Authors: Adam Zamoyski
and Polish question 58–61, 68–9, 70–2
proclamations and manifestos 152, 153–4, 171, 201–2, 315, 324, 330
public sentiments towards 68, 314, 318, 323
rallies Russian people 172, 198, 201–6
refusal to negotiate 128–30, 154, 304–8, 314–17, 381
relations with Barclay 169, 245–6
relations with Kutuzov 25, 26, 246–7, 312, 313, 362, 432–3, 526
relations with Napoleon 24, 25, 27–9, 31, 35–9, 57–8, 60, 69–70, 74, 105
religion and superstition 79, 128, 331, 527, 547, 552
rivalry with Napoleon 38–9, 40
in Russian historiography xvii
St Petersburg court of 245
on treatment of prisoners 403
and Treaty of Tilsit 29–30
victory celebrations 432, 527, 546–7
in Vilna 525–5, 528
Alexander II, Tsar xviii
Alexander, Prince of Württemberg 121, 193
Alexander Nevsky, St 172
Alexei Mikhailovich, Tsar 205
Allonville, Gen. d’ 70fn
Alorna, Gen. Pierre, Marquis d’ 87
Amiens, Peace of (1802) 6
Andreev, Lt Nikolai 327
Anhalt-Coethen, Prince of 108
Anna, Grand Duchess 56–7, 68
Anstett, Jean Protais 121
Arakcheev, Gen. 121, 246, 313
artillery reforms of 116
Bagration’s correspondence with 239, 245
Barclay’s correspondence with 169, 210
persuades Alexander to leave army 172, 198
profiteering 320
Arentshild, Col. 330
Armfeld, Gustav Mauritz 112, 121, 159
Arndt, Ernst Moritz 49, 330
Arnoldi, Capt. 463, 464, 485
Aspern, Battle of 51
Aubry, Gen. 463
Aubry, Capt. Thomas Joseph 370
Auerstädt, Battle of 26, 43, 51, 125
Augerau, Gen. 409
Augustine, Vicar of Moscow 202
Austerlitz, Battle of 25–6, 42, 63, 74, 172, 179, 246, 266
Austria 8, 11, 32, 35, 36–7, 74, 126
alliance with France 58, 103, 545
attempts to drive French out of Germany 38, 50–2
nationalism 49–50
relations with Russia 75, 546, 553
treaties with France 38, 52, 104
wars with France 5, 24, 25–6, 59, 76, 122, 305
Auvray, Sub-Lt Pierre 444
Baggovut, Gen. Karl Fiodorovich 273, 362, 363
Bagration, Prince Piotr Ivanovich 70fn, 127, 139
angered by orders received 169–70, 210–11
on appointment of Kutuzov 249
at Borodino 256, 270–1, 274
commander Russian Second Army 117, 120, 152, 158, 166, 180
death of 287
evades encirclement 158, 166–8, 174, 195
family background 122
insubordination 211, 213, 214
joins forces with Barclay 207, 208
plan for campaign 123, 152
relations with Barclay 238–9, 240, 245, 271, 571n
at Rudnia 209, 210, 212, 214
on Russian retreat 236
at Smolensk 219
suspects betrayal 237
wounded 270–1, 274
Bagration, Princess 55
Bailén, Battle of 35, 36, 48, 92
Bakunina, Varvara Ivanovna 203, 246
Balashov, Aleksandr Dmitrievich 151, 241, 243, 289, 549
Alexander’s envoy to Napoleon 154, 158–60
persuades Alexander to leave army 172, 198
plot against Speransky 112–13
Bald, Cpl Jean 489
Balkans 8, 20, 104, 125
Balzac, Honoré de:
Le Médecin de Campagne 557
Bankenberg (Saxon under-officer) 476
Baraguay d’Hilliers, Gen. 354, 377, 409
Baran 438
Barclay de Tolly, Gen. Mikhail
Bogdanovich 121, 123, 127, 139, 140, 247
addresses troops 153
appointed commander-in-chief 168–9, 172–3
at Borodino 255–6, 280, 360
in campaign of 1813 546
commander First Army 117, 119–20, 123, 154–5, 166, 170, 176–8, 251, 359
demands for removal of 239, 245–6
family background 122
joins forces with Bagration 207–8
on Kutuzov’s entourage 250
Minister of War 70, 249
orders withdrawal from Vilna 152
proclamations 207
relations with senior officers 168, 207, 225, 238–9
reluctance to give battle 177, 179–80, 208–9, 290–1
replaced by Kutuzov 248–9
resigns command 360
at Rudnia 209, 210
at Smolensk 214, 219–20, 222, 223
strategic planning 123–4
summoned to St Petersburg 433
suspects betrayal 169
whispering campaign against 179, 238, 239, 242, 245, 317
Barlow, Joel 339
Barrau, Jean-Pierre Armand 340, 366
Baudus, Lt-Col. K. de 368, 465
Bausset, Louis Jean François de 260, 364
Bautzen, Battle of 545
Bavaria 11, 45, 50, 51, 80, 311
Beauharnais, Prince Eugène de 96, 110, 305
at Borodino 258, 278
commander Army of Italy 80, 85
goes out to meet Ney 430
inexperience 167
Italian Corps of, see Grande Armée: 4th Corps;
jokes about frostbite 447
at Krasny 420–1
in Moscow 337
as possible commander in chief 495–6
as possible king of Poland 133
as possible regent 108
refuses to surrender 420–1
reprimanded by Napoleon 167
retreat from Moscow 369, 387
at Smolensk 209
at Vop crossing 409–11
