Baby, You're the Best (24 page)

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Authors: Mary B. Morrison

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itting at the bar, I knew I shouldn’t have come here.
I promised I wouldn’t chase another man. Again I’d lied to myself. He shouldn’t have mentioned he had to work today. I had things to do but I’d put everything on hold to see him, including furniture shopping. Instead, I ended up at his apartment, my daughter’s apartment, and now I was at his job. Waiting on him.
Dianna Crawford had three properties scheduled for me to see in Buckhead. I asked her to reschedule until tomorrow. I wasn’t in the right frame of mind to make a decision that didn’t move my relationship with Spencer forward. Not being chill with him, I didn’t feel like doing anything, including being in this seat.
A text came in from Echo.
Meet me for drinks. My treat. I’m at Twist.
Not wanting to say yes or no, I’d respond later. Right now I couldn’t move from this stool.
I didn’t want my girlfriend to know I was emotionally caught up this soon. Being in a funk was my choice. I should have accepted Echo’s invitation, gotten my ass up, gone across the street, and enjoyed happy hour. Maybe I’d have met someone new.
I wasn’t sure why the restaurants called it “happy,” when neither the food nor the drinks were discounted. Georgia had a law. If happy hour was offered one day, it had to be extended seven days a week. They’d changed the no sale of alcohol on Sundays. They could permit bars to select days that were best to lower the cost of food and drinks. Saving a few dollars didn’t matter to me. I was rattling on in my head to pass time.
I was going to profit four hundred thousand on the sale of my property. Plus, I’d deposited the money Vanessa had given me. A half a million for my birthday wasn’t bad so why was I soaking when I could be anywhere in the world having a great time?
There were other options outside of meeting Echo and waiting on Spencer. I could walk to a different restaurant or I could drive home if my blood level wasn’t already over the limit. I chuckled at the thought that, if they were the only two who knew I was behind bars, who’d bail me out first? Spencer? Or Alexis? I replayed my earlier conversations with them.
“Another?” LB asked.
His interruption was timely. Momentarily he’d stopped me from trying to justify why pursuing Spencer was necessary. Didn’t want to let my Nikko go. Didn’t want an old-ass man or one my age. Why did mixologists offer alcohol to patrons who clearly didn’t need another drink?
Staring at LB, I shook my head then nodded.
Mimicking me, he asked, “Is that a yes or a no?”
LB was an attractive young man. He didn’t have sex appeal like Spencer. That was my opinion. I watched him pour the vodka over ice, shake the contents, then fill martini glass number three. He garnished my drink with three olives then set it in front of me.
“You want to order something to eat?” he asked in a suggestive tone like I needed to consume food.
I shook my head. I didn’t have an appetite.
Before LB had met Alexis, his life was probably normal. Uneventful. Underneath his professionalism I could tell there was something he wanted to say but hadn’t. My daughter didn’t want LB. Spencer didn’t want Alexis. Hell, Spencer might not want me. I prayed that wasn’t true.
I exhaled, wondering if any two people were truly satisfied, in love, and faithful with each other. Why was being happy with one person so damn difficult?
“He won’t be here for another three hours. You sure you don’t want to order something to eat?”
Slowly, my eyes closed then opened. I nodded. “I’ll wait.” Spencer was worth it. I was more sad than inebriated. That could change once this glass became empty. “You okay?” I asked him.
Slowly looking away, he bit his bottom lip. “Let me check on my other customers. I’ll be back to answer that.”
He seemed sad too. Almost two weeks ago, LB was our jovial server. Bright. Bubbly. Eager to serve. Now he was tending to tables in the bar area and pouring drinks like it was a chore. As though he’d rather be someplace else. I saw the disappointment in his eyes. His other customers may have not noticed. They were greeted with a wide smile. But the eyes didn’t lie. I was certain LB saw the hurt in mine, too.
Tapping on my Facebook app, I busied myself with following Sandara and a few of my friends. I saw a post on Brandon’s page. I had the urge to reply and congratulate him on his new boo but I knew by the time I returned to work next week he’d have another man and a new side dude.
LB placed an order of fried zucchini fingers sprinkled with Parmesan cheese, in front of me. “Eat something, please.”
I nodded knowing I wouldn’t but his gesture was considerate. “Do you want to tell me something?”
