank,

demolition kit,

Depression, Great,

de Vallavielle family,

Diel, James,

Dietrich, Marlene,

Dike, Norman S., Jr.,
breaking point of,
at Mourmelon,


Displaced Persons (D.P.s),

Distinguished Service Cross,
point system and,

Dittrich, Rudolph,

Dobey, O.,

Doctor Zhivago


Domingus, Joe,

Dommel River,

Douglas C-47
antiaircraft fire and,
on D-Day,
in Operation Eagle,
V-formation of,

Douve River,

drop zone,

Dukeman, William,

DUKWs, defined,


Dutch people, U.S. soldiers and,

Dutch underground,

Eagle, Operation,

Eagle’s Nest (Aldershorst),
description of,
Hitler at
looting of,
Nazis at,

Early, Stephen,

Eastern Front,

Eclipse, Operation,

E (Easy) Company
airdrop on D-Day and,
backgrounds of men of,
basic training of,
breaking point and,
casualties of,
character of men of,
comradeship of,
in coordination with British,
equipment of,
European departure of,
first promotions of,
formation of,
German people and,
inactivation of,
infantry training of,
initiation rites of,
as light infantry unit,
in march to Atlanta,
morale of,
Non-Commissioned Officers (NCOs) of,
officers of,
paratrooper training of,
physical training of,
postinvasion training of,
preinvasion training of,
in preparation for combat,
privates of,
as rifle unit,
strength of, in Normandy invasion,

E Company
values of men of,
wings and insignia of,
see also specific individuals and events

Eichmann, Adolf,

Eifel, German strength at,

VIII Corps,

XVIII Airborne Corps,

82d Airborne Division,
Ardennes offensive and,
on D-Day,
in Germany,
Nijmegen bridge captured by,
at Reims,

83d Infantry Division,


Eisenhower, Dwight D.,
Allied strategy of,
First Allied Airborne Army and,
inspection by,
at Mourmelon,

Elliot, George,

countryside of,
people of,

English rations,

Ernie Pyle Bridge,

ETO ribbon,

Eubanks, John,

Evans, William,

Face of Battle, The

Fayetteville, N.C.,

F (Fox) Company,
basic training of,
at Bastogne,
in Berchtesgaden,
casualties of,
in Holland,
on Island,
in Normandy invasion,

Fenstermaker, Carl,

1st Airborne Division, British,

First Allied Airborne Army,

First Army,

1st Battalion of 506th,
on “Hell’s Highway,”

1st Parachute Brigade, Polish,

4th Infantry Division,
Allied strategy and,
on D-Day,
Exercise Tiger and,

43d Division, British,

463d Field Artillery Battalion,

V Corps,

501st Regiment
Allied invasion strategy and,
at Bastogne,

in Berchtesgaden,

502d Parachute Infantry Regiment,

505th Parachute Infantry Regiment,

506th Parachute Infantry Regiment,
Allied invasion strategy and,
in Alsace,
at Arnhem,
at Berchtesgaden,
casualties of,
combat attitudes of,
D-Day airdrop and,
European departure of,
formation of,
at Foy,
in front-line positions,
at Haguenau,
on “Hell’s Highway,”
liberation of Son and,
morale of,
at Noville,
officers of,
101st joined by,
paratrooper training of,
physical training of,
preinvasion training of,
in preparation for combat,
regimental prayer of,
scrapbook of,
at Veghel,
wings and insignia of,


Foley, Jack,
in Austria,
in Germany,
at Haguenau,
at Mourmelon,
nonfraternization policy and,
at Saverne,

Fort Benning,
jump school at,
physical training at,

Fort Bragg,


attack on,
bombing of,
supplies at,

weather at,

Freeman, Bradford,

French people, U.S. soldiers and,

Frost, John,

Frying Pan,

furlough regulations,

Fussell, Paul,

Gabel, Kurt,

Gangplank Fever,

Garcia, Tony,

Gavin, James,

German Army,

German people, U.S. soldiers and,

German rail system,

German rations,

G.I. Bill of Rights,

Gibson, Tom,

G.I. life insurance,


Goebbels, Paul Joseph,

Goering, Hermann,

Gordon, Walter,
on D-Day,
jump school and,
promotion of,
in “Rescue,”
wounding of,

Grant, Chuck,
wounding of,

Gray, J. Glen,

phosphorus incendiary,

Grodzki, Stephen,

Gross, Jerre,

Guards Armored Division, British,

Guarnere, Bill,
on D-Day,
intelligence patrol of,
promotions of,
wounding of,

Guth, Forrest,

Guy, Lloyd,

population of,
replacement soldiers at,
supplies at,

Hale, Earl,
in Berchtesgaden,
promotion of,
wounding of,

Hall, John,

Hansen, Herman,

Harris, “Salty,”

Harvard University,

Hashey, Lester “Leo,”

Hawg Innards Problem,

Hayes, Harold,


Heffron, Ed “Babe,”
in Berchtesgaden,


“Hell’s Highway,”
casualties on,



Hendrix, Walter,

Herron, A. P.,

Hester, Clarence,
at Aldbourne,
on D-Day,
promotion of,
Sobel and,

Heyliger, Fred “Moose,”

Hickman, Pvt.,

Higgins, Gerald,

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