B007Q6XJAO EBOK (42 page)

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Authors: Betsy Prioleau

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Abelard, 181–82

About Love
(Solomon), 213

Adam’s Rib
(movie), 207

Addams, Charles, 210–11

Adonis (myth.), 55, 105

Agnelli, Gianni, 129

Alcibiades, 38–39, 46

alcohol, 131

Allen, Woody, 82

Allende, Isabel, 132

Almodóvar, Pedro, 132

A Lot Like Love
(movie), 229

alpha male:

Darwinian theory of, 12–14

genuine, 14–16

qualities of, 12–13, 212

Alsop, Joseph, 150

Amis, Kingsley, 9, 35, 199–200, 228

amphetamines, 144

Anatomy of Melancholy, The
(Burton), 101, 107

androgyny, 45–48, 101, 102, 230

anger, 225, 226

Anna Karenina
(Tolstoy), 5, 139, 167

Anne (psychoanalyst), 221–23, 228, 230, 231

apathy, 83

Apatow, Judd, 225

Aphrodite (myth.), 70

Apollo (myth.), 70

appearance, 99–103

body beautiful, 99–100

fashion and grooming, 100–103

applause response, 144–45

Ariadne (myth.), 67, 80, 117, 128, 138, 145

Arnim, Elizabeth von, 218–19

Art of Courtly Love, The
(Capellanus), 60, 145

“Art of Loving, The” (Maurois), 36

Aspasia, “The Aspasian Path,” 236

Asquith, Lady Cynthia, 189

Athena (myth.), 101

attention, 131–32, 168–70, 231–32

Attwood, Feona, 223

Auden, W. H., “As I Walked Out One Evening,” 187

Bacall, Lauren, 112

Bacchus (myth.), 22

Bader, Michael, 55

Baker, Gail Konop, 229

Balfe, Veronica “Rocky,” 47

Balzac, Honoré de, 84, 233

on conversation, 163, 181

The Memoirs of Two Brides
, 37

The Physiology of Marriage
, 82, 97, 159

on variety, 202–3

Balzi, Doctor, 130

Banderas, Antonio, 143

Barbach, Lonnie, 204

Bardwell, Hilary, 200

Barthes, Roland, 34, 104, 202

Baryshnikov, Mikhail, 49, 118–19

Basinet, Cynthia, 57

Bataille, Georges, 246

Eroticism: Death and Sensuality
, 70

Batten, Mary, 241

Baudrillard, Jean, 175

, 93, 99

Beatty, Warren, 43–44, 64, 72, 79, 107

and alcohol, 131

and Bening, 142

as listener, 170

and music, 110

smile of, 115

Beaumont, Pauline de, 174

Beauvoir, Simone de, 1, 144

Beckham, David, 103

Before Sunrise
(movie), 187

Bellino (castrato), 68, 155

Belmonte, Juan, 68

Bening, Annette, 142

Berenson, Marisa, 78

Bergman, Ingrid, 47

Bergstrom, Carl, 142

Berking, Helmuth, 127

Bird, Christiane, 213

bisexuality, 45–48, 102, 230

Black, Hilary, 132

Blackwood, Caroline, 50

Blessington, Marguerite Gardner, Countess of, 22, 167

Blixen, Karen (Dinesen), 54

Bloch-Bauer, Adele, 206

Bloom, Claire, 188

Blue Valentine
(movie), 237

Bly, Robert, 66, 235, 236

body beautiful, 99–100

body language, 113–16, 165–66

Bogart, Humphrey, 53

bonding, 152, 172–73

Book of the Courtier, The
(Castiglione), 196

Bordy (Harvard freshman), 107–8

Bouquet, Carole, 242

Bow, Clara, 47

Boyle, T. C.,
The Inner Circle
, 165

Brantley, Ben, 238

Brian (banker), 60–61, 91–92, 115, 168

Bridges of Madison County, The
(movie), 52

Brizendine, Louann, 138, 161, 172

Broderick, Matthew, 60

Broglie, princesse de, 149

Broken Embraces
(movie), 132

Brontë, Emily,
Wuthering Heights
, 37, 153

Brown, James, 33

Brown, Ruth, 155

Bruni, Carla, 87

Brzezinski, Mika, 167

Budberg, Moura, 219

Buisson, Céleste, 174

Burton, Richard, 9, 56, 114, 172, 188, 208

Burton, Robert, 112

The Anatomy of Melancholy
, 101, 107

Buss, David, 12, 116, 202, 208, 232, 241–42

Butler, Rhett (fict.), 59, 116

Byatt, A. S.,
, 173, 187

Byron, George Gordon, Lord, 21–23

androgyny of, 47

and Byronmania, 21

Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage
