Baby, You're the Best (20 page)

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Authors: Mary B. Morrison

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omen, I swear I’d never trust another one of them! I punched my steering wheel. The horn blasted.
“Fucking bitch!” After all I’d done!
She probably thought I was wrong for feeling up her trifling daughter in front of her. At least I didn’t do it behind her back. Like mother, like daughter. Yeah. “The hell with both of them.”
I’d finally made up my mind that Fabulous was the one I wanted to date and she go and do some foul shit like that. That woman leaving her house didn’t know me but she knew some dude had fucked me in the ass when I was a kid. She couldn’t even look me in my face.
That shit right there was unforgiveable.
New clothes. Burberry Touch cologne. Fresh flowers. I’d done all that for Fabulous. For what! Women loved bragging on what a guy did for them. I knew she was feeling some type of way when I chose work over laying up with her for the what, ninth night in a row? See, women quickly forget all the considerate shit.
Speeding to merge onto the freeway, I swerved. I almost collided with a white Benz zooming by me. I did a double-take thinking it was Blake trying to catch up to me. It wasn’t that bitch. If it were, I would’ve caught up to her just to flip her off.
My mother’s voice echoed in my ear. I knew it was Venus. She was trying to calm her baby boy down before he injured himself, or someone else.
“Mama, why?” Why were women so heartless? “They don’t make ’em like you anymore,” I cried aloud.
How many others had Blake told? Who would I serve at the bar not knowing if they knew my deepest secret?
I pulled off at my exit, dried my tears, stopped at Tower Liquor on Piedmont. After picking up a 375ml of peach vodka, I drove up the street to Piedmont Park. Got out of my car, sat on the lawn, stared up at the sky. I held the bottle in my hand between my knees.
“Why am I so fucked up in the head?”
I uncapped the vodka, swallowed a mouthful, twisted the top back on. Instead of alleviating my problems, Blake made it worse. I hadn’t bounced back from feeling emasculated at her church.
“If I’d never tapped the fucking bar twice, I wouldn’t be here.”
What was the purpose of my trying to do right? Females. I shook my head. I unscrewed the cap, pressed the bottle to my lips. Maybe this shit was karma. Get-back for how I’d mistreated Charlotte. She was the one that screwed dude and ruined our good thing. I knew I could’ve done a better job of helping Charlotte while she was grieving over her dad but she sought comfort by opening her legs for dude? Finding that shit out gave me unnecessary grief.
Women didn’t understand that pussy wasn’t sacred unless they had a man that gave a fuck. Fuck Charlotte. Fuck Blake, too!
Charlotte hadn’t contacted me since Alexis smacked her. I hadn’t reached out to Charlotte either. Some shit was easier not to deal with. Probably how my bitch-ass dad, Conner Rogers, felt about me and my mom. Perhaps it was best for me to let Charlotte be. Let that sleeping female dog lie to some other dude.
I was nicer than the average guy in the ATL. Some of these hoods had zero mental when it came to their girl fucking around. If their girl slipped up, their girl would get one of two things. Cut off. Or beat down. Sometimes both. Some of these females were on a leash so short they couldn’t turn around to take a piss.
A text came in from Alexis.
Still wanna hookup later?
Sure was my response. Why not? If she was tossing up pussy, I’d take it.
Sweet. I’ll hit you when I’m leaving
I texted her back,
Leave now,
to irritate Blake.
On my way
That’s what was up. My kind of girl.
Blake didn’t suck dick better than Alexis but the chemistry I had with Blake made each moment special. A call came in from her. I declined it. She called again. I hit decline again.
Now you want to talk to me.
What the fuck she got to say now? She hadn’t called my name when I walked away. Didn’t text or dial my number until Alexis had probably left or said,
I can’t stay long.
A brotha like me got pussy on pause. Did Blake have a clue how many numbers I received from females and dudes on a daily? At the end of my shifts, tips were green but I tossed every contact a guy gave me. I was molested but I wasn’t gay.
What was Blake going to say if I’d answered?
Spencer, I’m sorry.
Fucking straight she was sorry. Or was she going to beg me,
Please don’t have sex with my daughter.
I didn’t owe Blake any consideration. Just like Charlotte, Blake handed a brotha a get-you-some-new-pussy pass.
If Charlotte hadn’t messed up, I wouldn’t have done Blake. If Blake hadn’t screwed up, I wouldn’t be on my way to give her daughter the Spencer special.
The one and only thing I begged of her not to do, she’d done. Her betrayal gave me the right to do whatever the fuck I wanted. I turned the bottle up again. Again. Until it was half empty. Got back in my car, then called my boy, LB. I didn’t know what made me hit him.
“Hey, what’s up Spence?”
“Nothing much, man. Where you at?”
“Work. For another hour. Dude, you sound over the legal limit. Where you at? You good?”
“Nah, man, but I’ll be straight in an hour or so.” I couldn’t share my truth with him. Boy or not, dudes never knew what to say to one another about male-on-male molestation. Now, if a female had taken my virginity, he would’ve known that a long time ago. “I’ll hit you tomorrow, bruh.”
