B009YBU18W EBOK (102 page)

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Authors: Adam Zamoyski

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on Napoleon in battle 422

on regimental reunions 557

on retreat from Vilna 516

on stragglers 443

Bourgoing, Baron Lt Paul de 343, 442, 490, 515

Bourienne, Gen. Louis Antoine 351

Boyen, Major von 122

Bozhanov, I.S. 299

Brandt, Capt. Heinrich von 230, 466, 497, 498, 509

Braux (French grenadier) 341

Bréaut des Marlots, Jean 276

Brechtel, Capt. 486

Breton, Col. Auguste 426, 445

Brezhnev, Leonid Ilyich xxi

Britain 74

British India 33–4

and Continental System 15, 32, 66–7, 69

French offer of peace to 107

Napoleon on 520–1

relations with Russia 24, 25, 29–31, 196, 228

war with France 5, 6, 11, 15–16, 32, 76, 103, 361, 545

war with United States 196, 524

Bro, Capt. Louis 356

Brucker, Col. 474

Brunswick-Oels, Duke of 51

Bruyère, Gen. 216

Bucharest, Treaty of 195

Bulgaria 125

Bulletins de la Grande Armée
145, 370, 495, 525

Burchell, William J. 78

Burke, Edmund 20

Busch, Capt. 466

Bussy, Jean Marc 469, 473

Buturlin, Dmitri Petrovich xvii, 292

Byron, Lord 555, 556

Calosso, Lt 88

Cambacérès, Jean-Jacques, Duc de 108, 525

Casabianca, Col. 402

Castellane, Boniface de: on deference of German royals to Napoleon 109

on ex-convict regiment 470

expects march to India 350

frostbite 498

on ineffectiveness of dismounted cavalry 355

Napoleon’s envoy to Nansouty 158, 165

on Narbonne 488

on Russian weather 389

on women with army 449

Castro, Col. de 472

Cathcart, Lord 388

Catherine, Grand Duchess: advises Alexander against leading army 126, 206–7, 246–7

Alexander’s correspondence with 37, 39, 70, 128, 331, 527

on fall of Moscow 313, 314

lovers of 120

marriage of 56

on Napoleon 28

regrets not being a man 198

as Russian cultural icon 64–5

and Russian Ministers 112, 113

on Tilsit 30

Catherine the Great, Empress 6, 17, 21–2, 211

Caulaincourt, Armand Augustin Louis, Duc de Vicence 133, 159, 195, 196, 227, 228, 297–8

