Awe-Struck, Book 2 (5 page)

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Authors: Twyla Turner

BOOK: Awe-Struck, Book 2
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“Then that’s all that matters. Don’t go looking for mean hateful things to get you all upset. Not everyone is going to like it, but as long as we’re happy and your family and friends approve, who cares. And I know what you’re thinking…and no, no one else is going to interest me. No one else is better for me. I love your curves. I love your chocolate brown skin. There is nothing wrong with you. You’re my idea of perfection.” He finished his speech with a kiss on the nape of her neck.






Gabe gripped her shoulders, making her turn to face him. Her face was red, swollen and puffy from crying so hard. He kissed her lips and even they felt swollen and softer from her tears. He would give anything to take her hurt and pain into himself. The way she was being treated through all of this was breaking his heart.
And pissing me the fuck off!

Gabe had known something was wrong when Sunny had run off to his trailer with a distraught look on her face. Kyle had seen it too and had called a short break. Gabe had walked over to Sunny’s chair and picked up the tablet to see if something she saw on there was what had upset her. When he’d swiped the screen and saw the article and comments that he breezed over, he knew that was what had upset her.

And he realized that his silence was only making things worse. Yes, he had introduced her as his girlfriend to the world at the premiere of his last movie, but after the audio sex-tape was released he’d remained silent. Mainly because he hadn’t wanted to portray Sunny as a slut and then he had been so distraught over the accident, talking to anyone would’ve been a bad idea. He would’ve ended up looking like an escaped psyche patient, as crazy as he had felt.

But now he’d had enough. It was time to stand up for his girl. All she had done was chosen to love and open up her heart to a lost soul, and in return she was harassed, insulted and nearly killed. He had ignored h
is publicist’s phone calls for the last couple of weeks, thinking that he could handle it on his own. Now it was time to give her a call, so she could pick the perfect platform for him to make his feelings on all this chaos known.








Chapter 5





The next two weeks were chaotic for Sunny and Gabe. First they were learning to live with another person, which neither had done before. Learning each other’s habits and adjusting according
ly. Gabe was a morning person, getting up early to workout and shower, before waking up Sunny, a very grumpy non-morning person. Sunny also had a habit of leaving various drinking glasses at different levels of fullness around the house. Gabe’s dirty clothes not quite making it into the hamper. And a number of other little quirky habits they had to get used to. Things that could easily irritate the other, but knowing that those same annoying habits would be one of the first things they would miss about the other if he or she were gone.

esides taking the time to get to know each other’s habits and quirks, it was the first time that both of them were living with someone they loved and they couldn’t even touch each other. Gabe refused to come near Sunny until her stitches were removed at the very least. So they were tortured on a daily basis. The weather was getting warmer now that it was the end of May, so Gabe rarely wore a shirt. His ripped body continually made Sunny swoon. And Sunny strode around the house braless, in tanks and camisoles with comfortable bottoms that wouldn’t irritate her stitches; and went to bed in just the revealing tops and her customary boyshorts. More often than not, Gabe was sporting a tent in the front of his pants whenever she was in the room. But much to her frustrations, he still wouldn’t so much as touch her, even though she was feeling better. Her giant cast reaching from wrist to armpit a
reminder of her injuries. So both their arousal built up, unchecked.

Though, Sunny was kept busy going with Gabe to work every day. She learned more and more about movie production, while also working out the kinks in her screenplays. The most important was her animated movie, which had interested parties wanting a more polished script.

When her brain was fried from that, she spent the rest of her time trying to find Gabe’s mother. She scoured the internet looking for Francesca Wolf, but nothing was coming up. She tried subtly asking Gabe questions about his parents, trying to coax information out of him. He of course thought that she was just asking normal getting-to-know you questions, so he gave the information freely. And at last she was able to get Francesca’s maiden name, which was Serrano. That missing piece would help immensely with the PI Sunny had decided to hire.

Gabe had deposited a ludicrous amount of money in Sunny’s bank account, the likes of which she’d never be able to spend in a decade. He had told her that he didn’t want her to feel like she had to ask him for money, that it would be easier if it was already in her account. She hadn’t felt comfortable spending it on herself, but spending it on finding Gabe’s mother seemed like the right thing to do.

So within days of giving the investigator Francesca’s maiden name, she’d gotten an email from Francesca herself. Who couldn’t have been more pleased that Sunny had sought her out.

