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Authors: Ashley Ryan

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"I'll have Sissy show you around better when she returns." She said as I followed her into the main room. "Now Sissy handles my garden and personal needs so you won’t be doing any of that, but I am very strict when it comes to dirt and dust in the house, I can't stand it so your duties will consist of a lot of cleaning chores." She said.

"Yes ma'am." I responded. "Will I be looking after your children?”

"I don’t have any children. My only son died several years ago and I can’t have anymore.” Ms. Rebekah replied.

"I’m sorry, I didn’t mean…”

"Its fine, you didn't know." She began. "An unfortunate surgery in my youth left me damaged inside. I was lucky to have Charles for seven years. I prefer not to discuss it."

"Yes ma'am" I responded.

Ms. Rebekah showed me around the house and then to the main closet where my cleaning supplies were stored then she left me to begin my work. I was nervous. I had no idea what I was doing but I just grabbed a feather dusted and a cloth and began wiping down everything in the house. Ms. Rebekah remained outside most of the day. Late in the afternoon I heard a wagon approaching. I looked out a window and saw a wagon pull up to the front of the house. Two slaves, a buck and a wench got out and began unloading boxes.

"Alice!" Ms. Rebekah yelled.

I went outside where I was told to help Sissy and Henry unload the wagon. The two slaves appeared to be about the same age as Ms. Rebekah. Henry was very large and muscular, Sissy was small framed and the top of her head came only to Henry's chest.

"Sissy, when you are done with that take Alice and show her what is expected of her. I tried to explain it, but you know I'm not good at that sort of thing." Ms. Rebekah said.

"Yes'um" Sissy replied.

Once the heavy boxes were unloaded Sissy took me inside.

"So you Massa Smith new girl huh?" Sissy asked.

"What you mean?" I asked as if I didn't know what she was talking about.

"Ever body know what he do with his house keepers. Can you even cook?" Sissy asked.

I just looked at her.

"I didn't think so. He already got you?" Sissy asked.

"What you mean?" I asked.

"He already put himself on you?" Sissy asked.

I looked down at my feet, too ashamed to continue looking her in the eye.

"I thought so." Sissy said as a tear rolled down my face. "Look, I shows you what you needs to know and what you sposed to do, but I ain't doing you work fo you. Just cause you lay with the massa aint mean I taking up your part of duh work."

"Yes ma'am" I replied.

"Don't ma'am me. I aint no ma'am!" Sissy replied.

"Okay" I said.

Sissy gave me a look that let me know right away she didn't like me too much. Still she had indicated that she would help me, most likely because she felt sorry for me.

"Does Ms. Rebekah know bout Master Smith and his house keepers?" I asked.

"Of course she do. Ms. Bekah aint no fool." Sissy replied. "Why else he gone get a slave that can't cook or clean and make her a house keeper. He go pick out a pretty slave girl that will do what he want." Sissy said. "But I know he ain't duh type to force you to do nothing so dat say to me that you want it too."

"I just wanted out of that chicken house." I said.

"Now you ain't messing with the hens you gotta mess with the cock!" Sissy said as she laughed a little.

"What do I do?" I asked, desperate for an answer to the mistake I'd made.

"I reckon you do what you do. Ain't nobody tell you what to do in yo mess. You gotta do what you thank you need to." Sissy said.

"I wish I could just go back to the chicken house." I said.

"You don't want him messing with you huh?" Sissy asked.

"I thought it would be okay, but I didn't know what I was doing." I replied. "He said it would be better than those smelly houses but it's not. It's worse."

"Ain't dat duh truth? We all does stuff dat ain't good when we young. Look at Ms. Rebekah. When she was young she let her daddy tell her what to do and now she can't have no babies, no dat she want one with Master Smith, but even if he be a good man she can't have none." Sissy said.

"What happened to her?" I asked.

"It's a long story, maybe I tell you one day but you gots to make your own decisions. Slaves don't get to make many of them so you gotta make sure the ones you got are good ones." Sissy said.

Sissy talked with Ms. Rebekah and I don't know what she said but Ms. Rebekah agreed to let Sissy work with me for the next week or so to help me learn to do what I needed to do. I got to know Sissy really well over that week. I felt like I'd actually made a friend, but just when I thought that my new job would be okay, Master Smith
came calling.

Late one night as I lay in bed asleep from a long day I was awoken to someone climbing into my bed. I started to let out a scream, but he covered my mouth before I could let it out.

"It's me" Came Master Smith's voice in the dark.

I felt his hands moving under the covers, down around my legs until his eager fingers found the hem of my gown. He slowly pulled my gown up, letting his hands caress my legs until they reached my inner thighs. I held my legs together tightly as if they joined at the knees. Master Smith pushed them open before I knew what had happened and positioned
himself between my knees. I felt the covers rise up as they covered his back but could not see much in the dark room. A moment later I felt his hand at the outer portion of my entrance just before his fingers opened me. The warmth that I'd felt beneath the blankets was gone and the cold air of the night rushed in and Master Smith squirmed around for a better angle. I felt his hard cock slap against my left leg and then my right and he moved in closer. A moment later I felt the tip of his cock begin sliding up and down my slit. Between being suddenly awoken, the cold night air and the fact that I did not want to do what I felt obligated to do, I was unable to attain adequate arousal. That is to say my body refused to accommodate his dry shaft.