He looked up. “Not sure if it’s appropriate.”
Reassuring him, I said, “Sure it is.”
“Alexis borrowed a thousand dollars from me today, now she’s telling me it was a gift.”
I pressed my lips together to keep from laughing.
He became quiet. “Excuse me. I have to close out a customer.”
I think he left out of embarrassment. Pulling out my book, I wrote a check for one thousand dollars payable to Lawrence Bennett. That child worked hard for his money. Maybe I should tear it up. Teach him a lesson. That wasn’t the smartest idea considering at some point I might need him more than he needs me. I resumed scanning my news feed on Facebook.
Sandara had posted pics from my party that made me smile. That pink corset was sexy. The skirt kissed all of my curves. The top pushed up my boobs. I exhaled. Another generous gesture from Spencer.
Zooming in on my face, I noticed a few crow’s feet around my eyes. My breasts could sit higher. My ass could be rounder. Waist smaller. I was definitely investing in cosmetic surgery. Echo didn’t know yet but post-op she was going to have to care for me.
Mercedes would talk me out of it if I told her. Alexis would make me feel stupid for trying to have the body of a thirty-year-old. Sandara and Devereaux would support me. Was I considering this hoping Spencer would be more attracted to me?
Scanning the sixty-nine comments, I scrolled down, paused, then read, “The most beautiful woman in the world deserves all the happiness her heart can hold.” When did he become friends with my baby?
Billy Blackstone and Sandara? Friends? Why? I looked closer at some of the other pics with both of them in it.
Okay, Blake. Stop it. You’re reading into things because of Alexis.
My breathing became heavy. Was Billy trying to tell me he knew Sandara?
I scanned and saw another familiar person’s comment. “Sorry I missed the party.” When did he befriend Sandara? I realized why Mercedes didn’t care for social media. I’d never thought to look up Spencer online. I was tempted to view his page and send him a friend request.
I definitely didn’t want to be like Brandon. When he was blocked by a guy he’d watch their pages from his other account. I was so obsessed trying to figure out what to do next that I hadn’t noticed he was behind the bar until I heard, “Hello, Fabulous.”
I didn’t move my hands or my head. Butterflies swarmed my vodka-infused stomach. As I slowly looked up, my heart pounded. “I have to go shopping tomorrow for furniture for my new home in Buckhead. Wanna go with me?” What I really meant to ask was, “Wanna move in with me?”
He smiled. “You don’t want that.”
On the inside, I cheesed a wide smile. How was it that seeing his face, hearing his voice, changed my sadness to joy in a split second?
Speaking low, I answered, “Please, Spencer. You don’t know how disgusted I am with myself. I miss you so much.” I blinked to wash away the tears before they’d plop into my drink. “Whatever happened between you and Alexis, I don’t care. I don’t want to ever lose your friendship.”
Okay, now I’m sounding desperate.
“You drove?”
I nodded.
“You valet?”
I nodded again.
He took my drink, then said, “You’re in no condition to drive. Give me your ticket. I’ma get you an Uber ride.”
“I can call my daughter, Mercedes.”
“I got you,” he said, tapping on a few keys.
A few minutes later he escorted me to the black town car parked outside the Nike store. “Did I embarrass you? Is that why you’re sending me away?”
That closed-lip smile surfaced again. He placed a folded piece of paper in my hand.
“Make sure my girl gets to her destination safely,” he told the driver.
Spencer closed my door. I stared at him until he was out of sight. Unfolding the paper, I removed a key card, then read, “Presidential Suite.”
The driver pulled up to valet at the Oriental. The attendant opened my door.
“There must be some mistake,” I told the driver. I refused to get out of the car at a five-star hotel.
“This is your destination, ma’am. It’s all taken care of,” he said, holding the door open.
Standing in the lobby, I fingered the key. I made my way to the top floor. First, I knocked on the door. There was no answer. I knocked again, waited, then I used my key to access the room.
I gasped when I saw red roses everywhere. The Jacuzzi wasn’t in the bathroom, it was inside the bedroom filled with water and lots of white petals. Oh, my, God. Douche. I probably needed one. I hadn’t used a condom with Billy. Spencer hadn’t done all this not to have sex with me.
Damn, Blake.