, 136

Don Juan
, 116

physical traits of, 22, 56, 114

and poetry, 49, 102, 187

voice of, 167

Caesar, Julius, 102–3, 128, 198

Callow, Simon, 48

Calori, Angiola, 216

Campbell, Barbara, 65

Campbell, Joseph, 186, 240

Camus, Albert, 7, 53, 68

Canterbury Tales

Friar, 70

Miller, 49, 110

Wife of Bath, 34, 144

Capellanus, Andreas,
The Art of Courtly Love
, 60, 145

Carlisle, Kitty, 35

Carrington, Dora, 77

Casanova, Giacomo, 5–7, 52–53, 68

analysts’ views of, 8, 9–10

androgyny of, 47

ardor of, 37, 134, 140–41, 155

character of, 64, 91, 164, 216

charitable acts of, 64

comparisons with, 179, 238, 245

and conversation, 182

and fashion, 101–2

food and wine, 131

and gift-giving, 128

and Henriette, 6–7, 85, 122, 182, 216

longevity of, 25–26

music and dance, 110, 118

and novelty, 204

physical traits of, 16

and pleasure, 84–85

sexual skills of, 23, 122, 134, 148

stereotypes of, 6, 7, 11, 16, 26

suicide contemplated by, 9

wit of, 177–78

Castro Monte, Fernandae “The Countess,” 44

Catherine of Braganza, 86

Catherine the Great, 10, 43, 91, 184

Chamfort, Sébastien-Roch Nicolas de, 129

Chance, Megan,
An Inconvenient Wife
, 150–51

Chaplin, Charlie, 35

character, 60–93

in a new key, 91–92

courage, 66–70

knowledge/intelligence, 74–78

morality/virtue, 61–66

pleasure, 82–86

self-realization, 86–90

social IQ, 78–82

spirituality, 70–74

charisma, 31–59, 239–40

androgyny, 45–48

creativity, 48–51

élan, 33–36

flawed manhood, 54–57

intensity, 36–39

love of women, 42–44

quicksilver man, 51–54

refining the definition, 58–59

sex drive, 39–42

Charlemagne, 56

Charles II, king of England, “Merry Monarch,” 85–86

charm, 61, 80

Chateaubriand, François-René, 173–74

Châtelet, Émilie du, 76, 216

Chekhov, Anton, 43

Cheney, Mamah, 106, 216

Chesterfield, Lord, 145

Child, Maureen,
Turn My World Upside Down
, 46, 140

Chivers, Meredith, 45, 135, 137–38

Chopin, Kate,
The Awakening
, 131

Cicero, 182

Clairmont, Claire, 23

Clay (androgyny), 45

Cleopatra, 103, 128, 198–99

Clinton, Bill, 110, 155–56, 166, 167

Clooney, George, 24

clothes, 100–102

Cohen, Leonard, 188

The Other One
, 37

Collins, James,
Beginner’s Greek
, 153

Collins, Joan, 110

Collins, Wilkie, 159–60

compatibility, 13

compliments, 143–50

Conegliano, Emanuele (Da Ponte), 10

connectivity, 42

Constant, Benjamin, 141

conversation, 159–64, 171–74

mental intercourse, 179–84, 230–31

phatic speech, 171

in postverbal age, 189–90

soothing speech, 172–73

Cooke, Sam, 64–65

Cooper, Duff, 148–50

Cooper, Gary, 47–48, 56, 170

Cooper, Glenda, 232

Corden, James, 179

couples’ therapy, 20–21, 24

courage, 66–70, 230

courtly love, 62

Cragin, Mary, 73

Crane, Stephen, 217

creativity, 48–51

Cromwell, Oliver, 85

Crosland, Felicity, 179

Crusie, Jennifer, 43, 123, 128

Cruz, Penelope, 132

Cuchulain (myth.), 63, 75, 88

Cunard, Nancy, 77

Cunningham, Bill, 103

curiosity, 201–6

Custine, Madame de, 174

Cyrano de Bergerac, 185

Dagda (myth.), 52

d’Agoult, Countess Marie, 72, 210, 216

Dahl, Arlene, 47

Dahl, Roald, 178–79

d’Alvernhe, Peire, 1

Damnation of Theron Ware, The
(Frederic), 216–18

dance, 113, 116–19, 134

Dangerous Liaisons
(fict.), 139

D’Annunzio, Gabriele, 14–16, 102

and flattery, 148

and gesture, 165–66

as high-maintenance, 15, 210, 228

kisses of, 123

and setting, 105–6

Dante Alighieri, 4, 154

Da Ponte, Lorenzo, 10–12

d’Aragona, Tullia, 140

d’Arányi, Jelly, 77

Darcy, Fitzwilliam (fict.), 63

Darwin, Charles, 109, 115, 162, 202, 244–45