Dear Sunny,

Thank you SO much for contacting me! I wept the moment Mr. Richards called me. I have tried to reach out to Gabriel before, but his PR people thought I was a fake. I have proudly followed his career this whole time. I have seen even here in Spain, how hard being with my son has been for you, but I am so delighted that you have stayed by his side. Please stay in contact with me. The only thing that could make this moment better is to finally hold my son in my arms again. Thank you again.



After reading the email from his mother, Sunny knew she was doing the right thing. She just hoped that Gabe would understand and be open to a relationship with his mother. She knew he was angry, but he needed the love of his mother. So trying to find the words to explain Gabe’s indifference to his mother without hurting her feelings, Sunny
had typed out a reply.

Dear Francesca,

I am so ecstatic that Mr. Richards was able to find you! I had hoped that it wouldn’t take long. So him finding you so quickly is perfect. I would love to stay in contact with you. I’m not sure if Gabe will be ready to communicate with you yet, though. He is still angry with the hand he was dealt as a child. I’m not sure if you’re aware of what happened after you left the States. But he was never adopted by a loving family. And unfortunately got lost in the system and was sent to one foster home after another. I know that all you wanted was what was best for him. And deep down he knows that as well. Though, he is still very angry. So I took it upon myself to find you and I want to slowly get him used to the idea. So just bear with me, while I break it to him slowly. In the end, having you both in each other’s lives is going to be the right thing. And I’ll be so honored to be there to see it.



Sunny had left out the abuse that Gabe had suffered at the hands of his various foster parents, but she still hoped that the email wasn’t too painful for Francesca or sounded too harsh, but she had been wrong.

Dear Sunny,

I am heartbroken. Now my tears of joy have turned into tears of sorrow. I did not know that things had turned out so poorly for my son. If I would have known the way his childhood would have turned out, I would have taken him with me to Spain. I hope that one day Gabriel can find it in his heart to forgive me. I would give everything to see him again, hold him and tell him about what a wonderful man his father was and how much like him he is. When I see his movies, I see Erik in him. So whatever you can do to help bring us back together, I will appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. Thank you.



Sunny hated that she had hurt Francesca’s feelings, but she hadn’t wanted to lie to her and give her false expectations. Gabe was hurt and severely damaged by his past and it would take some time to get him to see getting to know his mother as a good thing. So Sunny sent off one more reply.


Don’t worry, I’m working on it. And the moment he’s ready, you’ll be on a plane to California. So be ready.







Today was the day that Sunny would finally get her stitches taken out of her scalp and her stomach. And she would get her full arm cast cut off and replaced with a short one. Most times, a day filled with doctor’s appointments would be a hassle, but not today. She was so excited to get most of the reminders of that horrible day removed. And she hoped that the short cast wouldn’t be so much of a distraction to Gabe.
Because I need to get laid dammit!

Gabe had to work, so he had hired the same guys to guard her that he had sent to the hospital. Jake and Jack. She thought it was hysterical that they had such similar names and looked so much alike, but were not related. They could’ve been tw
ins. They were both built like brick walls, with shaved heads and mean mugs. And after spending most of the day with them Sunny still couldn’t tell which one was which.

After she left the last doctor’s office with a practically clean bill of health, the green light on sex and her brand new cast,
in which she’d chosen her favorite color, hot pink, she had one more stop to make. A stop that involved lace, satin and sheer fabrics; materials that were made to drive a man to distraction. Sunny wanted to make sure that tonight was a sure thing. As she walked out of the store with her purchases, she chuckled to herself at the sight of the two burly men outside of the lingerie store.  

“Alright boys, no more torture. You can take me home now.” Sunny smiled as they grunted in agreement.






Gabe walked into the house from the garage, the smell of steaks drifted through the air making his mouth water.

“Sunny, I’m home!” He shouted into the house, smiling at the play on the common phrase.
Who knew I’d take to domesticity so well.

“Babe, I’m in the kitchen.” Sunny called back.

Gabe walked around the corner, into the kitchen and the vision that greeted him, stopped him in his tracks. His keys slid from his fingers onto the floor, where his jaw and tongue currently occupied.

“Fuck my life!” Gabe said under his breath.
That’s why I’ve taken to domesticity so well!