I wished I’d kept my legs closed last night.
Lingerie and a pair of red boxer briefs were on top of the king-size bed. Red stilettoes were propped up in a box at the foot of the bed. Champagne was on ice. I picked up the teddy. Underneath there was a handwritten note.
Fabulous, I miss you. Truly Yours, Spencer Domino
I went into the living room. The skyline downtown was beautiful. The Georgia Power building stood out. If there was any way I could’ve known Spencer would do all of this for me, I wouldn’t have given myself to Billy.
I hurried to the bathroom, turned on the faucet, let the water get hot, lathered up a face towel, then swiped front to back between my legs. Sniffing the towel, I inhaled afraid that Spencer would notice if he went down on me. Wishing I’d worn a dress, I removed my jeans, cleaned my pussy properly, then put my clothes back on. I heard the front door. Oh, no. I searched for a place to put the wet towel, the only place he wouldn’t go. I put it in my purse. I spritzed perfume in the air, then waved my hand to spread the fragrance.
“In here, babe!” I called out. Taking one last glance in the mirror, I wished I would’ve taken more time to put on my favorite lashes.
The bathroom door opened. Spencer entered the room. “I knew you wouldn’t start without me.”
I smiled at him. “I haven’t told you but I love the way you look without your locks.”
He nodded. “Too much crazy energy. It was time. I want us to start over.”
I agreed. “How? When did you have time?” I asked. “I mean, to do all of this.”
“We make time for the one we love. LB gave me a heads-up that you were getting wasted at the bar waiting on me.”
I laughed. “Can’t argue the truth. Oh, no. I forgot to give him his check.” It was probably soggy inside my purse.
Spencer kissed me, then said, “My truth is, I think I’m falling for you, Fabulous.”
arlier LB had texted me a pic of Fabulous with
Heads up. She’s at the bar getting blasted. She’s waiting for you.
Guys didn’t hold grudges like women. LB was starting to see Alexis wasn’t serious about him. I could’ve put him on that but he wasn’t feeling me. It was best he came to his own understanding that Alexis was using him. Giving her that G made bruh wake up.
Zooming in on the photo, I saw that Fabulous’s slicked-back ponytail was a straight mess. Her eyes were glazed like an old-fashioned doughnut. She still had on the same black T-shirt so I assumed she had on them jeans from earlier. Knew if we were going to get cozy, she needed something sexy. If she was going to hang with me, she had to up her wardrobe.
I could’ve gotten an attitude when I saw her at the bar. Could’ve called in sick and left her sitting there all night. I could’ve worked and ignored her all night. Let LB keep servicing her until she couldn’t walk a straight line from the bar to the hostess desk.
For sure, I didn’t have to worry about Fabulous pulling a Charlotte on me by causing a scene. Instead of doing any of that, I’d opted to surprise Fabulous. This was my last and final attempt to splurge on her. If this fell apart, I was done. Solid. No coming back.
There was one more special thing I’d planned for her today. Thankful the concierge coordinated having the flowers and champagne delivered to the suite. That gave me time to pick up the sexy gear that I’d laid out for both of us, then I made my way to Costco and picked out a diamond ring. Just in case things didn’t work out, I could get my money back based on Costco’s hassle-free return policy.
It was time to remove the small white box from my pocket. This was not a get-down-on-one-knee occasion. I sat on the couch beside her, held the box in front of Fabulous.
She began crying hysterically. She smashed her lips to mine. “Yes. Yes, I will.”
She honestly thought I’d ask to marry her when the only thing I was certain of was she was a liar. “Whoa, Fabulous. Chill. Let me finish.”
This wasn’t my first time getting a woman a ring. Her reaction was the same as the other two. They were probably still wearing theirs. I should’ve given Charlotte one. In retro, I was glad I hadn’t. Would never put a ring on a female’s finger if some other dude ran up in her after me while we were supposed to be chill.
Truth be told, I’d still fuck her. I just wouldn’t ice her. I’d never ask Fabulous for my ring back but if she ever gave it to me, I’d accept that and move on.
Waiting for Blake to calm down, I told her, “This is not what you think. It is not a proposal. I’m not asking you to marry me.” I had to make my intent clear. Didn’t want her telling anyone we were engaged.