accompanies Napoleon during retreat 407, 408, 420

communications between Moscow and Paris 338

doubts advisability of war 92, 229, 351–2

French ambassador in St Petersburg 33–4, 37, 59, 61, 71

on fall of Minsk 458

on gravity of French position 305, 380

on lack of organisation during retreat 418

Master of the Horse 100, 356, 357, 394

on mood of troops 481

on Napoleon’s courage 460

in Napoleon’s entourage 146–7, 218

on Napoleon’s fear of encirclement 438

on Napoleon’s hopes for United States 524

and Napoleon’s marriage plans 56, 57

on Napoleon’s shortcomings 234, 307, 419

on Ney 425, 438, 439

on plight of cavalry horses 176

recalled 72–4

refuses to go to St Petersburg 307

relations with Alexander 69

on respect of troops for Napoleon 455

returns to Paris with Napoleon 496, 520–2, 524–5

on transportation of wounded 380

on Vilna as promised land 500

Caulaincourt, Gen. Auguste de 278

Chambray, Georges de 272, 301

Champagny, Jean-Baptiste de, Duc de Cadore 55, 60–1, 76

Chamski, Tadeusz Józef 162

Chapelle, Col. A. 479

Charles, Archduke of Austria 50, 51

Charles IV, King of Spain 36

Charles XII, King of Sweden 92, 153. 193.337

Charles XIII, King of Sweden 65

Châteaubriand. René de 555

Chernyshev, Col. Aleksandr Ivanovich 72, 83, 106–7, 312 359

Chetvertakov, Yermolai 329

Chevalier, Jean-Michel 230, 234, 341, 450

Chichagov, Admiral Pavel Vasilievich 195, 251, 359

army numbers 589n

attacks French at Berezina 472, 478–80

Bagration’s correspondence with 239, 240

Balkan uprising plan of 125, 128

Borisov falls to 459

duped at Berezina crossing 464, 469, 470, 494

forces in south 195, 412

issues description of Napoleon 438

Minsk falls to 437–8, 458

in pursuit of French retreat 433, 436, 458, 461

Chicherin, Lt Aleksandr V. 295, 324, 360, 494, 500

Chłapowski, Dezydery 342

Chopin, Col. 398

Clarke, Gen. Henri Jacques, Duc de Feltre 87, 158

Clary, Désirée 65

Clary, Julie 65

Clausewitz, Karl von xx, 238

arrest for spying 170–1

on Berezina 480

on Borodino 280

on foreigners 250

on Kutuzov 250, 273, 287, 525

on ‘motionless obstinacy’

of Russian soldier 231

negotiates with Prussians 535

on retreat from Moscow 333

on role of weather 523

on Russian rearguard 240

on Smolensk 214, 235

on state of Russian army 317

on strength of Russian strategy 208

takes service in Russia 122

on Vitebsk 567n

Code Napoléon
45, 58

Coignet, Lt Jean-Roch 309

Colbert, Gen. 349

Combe, Lt Julien 136, 220, 232, 261, 297, 399, 405, 450, 514

Compans, Gen. Jean-Dominique, Count 101, 190, 254, 268, 344–5, 373, 523

Confederation of the Rhine 11, 42, 44–5, 49, 86

Confederation of Warsaw 164, 195

Conrady, Lt Col. von 224

Constant (Louis Constant Wairy, Napoleon’s valet) 455, 460, 482, 496

Constant, Benjamin 53

Constantine, Grand Duke 20, 542

candidate for Polish throne 72

hatred of Barclay 121, 169, 219–20, 245

pessimism after Smolensk 247

pride in parades 120–1, 126, 526

profiteering 320

rejoins army 435

treatment of prisoners 403, 531

victory celebrations 432

Constantinople 21, 34, 37, 229, 350, 554

Continental System 15, 46, 48, 55, 66–7, 69–70, 73, 75, 83, 136, 320, 344

Corbineau, Gen. Jean-Baptiste 461

Corneille, Pierre 7

Corvisart, Dr Jean Nicolas 2, 3–4

Crimea xviii, 20, 25

Czaplic, Gen. Evfemii 462, 463–5, 470–1, 473, 494, 515

Czartoryski, Prince Adam Jerzy 68–9, 70, 74, 126

Dabrowski, Gen. Jan Henryk 438, 457, 458, 459, 472

Danzig 138, 139, 144, 158, 527, 535

Daru, Count Pierre 135, 458, 485

Davidov, Lt Denis 63, 327–8, 402, 436, 440, 547, 551

Davout, Marshal Louis-Nicolas, Prince d’Eckmühl 84, 96, 196, 234, 417–18, 562n, 570n

baton captured 431

at Borodino 254, 257–8, 268, 270, 272, 275, 282

commander in Germany 71, 80, 87

Corps of,
Grande Armée: 1st Corps;