Sunny stood next to the island in full view of his hungry eyes. Gone was her adorable Afro Puff, and back were her corkscrew curls, piled sexily atop her head. But what made his eyes practically pop out of their sockets, was the dress she was wearing.
A dress she will never be allowed to step foot out of the house in.
It was black and so long that it swept the floor. It enveloped her full luscious curves like a second skin. But the pièce de résistance was the dress had large curving diagonal stripes that started at the square neckline and snaked down to the hem, accentuating her full hourglass figure. The stripes were alternating solid black satin and sheer lace over her obviously naked form underneath. The solid stripes strategically placed to cover her most intimate areas. The sheer lace gave hints to the plump underside of one breast, her rounded tummy, the top of her waxed mound; and if he had to guess, he was sure the curve of one lush cheek peeked out in the back.

Sunny just smiled at him, as she raised a champagne flute in the air with her left hand, the right rested on the counter in a new short pink cast.

“To…healing. Oh,
…to getting stupid ginormous casts cut off!” Sunny said, bring the glass to her full lips and drinking the bubbly golden liquid.

Gabe’s mouth opened and closed several times, trying to find the words that were lodged in the back of his throat. It appeared as if all intelligent thought and brain function had stopped and went straight to his now tight pants.

“I…uh…ah…oh fuck it!”

Gabe gave up on talking,
quickly strode over to Sunny and plunged his hands into her messy curls. His lips descended on hers with lightning speed. He claimed her mouth in a searing kiss that instantly had them both on fire. The three weeks of abstinence and pent up frustrations finally reaching its breaking point. Their tongues entwined violently with their need.

Gabe’s hands rushed down Sunny’s soft skin; down her face to smooth over her lace and sati
n clad form. His hands caressed down her ass cheeks, stopping to grip them firmly and pull her flush against his rock hard body. The move bowed her body and he released her lips; his mouth traveled down her jawline to her neck, to kiss and lick at her clavicle down to her satin covered breasts. Her bowed position pushed her large full breasts forward, her nipples tempting him through the fabric. He lowered his mouth, taking a tender nipple between his teeth and giving a gentle tug. Sunny cried out between heavy pants of breath as she gripped his broad shoulders.

As Gabe ravished each breast, his hands slid down to the sides of her thighs and started to slowly slide up and gather the material of the dress until her naked ass and wet heat were exposed. Grip
ping her under her cheeks, he lifted her to the counter, spreading her legs so that he could fit between them. He started to devour her mouth again as Sunny reached down to urgently unbuckle his belt and unbutton his jeans. Using both her hands and feet, she forced down his pants and boxer briefs to his knees, releasing his massive erection.

With no barriers between them anymore, Gabe knew that there was only one place where he wanted to be. His favorite place. Buried deep inside Sunny’s warmth. So with pure joy, he slowly slid into her tight cavern. As urgent as the need was to pound into her, he knew he wanted to savor the first moment her wetness enveloped him. Sweat started to break across his forehead with the restraint it took to go slow.

“Ah Gabe! I missed this.” Sunny panted as she threw her head back.

“Yes…so much.” Gabe said into the crook of her neck, where his face was buried
as he slowly stroked in and out of her tight heat.

“Please…faster. Go faster!” Sunny begged.

Gabe braced his hands on Sunny’s hips, slowly pulling out his engorged cock to the very tip, lightly teasing her opening. With sheer brute force, he slammed into her, hitting the top of her womb. Sunny screamed with the release of an unexpected orgasm, her inner walls contracting around him. Gabe gritted his teeth and held perfectly still, holding back the climax her flexing muscles tried to coax out of him.

Once her writhing body had calmed, Gabe started to pump into her again. He gained speed with each exquisite stroke, until he was mindless to everything but the feel of her hot wet heat rippling around him.

“God Sunny! I…I can’t hold…back. Ah…I’m gonna come. You feel
fucking good!” Gabe growled.

Forcing his climax back down, Gabe lifted Sunny from the counter. He walked her over to the wall, banging her back into it with every powerful thrust. She held onto him by his hair, pulling his head back. Her warm brown eyes heavy lidded and filled with lust and love, her pupils dilated as her pussy convulsed around his throbbing manhood. Wave after wave of intense orgasms crashed over her as she held his gaze. He knew that she wouldn’t be able to take much more and not wanting a repeat of the rough rooftop sex he’d inflicted upon her the previous month, his mouth latched onto hers. Their tongues danced, teeth gnashed together not able to get close enough as he drove into her. His thighs began to shake with his impending orgasm. He felt his scrotum tighten as he thrust into her quivering labia one last time. He came so hard that his seed exploded into her, in a continuous jet. 

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