“Okay. Okay,” she said, eyeing the box, not me. She started breathing heavily, fanning herself.
Damn, she was fifty, not fifteen. I know some other nigga had to have iced her. “Before I put this on your finger, I have to ask.”
“Anything. What is it?” Her eyes were still fixated on the box.
Holding her right hand, I said, “Look into my eyes. I’m up here.” I gave her a moment to focus, then continued. “Whatever you do, don’t lie to me.” It didn’t matter what she said. The look in her eyes and feel of her hand the moment I asked the question would give me my answer.
I didn’t understand how guys could put any type of ring on a potential and not ask, “Since the first time we had sex, have you had any type of sexual contact with any person other than me, male or female?”
She took a deep breath. “I wouldn’t do that to you.”
I dismissed the inhale as nervousness. I followed up with, “So no other dude has put his dick in your pussy, mouth, asshole, ear, none of that?” I was real serious.
Her hand froze but didn’t tremble. Her voice lowered but didn’t crack. “No, Spencer.”
Venus Domino taught me, “If a woman lies to you once, she’ll lie to you again.”
I believed my mom. Fabulous wouldn’t tell me something that wasn’t true over a ring. She didn’t seem like the type of woman to lie and try to take it to her grave. Not about something she knew would end our relay.
Placing my hand on the box, I thought that if I ever found out she was lying, I would make her suffer. In the worst kind of way. I said, “This is a relationship ring.” Opening the box, I asked, “Fabulous, will you be my lady?”
Nodding, she started crying again. “Yes, Spencer. I’m honored to be all yours.”
I hoped she hadn’t left out the part, “Starting here and now.” I used to believe a woman’s tears meant she cared for me until I learned women cried when they were happy, sad, pissed off, confused. Heard older women take men through changes just because they’re going through what they call “the change.”
We’d only known each other a short while but females were the best when it came to lying. I was smart. But a woman like Alexis would keep her brain cranking to stay one up on brotha and a female. I’d finally let go of my reservations and decided to give Fabulous one more chance.
I swooped her up, carried her to the bathroom, then I undressed her. She undressed me. I knew for sure, this woman truly loved me. I believed that Fabulous would do anything I’d ask and things I wouldn’t have to ask of her she’d handle like a woman.
I hadn’t heard from Alexis since her text about not telling Blake the truth about our having sex. Fabulous should’ve inquired if I’d sexed anyone other than her. The platinum one-carat eternity band probably made my indiscretions with Alexis insignificant.
A ring was an incentive for a woman to do right by her man. “You ready to get it in?” I asked her.
Fabulous smiled. Wrapped her arms around me. “This is the best time of my life.”
A brotha couldn’t lie. Hearing that shit made me feel good inside and out. My dick got hard instantly!
Holding her hand, I waited until her body emerged into the water. I got in, sat behind her. She held up her right hand. Smiled. My ring looked good on her finger. We chilled, sipped champagne. It was quiet. I liked that. We didn’t have to say much.
Fabulous already knew the most secret part of my life. I frowned. Breaking our silence, I asked, “Baby?”
A notch above a whisper, she said, “Yes.”
“Tell me your deepest, darkest secret.”
“Hmm.” She scratched the back of her head. “I don’t have any.”
Not believing her, I said, “Everybody has at least one.”
“Not me. At least I don’t feel that I do. I’ve had ups and downs. Reared my children on my own. Maybe not telling Alexis who her father was but I don’t consider that a secret. I didn’t tell any of my daughters.”
“Ever been arrested?” I asked.
She shook her head.
“Ever been almost arrested?”
She laughed. “No.”
“Ever done anything that could’ve gotten you arrested?”
“Sex in a car when I was sixteen.”
“Now we’re getting somewhere. With whom?”
“Billy,” she said.
“Billy who?” I asked.
“Dude that you told me was your first? That dude in the pictures on Sandara’s Facebook page?”
“He was at your party, right?”
Exhaling, she answered, “Yes, Spencer.”
“Have you fucked him, since the first time we had sex?”
“I already answered that,” she said, then asked, “You ever been arrested?”
“Nah. Too smart for that.” Just in case she fucked his ass last night, I said, “I have one more question.”
“I’m listening,” she said.
“Can I fuck you in the ass tonight?”

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