as good commander 357

joins up with Napoleon 138

in Moscow 346

as possible king of Poland 133

on progress of campaign 155

relations with Jérôme 168

retreat from Moscow 386–7

on Russian climate 352

on significance of campaign 235

victory claimed by 523

Debowski, Ignacy 541

Decembrist Rising (1825) xvi, 335

Déchy, Édouard 325–6

Dedem de Gelder, Gen. Baron Antoine-Baudouin van 192, 222, 301, 378, 399, 412

Dejean, Gen. 88, 89

Delzons, Gen. Alexis Joseph 373

infantry division of 177, 178, 268, 275, 371, 373

Dembinski, Lt Henryk 349, 350

Deroy, Gen. Erasmus 144, 191, 308

Derzhavin, Gavril Romanovich 64

Desaix, Gen. 268

Diebitsch, Gen. Johann 535

Dnieper river 207, 209, 211, 213, 214, 427–9

Dokhturov, Gen. Dmitri Sergeievich 207, 214, 219–20, 274, 291, 316, 371, 494

Doreille, Col. 87

Dornberg, Col. 50

Dorogobuzh 214, 236, 238, 277, 390, 404, 407, 409, 570–1n

Dorokhov, Gen. Ivan Semyonovich 328

Dostoevsky, Fyodor:
Crime and Punishment

Doumerc, Gen. 472

Dresden 109–10, 130, 134, 524, 546

Drissa 125, 170–2, 176, 203

Dubois, Dr Antoine 2, 3

Dubrovna 424, 438

Ducor, Henri 179, 187, 500, 530

Dumas, Gen. Mathieu, Count 96, 135, 193, 519

Dumonceau, Capt. François 97, 368, 381, 385, 390, 496–7

Dunaburg 194

Dupont, Gen. Pierre 35, 92

Dupuy, Lt Victor 161, 399

Durnovo, Nikolai Dmitrievich 334, 363

Duroc, General Geraud Christophe, Duc de Frioul 92, 196, 222, 229, 458, 496

Durova, Nadezhda A. 332

Dushenkievich, Lt D.V. 237, 266, 335–6

Dutheillet de la Mothe, Aubin 188

Duverger, B.T. 343, 401, 441, 455

Eblé, Gen. Jean-Baptiste 148, 217, 461, 463, 477–8, 533

Edling, Countess Roxanne 206, 315

Elbing 144

Elizabeth, Empress of Russia 30, 432

Elster river 546

Emil, Prince of Hesse 487

Engelhardt, Pavel Ivanovich 323

Enghien, Louis Antoine de Bourbon-Condé, Duc d’ 6, 23

Eremenko, Stepan 329

Erfürt 35–7, 38, 48, 56

Ertel, Gen. 119

Essen, Gen. Ivan Nikolaevich 534

Essling.Battle of 38, 51, 261

Eugène, Prince,
Beauharnais, Eugène de

Eugene. Prince of Württemberg 70fn, 274, 287

Everts, Major Henri Pierre 135, 185, 444

Eylau, Battle of 27, 63, 119

Eysmont, Józef 162

Faber du Faur, G. de 391, 584n

Fabvier, Col. Étienne 261

Fain, Baron Agathon Jean François 157, 193

on Napoleon’s complexion 14

on Napoleon’s departure on campaign

on Napoleon’s obsession with Continental System 70

on Napoleon’s relations with commanders 90, 196, 305

on Napoleon’s state of mind 131, 227, 374

returns to Paris with Napoleon 496

on Russian peasant soldiers 212

Fantin des Odoards, Capt. Louis Florimond 149

on ball in Vilna 165

on Battle of Smolensk 218

confidence in Napoleon 350

on misery of troops 222

in Moscow 296, 298, 303, 343

Faré, Lt Charles A. 217, 233

Fath Ali, Shah 34

Faure, Dr Raymond 177–8, 220, 281, 404

Ferrières, Gen. 352

Fesch, Joseph, Cardinal 554

Fezensac, Raymond, Duc de: on Borodino 254, 261

on Kremlin parade 364

losses suffered by regiment of 418, 427, 487

on Ney 428

on stragglers 386

on thieving 483

on wounded 379

Fichte, Johann Gottlieb 49, 545

Fiéreck, Col.451

Figes, Orlando xvi

Figner, Aleksandr Samoilovich 328, 387, 402, 440

Fili 290

Finland 37, 65, 66, 68, 103, 104, 119, 131, 247

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