B007Q6XJAO EBOK (44 page)

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Authors: Betsy Prioleau

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priming, 104

(musical), 65–66

prolactin, 124

Prose, Francine, 180

Psyche (myth.), 105

psychopaths, 9

PUA (pickup artist), 16–17

Puisieux, Madeleine de, 184, 216

Purple Violets
(movie), 49

Pushkin, Alexander,
Eugene Onegin
, 118

Putney, Mary Jo, 56

Pyle, Missi, 99

quarrels, 207–13

quicksilver man, 51–54

Quinn, Anthony, 72

Rake, The
, 140, 177

Raleigh, Sir Walter, 53, 80, 102, 148

Ramachandran, V. S., 48

Rank, Otto, 8

Rauschenbach, Emma, 156, 157

Ray, Catherine, 89

Récamier, Juliette, 174

Reed, Gail S., 8

Reese, George, 159–60

Reeves, Amber, 218

Reik, Theodor, 143

Renaissance, 110, 140, 236

Reyneau, Betsy, 189

Richardson, Dorothy, 218

Richardson, Samuel,
, 5

Richelieu, Louis François du Plessis, duc de, 41–42, 118, 204–6, 216

Rick the fire captain, 31–32, 59, 122–23, 234–35

Ridgway, Christie,
Unravel Me
, 153

Ridley, Matt, 138

Rilke, Rainer Maria, 48

Rinehart, Lisa, 118

Roach, Joseph, 32, 55

Roberts, Nora, 76

Rockets, Rusty, 48

Rogers, Ginger, 35, 178

Rollin, Betty, 78

Romantic era, 26

Romantic love, 37

Ross, JoAnn,
One Summer
, 169–70

Rossellini, Isabella, 118

Roth, Philip,
Portnoy’s Complaint
, 187

Rougemont, Denis de, 4

Roxie (journalist), 221–23, 228, 229, 231–32

royal rush (male initiative), 136–42

Rubirosa, Porfirio, 85, 116, 123–24, 231

Rush, Norman, 76, 88

Rushdie, Salman,
The Ground Beneath Her Feet
, 52, 109

Russell, Bertrand, 76, 183

Russell, John, 50

(movie), 190

Sade, Marquis de, 25

Sam (retail magnate), 191–92

Samaroff, Olga, 111

Sand, George, 34, 64, 128–29

Sanger, Margaret, 219

Sarkozy, Nicolas, 87

Sartre, Jean-Paul, 87, 100, 183

Satanic seducer, 4–7

genuine, 5–7

Paradise Lost
, 4

(Petronius), 171

savoir faire, 79

Scarlet Pimpernel
(Orczy), 204

Schiffer, Irvine, 32, 55

Schine, Cathleen, 74

Scott, Randolph, 24

Sebastian D. (indie producer), 136–37

Second Sex, The
(Beauvoir), 1

(Kjærstad), 214–15


future prospects, 241–46

genuine, 18–20

heartthrobs, 20–24

ladies’ men, 24–27, 235–36

names for, 2

nowadays, 221–41

player, 16–18

professional, 5–7

Satanic, 4–7

stereotypes of, 3, 6, 13, 25

warnings about, 3–4

woman-pleasers, 8–12

(Baudrillard), 93, 99

Seifer, Judith, 224

self-absorption, 8

self-realization, 86–90

senses, 97–133

appearance, 99–103

body language, 113–16, 165–66

dance, 113, 116–19, 134

food and wine, 129–32

gifts and wealth, 125–29

music, 107–12

setting, 103–7

sexpertise, 119–25

Serres, Michel, 183

setting, 103–7

sex drive, 39–42

sexpertise, 119–25, 229

sexual addiction, 8

sexual ambiguity, 45–48, 101

Shakespeare, William, 143, 163

shamans, 49, 55, 71, 163, 185–86, 240

Sheehy, Gail, 155

Shiva (myth.), 83, 88, 101, 152, 169

and bisexuality, 46

and dance, 117, 214

as fertility god, 52, 145

and mystery, 203

and Parvati, 75, 209

Shriver, Lionel, 161–62, 209

silence, 161, 165, 170

Silver, Rebecca, “Fearful Symmetry,” 56

Simon, Simone, 35

Simone, Madame, 166

Simons, Ilana, 186

Sinatra, Frank, 23, 31, 38, 112

Singer, Irving, 135, 238

Sircello, Guy, 180

Skelton, Barbara, 211

skin, 123

smile, 114–15

Smiley, Jane, 233

Sobieski, Leelee, 99

social IQ, 78–82

sociopaths, 9

Socrates, 38, 92

Solomon, 34

Solomon, Robert, 62, 143, 208, 213

sophistication and irony, 26

Spade, David, 179

Sparks, Nicholas,
The Notebook
, 103–4

Spender, Stephen, 50

Spielrein, Sabina, 156–57

spirituality, 70–74

spontaneity, 201

Staël, Germaine de, 141

Stallworthy, Jon, 185

Stanfill, Francesca,
Shadows and Light
, 5

Stanger, Patti, 33

Steinem, Gloria, 78

Stendhal, 70, 154

