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Authors: Ashley Ryan

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The Masters Daughter


I never gave much thought to the slaves who worked on my father’s plantation. The only slave of interest to me was sissy, whom I played with every day as a child. Sissy’s mother Bea, was our cook and would always bring sissy up to the main house where we would play together for most of the day. It wasn’t until I was older that I began to understand the concept of slavery. By the time I was ten I began to understand the complexities of slavery and what it meant.

By the time I finished school my older brothers were preparing to take over my father’s responsibilities. He was getting older and ready to hand off the plantation. My oldest brother Mark had married and built a house on the western end of the plantation. I didn’t care for his wife Charlotte, she was only three years older than I was but acted as if she were the queen of England and entitled to everything. Mark was always protective of me when I was younger. I was his little sister and the only girl among my father’s five children. Once he was married, Mark virtually ignored me.

Samuel on the other hand was just as he’d always been, carefree and a little on the wild side. He often got into father’s whiskey in his younger years and more than once bore the marks of father’s belt. Samuel was always very kind though, unlike Mark who could be mean sometimes. My younger brothers, John and Luke were mischievous. They had more in common with Samuel than Mark but they were much too young to bare any responsibilities of the family farm. Luke who was the youngest had been born with a gimpy leg and trouble keeping up with John who was barely a year older than he was. It was also his birth that killed my mother.

As a girl or young woman, my duties were not to care for, tend to, or have anything to do with the plantation. My only responsibility, at least to my father’s mind was to marry and fulfill my duties as a wife. When I returned from school, father made it a point to let the local unmarried men know of my availability and it wasn’t long before they
came calling.

I exclaimed upon seeing longtime friend.

“Hello Miss Rebekah” Sissy said with a smile on her face.

I put my arms around her and gave her a hug.

“How have you been?” I asked.

“Fine miss” She replied. She didn’t seem as happy to see me as I was her.

“Are you okay?” I asked.

“Oh yes ma’am” she said.

Since when am I a ma’am?” I asked.

“Well you
is back from Atlanta and all growed up…”

“That doesn’t mean that I’m a ma’am.” I interrupted.

“I’m sorry miss but we aint kids no mo and it aint proper that I be callin you by yo name” Sissy said.

“Sissy, we just spoke last summer when I was visiting. What happened between then and now?” I asked.

“You is growed up now and mamma say it aint proper.” She replied.

“Okay then” I replied before letting her continue with her cleaning duties. The truth was that I felt like I’d lost my best friend.

Several days passed. Father had invited one of his business associates for dinner and of course his business associate had a son. I expected to come home and enjoy myself a while before father married me off, but for some reason he seemed in a hurry to get rid of me.

“You remember Charles don’t you Rebekah?” Father asked as I entered the dining room.

“I’m sorry, but no” I replied as I extended my hand.

“You and he used to play together at the docks when you were children.” Father added.

“Ah, I believe I do vaguely remember that” I replied. “That was some time ago”

“Indeed” Charles replied. “I see you’ve grown up quite a bit”

“As have you” I added before seating myself at the table.

I ate dinner quietly that evening. I spoke when spoken too, but added very little to the conversation. I could see that Charles was taken with me but the truth was he knew nothing of me and was only interested in how many children I could bear him and what kind of dowry would be included.

“I take it that he didn’t interest you?” Father asked after Charles and his father left.

“Not especially.” I replied. “Father, is it your intention to wed me as soon as possible?”

“Well you’re not getting any younger dear. I thought it best that you find a husband before all of the good ones are taken.” Father replied.

“Father, I would like to take some time before marrying. I only just returned from school and would like to settle in before moving out again.” I said.

“It’s not like you’ll be leaving tomorrow or even next month. A proper courtship should last several months, and a nice long engagement should put you not getting married until next summer.” Father said.

“Please father, just let me take it slowly.” I asked.

“How about I continue inviting nice young eligible men to dinner and you keep turning them down until you decide you like one?” Father asked.

“Fine, but I suggest you save the best ones for later as I am not very receptive to the idea right now” I said.

The next morning I decided to take a walk. It had been years since I’d walked around the plantation. It was very hot outside and I was itching to put my feet into the creek. I stopped by to ask Sissy if she wanted to walk with me but of course she had duties to attend to and still seemed to be avoiding me. I had put on an old dress that was a little small and opted not to wear a corset. I made my way around the northeastern field towards the creek that ran through the center of the plantation. I could see all the way across to the two northwestern fields where the slaves were working. The cotton was just beginning to bud and was still weeks away from blooming.

When I arrived at the creek I saw that my favorite spot had grown over with weeds from the lack of anyone walking or playing in the area. I couldn’t believe that no one had taken the time to visit this place and maintain it. Still I was not deterred. I walked down the overgrown embankment to the flat sandy spot where my brothers used to go fishing. The rock that I used to sit on to dangle my feet in the water was gone, probably moved by one of them. I sat on the wet sand took off my shoes before putting my feet in the water. I gasped for a moment as the icy cold spring water made first contact with my skin. I extended my legs and stretched my feet and was barely able to touch the rocks on the bottom of the creek. I was in one of the more shallow spots and the creek was just over two feet deep there. I leaned back putting my hands behind me and pushing them into the wet sand. I regretted not bringing a blanket with me. I would have loved nothing more than to lay back on the sandy berm but the last thing I wanted was sand in my long brown hair.