Beauharnais, Stephanie de 45
Beaulieu, Capt. Drujon de 406, 516
Beauveau, Charles de 388
Beethoven, Ludwig van 42
Begos, Louis 469
Bélliard, Gen. Augustin Daniel 351
Bellot de Kergorre, A. 190, 311, 533, 534
Bénard, Sgt 532
Benckendorff, Col. Aleksandr 127, 323, 548–9
Bendai, Lt 390
Bennigsen, Countess 151
Bennigsen, Gen. Count Lev 63, 127, 334
accusations against fellow commanders 317
at Borodino 256, 274
in campaign of 1813 546
commander in East Prussia 26, 27
country house of 151
eager for offensive against French 219, 291, 332, 362, 375, 422
involvement in murder of Paul 121
joins Alexander’s entourage 121, 159
as Kutuzov’s chief of staff 248, 250, 251, 253
leads assault on Murat’s camp 362, 363
military career 121
Napoleon’s admiration of 263
as possible commander-in-chief 246, 248
relations with Kutuzov 332, 360, 361, 363, 376, 388, 434
suggests abandoning guns 434
suspended from duties 388
war plan of 70fn, 123
Benthien, Capt. 465, 467, 540
Bérenger, Gen. 364
Berezina river 437, 458, 532, 557
battle of 470–7, 493, 494
crossing of 459–69, 475–80, 490, 526, 589n
duping of Russians 462, 464, 469, 470, 494
maps 462, 471
stragglers left behind 478–81
troop numbers at 471–2, 588–9n
Berlin 43, 47, 48, 84, 105, 493
Bernadotte, Jean Baptiste, Prince of Ponte Corro 128, 170
correspondence with Alexander 126, 315
Crown Prince of Sweden 65–6
leads army against French 545, 546
meeting with Alexander in Finland 247
as possible successor to Barclay 246
relations with Napoleon 65–6, 133, 247
treaty with Russia 104
Berthézène, Gen. Baron Pierre 90, 143, 222, 229, 321, 373, 507
Berthier, Marshal Alexandre, Prince de Neuchâtel 63, 166–7, 361, 411
at Berezina 465
life-style of 91
Napoleon’s chief of staff 91, 436, 510
in Napoleon’s entourage 159, 196, 225, 229, 266, 282
reaches Vilna 507
refused permission to return to Paris 496
travels with Napoleon 134, 146–7, 408
treatment of prisoners 228
Bertolini, Capt. Bartolomeo 322, 373, 403, 417
Bertrand, Sgt Vincent 415, 468, 511, 516, 537
Beshenkoviche 177, 195
Beskrovny, L.G. xxi
Bessières, Marshal Jean-Baptiste, Duc d’Istrie 159, 266, 468, 513
Beulay, Grenadier Honoré 457
Beyle, Henri,
Biesieda 64
Bignon, Édouard 501
Biot, Capt. Hubert François 287, 388
Blanchard, Madame 2
Blankenfelde, Battle of 546
Blaze de Bury, Lt E. 94, 98, 231, 383
Blücher, General Gebhart 47, 545, 546
Bobr 459, 588n
Bolgovsky, Lt 370–1
Bonamy, Gen. 272–3, 274, 275
Bonaparte, Caroline, Queen of Naples 139
Bonaparte, Jérôme, King of Westphalia 79
corps commander 139, 155
fails to encircle Bagration 158, 166–8
marriage of 45
mobilises army 80
nationalist plot against 50, 83
as possible king of Poland 133
as possible king of Prussia 43
relations with fellow commanders 168
reprimanded by Napoleon 167–8
returns home 168
Bonaparte, Joseph, King of Spain 11, 67, 107, 545
Bonaparte, Napoleon,
Napoleon I
Bonet, Auguste 416
Borcke, Capt. Johann von 86
Borgo, Pozzo di 55
Borisov 437, 438, 456–7, 459–62, 468–70, 494, 541
Borodino, Battle of xx, 252, 327, 556
artillery bombardment 267–8, 276–7
casualty figures 287–8
command posts 266
condition of troops 259–60
final assault 278–80, map 279
French recross battlefield 379
mood of men 261–3, 282–3
morning attacks 268–78
map 269
Napoleon’s battle plan 258
proclamation 265–6
outcome of 286–7, 315, 358, 574n
preparations for 255
Raevsky redoubt 252, 255, 257, 267, 272–6, 277–81, 285
Russian positions 252–7, map 253
Shevardino redoubt 252, 254, 255, 265, 266
troop numbers 258–9
wounded 281–4, 311, 353–4, 379–80
Borovsk 377
Boulart, Col. Jean François: on burning of Smolensk 218, 230
on condition of retreating troops 451
on dead and dying 453
on food supplies 398
on foraging difficulties 138
letter to wife 389
on looting of Moscow 302
on mood of troops 101, 147–8, 229, 261, 393
retreat from Smolensk 419–20, 423
on road from Vilna 513
on storm damage 156
Bourbons 6, 10, 11, 41
Bourdier, Dr 2
Bourgeois, Dr René 233, 368, 455, 483, 499, 505
Bourgogne, Sgt Adrien: booty amassed by 346–7, 366, 395
at Borodino 267
on cannibalism 485
on care of animals 490
on cold 390, 497
on crossing of Berezina 478
on devotion of men to Napoleon 455
on entertainments in Moscow 347
on entry into Moscow 296, 298
on fires in Smolensk 416
on fortitude of women 489
on mood on retreat 481