Stepp, Laura Sessions, 229, 230

Steve (fict.), 131

Stevenson, Polly, 89

Stevenson, Robert Louis, 68–70, 126, 138, 190

Stokowski, Leopold, 25, 38, 110–11

Straus, Jillian, 227

Strauss, Neil,
The Game
, 16–18

Strozzi, Filippo, 88, 140

surprise, 203

Susann, Jacqueline,
Love Machine
, 5

Swayze, Patrick, 118

Sweetest Thing, The
(movie), 147

Swift, Kay, 35

Symons, Donald, 13

Synge, John Millington,
Playboy of the Western World
, 187

Talleyrand-Périgord, Charles-Maurice de, 57, 170

Taylor, Elizabeth, 172, 188, 208

Taylor, Timothy, 122

Terell, Tom, 142

Thackeray, William Makepeace, 221

Their Eyes Were Watching God
(Hurston), 110

Thomas, Anjani, 188

Throckmorton, Bess, 80

Tiefer, Leonore, 226

Time Traveler’s Wife, The
(movie), 179

(movie), 49

Tolstoy, Leo:

Anna Karenina
, 5, 139, 167

“Kreutzer Sonata,” 109

Torchia, Mike, 168

Tracy, Spencer, 207

transcendence, 71

transference, 58

Travolta, John, 72

Tree, Herbert Beerbohm, 115

Trickster (myth.), 176

Trina (filmmaker), 221–23, 228, 239

Tristan and Iseult (myth.), 152

Turgenev, Ivan, 57, 182–83

Turrentine, Jeff, 104

Unbearable Lightness of Being, The
(Kundera), 80, 203

unconscious, 83, 104, 147

Unger, Roberto, 213

Updike, John:

Gertrude and Claudius
, 128

Witches of Eastwick
, 146–47

Valentino, Rudolph, 25

Vance (ladies’ man about town), 36, 134–35

Vanderbilt, Gloria, 111

van de Velde, Theodoor Hendrik, 237, 245

Ideal Marriage
, 113

Varda, Agnès, 244

variety, 202–3

Velez, Lupe, 47

Venus (myth.), 177

Viardot, Pauline, 57, 183, 233

Vicky Cristina Barcelona
(movie), 82

Victoria, queen of England, 170

Vidal, Peire (fict.), 140

Vilmorin, Louise de, 149

virtue/morality, 61–66

Vishnu (myth.), 117

voice, inflections, 166–67

Volland, Sophie, 184

Voltaire, 10, 61, 76, 159

vulnerability, 55, 57

Wainger, Leslie, 176

Walcott, Derek,
Joker of Seville
, 187

Walters, Barbara, 78

Warner, Marina, 232

Warre-Cornish, Mollie, 189

Warren, Lisa Solod, 227

Washington, Booker T., 91

Watson, Cynthia, 104

Waugh, Evelyn, 150

wealth, 132

and gifts, 125–29

and prestige, 12–13, 228

Weber, Max, 33

Wedding Date, The
(movie), 220

Wells, H. G., 53, 218–19, 231

Wesley, Mary,
Not That Sort of Girl
, 139

West, Mae, 33

West, Rebecca, 219

Wharton, Edith,
, 146

Whitman, Walt, 86

Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
(play), 212

Williams, Robin, 58

Williams-Wynn, Alexandra, 50

Wilson, Mary, 155

Wiseman, Richard, 186

wit, 174–79

Witches of Eastwick
(Updike), 146–47

Wolff, Toni, 157


genuine, 9–12

pathologic, 8–9


as choosers in mating, 241

estranged, 226–27

Wood, Lana, 44, 170

Woolf, Virginia, 78, 189

Wright, Frank Lloyd, 38, 49, 106–7, 216

Wuthering Heights
(Brontë), 37, 153

Wynn (antique dealer), 119–20

(TV), 238–39

Yeats, William Butler, “Leda and the Swan,” 187

Zahavi, Amotz, 59, 127

Zhivago, Dr. (fict.), 68

ziggurat, 105

, 34

Zoe (art dealer), 221–23, 227, 228, 230, 246

Zuckerman, Mort, 78

Photo Insert

The great Casanova

The great Hindu sex deity, Shiva, dancing the Dance of the Cosmos

The penultimate sex god Dionysus seducing Ariadne

“Second Dionysus,” Alcibiades, ca. 450–404 BCE

“Hero of the boudoir,” Louis François Armand, duc de Richelieu

“The most remarkable lover of his time,” Gabriele D’Annunzio

The “mad, bad, dangerous to know” romantic poet and ladykiller, Lord Byron

“Sweet man” Duke Ellington pursued by women

“Fanatical lover of women,” Robert Louis Stevenson

Irresistible Rubi, the “last playboy”

Crooner and “woman’s man” Sam Cooke

Former President Bill Clinton turning on the charm

“Adonis of the drawing room,” Prince Clemens von Metternich

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