As I was getting ready to leave I heard voices from the top of the embankment. I pulled my feet from the water and began putting my shoes on. “Stop” said the voice of a woman as she giggled. I could hear movement but could not see anyone from my low vantage point. “Not here” Said the woman’s voice again. “Why not?” Asked the voice of a man.

I climbed up the embankment a short way until I could see the couple who’s been talking. It was a young nigger couple sitting near a large willow tree, he with his back to me and her looking just to the left of where I was knelt down. I watched as his hand slid over her left breast and slowly squeezed it. Their lips locked in a passionate embrace as his hand slowly moved downward to her waist and then to her hip. I was shocked at what I was seeing. I could not believe it and certainly couldn’t believe that the young wench was a willing participant. It was not very ladylike but as appalled as I was, I couldn’t look away.

I watched as the young buck’s hand slowly made its way under the wench’s skirt and then climb higher to her female region. It was only a moment before they broke their embrace and the wench arched her back. It was obvious that she was enjoying herself, yet she had a look of pain on her face. With his free hand her mate began unbuttoning her shirt exposing her undergarment. She paused for a moment to remove her shirt and the rags that she wore beneath it.

After a moment they separated themselves. I continued watching as the buck removed his shirt which was stained and dirty from the field. The faded scars on his back told me that he was no stranger to breaking the rules. The pressed their lips together again as the buck lifted her skirt. I could see that she had already removed her under garments although I hadn’t noticed when she’d done it, most likely while I was eyeing the scars on his back. I was close enough that I could clearly see the pink inner skin of her womanhood as he spread her outer folds apart. I gasped as he pulled down his pants. His manhood was enormous. It was not as large as the horses but it was much bigger than I’d expected it to be. It appeared to be very hard as he rubbed it in an up and down motion against the wench’s moist pink skin. After a few minutes he placed it against her entrance and began pushing it into her. I put my hand over my mouth to prevent them from hearing me gasp.

He was positioned between her willingly parted legs, her skirt had ridden up to her hips and his pants were to his knees. I watched as his ass rose and fell and listened to her moans of pleasure. Her young firm breasts bounced and shook with each of his powerful thrusts, rippling as water broken by a stone every time he pushed into the wench. Over and over he entered her until finally he pushed deeply inside of her and remained there for several moments as a look of pain covered his face and the veins in his neck bulged. Then he pulled his long shaft from her hole and I could see a thick white liquid running out of her.

The young buck rolled to one side of the wench and they lay there together for a few moments. Their faces reflected satisfaction and they seemed to not have a care in the world. I watched as his large firm penis slowly shrank to a smaller, softer state. The wench began putting her clothes back on, taking a moment to wipe the white liquid from her female parts with a handkerchief. As they turned to face the direction where I was hiding, I sank lower behind the tree and embankment that hid me from their view. The young buck left, walking toward the fields that were being worked while the wench began walking toward me.

I didn’t want her to know I was there, but it seemed that she would walk right up to me. I stepped out from behind the tree and onto the upper bank of the creek. She looked as if she’d seen a ghost and turned nearly white when she saw me.

“Good day” I said as her eyes fell to the ground.

“Good day miss” She replied as she stared at her shoes.

“What’s your name?” I asked.

“Anny” Replied the wench.

“What do you have there?” I asked pointing to the handkerchief.

“Juss my hanky” She replied. “I’s goin to the creek to wash it off”

“Okay then” I said and watched as she walked past me climbed down the embankment to the water.

I leaned against the tree and watched as she scrubbed the handkerchief.

“I saw what you were doing you know” I said.

Anny stopped scrubbing and appeared to be thinking of what to say. Maybe she was waiting on me to say something more. Either way there was an awkward silence for several moments. Anny began ringing the water from the small cloth before standing to look at me.

“Have you gotten permission to mate with him?” I asked.

“No ma’am” she said as she stood at the bottom of the embankment and I at the top.

“Come here” I commanded.

Anny carefully climbed to the top of the embankment and bowed her head again as if she were waiting on me to scold her.

“Is he your mate?” I asked.

“Not zactly miss” Anny replied.

“Explain” I said.

“Leon wanna be my man but when he axe daddy if he could talk to masa bout jumpin tha broom, daddy say I ain’t old enough yet.” Anny replied.

I had no idea that the slaves asked permission from their parents prior to asking permission from my father or brother. I’d never given it much thought.

“So you just act like your married without anyone knowing?” I asked.

loves him and he loves me and…”

“But what will you do if you become with child?” I asked.

“Den daddy haf ta let me marry him” Anny replied. “Is you gonna tell on us?” Anny asked.

“No” I replied as I turned to leave.

“Oh thank you miss!” She exclaimed as I began walking back toward the house.

One afternoon, about three weeks since arriving back home I walked out on the porch to sit in the swing and in the distance I heard the cracking of a whip followed by someone screaming. I knew the sound and knew that a slave had done something that they shouldn’t have. I walked off of the porch and past the barn toward the slave quarters located near the south end of the creek. The whipping and screaming got louder and louder as I drew closer to the slave quarters. Finally in the distance I could see the distinct outline of a black body tied to a large pine tree as Mark hit the slave with the large bull whip. I continued
walking toward them. I knew Mark would not be happy with my presence, after all ladies didn’t watch such things. Then again, I wasn’t a slave and didn’t recognize Mark as having any authority over me.

“Miss Rebekah you shouldn’t be here!”
Said Bea who was walking away from the scene.

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