Darwin, Erasmus, 244

D’Aulnoy, Madame, “The Blue Bird,” 161

Dave, Laura,
First Husband
, 169

Dawkins, Richard, 104

The Selfish Gene
, 13

Day, Douglas, 54–55

Day, Sylvia, 209–10

de Angelo, David, 16

decency, 13

Denby, David, 190

Deneuve, Catherine, 244

Depardieu, Gérard, 242–44

dependability, 13

Depp, Johnny, 86, 99

desire, 21, 83

DeTamble, Henry (fict.), 179–80

Diamond, Lisa, 152

Diary of a Seducer
(Kierkegaard), 202

Dickinson, Emily, 185

Diderot, Denis, 12, 68, 183–84, 216

Dietrich, Marlene, 112

Dinesen, Isak, 53–54, 128

Dionysian festivals, 39, 71

Dionysus (myth.), 43, 55, 67, 114, 138, 152, 169, 235

and androgyny, 46, 101

and comedy, 162, 176

and creativity, 49, 88

and empathy, 80

and gift-giving, 128, 130, 145

joie de vivre
, 34, 63

music and dance, 109, 117, 199

and pleasure, 83, 106, 196

restlessness of, 52, 75

and setting, 105

as two-sided god, 37, 49, 162, 203, 214

Dirk (law student), 131–32

Dirty Dancing
(movie), 118

Disraeli, Benjamin, 170

Dixon, Mildred “Sweet Babe,” 44

domesticity, 13

dominance display, 17

Dona Flor and Her Two Husbands
(movie), 40

Don Giovanni
(opera), 34

Don Juan (fict.), 5, 16, 53, 86, 116, 176

Don Juan DeMarco
(movie), 86

“Don Juanism,” analyst’s view of, 8

Donovan, James M., 58

dopamine, 37, 161, 202

Dowd, Maureen, 161, 224

Dreams of Love and Fateful Encounters
(Person), 197

Dreiser, Theodore, 130

Duke, Doris, 85

du Maurier, George, 181

Dumuzi (myth.), 67, 79–80, 121–22, 130, 145, 172, 196, 209

Duncan, Isadora, 106, 148

Duras, Marguerite, 244

Duse, Eleonora, 14–15, 210

Edgarian, Carol,
Three Stages of Amazement
, 197

Ehrenreich, Barbara, 200

élan, 33–36

Eliade, Mircea, 46, 185

Eliot, George, 112, 176

Elizabeth I, queen of England, 80, 148

Ellington, Duke, 44, 167

Ellis, Beatrice “Evie,” 44

Ellis, Havelock, 79, 92, 117, 193, 207, 245

emotional stability, 13

empathy, 80, 168

endorphins, 43

Ephron, Nora, 78

eros/Eros, 21, 33, 62, 244–45

Eroticism: Death and Sensuality
(Bataille), 70

Essex Junction, Vermont, 45

estrogen, 152

etiquette, 239

euphoria, 124, 175

, 125

Eurydice (myth.), 109

Evanovich, Janet, 39

evolutionary psychology, 48, 63, 75, 79, 87, 104, 138, 186

exuberance, 33–34

eyes, 114, 115

Fair Penitent, The
(Rowe), 5

Fancy Pants
(Phillips), 114

fashion and grooming, 100–103

Father “Jake,” 31

Feiffer, Jules,
Harry, the Rat with Women
, 8

Felman, Shoshana, 163

Ferney, Alice, 167

fertility gods, 34, 46, 52, 121, 130, 145–46

fertility rites, 71, 117, 163

festivity/fun, 194–201, 229–30

50 Cent, 5

Finch Hatton, Denys, 53–54, 68, 128

Finck, Henry, 138

Fisher, Helen, 13, 138, 172

Fisher, Maryanne, 223

flattery, 143–50

flawed manhood, 54–57, 91

Flem, Lydia, 9

Flöge, Emilie, 206

Flynn, Errol, 24–25

Fontaine, Joan, 211

Fontane, Theodor, 34

food and wine, 129–32

Fox, Barry, 76

fragrance, 101, 102

France, Marie de, 46, 56, 88

Franklin, Benjamin, 12, 89–90, 91

Franklin, Bertha, 65

Franklin, Rev. C. L., 155

Franzen, Jonathan, 181

Frederic, Harold,
The Damnation of Theron Ware
, 216–18

French Resistance, 68

Freud, Lucian, 50–51

The Painter Surprised by a Naked Admirer
, 50

Freud, Sigmund, 8, 46, 83, 126, 137

Freyr (myth.), 52, 55, 138

Friday, Nancy, 100

Friedrich, Paul, 122

Fromm, Eric, 168

Furstenberg, Diane von, 78

Gabor, Zsa Zsa, 85, 116, 230

Gaddam, Sai, 229

Gaffney, Patricia,
To Love and to Cherish
, 72, 105

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