Master Smith attempted to plunge himself into me but met resistance that he had not before. Barely more than the tip of his penis made it past my inner folds, I heard him spit in the darkness and then put his hand between my legs before pushing hard into me. His shaft filled my dry womanhood as I closed my eyes. Even in the cold darkness I felt the need to shut them. I hoped that when I opened them again that I would wake up and that this would be a bad dream. He pushed himself in and out of me as hard and as fast as he could. I was thankful that his penis was not larger than it was. His spit soon dried but he was still inside. His dry skin ground against mine in a painful thrusting motion that I can only describe as needles scratching inside me. Desperate to end the pain I reached my arms around to his cold back and embraced him. Within a few minutes I felt my dry pussy quickly get wet and I knew that he'd ejaculated inside me again.

Once he was done he quickly left the room. I didn't open my eyes until I heard the door close behind him. I waited a few moments and got out of bed. I lit my lamp and went outside and into the barn. I was desperate to be clean so I raised my gown and began splashing water from the horse trough onto my womanly parts as fast as I could. The cold, almost icy water quickly numbed my nether region and I used an old blanket to wipe myself dry. The blanket was old and dirty, but not as dirty to my mind as Master Smith. I didn't know what to do or how to make this stop. I was disgusted with myself and frustrated with my helplessness.

With tears swelling in my eyes, I returned to the house.

"I expect he making use of you then." Said Sissy who was standing in the kitchen when I re-entered the house.

I burst into tears and ran as fast as I could to my room. I sat my lamp down and climbed under to covers burying my face into the old used pillow that I'd been given a week before.

"You ain't proud like Martha and Jane was. I reckon you mo like Gin." Sissy said as she stood in my doorway.

"What does it matter?" I asked.

"Oh it matter. Specially to Ms. Beckah." Sissy responded.

"Then why does she allow it?" I asked.

"Ain't no way foe her to stop it." Sissy began. "She call Massa Smith out and he gone say it aint so and den it his word ginst hers and a couple of slaves dat don't mean nothing."

"Then why does it matter to her?" I asked.

"Ms. Beckah gone put a stop to his cheating." Sissy replied. "You just hang on!"

I found comfort in Sissy's words. It didn't matter whether they were true or not, I was so desperate to find a friend that I would have believed that the moon was green if Sissy had said so that night. I cried myself back to sleep, hoping to feel better when the sun came up.

The next day, Master Smith and Master Miller had to leave for one of the towns in the next county and wouldn't be back for several days. Ms. Rebekah, Sissy and I had the house all to ourselves. I was surprised that Ms. Rebekah allowed Henry to come in the house while Master Smith was away.

"Sissy say's I can trust you" Ms. Rebekah said to me as I swept the porch she was rocking on while Sissy and Henry was upstairs moving furniture.

"I reckon" I said.

"You wouldn't lie to me if I asked you a question?" Ms. Rebekah asked.

"I don't much care for liars so I guess I'd tell the truth." I said. My heart raced as I prepared myself for the question that I knew was coming.

"My husband forces himself on you?" She asked.

I paused to choose my words carefully. "I think you know the answer to that, but if you need me to say it will." I responded.

"I'm afraid I do need to hear it from you." Ms. Rebekah replied.

"I can't rightly say he forces himself on me. I do what he says to do but I don't want to." I replied.

"So you're not happy with my husband's?" M.S. Rebekah asked.

"No ma'am." I said.

"Sissy said you cried yourself to sleep last night. Is that true?" Ms. Rebekah asked.

"Yes ma'am" I said.

"Why?" She asked.

"I reckon you know the answer to that too." I said.

"Tell me please" She said.

"I felt dirty when he was done with me. I didn't want him on top of me and I just felt..."

"I know" Ms. Rebekah interrupted as I paused to find the right word. "But you have to do what the master says right?"

"Yes ma'am." I replied as I finished sweeping the porch.

The next couple of days were quiet. Ms. Rebekah had Henry moving furniture and things almost every day. Sissy and I would come behind him cleaning as he moved things that had been put for years. It was hard to believe how much dirt and dust could get under things that sat flat on the floor.

The last night before Master Smith was to return home, Ms. Rebekah called Sissy, Henry and I to Master Smith's den.

"Just today I made an acquisition that I think will benefit not only myself but all of us." She began. "I spoke with Edward and I have purchased Alice from him. Alice everyone here knows what's happening with you and my husband. But I can tell that you aren't like Martha and Jane. They pranced around here like they owned the place. I made a mistake with Gin. I thought she was to blame for all of this but even making it look like she was a thief didn't stop this. I know now that I need your help."

Ms. Rebekah went on to spell out her plan. The things she told us was unthinkable, but her plan was a good one. Henry and I were the two most important pieces to the puzzle and I knew that Sissy didn't like the idea. The fact that we were even discussing it could have gotten all three of us slaves hanged from the nearest tree.

The next day Master Smith returned home although it was later in the afternoon. I waited until the sun set and the sky was just barely lit.

"Master Smith?" I said as he sat on the front porch.

"Yes Alice?" He answered.

"I was wondering if I could show you something in the barn." I asked.

"What is it?" He asked as he stood up. The tone of his voice said that he was tired and didn't want to be bothered. I was afraid that our plan would fail before it ever began. I was also afraid that Ms. Rebekah would change her mind after the fact and have Henry and I hanged.

"I need to show you something" I said as I began walking to the barn.

Master Smith followed behind me. I walked to the side and entered through the small door.

"What is it Alice?" He demanded as he stepped inside.

"I just wanted you know to that I'm sorry for not being ready for you the other night." I began trying to speak in a soft sensual voice.

"What are you speaking of girl?" He asked.

"I just wanted you to know that I can do better than that." I said as I began unbuttoning the top of my dress.

"Oh I see" Master Smith said. "I thought you might need a little training, but I see you've managed to work things out on your own."

"Yes sir" I replied as I finished the last button and pulled my dress past my shoulders and let it fall to the ground.

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