Ending the call before I said some shit about Alexis, I drove to my place wondering if I’d ever settle down. Marry. Have kids. Blake could never make me a father. Alexis could. Alexis was high maintenance though. That was okay. I had enough money to take care of her the way she’d like. Couldn’t take my money with me. Learn that from my mom when she willed me everything. Might as well make somebody happy. Have a kid or two to pass my funds on to.
I got out of my car, went inside my apartment, showered, and started preparing for a freakfest showdown with Alexis.
had all of my daughters, grandbabies, Phoenix, and Benjamin at my home.
Despite Alexis’s blatant disrespect, I was not going to let her ruin the surprise birthday party Mercedes had planned. She really got me by having it on a Monday. Mercedes had mentioned there were surprise guests coming. Since the children were here, I’d ruled out strippers, though that would’ve been entertaining. Maybe I’d go to a strip club with Echo to have fun this weekend.
Suppressing the hurt in my heart for betraying Spencer, I hugged Alexis. I whispered in her ear, “This is the one and only thing I ask of you regarding Spencer. Please don’t have sex with him.”
Letting go, she stared into my eyes, then said, “He’s more my type, and a little closer to my age, Mama.”
Where did this defiant child come from? I wanted to slap her. “I’m not asking.”
“Asking what?” Sandara said, hugging me from behind.
Alexis raised her brows to Sandara, eyed me, then walked away. “Benjamin, glad to see you don’t have any competing commitments tonight.” Alexis patted Benjamin on the back.
I scolded her, “Watch your mouth and your tone, Alexis.”
Benjamin replied, “It’s okay, Blake. We’re all adults.”
Alexis smiled at me then strutted into the kitchen. What had I done to her?
Sandara picked up Brandy. Twirled her around. Brandy laughed.
“Do me,” Brandon said, jumping high in the air.
“Stop it!” Mercedes told them. “Go sit down.”
“Let ’em enjoy themselves,” Benjamin said.
Mercedes’s lips became tight.
“Fine. Kids, do what your mother told you. Go outside and play,” he said.
Mercedes’s mouth drew closer together. She never spoke a word.
Benjamin exhaled. Remained silent. What the hell? Those two were having a standoff? If anyone had a right to be pissed, it was me at Alexis. I held Mercedes’s hand. Benjamin went outside.
“Come with me,” I told my daughter, leading her to my bedroom.
“Mama, everything is fine. I don’t have time to chat,” she said, standing in the doorway.
I pulled her into the room. “Now, Mercedes, you volunteered what I hadn’t asked, that means I’m right. Out with it,” I demanded.
Her dreamy eyes and full lips were expressionless. “Mama, really. I have too much to do. We can talk tomorrow.”
I closed the door. “What’s going on between you and Benjamin?”
She flopped on my bed. “Fine. Since you insist. Lately, things seem different.”
“What do you mean, ‘seem’?” I asked, holding her hand.
I could see my child was hurting. I was too. My job was to be here for her. Not fill my head with worries about Spencer that wouldn’t allow me to hear what she said.
Mercedes shook her head. “Can’t put my finger on it.”
“You think he’s cheating?”
“No. He’d never do that. It just seems like we’re growing apart and I don’t know how to get us back to where we were.”
Tears clouded her eyes. I just hoped her sorrow didn’t blind her judgment. Mercedes believed no other woman could ever come between Benjamin and her. I knew better. Her I’m-the-only-one-in-this-family-with-the-legal-right-to-change-my-last-name attitude might make her cover up her problems. She probably knew more than what she’d admitted.
Mercedes was not for being embarrassed or having others in her business. She stood. “Mom, I’ve to check on things.”
“The best advice I can give you, sweetheart, is never underestimate what your man will do.”
Firmly, she replied, “Husband. He’s my husband. I’m not Alexis. Benjamin is not Spencer. And you’ve never had a husband. No disrespect. But you’re not qualified to give me advice.”
The last part was unnecessary but she had a right to feel however she wanted. Alexis was a woman and Benjamin was a man and everyone was capable of cheating. I told Mercedes, “I’ll be out in a minute.”
Men didn’t need a reason to cheat. For some, sexing more than one woman was in their nature. I called Spencer a few times. Each time my call rang once then went to voice mail. No need to leave a message. Obviously, he wasn’t ready to speak with me. I put on the best smile I could, then went into the living room.
Sandara took my cell then said, “Mama, we have a surprise for you. I’m your social media and personal assistant tonight. I need you to go change your clothes.”
“Where are my grandbabies?” I asked, looking around in search of Alexis.
Devereaux answered, “They’re outside playing. Alexis is watching them.”
Hearing that Alexis was still here made me exhale. Strangers dressed in tuxedos entered my home carrying trays of food. Some guy rolled in cases of champagne. “Child, what are you doing?” I asked Mercedes, moving out of the way of a three-tier cake with red and white frosting.
“What you deserve and what I can afford,” Mercedes commented.
Was I the only one who noticed Benjamin rolled his eyes at Mercedes after she’d made that comment? I prayed they weren’t having financial problems. I did not want to go back to signing checks to help out my children.
“Why are you still standing here, Mama?” Sandara asked. “Go. Guests will be here in an hour.”
I smiled. “Guests, huh?” I’d never had a birthday party that I hadn’t given myself. Cake and ice cream depending on how much money my mama had at the time. There were too many of us for my mom to afford eight parties a year.
“Yes, guests,” Devereaux replied. “Now, go get dressed. Call me when you’re ready for me to do your hair and makeup.”
“Seems like someone should’ve bought me an outfit for whatever this occasion is,” I said, smiling.
“Oh, I did. I forgot it’s in my car. I’ll bring it in in a moment,” Mercedes commented.
Oh, my, goodness. If Mercedes had picked it out, I prayed it wasn’t anything up to my neck and down to my knees. Heading toward my bedroom, I thought,
This is not the time to beat myself up over a mistake,
then I heard Mercedes say, “Alexis, where are you going?”
“I’ll be back,” Alexis said.
Sandara replied, “You’re lying. I can tell the way that you said it.”
I stopped, turned to look at Alexis. She eyed me for three seconds, then walked out the door. I closed my bedroom door. I wanted to call Spencer then realized Sandara had my phone. That gave me a reason to go back into the living room. “Where’s my cell?” I asked her.
“Mother, will you please go get ready?” Mercedes protested.
Holding open my hand, I wiggled my fingers. “Anyone know where Alexis is going?”
“Who cares,” Mercedes said. She took my phone from Sandara, slapped it in my palm, escorted me to my bedroom, and closed the door. “Don’t come out again. I’ll bring you your clothes.”
I didn’t want to celebrate my birthday without Spencer. I texted him,
Please come back. We can talk about it.
While I showered, my stomach felt like it was trying to eat itself. I turned off the water, rubbed the towel between my legs. There was no stimulation. The Jacuzzi hadn’t been used since the last time I’d shared it with Spencer.
“Knock. Knock.” That was Devereaux’s voice.
“Yes,” I answered, wrapping the towel around my body.
“Are you decent, Mama?”
I unlocked the bedroom door.
“Good, you’re done with your shower. Your guests are arriving. Sit here,” Devereaux said.
She pinned up my hair, then layered on foundation. “Is Spencer coming back?” she asked.
I snapped. “Is Alexis back?”
“Not yet. But of course she’s coming back. Call her,” Devereaux said.
Reluctantly, I dialed her number. It went directly to voice mail. I called Spencer. Again. One ring, then my call went to his voice mail.
“She’s not coming back.” I powered off my cell. “Spencer isn’t coming back either.”
“Mama, no. After all Spencer has done for you, Alexis wouldn’t. He wouldn’t. We all know that man loves you.” She did a few more strokes with a brush. “All done with your face.” Using a wide-tooth comb she swept my hair to the front, then to the left, last to the right. Devereaux fingered the roots, then teased the ends.
Sandara entered the room holding two hangers and the Saks bag. “Ready to see your outfits?”
Raising my brows, I told her, “I hope so. Let me see what’s in the Saks bag first.”
Sandara removed the tissues, unrolled a pink corset with an hour-glass shape. After opening the other tissue, she held up a pink skirt that had wide peach stripes.
“I love it. I don’t need to see the others. Give that to me.”
While I dressed in the clothes Spencer had bought, Devereaux paired my birthday attire with my peach stilettoes. This wasn’t the right time to tell any of my girls about the hundred grand Vanessa had given me. Just in case my event didn’t fit comfortably into Mercedes’s budget, I didn’t want her arguing with Benjamin over money. I was giving Mercedes a check for five grand.
Devereaux opened the door. Everyone yelled, “Surprise!”
Scanning the faces, I began to cry when I saw Ruby, Carol, Peter, Walter, Teresa, Kevin, and Kim. Their children were here. Friends I hadn’t seen in years. Echo was here holding the purse she’d borrowed earlier. When I saw Brandon, I almost screamed. I covered my mouth.
Mercedes said, “Happy fiftieth birthday, Mama. I love you.”
“I love you, too,” Sandara said.
Lots of “I love you” and “I love you, too” flooded the room.
Mercedes’s friend, Dianna Crawford, the Realtor, approached me with a handsome man in tow. “Blake, this is your buyer. He’s offered what Mercedes said you’re asking. I can get the escrow started in the morning and I have a few properties to show you tomorrow.”
Knowing Mercedes she asked for more than market. I was ready to move forward with getting out of this house. Especially if I was going to be here by myself. Pointing at the DJ in the corner, I said, “Hit it!”
The photographer took lots of pictures of me with my siblings, my children, minus Alexis. This was almost the perfect birthday.
The only two important people missing my celebration were probably together. My front door opened, and my jaw dropped.
Billy Blackstone looked sexier than I ever remembered.

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